I cheated in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 329 Real Card Playing

You Yao summoned a huge jet in excess.

At this point, he wants to call out the "Thunder Spirit" axis.

"Launch a huge jet effect."

"Send a multi-dimensional material to the graveyard, and special summon a 2-star monster from the deck to the field."

"After this effect is activated, until the end of the round, both parties are not 2-star, 2-level, and link2 cannot be special summoned."

Very powerful self-sufficiency effect on both sides! !

This is the power of the huge jet against "meteorite".

Meteorite: also known as "primitive life form-Nibiru", one of the stench hand pits, the nemesis of violent exhibition.

As long as the opponent reaches 5 special summons, this meteorite can appear on the field, clearing all monsters on the field of both sides

One card back to before liberation.

"This 2-star limit, why are you kidding?" Reynoldt looked at the ancient vanguard in his hand and fell into thought. This hand pit is useless.

Huge jet, 1 card prevents death of something that jumps around on the opposite turn.

"By using the huge jet effect, special summon the satellite spirit - the blue jet spirit."

You Yao pulled out this Thunder Spirit monster.

[Blue jet spirit, 1100 attack power]

"Activate the blue jet effect, which can only be activated when this card is successfully Special Summoned."

"Add 1 "Satellite" monster from your deck to your hand, except "Satellite: Blue Jet". "


You Yao performed a precise search and pulled out the white jet flow spirit.

Leijing card group, family spinning top, drawn to make you doubt life.

"If you have a Level 2 or Level 2 monster on your field, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand."

"White Jet Spirit, which can only be activated when the Special Summon is successful. Add 1 "Satellite Shining" magic/trap card from the deck to your hand. "

[White jet stream, 1300 attack power]

Clicking, another precise search, You Yao added "Satellite Shining, Starter" to the card in his hand.

Reynoldt had a gloomy expression.

Can't stop, can't stop this guy from unfolding.

what will happen after that

Reno Hart doesn't know!

"Summon the huge jet stream and the white jet stream spirit, link."

"Come out, it belongs to my future circuit."


At this time, Link's unique circuit mark appeared on You Yao's sky.


The huge jet stream and the white jet stream are spiritized and loaded as marks.

"Thunderbolt, wild, mischievous, come out, link2's great way."

[Satellite Shining - Mischievous Elf, 1400 attack power, mark:]

"This outsider can not only super summon, but also link summon." Reynoldt clenched his fists.

Naughty Elf has the powerful ability to revive 2-star, 2-level, and link2 monsters, and can also provide the ability to not take objects in the direction of the "arrow".

"I activated the effect of the mischievous elf, and specially summoned the white jet stream spirit in the cemetery."

The white jet stream spirit was revived again.

"Come out again, it belongs to my future circuit."


The link tag appears again.

Reynoldt had a little difficulty breathing, he was very angry: "Keep link summoning, are you still going to finish?"

You Yao ignored the other party, and he continued to operate: "Specially summon the white jet spirit and the blue jet spirit, link2."

"Two monsters other than conditional link monsters."

"Come out, IP, Lena from the masquerade party!!"

[IP, Lena of Masquerade Ball, 800 attack power, mark:]

At this time, Lena is under the mark of the naughty elf, so the former will not be the target of the card effect.

"I activate the magic card, the starter!" You Yao inserted the magic card.

[Igniter: Special Summon 1 "Satellite Shining" monster from the deck, and you lose basic points equal to the original ATK of that monster. After activating this card, until the end of the turn, you cannot Special Summon monsters that are not 2-star, 2nd-tier, or Link 2 monsters. 】

"I special summon from the deck, Satellite Shining-Red Jet Stream Spirit."

[Red Jet Flowing Spirit, 1800 Defense Power]

【You Yao: 4000LP→2800LP】

You Yao glanced at the card in his hand, he hasn't been summoned normally yet.

But there is no suitable card in hand.

Could it be that the value-added G is usually summoned?

Of course, it's not impossible, because G is 2 stars, but You Yao chose to keep it.

In fact, in the environment of 4000 blood, this round can kill Reynolds Hart.

However, some cards in You Yao's extra deck are not complete.

"Enter the battle stage." You Yao attacked the melo mermaid with the mischievous elves.

Naughty Blaster!


Merlot mermaid rushed to the street on the spot.

[Reynolds: 4000LP → 3400LP]

"I cover a card."

You Yao ended the round, and he made a card of his favorite god old man.

"It's my turn." Renault Hart drew a card.

Looking at the drawn cards, Reynolds smiled, very happy.

He got the Lamentation Siren Mermaid!

"Activate the Siren Mermaid effect, Special Summon this card from your hand, choose 1 monster from your hand and send it to the Graveyard. After that, send the top 3 cards from your deck to the Graveyard."

Reynoldt still has a second ancient guard in his hand.

As long as the ancient guard is sent to the tomb, 5 cards can be piled up immediately, and the siren mermaid can pile up 3 more cards, a total of eight cards!

Only when the Tears of Lamentation and Earth Angel series enter the cemetery can the effect of destroying the world be produced.

Of course, the premise is not to eat health.

"All right, Dorcana."

You Yao showed the card in his hand, it was the second Gray Liuli.

If you have a second Ancient Guard, then of course he has a second Gray Liuli.

Huiliuli flew out, and she kicked the siren mermaid in the face: "Daba daba~"

The real siren mermaid who was watching the show behind You Yao, touched her face, always feeling that she was kicked from the air for no reason.

"A little pain"

Huiliu Likang lost the siren mermaid effect, failed to send tomb ancient guards, and the subsequent method of stacking 3 cards also failed.

"When Huiliuli is activated, I activate the naughty spirit effect in a chain, and special summon a 2-star monster from the graveyard, the blue jetling spirit."

You Yao continued to operate.

C1 Siren Mermaid, C2 Gray Liuli, C3 Naughty Elf.


The mischievous elf pulls the cemetery, specially summons the blue jet stream spirit, Huiliu Likang loses the effect of the siren mermaid, and the siren mermaid is invalid.

"Activate the effect of the blue jet, and retrieve a satellite monster card from the deck." You Yao continued to tell the story.

Brother Octopus was very angry, he ate 2 gray Liuli.


Reynoldt still has the means.

"Link your blue jet stream, and activate the effect of the ancient vanguard in your hand."

"Send it to the Graveyard because of you, and activate it by targeting 1 Special Summoned monster on the opponent's side of the field. Special Summon this card from the hand, and return the targeted monster to the owner's hand."

Renohart wanted to bring Mischievous Spirit back to the extra deck, he always felt that if he continued to play Mischievous Spirit, something would happen.


"Then I will use the red elf to chain your ancient vanguard to activate the effect, release the blue jet stream spirit, and invalidate your ancient vanguard."

You Yao activated the power of the red elf, the naughty elf is still useful, how could he bounce back.

Start billing.

The blue jet spirit was liberated, and the red spirit invalidated the special moves and bullet cards of the ancient vanguard. You Yao used the liberated blue jet spirit to retrieve the "pink jet spirit" (radish spirit) in the card group.


Eat ashes, eat health, and then continue to suspend trading.

The world is bad, there is no such fate as the world of DM Yu-Gi-Oh.

That's how it's actually played here.

Most of them were suspended by Kang, and then directly waited to die.

Magic draw, India card, strong luck?


The mark of the link monster will be automatically erased by the clicker

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