I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 772 Built in the World

Latest website: With doubts, the four of them continued down the stairs and arrived at the second floor from top to bottom.

But what Ji Han and the others didn't expect was that the second floor was cleaner than the top floor. Except for the broken glass that fell to the ground and a layer of sand that blew in, there was not even the most basic furniture on this floor.

Chen Ke looked puzzled and said:

"Hey, what's going on? Were they all emptied when they left?"

Eggplant squatted down and inspected it carefully, shook his head and said:

"It's not that it was emptied, but there's no furniture placed here at all. There's no trace of any furniture on the floor or walls. This place may have always been empty."

Even Ji Han couldn't accept it. What was going on? We haven't traveled back in time yet, why do we seem to have arrived at the time when this building was just built?

Ji Han and the others continued to knock on the surrounding walls, hoping to find some dark rooms or mechanisms, but still found nothing.

"Brother Han, do we want to continue going down?"

"Wait a minute, Chen Ke, can your drone be used again? Save your energy and let's not run around. You first look at the drone up and down. If it's all empty, I'm afraid we have to start again. Think about it.”

Chen Ke released a drone and flew directly down the stairs, then projected the image directly on the wall.

As expected, the lower floor is still empty, and the same is true below. Except for the different degree of preservation of each floor of the building, almost every floor is the same.

Not to mention what kind of equipment or special space it is, there is not even the simple furniture seen upstairs.

Going down a few floors, it was indeed as Bourne said, the windows were sealed and it looked very dark, but even if the drone's light was turned on, it still illuminated an open space.

Eggplant lit up a cigarette, took two puffs and complained:

"Good guy, after all this hard work, the result is an unfinished building on a construction site."

Ji Han didn't give up yet and asked Chen Ke to send the drone outside to observe the situation of the entire building from the outside to see if there were any other hidden spaces.

But even if the drone flew out from the damaged area of ​​the iron fence and saw the building located between the gaps in the mountain, it still didn't find any problems.

The internal and external spaces are also consistent, and there seems to be no space to hide any visual differences.

Ji Han pinched his chin and guessed:

"Could it be that the real space is hidden in this mountain?"

Song Qian shook her head and said:

"Brother Han, I'm afraid that's not the case. If they really hollowed out the mountain and just connected the upper and lower parts through this building, there seems to be no need to build this building so tall and conspicuous.

And when I just went downstairs, I also noticed that there was almost no wear and tear on the stairs and the ground here, which means that there should be no people walking up and down here, so this guess may not be valid. "

Chen Ke took the drone back, sat on the ground and said doubtfully:

"This is strange. Could it be that those rich people came to such a far away place to practice their ability to build houses? They came here to paint and put cement on them to make them waterproof?"

Seeing Ji Han sitting on the ground without saying a word, Song Qian suggested:

"Brother Han, how about we teleport to the other world first to take a look at the situation there? Maybe we can find something?"

Ji Han thought:

"In the other world? In the other world, hey, do you think there is a possibility that the place where they really use this building is in the other world?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. Eggplant put out the cigarette butt and said:

"Huh, Ji Han, are you saying that this building was originally empty because they built this building here just for use in the other world, so the building in the real world has been abandoned here?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

Song Qian nodded and said:

"Well, it is indeed possible. The reason why they only put some furniture on the top floor may be because they can be teleported directly to the other world after reaching the top of the building, so they only need to rest there for a while and do not need to come down. to here."

Chen Ke also thought along this line of thinking:

"That makes sense. It really doesn't seem like there is any secret hidden here. Even if the defense above is relatively safe, it would be too unsafe to be exposed in the Valley of Death.

And if they really just hide some secrets here, there is no need to arrange so many space conversion signal jammers around them. It is obviously to prevent others from entering the other world.

When you build a house in the real world, the other world will definitely respond. If there are no accidents, you should be able to use it directly. However, if you find a group of people to build it in your world, it may not be so convenient.

This all makes sense, the only question is, what kind of secrets do they need to hide in the other world? "

Ji Han stood up from the ground and said:

"I'm afraid we won't know until we get there. Let's go back upstairs."

Song Qian asked:

"Brother Han, why don't we walk down there all over again?"

He took out the time and space compass in his backpack. At this moment, the compass only lit up with a faint light, and did not seem to mean to start the time and space teleportation.

Ji Han explained:

"I don't think there is any need to waste energy in such a place. In addition, I am also worried that the time and space compass on my body will react with the time ring obtained before. Then we will be transported back to a certain time unprepared like last time." It's embarrassing.

I noticed that as I walked down from the top, the light of the space-time compass became stronger and stronger. It is estimated that if I go to the bottom, I will definitely fall into time and space teleportation again. It’s rare that I didn’t meet anyone from the Dracula family this time. Let’s go inside. Let’s check the world before talking about it. "

After listening to Ji Han's words, in order to ensure safety, the four of them did not activate the teleportation downstairs. After all, those who came in should teleport from the simple living room upstairs, and there was no need to break other people's habits.

After returning upstairs and checking the ground again, Eggplant judged:

"No problem. Look, only the area near the tables and chairs is very smooth. It's probably where they waited so many times."

Before setting off, Ji Han also greeted the two captains and A Dong outside again, telling them that his group was about to enter the other world. They were also surprised that Ji Han and others moved the battlefield so quickly.

There was also news from Moss that their large force should arrive in an hour or two.

Hearing this, the four of Ji Han felt more at ease. Chen Ke pressed the space converter in his hand, and a white light appeared in front of Ji Han's eyes again.

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