Latest website: Ji Han was already very happy when he heard someone reported that an invisible ship had escaped from the Bermuda Triangle.

Because I didn’t expect that I actually guessed it right. The Dracula family actually sent people here, and these guys were really cooperative.

And I don't want to say the name of the Dracula family easily at this time, after all, I don't know much about their family.

Revealing one's identity is tantamount to being a direct enemy. Who knows if this Moss or anyone present has close contacts with the Dekra family?

But looking at Moss's embarrassing state, he probably hasn't communicated with anyone from the Dracula family before.

This wave of hard work made Moss, who originally wanted Ji Han to owe him a favor, instantly became passive.

For the protection mission that he had promised, he kept saying that the protection was strict, but in the end, his face was slapped like this, which made him feel like he owed Ji Han a favor.

But when everyone heard Moss's subordinates report that an unconscious rescue helicopter medical staff was found on the destroyer, everyone was stunned.

Because not long ago, the rescue helicopter landed on the yacht, and Walter and Field were being carried away by the medical staff above.

Moss was really panicked this time. He grabbed his subordinate by the collar and said:

"What did you say?!"

The subordinate pretended to be calm and probably knew that it was not his responsibility, so he replied again:

"The people on the destroyer just reported that they found the unconscious rescue helicopter medical staff."

"Quick, quick, quick! They shouldn't have flown too far yet! Turn on the special radar again, don't let them escape."


The subordinate had no choice but to use the communicator to contact the destroyer again, but everyone knew that he could sneak into the ship, disguise himself as a rescue worker, and take away Walter and Field under the eyes of so many people.

This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. Putting aside ability, they must have had a plan in advance.

In just a few minutes, Moss was slapped twice in the face, and veins popped out on Moss's face.

And he was not the only one who was also confused. Ji Han looked back and saw that Song Qian and the others were as surprised as him.

Everyone did act together to send Field and Walter away, but they really didn't expect that there was another group of people making arrangements.

Ji Han thought in his heart that the only ones who could do this were either the Consciousness Only Society or the Dracula family.

They only hijacked the rescue helicopter and did not kill the medical personnel. They did not do anything else after picking up Field and Walter.

Both the goals and methods are very consistent with the style of the Consciousness-only Society.

Moreover, when they were in Crescent Moon Spring, they had killed one and replaced him.

This time, perhaps because of the personnel exchange between the two parties, Kiryu promised not to kill anyone, so the medical staff were not affected.

But to be able to replace the rescuers with one's own people from that kind of tightly protected destroyer, I'm afraid those from the Consciousness-Weight Society are not ordinary people.

Good guy, I entered the Bermuda Triangle to perform a mission, and no one from the outside organizations was idle.

You Kiryuu, you still managed this secretly for me, you can’t trust yourself, right?

While he was still thinking about it, Moss's face was already blue with anger.

On the one hand, these two slaps were too real, and on the other hand, what this person was embarrassed about was too specific.

Even if you can't protect an area, forget it. Even your own rescue team has been secretly replaced.

In other words, it was Walter and Field who were taken away. If by chance one of Ji Han and the others was seriously injured and boarded the helicopter, they were taken hostage by those bastard organizations.

Not to mention what will happen to the time guardians in these few days, I am afraid that the captain of the alien guard team will not be able to pass the test.

Seeing that Ji Han did not take the opportunity to be sarcastic, Moss turned around and explained:

"I'm really sorry. I don't even know what to say. Our defense mission this time was really a failure."

Ji Han stepped forward and patted Moss on the shoulder and said:

"Forget it, think about it a little bit, it'll be fine for the rest of us. But Field and Walter, we were just handed over to you, Mr. Moss.

Now that the two of them have been taken away by others in your hands, we do not bear any responsibility for this matter. "

"That's for sure!"

Moss and others felt heavy, but waiting here was not an option. At this moment, they had no choice but to order their subordinates to launch four yachts and gallop towards the port together.

But before his men went to drive, Moss nervously checked that the people on the boat were indeed him.

Ji Hanxin said that Moss would probably be nervous for a while after being treated like this.

Originally, I was still thinking about how I would answer when he asked about the ghost ship, but now it seemed that there was no need to worry.

Although the color of the sea water did not change rapidly, the gloomy and rolling dark clouds were gradually left behind.

Ji Han, Song Qian, Chen Ke and Eggplant also let out a sigh of relief.

Everyone was able to escape during this trip to the Bermuda Triangle, which can be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

If he hadn't encountered the little octopus, it would probably be unrealistic to kill the island Cthulhu that didn't even have a health bar.

However, the identity of the thing is indeed a mystery. Even though it has come out, Ji Han and others still cannot figure out the identity of the thing.

Liu Dan, Ji Mo and the four Time Guardians were also curious about what Ji Han and the others had experienced during their trip. However, since Moss and others were present, it was not convenient to go into detail. Therefore, they just accompanied each other and basically had nothing to say along the way.

Back at the harbor, Moss prepared a sumptuous table of delicacies for Ji Han and others, but everyone didn't eat much and seemed to have little appetite.

Moss thought it was because they were still angry because of his poor defense, so they didn't give him any face.

In fact, they didn't know that after escaping from the otherworld of the Bermuda Triangle, Ji Han and the four of them had eaten and drank heavily on the yacht with Walter and Field, so they had no appetite at this time.

After returning to the harbor, Chen Ke immediately connected the computer to the Internet to search for the true identity of the little octopus they saw.

After comparing with various creatures in the Cthulhu Mythos, Chen Ke finally came to the conclusion:

"Brother Ji, I'm just guessing. What we encountered is probably a Shoggoth!"

Eggplant continued:

"Shoggoth? I only know Kvass."

Chen Ke explained:

"Shoggoths, as shapeless protoplasmic creatures, are one of the most terrifying beings in the Cthulhu mythology. They look like giant amoebas made of tar, with glowing eyes on their surface.

They were created by the Ancient One, another mysterious creature in the Cthulhu Mythos. Originally, the Ancient One created such unconscious creatures to work for themselves.

Unexpectedly, after tens of millions of divisions and reproductions, the Shoggoths finally developed self-awareness and launched a rebellion against the Ancient Ones. "

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