.” As a result, Dr. Ling from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the people from the Department of Security were about to start working together . Director, go and have a look !”

.” What did you say ? Someone brought us medical protective clothing ?”

.Dong Changhua couldn’t help being slightly startled , and hurriedly walked out of the hospital .

.Soon , Dong Changhua brought Huang Weizhi and Ouyang Zhen, the director of the medical department, to the gate of the hospital .

.When Dong Changhua brought Dong Changhua and others to the gate of the hospital .

.Then they saw a large truck with eight rear wheels parked at the entrance of the hospital , which was actually full of medical protective suits .

.At this moment , Li Meijuan, the head nurse of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was arguing with the people from the security department, and almost got into a fight .

.” Let me tell you , you open the door of the hospital to me right now . This batch of medical protective suits must be unloaded immediately , otherwise it will be a big disaster . ”

.” I don’t care whether your Chinese medicine department needs these medical protective suits . As long as you don’t have the signature of the medical department or the director, any medical equipment from outside cannot be brought in at will . ”

.” Why are you so stubborn ? Isn’t what I said, Li Meijuan, not clear enough ?”

.” Anyway, I’ve been working in our hospital for more than ten years . Do you think I would joke with you about this kind of thing ?”

.” I don’t care , anyway, without the signature of the medical department or the director , these medical protective suits cannot be pulled in . ”

.Xiao Chen from the Security Department was constantly arguing with Li Meijuan, the head nurse of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

.The two look like shrews scolding the street !

.Ling Haotian stood aside and glared angrily .

.If it wasn’t for Li Meijuan pulling him ,

.Ling Haotian has already started it !

.You know , in this situation, for the entire Lincheng People’s Hospital , time is life !

.During this quarrel .

.Maybe someone inside the hospital has been infected with the anthrax virus .

.It’s a pity that the people in the security department just don’t listen to their explanations , no matter what they say, they won’t let the cars outside come in .

.PS: The new book is on the shelves , please subscribe , ask for support , ask for a reward ! ! ! .

Chapter 108 _ Enter the isolation ward ( please subscribe , ask for reward )

.The door of the hospital .

.After seeing this scene , Dean Dong Changhua raised his brows slightly , and immediately stepped forward and scolded Xiao Chen from the Security Section :

.” Okay , stop arguing , this is a hospital , not a vegetable market !”

.Dong Changhua glared angrily at Xiao Chen from the Security Section , and couldn’t help but continue to curse :

.” Didn’t you say that you need my signature to be released ? I’m standing here now , do you want my signature ?”

.” No no no no more !”

.” Then don’t you open the door for me , don’t you know that these medical protective suits are what the hospital needs now ?”

.” Yes yes yes , I’ll open it , I’ll open it now . ”

.When Xiao Chen from the Security Department saw Dong Changhua appear , he couldn’t help trembling with fright , and quickly opened the door of the hospital ~ .


.Then , a truck full of medical protective clothing outside – drove in .

.The group of people in the security department stood aside and did not dare to move, for fear that they would make the dean unhappy and lose their jobs .

.Squeak !

.After the truck drove into the hospital and stopped steadily .

.The truck driver opened the door and jumped down , holding a manifest and shouting to the crowd :

.” Who is Dr. Ling Haotian Ling ? Could you please sign this receipt ?”

.” Well , I am ”

.Ling Haotian walked forward with a smile, took out the gel pen stuck in the mouth of the white coat , and signed his name on the receipt .

.” Thank you !”

.The truck driver thanked him with a smile , and then began to take people to unload the goods .

.As one piece of medical protective clothing was moved out of the car .

.Dong Changhua , Huang Weizhi , Ouyang Zhen and the others who were standing beside them couldn’t help being dumbfounded .

.what is this ?

.All these medical protective suits were obtained by Ling Haotian ?

.Where did he get these medical protective suits ?

.Dean Dong Changhua couldn’t help but have countless question marks in his mind. He walked up to Ling Haotian with a puzzled look and asked :

.” Are these medical protective suits sent by you?”

.” Hehe , hello dean !”

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help laughing , and quickly greeted him .

.Then , he explained with a smile :

.” These medical protective suits were donated by me looking for caring people . Please rest assured, Dean , these medical protective suits will not cost a penny in the yard . ”

.” What did you say ?”

.” Are these medical protective suits donated by you from caring people ?”

.Dong Changhua couldn’t help being stunned !

.Where did so many loving people come from ?

.Why can’t I find it myself ? !

.In fact, it does not mean that he, the dean, could not find caring people to donate medical materials .

.It just said that even if the caring people he found donated medical supplies , it would never be like the caring person Ling Haotian found .

.The speed of this donation can be so fast !

.For a time , Dong Changhua couldn’t help but be filled with emotion , then smiled and patted Ling Haotian’s shoulder and said :

.” Well , it’s good , it’s really good !”

.”I can’t believe that Dr. Xiaoling, you can find so many medical protective clothing in such a short period of time. It seems that the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine has applied for you a professional title . You really solved a big problem for our hospital. !”

.Hearing this , Ling Haotian’s brows couldn’t help but raise his brows slightly , and said lightly :

.” Dean , don’t you think that the top priority now is to let everyone put on protective clothing first , and then immediately conduct an anthrax virus test for all doctors and patient groups ?”

.” This disease can’t be dragged on , and if it drags on, there will be an accident . ”

.You know , it has been almost three hours since the closure of the Western Medicine Department .

.If you don’t take the time to do a comprehensive inspection .

.I’m afraid it may be uncontrollable later !

.Hearing Ling Haotian say this .

.Dong Changhua instantly remembered the business , and nodded quickly and said :

.” Yes, yes , and what Dr. Ling said is right . Now we must immediately conduct an anthrax virus test on all doctors and patients in the hospital . ”

.As he said that, Dong Changhua turned his head and instructed Huang Weizhi, the deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine on the side :

.” Huang Weizhi , quickly make all doctors , nurses and patients in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine put on medical protective clothing , and immediately conduct virus inspections on everyone . ”

.” Yes , Dean , I’ll make arrangements now . ”

.Huang Weizhi couldn’t help but nodded quickly , and then took the head nurse Li Meijuan to arrange a test .

.Not long after .

.All medical staff and patients in the entire department of traditional Chinese medicine put on medical protective clothing .

.Subsequently , under the personal leadership of Dean Dong Changhua .

.Everyone in the entire TCM department had an anthrax virus test .

.In the end, it was found that four patients had been infected with anthrax .

.The four patients included a doctor and two nurses , as well as which patient had already become ill .

.Because at that time the doctor and two nurses were responsible for taking care of the sick patients .

.So when the patient starts vomiting blood .

.A few of them were unfortunately infected .

.When Dong Changhua learned of the result , his entire brows were about to knit together .

.This time there were three more infected patients , and they were also medical staff in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

.People from the city health bureau will be here soon .

.If people from the Municipal Health Bureau knew about this , wouldn’t the whole person be closed at the City People’s Hospital ?

.After all, this anthrax is highly contagious .

.Thinking of this , Dong Changhua immediately held an emergency meeting at the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

.As for why not go to the Western Medicine Department for a meeting .

.In this case, all the western medicine departments of Lincheng People’s Hospital are closed , and it is unknown how many people are infected with anthrax !

.At this moment , in the conference room of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

.All the doctors of Chinese medicine were called over .

.Even Director Yang, who asked for leave , was called from home by Director Dong Changhua .

.” This time, a case of anthrax suddenly appeared in our hospital , and everyone has seen the situation . It can be said to be quite serious now . ”

.Holding the inspection report in his hand, Dong Changhua said to everyone present with a serious face :

.” In less than three hours , four anthrax patients also appeared in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine , and three of them are medical staff in our hospital . ”

.” People from the Municipal Health Bureau are now on their way to our hospital. Can you tell us what to do now ?”

.With Dong Changhua’s question as soon as it came out .

.Everyone at the scene couldn’t help you look at me , I looked at you , and everyone became quiet .

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Chapter 109 _ Prescribing Back to the sun ! ( please subscribe , ask for reward )

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