One day later, when the three parties were searching for Ji Han's traces, no one thought that he was driving alone in Ethan's rented car to Xiangxi Province.

The phone rang and it was Ethan calling.

"Hey, Ji Han, how's the situation over there?"

"No problem, Ethan, everything is normal. Nothing happened to you, right?"

When Ethan got angry, he stopped talking and complained:

"No, no, what could be the situation? It's nothing more than helping a fugitive from the alien escort team to kill the deputy secretary-general, then letting him go, and finally pretending to come and arrest him with other teams. If this is done by the International The Alien Alliance found out that all of us and you will be put in the electric chair."

Ji Han knew that letting Ethan and the others take too big a risk this time:

"I'm sorry for involving you. If you are discovered, please come up with the information in advance to prove your innocence."

The voice of the black girl Ellie came from the other end of the phone:

"Don't worry, Ji Han, Ethan is joking, and I have processed all the information and communication methods, so they won't be discovered."

Kristine also worried:

"But Ji Han, can you really do it alone? It's okay for the three of us to help you if needed."

Ethan, Ellie and Kristen knew the dangers of the location of the divine pillar, so they were still worried about Ji Han going there alone.

"Thank you for your kindness, but this time I have to do it alone. You have already been a great help. All I have to do is follow the plan."

The three of them, Ethan, thought that Ji Han did not want to implicate other people because of the deaths of Song Qian, Chen Ke and Eggplant.

However, the plan had been formulated at this time. Going forward might bring trouble to Ji Han, so they had no choice but to agree.

Ethan reminded:

"Then be careful. We have also received news that the younger brothers of the Consciousness-Weight Society are also looking for you recently. I heard that the Alien Guards have also issued a wanted order, and people from the International Alien Alliance will not I’ll be merciful to you.”

Ji Han agreed:

"Okay, I will pay attention. You should also be careful. Don't forget our previous agreement. See you then."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Han breathed a sigh of relief while sitting in the car.

The captain's acting skills were really good. Even I felt that he wanted to kill me at the time. It seemed that he had indeed deceived everyone.

At that time, I explained to the captain that it was not impossible to resurrect Song Qian, Chen Ke and Eggplant, but it would require a few guys from the Consciousness Wei Society to make sacrifices, and they would have to do it alone.

At this time *Om Zhang Si. So I made a plan to misunderstand the otherworldly guards and provide an opportunity to the Consciousness Only Society.

Of course, the captain disagreed at first. After all, it was too dangerous and wanted to send other captains to join him.

But with the help of his teammates, he would definitely not be able to accumulate enough points, so Ji Han had to refuse on the grounds that the method of saving Song Qian and the others was special. He insisted that he must be alone and prepared, and the captain agreed.

After leaving the otherworldly escorts, he went to find Ethan, Ellie and Kristen, and with their assistance, killed the deputy secretary-general.

As for the identity of the deputy secretary-general as an expatriate from the Consciousness-only Society, of course he learned about it from Tan Xi. In fact, the captain also knew this person's identity, but he originally wanted to take a long-term approach to catch big fish.

But in order to resurrect Song Qian and others, the captain had to privately approve Ji Han to kill him.

Later, Ji Han asked Ethan and the other three to clean up the scene and collect all the evidence proving the guy's identity as a Consciousness-only Society, which caused misunderstandings from the International Alien Alliance.

As for Ethan and the other three, although they helped him, that was before entering the game, and they would definitely not be counted as his teammates.

Now it seems that not only them, but also the Consciousness Only Society has taken action.

But these are exactly what Ji Han wants to see.

This was what Ji Han struggled with in the tenth team building: establishing more enemies with fewer teammates. According to common sense, this would definitely be courting death.

But if your enemies are from different camps, the situation will be very different.

Although the number of enemies has increased, the battles between them will also reduce your own danger. That's why Ji Han thought of provoking the Alien Guards, the International Alien Alliance and the Consciousness-only Society at the same time.

Anyway, I didn’t mention the boundaries of enemies. Anyone who comes to kill or capture myself can naturally be considered an enemy.

It seemed that the plan that he had been thinking about for an entire afternoon to offend half of the other world was finally coming to fruition.

The good news is that his trouble-making plan was successful, and the enemy was really established.

But the bad news is that maybe he will really be killed. After all, in order to ensure that the game will judge them as enemies, no one except the captain and Ethan knows the truth.

Ji Han knew that it was too late to regret now, so he could only complete the next real challenge as soon as possible:

Kill as many members and monsters of the Consciousness-only Society as possible to complete the next pillar mission.

According to the positioning of the short video he found earlier, Ji Han drove the off-road vehicle deep into the path and headed into the mountains.

In the evening, Ji Han drove around several high mountains, climbed a small slope, and finally arrived at the weird dead head mountain depicted in the nine-star mirror of the pre-Qin Dynasty.

What surprised Ji Han was that the scene in the real world here was similar to the scene in the inner world given in the Pre-Qin Nine Star Realm, and there was not much difference.

The woods in front of us were messy and disorderly, and it was obvious at first glance that they were not planted by humans. The dense plants all around also showed that no one had set foot here for a long time.

At the end of the forest, there is a steep and strange mountain. The boulder on the top of the mountain looks like a human head. When combined, it looks like a person looking up at the sky, except that the person's neck is cut off.

The remaining sun disappeared on the top of the mountain, and the mountain gradually fell into darkness, which made people feel a little uneasy after seeing it.

Strong sacrifice reads sacrifice. Ji Han parked the car on a higher flat land behind a small slope, where he could have a good view of the forest.

He will be staying here for a long time. Ji Han knows that whether he can complete the subsequent tasks alone depends on his preparation here.

Because this is his only advantage at the moment: he knows exactly where the next divine pillar will appear, that is, where the next battle will take place.

Therefore, if you want to win in a place like this, you must first understand the geographical situation. This time Ji Han decided to start with the real world.

Anyway, there are no monsters in the real world. The other world is also a reflection of the real world. It is better to understand the situation here clearly before entering.

Because after entering the other world this time, when you come out again, it will definitely be the time when you have completed the tasks and accumulated enough points.

Control the big one and control the owl. Of course, Ji Han is also very familiar with his ability to survive in the wild, so he prepared sufficient survival supplies in the trunk of the car in advance: beef jerky, instant noodles, drinking water, sleeping bags...

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