I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 705 Almost confessed (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

Latest website: Chen Ke has read some books before. It is said that Cthulhu is an existence that transcends all physical laws, all forms and symmetries.

Although I never fully understood this strange life form at this moment, I suddenly had a profound understanding of the fact that they transcended the laws of physics.

A huge thing fell from the sky.

The despairing black shadow almost obscured the small patch of sky that could be seen.

That feeling of despair and oppression can only be felt through personal experience.

Fortunately, Field was not slow anyway, and immediately controlled everyone to fly down and back down, thus gaining some reaction time.

Field's original idea was to control everyone to fly downwards, so that the probability of being killed would be the smallest.

However, the thing that fell down was still waving its tentacles, and it was really difficult to avoid it while flying out of its damage range.

Seeing Field's intention and knowing the situation at this time, Song Qian decisively took out the [Professional Waterproof Protection Ball] left by Ji Han and shouted:

"Everyone come together! Hurry!"

Although Walter and Field didn't know what Song Qian was going to do, they knew from her tone that she had a solution.

Field asked everyone to gather together. Just as they were about to reach the sea, Song Qian crushed the [Professional Waterproof Protective Ball] from the outside.

The broken ball expanded instantly, enveloping Song Qian, Chen Ke, Eggplant, Walter and Field.

When Walter and Field found themselves trapped inside the ball, they both regretted it greatly, wondering how this thing could withstand the oncoming attack.

After five people fell into the ball, the protective ball hit the water, and then the black behemoth smashed down like a mountain bearing down on top.

The five people inside the protective ball were knocked to their knees by the sudden impact.

The surroundings were instantly plunged into darkness, which could be felt through the protective ball as it fell into the sea water.

However, the protective ball was not damaged, and no seawater leaked in.

If it were on the ground and such a huge object fell from above, I am afraid that the protective ball would not be able to prevent it, but fortunately there is sea water below, which absorbs most of the impact.

Immediately afterwards, the five people felt that the sphere began to rise rapidly along the monster's body, although it still hit many growing tentacles along the way.

But after all, it was in sea water, and because the monster had only entered the water from a high altitude and had not completely restored its balance, there was no tentacle that could prevent the protective ball from returning to the sea.

As the protective ball surfaced, the five people who barely managed to stabilize their center of gravity finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing through the protective ball that the monster that fell into the sea surfaced again, and waving its tentacles to stab in this direction, Field hurriedly used the suspension technique to lead everyone away from each other.

"Song Qian, I can't hold this ball for too long."

"Brother Han said it's only 20 minutes."

Seeing the ball sliding further and further away, and fewer and fewer tentacles chasing after it, the giant beast in the sea that had just regained its freedom seemed to have learned its lesson this time.

He did not launch another attack on Song Qian and others, but slowly sank into the water.

"No! That damn thing is going to leave! If it sinks, Ji Han may really have no chance to escape."

Eggplant felt the material of the protective ball and confirmed that it was similar to the one released by Ji Han before, so he tried to stick his body out of the transparent place.

Although he only leaned out half of his body, Eggplant had already taken out his gun.

Even though it was floating on the unstable sea, Eggplant still broke one of Cthulhu's tentacles near the center with one shot.

The sinking island followed suit, and everyone else took the opportunity to climb out of the protective ball.

At this moment, Field didn't want to take everyone too far away, because he was afraid that the distance would increase, and the monster would completely give up hunting and dive into the bottom of the sea. Then there would really be no other way.

So at this point it's just to help everyone stay suspended on the water.

Walter controlled the water flowing in and out and pushed forward hard, and a huge wave washed away all the tentacles on the left and right.

"If that guy Ji Han doesn't come out, I'm going to ask him for more money!"

Chen Ke stepped forward and cut off all the tentacles above the water with a knife, then turned around and said:

"Now isn't the time to tell cold jokes, right?

To provide you with the fastest update of "I Don't Dare to Play This Game" by the great Sesshu Mutsuki!

Chapter 705: Almost confessed (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!) Free reading:,!

『』, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!


Field suggested:

"This is not the way to go. Ji Han might have lost consciousness inside. We have to find a way to make a way out."

Without those waving tentacles blocking his view, Eggplant finally saw the place where Ji Han and the others had just entered.

Although the entrance to the cave has been completely sealed by collapsed stone pillars at this moment, it is definitely right there in terms of location.

Eggplant aimed at the collapsed stone pillars and shot them. Several stone pillars were broken together, and a large amount of rubble exploded.

"Fight at the place where I attack, and concentrate all attacks on that point!"

It was easy to deal with the target. Song Qian fired two more blue thunder talismans, blasting a big hole directly in the center of the blocked pile of stone pillars.

Walter controlled the seawater to sweep away all the exploded rubble, but still did not penetrate it.

Chen Ke swung his sword to cut off the approaching tentacles, turned around and suggested:

"Close the distance. As long as I go over and chop a few times, I will definitely be able to cut a hole."

"No, although this thing is huge, its positioning is very accurate. It can be seen from the attack just now. If you get close to it, you will definitely not be able to get out. Song Qian, do it again, let's do it together!"

Song Qian's Blue Thunder Talisman arrived first, and the purple thunder falling from the sky hit the deep pit.

Almost at the moment of the lightning strike, Eggplant also pulled the trigger.

And Walter manipulated the seawater near the pit and smashed it into it.

As the three people focused their fire, there was finally a "click" sound in the deep pit, and the surrounding seawater began to pour into the deep pit.

"It's done!"

Because all their energy was concentrated in the deep pit, everyone did not notice that there was danger approaching under their feet.

When Walter first felt the strangeness of the sea water under his feet, a huge mouth full of fangs had already rushed out of the sea water under his feet.

Before anyone had time to react, Song Qian threw the holding talisman that she had always kept in her talisman ring down.

Because she has been to too many places along the way and encountered too many raids and accidents, Song Qian has developed the habit of keeping a holding amulet to deal with emergencies, which she just needs to use at this moment.

Before they had time to see clearly what was emerging from the sea, Field led everyone upwards to a safe area.

Eggplant scolded:

"Fuck, I almost confessed!"

Before anyone else could reply, Ji Han's complaint came from the huge crater that a few people had just blasted:

"Damn, I should be the one to say that!"

The five people looked back and saw that Ji Han had climbed out of the pit at this time. Most of his clothes had been blown to pieces. Green smoke was coming out of his body, and he was holding a gun that was also blackened by the explosion. sea ​​turtle.

To provide you with the fastest update of "I Don't Dare to Play This Game" by the great Sesshu Mutsuki!

Chapter 705: Almost confessed (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!) Free reading:,!


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