I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 185 The Hope I Left Behind

"What did you say? My father sent information to the people of the Consciousness-only Society?"

Song Qian looked in disbelief.

The captain had already guessed that Song Qian would react like this, so he comforted her:

"You don't need to get too excited. I have never revealed this matter. The reason why I tell you now is to let you know that things about the divine pillar are a bit complicated and not as simple as you think."

Song Qian really couldn't suppress the countless random thoughts that suddenly popped up in her heart.

"You mean my father might have a problem?"

The captain retorted:

"I believe in Song Hui's character. He is my best student, but it is also true that he passed the news about the Divine Pillar to the Consciousness-only Society. I have not investigated this matter clearly, so don't tell anyone. In addition, don't Making unfounded assumptions about your father or anyone else."


"Okay, let's go down first. The matter of the Shenzhu will be put on hold for now. Also, don't give up on the treatment of the boy named Ji Han in your team. I have also contacted some medical practitioners here."

"As commanded."

Song Qian left the captain's room, although she told herself not to make any unfounded guesses.

But a question still arose in my mind: Did my father betray the otherworldly guards?

Recalling the impression she had of her father since she was a child, Song Qian really couldn't believe that he would betray her. The captain was right, there must be some hidden agenda in this matter.

Therefore, regarding the release of the divine pillar, we cannot simply doubt Liu Dan, his father, or even the captain. We have to wait until the investigation is clear.

The captain did not allow himself to speak, indicating that this was a piece of extremely confidential information, and the content of the information may have come from within the Consciousness-only Society.

Just thinking about these things, Song Qian subconsciously walked all the way outside Ji Han's ward.

Song Qian said in her heart that even without the captain's request, she would not be able to give up Brother Han.

Seeing two members of Team 4 lying on the bench at the door, Song Qian immediately became alert. She thought something had happened and hurriedly ran into the ward.

However, they found that Chen Ke and Ji Mo were guarding Ji Han's bed, and nothing happened.

"Phew, when I saw the team members at the door asleep, I thought something happened."

In front of Ji Mo, Song Qian couldn't say anything more, but she must ask them to strengthen security soon.

At this time, Eggplant also pushed in the door.

"They're all here, Ji Mo. Your food has arrived. Eat more, otherwise Ji Han will scold us for not taking good care of you when he wakes up."

Ji Mo hurried over to thank him and took back the food, then sat down and watched his brother while eating.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Eggplant pulled Chen Ke and Song Qian out and asked:

"I've contacted all the black markets nearby in the past two days, but I haven't found any medicine that can treat phytochemicals. How are you doing there?"

Song Qian replied:

"I have contacted all the otherworld doctors I know, and also sent requests to the International Otherworld Alliance, but I have not received any reply that can treat me. Ethan, Xiao and Ellie are also worried, and are helping to contact them, and they are thinking of coming over. See if I can help."

Chen Ke also shook his head helplessly and said:

"I have tried many drugs with Team D in the laboratory, but none of them can affect the phytoassimilations. Next, I will cooperate with Ding An and try again by fighting poison with poison."

The three of them were at a loss, Song Qian encouraged her:

"Don't be discouraged. No matter how hard you try, you still have to revive Brother Han. If the people lying there were us, I believe he would say the same thing."

Chen Ke and Qiezi nodded when they saw that Ji Mo was still guarding Ji Han, hoping that their brother would wake up.

At this moment, the three of them heard panicked footsteps in the distance. They looked towards the corridor and saw that the person running towards them was Ding An, the captain of the 12th team with two big black bags under his eyes.

It's rare to see Ding An so tired and in a hurry.

Chen Ke joked:

"Team D, you are the leader of the team after all. Can you calm down a little bit?"

Ding An took a breath and then said intermittently:

"There is...it can be saved."

When Song Qian, Chen Ke and Qingzi heard that "it was saved," they hurriedly grabbed Ding An and shouted:

"What did you say?! Is Brother Han saved?"

When the three of them shouted to Ji Mo in the room, he was startled and hurriedly pulled Ding An aside secretly.

Ding An said while taking a breath:

"Calm down, calm down! It's not entirely possible to save him."

Eggplant scolded:

"Hey, don't gasp! What's going on?"

Ding An took a deep breath and replied:

"I have used various substances here, but none of them had any effect on Aunt Pan's phytoanabolics. Until today, I accidentally discovered a substance that actually has a certain scavenging effect."

The three of them waited for Ding An to continue, but Ding An looked at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke was looked at inexplicably and said:

"What are you looking at me for? Isn't it because eating my flesh can save Brother Han? That's no problem."

Ding An took out a small sterile box from his pocket, with a piece of blue cloth inside.

"This piece of fabric was cut from the clothes you threw in the laboratory before. That clothes was originally used to cover Aunt Pan's body, but I found that the blue substance on it had no effect on the plants on Aunt Pan's body. Anabolins have a clearing effect.”

Song Qian brought the sterile box over. The three of them took a closer look and immediately recognized what the blue substance on the clothes was.

It was the blue healing liquid that Ji Han usually used to detoxify them.

Maybe Chen Ke accidentally got it on his clothes when he was using it, and he didn't throw away or clean the broken clothes, so he left them on.

Song Qian looked at the blue piece of cloth in her hand and giggled:

"Unexpectedly, the one who finally left hope for treatment was actually Brother Han himself."

Ding An asked:

"What's the meaning?"

Eggplant explained:

"This blue substance was developed by Ji Han himself. It is usually used to detoxify us all. Unexpectedly, it can also suppress phytoanabolics."

Ding An said with a look of disbelief:

"He developed it himself? It seems that this guy is not only a monster, but also a genius."

Song Qian asked:

"Then can you use this to treat Brother Han?"

Ding An shook his head again and said:

"Although this blue substance has a certain restraint effect, it is not a targeted drug, and the amount is too small."

Song Qian was a little sad when she heard that. She thought that since Brother Han could create this kind of medicine, if Brother Han was here, with his strength, he would definitely be able to make targeted medicines. Unfortunately, there was no one lying there at this time. It's him, it's really a trick of fate.

But now that there is hope, everyone has rekindled their fighting spirit.

There really wasn't much of that blue healing fluid, so the three of them had no choice but to go back and search.

Song Qian thought for a moment and said:

"In this way, the three of us will go back and search again to see if there is any remaining blue healing fluid, and collect them all. Please ask Team D and Chen Ke to do more research on this substance to see if we can find a way to treat it. ." Eggplant and I also took this new situation to seek help from other sources."

The four of them split up. Song Qianxin said that as long as she could still find the blue healing fluid, she would be willing to stop washing clothes in the future!

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