I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 201 The middle reaches of the painting

When the otherworldly escorts who were preparing to have a fight with the Consciousness-only Society, and the Consciousness-only Society who were preparing to ambush the otherworldly escorts, both realized that Ji Han had let them go.

Ji Han and the other three were sitting in the hall of a farmhouse at the foothills of Changbai Mountain, surrounding the stove, gnawing on roasted corn while lighting the fire.

Seeing Ji Han sneezing several times in succession, Eggplant smiled and said:

"It's probably the captains who are scolding you, but Ji Han, what you did is really unethical, hahahaha."

Ji Han wiped his nose and said:

"Maybe there are people from the Consciousness Only Society scolding me. Although it's a bit unreasonable, it seems to be very effective. Now no one knows where we are."

Song Qian recalled that late at night one day ago, the four of them had just left the headquarters of the Alien Guards.

Ji Han asked Chen Ke to check that no detectors were installed on everyone's bodies or in the car, then got into the driver's seat and drove north.

Song Qian asked confusedly what was going on, and then Ji Han started from the beginning about his thoughts and arrangements.

"Our initial missions to the Tomb of King Zhao on the grassland and the sacred pillars at the bottom of Crescent Lake in Mingsha Mountain were relatively smooth, but the last mission in the Mariana Trench ended in failure, and the captain died. A very important The reason is the blending of the Consciousness-only Society.”

Song Qian understood what Ji Han meant:

"Oh, so Brother Han asked all the captains to act as bait this time in order to abandon the Consciousness-only Society?"

"That's right."

While everyone was absorbing the power-enhancing pills, Ji Han pulled Chen Ke away and asked about the location of the divine pillar alone.

When he learned that the Divine Pillar was at Tianchi in Changbai Mountain, Ji Han thought of a good wrong destination: the Alps.

On the one hand, it is far enough away that even if there are any clues after luring everyone away, it will be too late by the time they come back.

On the other hand, the environment is similar. Even if they lie to Song Qian and Eggplant for the time being, the cold-proof equipment everyone prepared for going to the Alps is also suitable for here.

Eggplant scolded:

"Fuck, Ji Han, you kid actually fooled us."

Ji Han smiled and said:

"I was afraid that your acting skills wouldn't be up to par, so I didn't tell you and Song Qian in order to be more truthful."

Chen Ke smiled in the car and said:

"At first I knew there was something wrong when I heard Brother Ji changed the location to the Alps, but seeing that he didn't even tell Brother Qie, I thought the undercover agent was Brother Qie."

Eggplant heard and pulled Chen Ke over with a blast of hammer.

"Fuck, I'm so protective of you, why do you miss your Brother Qie so much!"

Song Qian asked:

"Brother Han, but in this case, we won't be able to get assistance and rescue from the otherworldly escort team in time."

Ji Han let out a long breath and said:

"I know, but judging from the last situation, the captain's arrangements have been kept as confidential and reasonable as possible, but haven't people from the Consciousness-only Society still obtained detailed information and made targeted arrangements? So no matter what the arrangements are, they are Similarly, getting help from the otherworldly escorts will inevitably be targeted by people from the Consciousness-only Society, so I chose to give up and just finish the mission with the four of us."

And Ji Han didn't want more people to be in danger because of this ridiculous mission, although it might be a bit selfish for Song Qian and the three of them.

Unexpectedly, Eggplant let go of Chen Ke, nodded and said:

"I think there's nothing wrong with it. Instead of bringing a group of guys who don't know whether it's good or bad, why not just the four of us."

Chen Ke also rubbed his head and agreed:

"That's right, as long as no one from the Consciousness-only Society is around, we can feel more at ease."

Song Qian also nodded and said:

"It just so happens that I have been to the Changbai Mountain Tourist Area for filming before. I know there is a farmhouse there. I will contact you right now."

Everyone agreed, so Ji Han stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Changbai Mountain.

Recalling this, Song Qian could naturally understand that at this time, the ten captains and the members of the Consciousness-only Society would scold Brother Han at the Foothills Hotel in the Alps.

But Song Qian feels more at ease this way, because she is also afraid that another captain will die because of the mission of the divine pillar.

Brother Han's performance was really good, even the captain thought he really wanted to send all the captains of the otherworldly escorts to escort him.

It seems that Brother Han has really considered everything from strategy to equipment this time.

He is thoughtful, no matter from which aspect, he is more suitable to be the captain than himself.

Ji Han threw the corn kernels into the trash can and said:

"Okay, let's not waste time. Since the Divine Pillar is under the Changbai Mountain Tianchi, let's start early, otherwise things will change if we are late."

The four of them packed up their equipment, said goodbye to the owner of the farmhouse, and headed towards Changbai Mountain Tianchi.

It snowed heavily here just two days ago, so the road up the mountain is still quite difficult. Fortunately, it is a scenic spot and you don’t have to climb wild mountains.

Surrounded by white snow and scattered rocks, the four of them walked towards the top of the mountain along a remote snowy road with few people. It looked like they were walking in an ink painting.

Song Qian looked at the tourists around and said worriedly:

"Brother Han, I remember that Changbai Mountain is an active volcano, right? Will it have any impact if we take away the sacred pillar?"

After all, the last time we left the Mariana Trench, everyone sank Rota Island. Fortunately, there was no one on that island.

But the real world here is a tourist attraction, and it would be serious if it brings any adverse effects to innocent people.

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"There should be no problem. Changbai Mountain is a dormant volcano and has erupted many times in history. If the divine pillar has always been there, it means that the divine pillar should have no direct impact on whether the volcano erupts."

Chen Ke also nodded and said:

"Brother Ji is right. I have studied it before coming here. It is still too early for Changbai Mountain to erupt again, otherwise I will not let everyone come up."

Eggplant was panting heavily while climbing the mountain. It seemed that climbing the mountain with a Destroyer Cannon on his back was indeed not a pleasant thing.

So he didn't even listen to what everyone was saying, but just lit a cigarette and asked:

"Hey, I'm so damn tired. Ji Han, why is Changbai Mountain called Changbai Mountain? Is it because it's so long and white?"

Ji Han also rested against the stone wall with everyone and said with a smile:

"Isn't it better to just call it Leg Mountain? It's because the place is made of white pumice and is covered with snow all year round. There is no grass growing on the mountain and everything is white from a distance, so it is named Changbai Mountain. Come on, let's go, Tianchi is right on top."

Song Qian looked at the Shenzhu detector. Although Chen Ke had strengthened the signal of the instrument, there was still no response at all.

After two park managers came and punished the smoking eggplant with a hundred yuan and educated them, everyone slowly climbed up the stone steps again.

Ji Hanxin said that fortunately he was only caught smoking in a scenic spot. If the weapons in the eggplant bag were found, he would really have to go in and stay.

Fortunately, Eggplant responded quickly and said it was photography equipment.

Thinking back on it, I was really brave when I regarded all of this as a game, but now I feel scared when I think about it.

After climbing all the way, the four finally climbed to the observation deck set up on Changbai Mountain and saw the deep and waveless Tianchi below.

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