.It didn’t take long .

.Ling Haotian swiped the news of his news on Douyin .

.In the picture on the mobile phone screen, the director of the health bureau was leading a group of people into the isolation ward , and then cordially condoled to the patient lying on the hospital bed .

.For a moment , Ling Haotian couldn’t help but be stunned .

.Although he and Director Yang in the picture are all wearing medical protective clothing .

.But he has no reason to see his own image wrong .

.All of a sudden , Ling Haotian regained his spirits . After watching this video carefully , he flipped through the comments in the lower right corner .

.” Fuck , when did the Lincheng People’s Hospital have an infectious disease ? Why didn’t I hear about it �”!”

.” Seriously , the response speed of the Lincheng Health Bureau is really fast !”

.” I was in Lincheng People’s Hospital yesterday and there was an anthrax-infected patient , but I didn’t expect the news to come out tonight . ”

.” By the way, have you noticed ?”

.” It seems that a doctor named Ling Haotian cured anthrax with Chinese medicine . Is it true ? Can this Chinese medicine cure anthrax ?”

.” You who are upstairs have long hair and short knowledge . The Chinese medicine of our ancestors is very powerful . ”

.” My own experience , bone fracture , plaster cast by western medicine , 50 yuan for a pair of Chinese medicine medicine, barely walking for 5 days, normal walking for 8 days , and 14 days of jumping around , but only a dull pain , and completely healed within a month . ”

.” I personally experienced it , so I believe in Chinese medicine !”

.” I haven’t seen it, just haven’t ?”

.” Some people really have long hair and short knowledge , but that’s right . After all, not everyone can learn what our ancestors left behind . This thing is mainly about a talent !”

.” If you look at it this way , this doctor Ling from Lincheng People’s Hospital is really superb in medicine . ”

.”I just don’t know if he will treat the lung disease ? I want to see him !”

.” I also want to see a Chinese medicine doctor . Does anyone have one ? Please form a team !”

.” Please team +1 . ”

.” Recently, I always feel that I have a little kidney deficiency , and I want to go to the old Chinese doctor to see it. The boss will wait for me to go !”

.Ling Haotian was shocked to see that this Douyin video had more than 500,000 likes .

.Countless netizens commented on it .

.For a while , Ling Haotian couldn’t help but say with a look of surprise :

.” Fuck , I didn’t expect so many people to pay attention to the treatment of infectious diseases with traditional Chinese medicine . It seems that I still underestimate the power of Internet communication !”

.Judging by the volume of messages on Douyin .

.Ling Haotian didn’t even have to wait until tomorrow , almost predicting how many patients would come to see him tomorrow .

.Especially in the video, he was directly named by Director Fang of the Municipal Health Bureau .

.This piece of news is no less than the Municipal Health Bureau’s endorsement of Ling Haotian , which directly spread his fame to the entire Internet .

.At the same time .

.Dean Dong, Yang Guangwen and others who were resting at home .

.After eating, they swiped Douyin , and they actually swiped this Douyin at the same time .

.”.”Fuck , what happened in our hospital is on the news ? Is it so fast ?”

.Dean Dong Changhua couldn’t help but startled slightly , and there was a hint of excitement on his face .

.By the way , Ling Haotian !

.This Doctor Ling Haotian was named by Director Fang of the Municipal Health Bureau .

.Good thing you’re smart .

.Early this morning, Yang Guangwen signed a professional title contract with this Doctor Ling .

.Otherwise .

.I am afraid that in a few days, many hospitals will dig their own corners, right ?

.For a time , Dong Changhua couldn’t help but excitedly praised his wit.

.At this moment , Yang Guangwen was thinking about the same thing as Dean Dong Changhua .

.Fortunately, this news is only released tonight .

.If it had been released last night , it is estimated that there was no way to keep Ling Haotian in the previous contract .

.After all, this person is going to the top !

.In case other hospitals come to dig the wall .

.Then their hospital might not have the ability to keep Ling Haotian behind .

.But now the contract has been signed .

.Yang Guangwen had nothing to worry about in his heart .

.On the contrary, not only did he not have the slightest worry , but he also had to vigorously declare Ling Haotian’s medical skills .

.So Yang Guangwen didn’t even think about it , he just clicked forward and shared , and instantly forwarded the Douyin video to all his friends .

.In addition, he also took a look at everyone in the circle of friends and edited a message saying :

.” Thanks to the leaders of the Municipal Health Bureau for their strong affirmation of the work of our hospital. All the medical staff of our Lincheng People’s Hospital will not forget their mission , continue to move forward , and strive to diagnose and treat their diseases for the general public and protect everyone’s health. Escort !”

.Ding !

.For a time , all of Yang Guangwen’s friends received a push message .

.Dean Dong, who was about to like the video, couldn’t help but be slightly taken aback . After reading the tweet sent by Yang Guangwen , he smiled and said :

.” Haha , I didn’t expect Director Yang’s writing skills to be quite high ! This sentence is really well written and deserves praise !”

.Having said that, Dean Dong also clicked on forwarding and sharing , and by the way @@ 10 of the friends he knew .

.PS: The previous value of Long Yanxiang is indeed a miscalculation by the author . It is seven small goals , not seven million . It has been revised . Thank you for the reminder ! .

Chapter 116 _ Add a clinic for Ling Haotian ( please subscribe , please reward )

.After a long while .

.Ling Haotian finally came back to his senses , smiled and said to Wang Xiaocong on the other end of the phone :

.” Well , I’m just resting today , or you can send someone to bring the contract over and I’ll sign it , and then I’ll just give him the recipe and take it back !”

.” Uh , that ‘s fine , then I’ll let Lao Chen come to you with the contract !”

.After Wang Xiaocong nodded with a smile , he hung up the phone and asked Chen Kongming to go to Ling Haotian with the contract .

.After Ling Haotian hung up , he directly found one and sat down , quietly waiting for Chen Kongming’s arrival .

.boom boom boom

.ten minutes later .

.It was followed by a low roar of a sports car .

.Chen Kongming braked suddenly in the silver sports car , and appeared in front of Ling Haotian in an instant .

.” I’m going , are you really fast enough ?”

.Ling Haotian lowered his head and glanced at the watch he was wearing , and couldn’t help looking at Chen Kongming who got out of the car with emotion and jokingly said .

.Chen Kongming shrugged his shoulders expressionlessly and said :

.” It’s okay , at least I didn’t speed in the city , I still have some common sense of safety . ”

.While speaking , Chen Kongming took out a contract from his arms and handed it directly to Ling Haotian and continued :

.” This is the contract that the boss asked me to bring to you, Mr. Ling . You can sign it if there is no problem . I’d better take it back to hand over it earlier . ”

.Ling Haotian took it with a smile and looked at it carefully , and found that Wang Xiaocong actually gave him 60% of the shares in this contract .

.That is to say .

.He is only responsible for making a few recipes , and he can hold 60% of the shares in a company with a registered asset of tens of millions .

.This kind of business does n’t seem like a loss !

.Brush ! Brush ! Brush !

.Immediately after , Ling Haotian signed his name on the contract without thinking about it .

.After watching Ling Haotian sign his name .

.Chen Kongming snatched the contract and turned around , as if he didn’t want to stay and have a cup of tea with Ling Haotian .

.” I’ll wipe , you’re too cold , aren’t you ?”

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but complained at Chen Kongming , and then drank tea to himself , not caring at all about Chen Kongming’s attitude towards him .

.Perhaps a retired special soldier like Chen Kongming .

.It’s all like that, right ?

.Ling Haotian chuckled and pouted , then sat and drank the tea in front of him , settled the bill and went home to rest .

.After all, he has to work the night shift at night !

.in the next period of time .

.Ling Haotian didn’t go anywhere , so he stayed at home to rest , either by swiping Douyin on his mobile phone or logging in to the medical APP for consultation .

.Although it was a hot day , there were not many patients who consulted online during the day .

.Fortunately, Ling Haotian had basically received good reviews on the Internet before .

.Therefore, there are still some people who will look for him on the Internet for consultation .

.Soon , the whole day passed quickly .

.Ling Haotian successfully consulted three patients before and after . The other patients were either unable to provide photos , or could not accurately judge their conditions because they were unable to conduct actual face-to-face consultations .

.Although Ling Haotian’s medical skills as a whole are very close to the realm of a master of traditional Chinese medicine .

.But Chinese medicine is still a medical technique .

.instead of magic !

.Since this is not magic .

.Naturally, there are some diseases that cannot be diagnosed by inspection alone .

.The face-to-face part is sometimes an essential part .

.The so-called face-to-face consultation refers to the face-to-face observation of each other’s symptoms with the patient .

.Only in this way can accurate prescriptions be given .

.in the evening .

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