The words on the wall made Ji Han confused for a moment.

What should you never let out?

Since I came up there, I have seen nothing but these corpses and wreckage.

The only possibility is that there is something above the black hole.

Ji Han only jumped down after making sure there were no other clues on the wall.

This is a bit embarrassing. There is no way to get up to the high divine cave, and there is no other information.

Ji Han had no choice but to walk towards the dozens of stone pillars standing in the center. The bones under the stone pillars seemed to be man-made, a dense pile.

Those stone pillars are also made of polished black stone, but they are not that thick, about thirty centimeters in diameter.

It was not easy to make a stone pillar of such a height at that time. Ji Han walked to the stone pillar forest, hoping to find some clues inside.

With his experience on the wall just now, Ji Han knew that even if there was any information on these black stone pillars, it would be difficult to tell by just looking at it.

He could only explore it carefully one by one. This action might seem a bit vulgar to outsiders.

The hard work paid off, and he touched a dozen of them in succession until he reached the center of the stone pillar forest. Ji Han really touched some uneven places on the stone pillars.

Unable to see the details clearly, Ji Han had to let the decapitated spider spray out some more spider silk and rub the white spider silk into the gaps in the stone pillars to reveal the graphics and text on it.

I really convinced these people, why not just carve it directly on the wall? It had to be carved on these central stone pillars.

The picture below is too simple, and you can only clearly see the carvings of many little figures. It seems that the painter must have been very far away from now.

Helpless, Ji Han had to translate the words scrawled above, and the content of the translation made Ji Han finally understand something:

In ancient times, he lived in the dark void of the sky. His eyes were stained with black blood and could melt into the world. He took the souls of the dead and turned them into underworld soldiers. His third eye illuminated the world and turned everything upside down. Future generations of the clan must not summon him easily.

Ji Han didn't react when he read it for the first time. After reading it again carefully, he realized that what was written here should be some kind of monster.

I didn’t know what to name it, so I didn’t even know what it was about after reading it for the first time.

The specific appearance is also not mentioned, but this ability seems to be a bit unbelievable.

Living in the dark void in the sky since ancient times should be referring to the bottomless pit above the head. Those ancients did not know about the divine pillar, so they thought that the boundless darkness above the head was the endless void in the sky. In fact, it should lead to the underground.

This next sentence, "The eyes stained with black blood can melt the world" is indeed a bit powerful, although I don't know what the eyes stained with black blood means?

But this sentence of "melting into the world" is very obvious, referring to the unlucky ones below whose bodies have melted.

But the melting method was also not mentioned. Could it be that just by looking at it, the eyes would melt? Do you think Medusa lives here? strong sacrifice reading sacrifice

Taking the souls of the dead as Yin soldiers, it seems to mean that the people who died here can also be used as Yin soldiers? This is basically consistent with the content on the stone tablet outside. Could it be the purpose of those Chu troops coming here?

The third eye illuminates the world and turns the world upside down. "Turn the world upside down" is too big a statement, but after thinking about it, Ji Han immediately understood what he wanted to express here.

The so-called universe is generally not heaven and earth? To reverse the universe is to turn it upside down.

This space is inherently upside down. Maybe the ancients didn't realize it at all, thinking that they could still get upside down if they could get out here.

Therefore, the ability of the monster described here to reverse the universe should only mean turning this space upside down.

In other words, if it has that kind of ability, it means that the divine pillar must be in it.

The last sentence, future generations of clansmen must not summon it easily, should be a warning to future generations from the discovery or creation of a certain tribe here.

It is understandable that if such a monster is found to have such powerful abilities, it is reasonable to warn future generations not to summon it easily.

This also shows that they must have some way to summon the monster and drive it back.

In this way, the "it" that the Chu general who died on the wall wrote: Never let it get out should be this thing.

It's no wonder that if they have this kind of ability and release it, it will also harm their territory of Chu State.

But there are some problems here. Since it lives in the hole above its head, why are there Yin soldiers outside? How could that wizard lead them here? Does that guy really not know the real situation here?

Although he still had doubts, Ji Han was not prepared to go into details. Now that it was confirmed that the divine pillar was on "it", there were only two questions at the moment.

First, how to summon it?

Second, how can we defeat such an awesome monster?

After analyzing the information on this stone pillar, Ji Han turned around and looked at the other stone pillars beside him, hoping to get effective information from them.

But as soon as he turned around, he discovered that there was something strange underneath the stone pillar on the right side.

Not the stone pillar itself, but a corpse lying beneath the stone pillar.

It stands to reason that there are already so many corpses piled under these dozens of stone pillars, so it is normal for there to be a corpse under this stone pillar.

But the difference is that this body does not have only bones like the others, but is relatively complete and even retains some clothes.

Instead of armor or the normal attire seen on the melted dead outside, this man appeared to be wearing robes.

This kind of attire is not like what the Chu army wore, or is this guy the wizard mentioned on the stone tablet outside?

Moreover, this man was holding the stone pillar behind him with both hands before he died, so his body was in a half-sitting posture.

The short knife he held in his left hand was rusted into pieces.

Seeing that this corpse was special, Ji Han stepped forward and searched briefly, but found nothing. Even though the corpse was relatively complete, it had already been mummified.

After confirming that there was no danger, Ji Han stood up and checked the stone pillar behind the body.

Only a single line of writing was left on the stone pillar, and the rest had been artificially rubbed away, leaving only a blurry large area.

It looked like the man lying on the ground might have had it sharpened with a knife during his lifetime.

Ji Han used the quantum wave reading method to translate the above line: At this time 99BXwX* Zhang Si

"A way to drive it into the void." Zhi Da Zhi Xiao

Good guy, I guessed right. What is written on this stone pillar is not only the method to summon it, but also the method to expel it back to the void.

Unfortunately, this method has been completely destroyed by the corpse on the ground.

If this corpse is really that of a wizard, then the annihilation of all these people here was most likely a deliberate plan by the wizard.

Otherwise, he would not have deceived these people to come here, summoned "it", and completely erased the method of expelling "it" before his death.

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