I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 754 No hesitation

Latest website: Facing this sudden reversal, everyone was caught off guard.

No one thought that Andre had such a trick.

After Andre manipulated Father Anderson's body to threaten everyone, his body began to tremble violently again.

Then Father Anderson shouted again:

"Kill him, don't hesitate now!"

It seemed that Andre did not fully control Father Anderson's body, and the two were still fighting for control of the body.

In this situation, no one knew how to help. I could only hear the two people talking continuously on the same body:

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will kill you first. No\\./wrong\\./updated\\./new`.w`.a`.p`.`.c`.o`.m"

"Kill me? Do you want to kill me?"

As he spoke, Father Anderson tried his best to lift the silver sword in his hand and strike at himself. But as soon as he raised it, his hands slowly pushed down the sword as if fighting.

During the stalemate, Andre controlled the priest to kick out the sword with his foot.

Unexpectedly, Father Anderson had a backup plan. When Andre kicked the sword out, he used his right arm to slam the left chest.

After this simple blow, Father Anderson fell to his knees in pain, a large amount of blood flowed from his chest, and a cross-shaped silver nail was inserted into his heart.

It turned out that Father Anderson took advantage of him to kick the sword and inserted the cross nail usually placed in his cuff into his heart.

This kind of cross nail was usually used to nail vampires. Now it stood directly on his heart, nailing himself and Andre together.

Then Andre's curse came from the priest's mouth:

"Do you want to die that bad, you bastard?"

"Hehehe, are all vampires so afraid of death? He can't escape now, hurry up, kill me now!"

Maybe he felt that he couldn't suppress his body and was afraid that Andre would control him to pull out the nail, so Father Anderson kept urging everyone to kill him.

But Ji Han and others were in an awkward position.

Looking at it this way, Andre obviously doesn't want to die. He is just threatening the priest, so it is actually beneficial to wait like this. He will definitely lower the conditions automatically.

But Father Anderson is determined to die with this guy at this time, and what Ji Han and the four lack most at the moment is time. If time teleportation occurs later, Father Anderson and Xiao Suan Tou alone at this time will definitely not be able to deal with it. situation at this time.

"Quick! Don't hesitate!"

As soon as Ji Han gritted his teeth and was about to pull out the white ivory, Eggplant next to him raised the Destroyer first.

"Fuck, I'll do it!"

But before Eggplant could pull the trigger, Little Garlic shouted:

"Wait a moment!"

"Now is not the time to hesitate. You know your master has already..."

"I come."

Not only Ji Han and others, but also Father Anderson showed a surprised expression.

The reason why he kept calling Ji Han and the others to take action was because he felt that he had just met Ji Han and the others and did not have such a deep relationship to make a move.

As for Xiao Suantou and him, the master-disciple relationship has become very deep along the way. It is really difficult for him to shoot.

But he didn't expect that Xiao Suantou would resolutely raise the gun towards him at this moment.

"Goodbye, master!"

"Goodbye, Garlic!"

With a simple farewell, without a moment's extra hesitation, Little Garlic directly pulled the ebony trigger.

There was a loud "bang", probably due to the huge recoil of the ebony wood. Little Garlic's shot hit Father Anderson directly on the left side of his forehead, and his left eye and the back of his head exploded.

Father Anderson's broken body also fell to the ground, completely motionless.

Even Ji Han didn't expect that Little Garlic would shoot without hesitation, and thought that he would at least cherish these last moments to say a few words to his master.

Of course Ji Han didn't know that when Father Anderson first accepted Little Garlic, the first thing he taught him was not to show mercy to his own people who had been assimilated by vampires.

The memory that just echoed in Suan Tou's mind:

At that time, he watched Father Anderson kill an assimilated vampire hunter friend with one sword.


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But even in the end, the two just said goodbye to each other without saying anything more.

But after returning from the mission, Suan Tou saw Father Anderson drinking alone with red eyes.

"Master, there was still some time, why don't you try again..."

Father Anderson drank all the wine on the table:

"Garlic, for vampire hunters, they often encounter vampires, assimilated people, infected people or experimental subjects. Sometimes it is really confusing, but there should be no hesitation about things that cannot be changed.

After the task is completed, you can vent your emotions as much as you want, cry or scream, it doesn't matter, but in the process of executing the task, there is only killing or not killing, there is never an in-between state to choose from.

This is the iron law that a vampire hunter must abide by. "

After the shot, Little Garlic finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to his knees, tears dripping down his cheeks.

Ji Han and the other four people also hurried over. Song Qian checked and comforted Little Garlic, while Ji Han, Chen Ke and Eggplant came over to check on Father Anderson's condition.

You can clearly see that the corners of Father Anderson's mouth are upward. I don't know whether he is laughing at himself for finally killing Andre, or at the fact that Little Garlic has finally become a qualified vampire hunter.

The headshot was undoubtedly the fatal blow. \\./hand\\./machine\\./version\\./first\\./issue\\./update\\./new~~

The key is to confirm that there are no traces of Andre on the body. After all, the priest has been sacrificed and the grandson cannot be given any chance of resurrection.

Ji Han scanned Father Anderson's body again and confirmed that there were no game props or skills displayed, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

If it were in the real world of his own timeline, then it would be possible to resurrect Father Anderson by relying on his own points.

But now I am still in the past dungeon. Even if I go out and use points to buy resurrection times, I can't resurrect this person who has been dead for hundreds of years.

Little Garlic didn't fall into sadness and couldn't extricate himself. After he stretched out his hand to wipe away his tears, he turned back to get the silver sword left by Father Anderson.

However, it is still a bit difficult for him to use this sword at present.

Seeing Suan Tou knelt down next to Father Anderson's body, and seeing that there was not much time left, Ji Han stepped forward to comfort him:

"Garlic, my condolences, what are your next plans? Do you need any help from us?"

Ji Han did not mention Father Anderson's previous suggestion of taking the child away. After all, no one knew where he would be transported.

Garlic knelt beside him and gently shook his head:

"Thank you for your help. You don't need to worry about me. I will return to the Vampire Hunter Association after I bury my master's body. I know I can't deal with these guys with my current ability."

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