I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 750 Traces of the Earth

Latest website: Andrea above the church thought that as long as he merged with the surrounding blood, he would still have the strength to counterattack.

So he gave up the attack completely and turned all his body into blood to resist the attack from below.

However, just in case, he still paid attention to the attack methods of the following people.

Seeing Ji Han struggling to hit the ground, he thought Ji Han would directly use the force to fly up.

Unexpectedly, as that foot stepped out, the surrounding ground began to shake violently. Not to mention the buildings on both sides, even the stable church under the feet began to shatter and collapse downwards.

"What kind of power is this?"

Not only Andre, Song Qian, Chen Ke, Qingzi and Father Anderson were also surprised.

Eggplant even said bluntly:

"Ji Han, isn't it too early to decide to die together?"

Did Ji Hanxin say it was an earthquake? At this time?

But there was no time to explain at this moment, so I could only remind:

"Go back quickly and come to the open space. Don't get hit by those ruins."

But it's not that easy. There are dense formal buildings around the church, and there is a two-story building behind it.

The ground still undulated irregularly like waves, and the surrounding buildings collapsed one after another.

Chen Ke used Hyakki Pill in time to help Father Anderson block the ruins of the small building from collapsing here.

However, even though they avoided the influence of the surrounding ruins, no one thought that the real danger lay beneath their feet.

Those constantly undulating roads seemed to have been suddenly hollowed out. A huge crack broke out in an instant, and everyone suddenly collapsed downwards.

This was indeed unexpected by everyone, so the six people fell down together without any precautions.

But Andre's side was also having a hard time. When he was about to fall, Ji Han saw that the entire church had completely collapsed.

Not to mention stabilizing the blood rivers floating in the air, even Andre himself fell into the cracks along with the collapsed church.

Because Ji Han did not prepare a [temporary protective ball] this time, Ji Han could only rely on the devil's tentacles to pull the fallen people to his side.

However, there seemed to be many vine-like plants in the crack, and Ji Han and others broke several of them while falling.

But fortunately, these gradually dense vines effectively alleviated the force of everyone's fall.

As the number of vines gradually increased, the six of them finally stabilized themselves in the wide crack.

Those vines are very resilient. If you step on two or three of them, you can basically stabilize your body on the cliff.

Although the vibration above the head was not as strong as before, a lot of debris still fell from the cracks above the head.

Before he could successfully release [Evil Possession] to protect everyone, Father Andre at the top directly inserted his sword into the cliff of the underground fissure.

He didn't know what method he used, but Ji Han only saw that his big sword instantly turned into a huge blood-red cross, which was firmly nailed to the cracked cliff and covered everyone's heads.

Temporarily blocks the damage caused by falling debris.

As the vibrations around them completely stopped and no other debris fell down, everyone looked above their heads.

I could vaguely see the bright light above my head, and it must have fallen dozens of meters just now.

But from this angle, there are more of those strange vines above the head.

It was dark below, but many red spots could be faintly seen.

Chen Ke gasped and asked:

"Brother Ji, what's going on? Your kick is a bit exaggerated!"

Ji Han cursed:

"Damn, I won't die together with that guy. This wasn't my fault. It must have been an earthquake, right? But how could it be such a coincidence?"

Song Qian shook her head and said:

"This doesn't look like an earthquake, and why are there so many vines underground?"

Little Garlic raised his head and said:

"It's so high, it will be a bit difficult to climb up!"

Father Anderson comforted:

"It doesn't matter, it's not too long before dawn. Once it gets dawn, that guy's sucking. First\\./Posted\\./Updated\\./New`..Mobile.Version

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Vampire subordinates are also difficult to control. "

These words reminded Ji Han, who secretly took a look at the space-time compass in his backpack.

At this time, most of the light on the compass has been illuminated. According to time estimates, everyone may teleport back at dawn.

So Ji Han replied:

"If we can handle it, it's best to do it while it's dark. We'll leave here instantly when it gets light."

Little Garlic is a bit incomprehensible:

"Leave instantly? Do you still have this ability?"

At this time, Eggplant, who had gone to explore the way up, suddenly stopped a few people:

"Come and take a look at this place, something isn't right with this place."

The dense vines at the feet here are like a road paved with a grid. It is no problem to walk steadily on it, and the eggplant is only seven or eight meters away from everyone.

Hearing Eggplant's cry, everyone walked over. Father Anderson pulled out the sword on the wall, and the huge red cross turned into a few drops of blood on the sword.

When he came to Eggplant, he pointed to the broken place of the ruins of the vines under his feet and said:

"Come and look over there!"

The vine net where Eggplant was pointing had been smashed through a big hole by the debris that had just fallen. At this moment, under the light of the flashlight, it could be seen that most of the vines inside the hole had grown into human shapes.

Everyone was puzzled after seeing it, but for a moment they didn't understand what Eggplant wanted to express. w_/a_/p_/\\_/.\\_/c\\_/o\\_/m

Seeing that they all saw the weird-shaped vines, Eggplant explained:

"I looked through it with my clairvoyant eyes. All the vines are wrapped in human bones, and not only below, but also in the walls on both sides."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and Little Garlic said in surprise:

"No way? Could it be that that bad guy has killed so many people underground?"

Chen Ke chopped open a nearby human-shaped vine with a knife, revealing the corpse inside.

The strange thing is that the body buried so deep in the ground did not rot, but just looked like a mummy that had been unbandaged, with only bones and a layer of dry skin remaining all over the body.

After a brief inspection, Chen Ke shook his head and said:

"Impossible, these bones are at least a thousand years old, and judging from the clothes, this place may have been a tribal civilization at that time."

Ji Han reminded:

"No matter what the situation is, now is not the time to study these things. We should go up early. If that guy goes up first, our situation will be very passive."

Song Qian and others thought the same thing. After all, they had already obtained the Shihuan, and wasting time would only increase the danger.

After roughly estimating the distance, Song Qian once again wrote down a few hanging symbols with difficulty.

It's still a bit difficult to fly up with one talisman, so you still have to climb up for the first distance.

But just as everyone was preparing to take action, a shrill scream came from the other side of the crack. .

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