I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 221 The Living Blackstone Mountain

"Burn to death? What do you mean?"

Song Qian and the three of them were all confused. Seeing Ji Han going to tell the content of the wall text again, Eggplant still couldn't hold it back, carefully lit up the cigarette, took a deep breath and said:

"Next time I go out with you, I have to bring popcorn, so just tell me the content."

Ji Han leaned against the wall and said:

"The content here is intermittent, and many places are missing. I can only give a rough outline."

The writing on the wall was written by the last group of people who stayed in the city.

They said that there was a monster sealed in the bottomless cave under the Changbai Mountain crater. The name of the monster could not be translated using the electronic wave reading method.

Everyone looked at the place Ji Han pointed at. It was a little man made up of "fire" graphics. If it weren't written in the pile of words, they would have thought it was a child's simple drawing.

That is what is sealed in the bottomless pit under the stone platform.

Ji Han tentatively calls it the Balrog.

It turns out that thing existed in the crater of Changbai Mountain and often caused volcanic eruptions.

According to the ancestors, an immortal came from nowhere later and used a sacred stone to seal Yama into the magma.

He also taught the people here to build a Bagua-shaped city on the sealed cave entrance to suppress the monsters below.

When the immortal said goodbye, he told everyone that someone would come to retrieve the sacred stone in the future, and the problem would be solved by then.

Because of the help of the immortals and the protection of the sacred stone, peace can be found under the Changbai Mountain.

And they did not forget the immortal's words, and set up selective mechanisms here so that the immortal's real descendants can find this sacred stone.

Chen Ke opened his mouth and said:

"Good guy, old prophet, how did that guy know that we will come to get the divine pillar thousands of years later?"

Eggplant finished the cigarette in two puffs, and before it was completely extinguished, he took another cigarette and said:

"This is not simple. The man they call a god is a member of the Liu family."

Song Qian shook her head and said:

"That's not right. Shouldn't the Liu family's people be guardian angels? Why would they let the people behind come and get it?"

Ji Han nodded and said:

"Yes, so I think there is something wrong with the attitude of the Liu family towards the divine pillar. Maybe it is not the guardian divine pillar that you first learned about. Of course, it is also possible that other people took the divine pillar and did good deeds, and then People from the Liu family who are in the dormitory will come to get it later. I won’t mention it for now, I will continue to talk about the situation here. "

Later, the residents here discovered two more things:

First, the sacred stone can convert the flames emitted from the deep pit where the Balrog is sealed in the volcanic magma into the Yin and Yang polar flames.

Yin flames burn living creatures into ghosts, Yang flames turn humans and ghosts into smoke, and double flames can make both of them disappear into ashes.

Secondly, in addition to the suppressed monsters in the volcano, there is also a divine bird. This divine bird often feeds on Yang Yan and can ward off Yin evil spirits.

If you take it carefully, the flames dropped from this sacred bird can eliminate all diseases and prolong your life.

In order to ensure that the seal here is always there, and to enjoy the benefits brought by the sacred bird for a long time, the residents at the foot of Changbai Mountain take turns living here.

Eggplant smiled and said:

"Tsk, the original sacred bird was a beneficial bird, but the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty didn't know much about sustainable development, so they insisted on killing it, and finally the whole army was annihilated. And the residents at that time could come and go here alternately, which means that as long as they take If you follow the correct method, you can prolong your life and get rid of all kinds of diseases, and you won’t be trapped here.”

"Ha, that makes sense. It's true that the snake swallows the elephant because it's greedy."

Song Qian asked:

"Brother Han, since it is said that the yin and yang two-level flames came out of the pit where the monster was sealed, and are gone now, does it mean that the monsters below are almost gone?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"It's hard to say. I just saw some movement down there, and didn't the guy who left the sacred stone also say that whoever comes to get the sacred stone will deal with it in the future?"

Chen Ke cursed:

"Damn it, why don't you do it yourself if you are so powerful? You said it would be left to the people who come after you. Why do you pretend to be so deep? But Brother Ji, what about the residents here later?"

Ji Han lowered his head and replied:

"Because the appearance of something broke the originally settled life here."

Song Qian and Chen Ke haven't reacted yet, but Eggplant is still thinking:

"You mean the black mountain outside?"

Indeed, among the things just mentioned, the only thing that did not appear was the strange black mountain outside.

Ji Han nodded and continued to talk.

Until one day, a meteorite fell from the sky and accurately fell into the Tianchi of Changbai Mountain, truly smashing into the ground.

Since then, strange things have always happened under Tianchi. This strange black stone mountain falling from the sky is also considered by everyone to be an ominous sign.

They unexpectedly discovered that the yin and yang poles of fire could easily burn the black rocks into ashes.

"It seems that those Great Qin soldiers guessed well. They were indeed planning to use the yin and yang polar fire here to process those black mountain stones. What happened next? Those stones seemed not to have been processed."

Ji Han pointed at a line of writing at the bottom of the wall. The writing on that line was messier and shallower than the others. If the stone wall hadn't been well-preserved, the writing might not have been discovered.

"This is the last sentence of the account, which seems to have been completed in an emergency: We will get rid of those things. I'm sorry that I didn't wait for you."



"Here, Brother Ji, what are they going to deal with?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"I didn't say it, but judging from the meaning of these words, it seemed that I wanted to die together. What on earth did they encounter at that time?"

Eggplant speculated:

"No matter what they encountered? It should have stopped them from destroying those black rocks."

Song Qian also continued based on Eggplant’s conclusion:

"So you're saying that the things mentioned above might come from black rocks?"

"That's right, but no matter what, those people really do what they say. It seems like there is nothing left."

Ji Han recalled the description of the yin and yang bipolar inflammation on the wall, and seemed to have some ideas.

"You still remember what is said on the wall that Yin flames burn living things into ghosts, Yang flames turn humans and ghosts into smoke, and Double flames can make them disappear into ashes. This means that the fire is very powerful, right?"

"Nonsense, for sure."

"When I came down just now, I felt very strange. With such a powerful fire, the black mountain stone could be quickly burned to fly ash. The stone platform, copper door and top metal appliances hanging on it were not burned."

After asking this question, Eggplant also got stuck in place.

Chen Ke came to the same conclusion as Ji Han just thought:

"Does the yin and yang polar burning thing spewing out here have a choice?"

"That's right."

After seeing that Chen Ke and himself had reached the same conclusion, Ji Han continued to speculate based on the newly obtained information on the wall:

"You see, Yin flames burn living things into ghosts, Yang flames turn humans and ghosts into smoke, and double flames can make them disappear. To sum up, no matter what kind of fire destroys living creatures or ghosts, they say ghosts Maybe it’s the Wraith Fire Bone we saw before.”

Song Qian nodded and added:

"We also know from the stone tablets of the Great Qin soldiers that this kind of fire can also hurt that kind of sacred bird."

Ji Han nodded and said:

"It's absolutely true, that is to say, no matter how it is burned, the yin and yang polar fire must destroy moving things, either living creatures or ghosts and gods. But in this case, the question arises: why can this fire also destroy the black lime outside? ?”

Chen Ke replied tremblingly:

"Brother Ji, you mean that Black Stone Mountain is also alive?"

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