I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 240 The Way of Decay

The demon tentacles and bone blades turned into ashes when they touched the black smoke.

This scared Ji Han. What on earth was that?

Without thinking too much, he stretched out another demon tentacle to pull Song Qian back first.

Seeing the strange black smoke coming, Ji Han couldn't do much, and the "nightmare ghost cry" in his mouth had to end, and he retreated with everyone.

When Gemini, Youqi and Tia saw Old Dyson take action, they also retreated, as if they didn't want to get involved.

The black smoke released by Old Dyson gradually surrounded Ji Han and the other four. Seeing that only half of Ji Han's demon tentacles were left, no one acted rashly.

Chen Ke was already a little panicked, whispering:

"Is it strong acid now? It's a bit exaggerated."

Eggplant also cursed:

"Fuck, are the effects almost the same?"

Facing the black smoke with instant dissolution ability that surrounded them, the four people were a little confused.

Because in this situation, there is almost no possibility of escape, and these black smokes cannot be handled at all.

Even if the teleporter is turned on, it cannot be teleported to the real world instantly, and will still be melted by these black smokes.

In other words, not long ago, they experienced a fierce battle from Changbai Mountain Tianchi to obtain the divine pillar and consumed a lot of energy. They were in a hurry to send down Ji Han who had a sudden illness. It was incredible that everyone could resist the surprise attack until now.

Old Dyson seemed to be full of confidence in his black smoke. He walked forward with a cane and whispered:

"I really underestimated you guys? They really can't kill you."

Ji Han's brain was running fast, but he couldn't think of any way, so he had to delay time and ask:

"What is this black smoke?"

Old Dyson raised his dry arm and said:

"A dead person doesn't need to know so much, but I still want to let you know who died in his hands, Dyson, number D, code name decay."

It seems that this old guy's ability is not acid, but using the strange black smoke to make things that touch it decay and break.

Damn, there is still no way to deal with it!

Old Dyson's dry palms gradually gathered together, and the black smoke around them also approached the four people.

Eggplant whispered:

"Turn on the teleporter, let's try to hold back the black smoke."

Ji Han knew that all this was in vain. In a panic, he could only look through the skills and props, and saw "Thousand Corpses Around" again.

The ghosts summoned by this move may not be afraid of the decay brought by the black smoke, but those corpses are carrying the resentful spirit bone fire to suppress the exorcism gold flame in their bodies.

Once that move is used, the two kinds of fire will collide in the body again.

But now there is really no other way, fight!

"Hey, stay close to me, don't leave, find a chance to start teleporting! Thousand Corpses Around!"

Countless ghosts flew out of Ji Han again. Unlike before, all the ghosts this time were emitting blue flames.

The ghosts with blue flames quickly rotated around Ji Han and the other four, gradually dispersing the surrounding black smoke.

The people of the Consciousness-Only Society were afraid of being affected by the corrupt black air, so they quickly withdrew from the battle circle. They did not expect Ji Han to have such a desperate strength.

Field had a deep impression of that kind of ghost. At the bottom of the sea, Ji Han summoned these ghosts and controlled the skeletons of the mermaids in the sea to attack himself, Walter, and Yamazaki.

"Be careful, those ghosts seem to be able to summon and manipulate corpses."

Old Dyson smiled instead:

"This is interesting, struggle a little longer! Gemini, pay attention to their movements, once they start teleporting, you also immediately go to intercept them; Youqi stay here and don't move, guard against the sniper; Tia assists me, find an opportunity to restrict them, and leave the rest to me."

Ji Han forcibly used "Thousand Corpses Soul Around", although he temporarily dispersed the black air, but he felt that his chest was even more painful, and he almost fainted from the pain.

Although the location was the chest, the pain seemed to penetrate the soul.

Two kinds of strange flames, no wonder turning off the pain system still had no effect.

What's even more annoying is that the old guy doesn't seem to let others launch attacks, and their defense has that guy who can deflect attacks. If they continue to consume like this, they will only be dragged down.

Seeing that he clenched his teeth and blood dripped from his mouth, everyone knew that this was definitely not an ordinary pain.

Ji Han could ignore the fact that his feet were eaten by the shadow, but now he was in so much pain, which was definitely not something that ordinary humans could bear.

Fearing that Ji Han's body could not support it, Song Qian helped Ji Han wipe the blood from his mouth and asked:

"Brother Han, I will be invisible and hold you, you teleport back to the real world to see if there is a chance to escape."

Ji Han was speechless at this time, so he could only grit his teeth and shake his head desperately.

When he escaped, he had asked Song Qian to sound the alarm to the alien guard team, and they should find a way to rescue him.

But he had already tricked the captains to a foreign country, and it was good enough to rush back to the headquarters now, not to mention any rescue. He really deserved it.

Now everyone acting separately will only speed up the speed of death. In this case, it is impossible to escape again.

Since Dyson is the strongest enemy, if he is seriously injured or eliminated, the battle may end.

But at this time, everyone's attacks seem to have no effect on him, and we can only hope for the ghost burning with the resentful spirit bone fire.

Let's fight! Sniper at the middle gate!

Seeing that the surrounding black smoke had been dispersed, Ji Han completely released all the ghosts in his body. With Song Qian's support, he forced his body to control the ghosts and rush towards Dyson.

Seeing this formation, everyone hid far behind Dyson.

A huge amount of black smoke instantly burst out from Old Dyson's body, like a huge black skull, shrouding himself in it.

Seeing the blue-fired ghosts that Ji Han launched at him one after another, like a sword burning with blue flames stabbing at him, Dyson showed no fear:

"Everything decays, and the soul is destroyed!"

Those ghosts plunged into the black smoke and disappeared without a trace, like a blue sword thrown into a bottomless black lake.

The surrounding areas affected by the blue flames or black smoke were either broken or completely decayed.

Therefore, other people on both sides were just amazed at the strength of the two, but did not dare to participate.

Ji Han roared and blasted all the last wave of ghosts into the black smoke, and Old Dyson's skeleton made of black smoke was finally shattered.

As the ghost and black smoke dissipated, old Dyson still stood in the same place, but blue flames appeared on his left arm.

He endured the pain and relied on the black smoke emitted from his right hand to rot away the blue fire and part of the flesh on his left arm.

After forcibly using up "Thousand Corpse Soul Surrounding", Ji Han vomited out a mouthful of blood and fell backwards in pain. Eggplant and three others immediately supported him.

But before everyone could check on Ji Han's condition, several black needles flew over and pricked the four people who had no time to defend themselves.

Everyone suddenly felt numb, and then fell to the ground.

I don't know whether it was because he had just used too much Wraith Bone Fire, which caused the golden flames in his body to take over, or whether it was the efficacy of the black needle. Ji Han felt that the pain in his body had weakened a bit.

When You Qi saw that the black needle thrown by Tia in a sneak attack hit the target, she wanted to go over first to avenge what she had just done on her neck.

But as soon as he took a few steps, a table knife flew towards him from the darkness.

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