I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 275 People under the Black Lake

It stands to reason that after wearing two-way foil glasses, the two-dimensional image on the ground should be able to be seen clearly.

But it still looks the same as usual, which means that the two-dimensional and three-dimensional images here are in a pure black state, so they cannot be recognized.

Eggplant had just almost fallen into the deep pit. At this time, he did not dare to walk towards the black lake in front of him easily. He panted and complained:

"Hey, this place is really dark. If you have night blindness, you will be completely blind when you come in."

Ji Han stretched out his demonic tentacles to test the reality of the ground, and asked Chen Ke to continue using the drone to spray paint, and then he found a safe road.

A safe passage about three meters wide, with deep pits of different sizes on both sides, looks like a place like this cut across Black Rock Mountain.

Song Qian said curiously:

"There is such a deep pit under the Black Stone Mountain, but the black liquid did not leak out."

Ji Han repeatedly confirmed that the ground was safe before replying:

"Maybe those sticky things have blocked the hole. Let's go over and have a look."

The four of them came to the black lake. Originally, such a dark cave made people feel very depressed. Coupled with the large calm black lake in front of them, the feeling of suffocation became even stronger.

And this time it was different from the liquid encountered in Changbai Mountain Tianchi. It did not automatically separate with the arrival of people.

Song Qian checked the divine pillar detector in her hand and said:

"That's right, the sacred pillar is here, but we have to think of a way to see if we can salvage it."

Ji Hanxin said that this was going to be difficult. Let's not talk about whether the black liquid had any effect on the human body. Even considering the swamp, there was no way for everyone to get down. strong sacrifice reading sacrifice

At this time, Chen Ke thought of an idea and said:

"I have an idea. Anyway, I can't move this sacred pillar at the bottom of the lake. Why don't I control the drone and take Song Qian's sacred pillar detector to fly there remotely to take a look, so as to determine the specific location of the sacred pillar first. Let’s find a way to salvage it.”

Ji Han thought it was reliable when he heard it. It would be best if the divine pillar was on the surface of the lake. If it was not far from the river bank, everyone could think of a way to fish it out.

But at this time, Song Qian frowned and stared at the detector in her hand.

"What's wrong, Song Qian, is there any problem?"

As soon as Ji Han finished speaking, everyone saw the small light on the divine pillar detector in Song Qian's hand changing from green to red.

Eggplant responded quickly and hurriedly asked:

"Is this sacred pillar alive?"

It stands to reason that the light of the divine pillar detector shows the distance between everyone and the divine pillar. Yellow means there is a response, green means close, and red means extremely close.

Everyone's position has not moved, but the light of the God Lord detector has changed. Then there is only one possibility:

The position of the divine pillar in the black lake in front of me is changing.

The four people hurriedly looked at the black lake again. The surface was indeed very calm. It would be difficult for such a viscous liquid to flow in time.

Is there flowing liquid underneath?

Thinking of this, Ji Han manipulated the devil's tentacles to insert the knife into the mucus in front of him, but after pulling it out, he didn't notice anything strange.

In other words, the bottom part is the same thing as the top part, and it's the same viscosity on the outside and inside.

Why does the position of the divine pillar change?

Could it be that there is something underneath?

The four of them looked at each other and began to shine flashlights on the black lake in front of them, hoping to find some clues.

Eggplant's sharp eyes quickly pointed to a dark place in the lake and said:

"Look there!"

The four people focused their flashlights and saw a black bulge slowly appearing in the black viscous liquid dozens of meters away from everyone.

Then a black sphere the size of a head poked out of the black liquid.

Chen Ke was shocked:

"There are actually people living under this liquid."

"What's so strange about this? Don't forget, people can live under the sea and on volcanoes."

Ji Hanxin said that it would be best if someone lived here, and they could communicate and get the pillar back.

But thinking about it, the people who live in such a place are probably either monsters or crazy.

"Song Qian, look at the distance, will the divine pillar be on it?"

"Based on the data, there should be no problem. Do we want to lure him up?"

"This is the only way now."

Eggplant suggested:

"Do you want me to shoot him and then we get the body?"

"No, the situation is still unclear, and if you sink it, we have to go there and fish it out. This distance is still a bit difficult. We have to think of a way to see if we can lure him up."

When Chen Ke was helpless, he squatted down, stretched out three fingers in front of him, and made a sound like a cat or a dog:

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk~"

Seeing that the exposed head was indifferent, Ji Han smiled and said:

"No wonder the monster attacks you first every time. Is it okay to treat people like cats and dogs?"

"I am also sick and seeking medical attention."

As soon as Chen Ke finished speaking, the head in the lake also started talking.

"Sick...seeking medical treatment indiscriminately."

Ji Han's words startled the four of them, and their eyes widened in shock. They said they didn't expect that the person living in this liquid was not only alive, but could also learn to speak.

This means that he must have a certain amount of wisdom, and maybe he can actually get the divine pillar directly.

Chen Ke tried to continue:

"Can you understand us?"

"Can you...understand us?"

But the person in the liquid still only repeated the sentence just now.

So this guy may not be a high-end civilization, he just learns to talk like a parrot.

Ji Han thought that although this guy couldn't speak, if he was lured to the shore, everyone could subdue him and just get the sacred pillar on him.

Thinking about it, he started to stretch out his hands and said:

"Can you come up? Come up, come up to the shore."

Sensing Ji Han's intention, Song Qian, Chen Ke and Qie Zi also reached out to summon him and retreated with Ji Han.

Unexpectedly, this trick worked so well. Seeing Ji Han and the others retreating, the heads in the lake actually started to pop out.

Just when Ji Han and the others thought that the people in the lake were about to come out.

But he saw that there was a black spine connected under the protruding head.

There was no person under the black liquid at all, but a head with a section of spine! At this time bxW** Zhang Si

Seeing this weird and disgusting scene, Ji Han and the others stopped retreating. What they had just tried to communicate with was actually just a head.

But how does a head survive?

Before the four of them could figure out the answer to the question, a dozen more black heads that were the same as before appeared around the head. Zhi Da Zhi Xiao

Although it can be vaguely seen that all of these heads have been severed, and some of them are still connected with a section of vertebrae, these heads do not seem to be completely dead. After emerging from the water, they began to repeat what Ji Han just said:

"Come out~ come out quickly~"

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