Just like the Golden Plume Award in China in the previous life, it became a joy in the mouths of players, and was ridiculed as the "Golden Broom" award.

"Chen, we can do it! In addition to the game exhibition celebration, I believe that players also need a carnival that belongs to them!" York Lennon said to Chen Xu.

"Okay, you know me well, and I was indeed told by the blueprint you drew." Looking at York Lennon in front of him, Chen Xu sighed with emotion and said with a smile.

For the current Chen Xu, York Lennon, and even Qin Yi.

In fact, it is not just for money, for them, they have already achieved their financial freedom.

To say something that feels a bit big and empty, what they want to do more is to change the entire industry.

In fact, they have been working hard to do this.

From "Battlefield" and "Ayrden's Circle", the buyout system has been implemented, so that more game manufacturers realize that the buyout system can make a lot of money as long as it is excellent, so that players have more choices.

Then go to the construction of the Wonderland (Eden) game mall, and finally (bibf) end the chaos in the industry where channels are king.

And the layout of the NS handheld for the mobile terminal, as well as York Lennon's support for third-party independent game companies over the years.

It can be said that Nebula Games and Chen Xu's philosophy have never changed so far.

Nebula Games will not stop now, nor will it stop in the future.

"Fair and just, we can't be both judges and players ourselves." York Lennon said to Chen Xu with great interest.

"The right to vote should belong to the major media around the world, and the more neutral and objective media should be selected based on past game ratings. In addition, player ratings in major game malls should also be included in the selection of games. Personal editor's preferences to judge." Gabe Newell proposed.

"In addition, we can't just hold it all, we need to let more people serve as sponsors of the award." Iwata Oki went on to add.

Listening to the words of the two, Chen Xu nodded lightly.

He understood what the two of them meant.

The main reason for not judging by the media’s personal preferences is that to some extent, media editors and players sometimes view a game from a different angle.

The real audience of the game is the players, not the personal show of the media and manufacturers.

As for the meaning of Iwata Chong, it is to let more manufacturers participate.

It's not that Nebula Games and York Lennon can't afford awards, not even thinking about commercialization.

Simply investing at a loss is a drop in the bucket for Nebula Games or York Lennon.

The key is to get other major manufacturers to join in and let them understand that this award is open and fair, not something that Nebula Games will operate behind the scenes.

Win or not, it all depends on the quality of the game.

"We will be responsible for this part. I will contact AE games and SIGA and other manufacturers."

"But when the best game of the year comes, don't let other game makers take it away!"

York Lennon teased and said to Chen Xu.

"You can rest assured about the game. In fact, we already have a masterpiece in development." Chen Xu smiled.

"Masterpiece? What type? NS or VR?" York Lennon was excited.

For him, the most motivated thing is to change the global game industry together with Nebula Games and make his own voice.

That's probably a game of playing Nebula Games.

"It won't be on NS, it's mainly VR, and I think you may like the theme of the new game." Chen Xu smiled, and then took out a revolver from the drawer in the office next to him. Of course it wasn't. A real guy, but a model that can't be reloaded.

"Revolver? Western theme?" As if thinking of something, York Lennon shuddered.

"That's right." Chen Xu nodded with a smile.

"My God! I can't wait a little bit, you may not know that my grandpa used to be a Texas cowboy! There are white-tailed antlers in my house that he once hunted!" York Lennon was excited, even Some can't wait.

But then he suddenly thought of something, the originally excited expression subsided, revealing a strange look.

"However, Chen, do you know 'Journey to the West'?"

Chen Xu nodded: "Of course, this western-themed game is determined because of watching that movie, but I don't like the core of that movie."

"I don't like it very much, but I have to say that his special effects and stories are really good, but that's not the point. SIGA has been discussing the rights to adapt this IP with the copyright owner of 'Journey to the West', but the other party The demand for copyright and buyout is too high, and the copyright cooperation is at an impasse," said York Lennon.

It's not surprising, after all, this movie is indeed a big hit, and compared to other movies, it is more suitable for game adaptation.

After listening to York Lennon's words, Chen Xu was not surprised.

"SIGA? It just so happens that the progress of the new project has reached the stage of publicity and warm-up. Show our sincerity and bring SIGA over first." Chen Xu thought for a while before speaking.

In the case of SIGA, after NS went online before, although the other party also killed it.

But the game industry is not zero-sum but not completely without competition.

In addition, when "Grand Theft Auto" encountered a crisis of public opinion, SIGA also stood up.


On the Internet, the topic of gamification and copyright of 'Journey to the West' has also caused controversy among many players.

After all, this movie is really hot, and it can even be included in the top 50 at the global box office.

The news of gamification has naturally attracted the continuous attention of many audiences and players.

But obviously there is such a big achievement, the film copyright owns Nahua, and obviously wants to eat a big one.

Although it wants to buy the adaptation rights, SIGA is obviously not willing to pay such a large price, after all, the risk is too great.

And movies change games, just as games change movies, and the risks are definitely not small.

For a time, the negotiation also reached a deadlock, and both parties wanted to take advantage of it.

Negotiating, this is normal.

But just when everyone is still paying attention to what price the copyright can finally be sold for this time.

To everyone's surprise, Chen Xu appeared.

A simple official blog message has excited players and media around the world.

It also made SIGA, who was negotiating with Nahua, the copyright owner of "Journey to the West", fortunate.

The content of the official blog is very simple.

Original painting on a blood red background with a cowboy hat and a Colt revolver.

Below the center, a line of small characters is engraved: In 1899, the era of outlaws and sharpshooters is coming to an end;

Cowboy hat, revolver, 1899, the era of outlaws and sharpshooters is coming to an end.

Even if it is not stated explicitly, these few keywords have already shown everything.

It's like saying 'Welcome to Westworld' to them!

Chen Xu's new work turned out to be a western-themed game! .

Chapter 264 The unique western time, obviously we came first!

"Damn it! The old thief is also planning to make a western-themed game?"

"Needless to say? Cowboy hat, revolver, and this year. This is not a Western theme, do you believe it?"

"It's so awesome. I was still wondering if it is possible for Nebula Games to win the copyright of 'Journey to the West'. Now, the old thief directly said what IP he wanted, and we made our own IP!"

"It's so strong! But I don't know what type it is! Open world?"

"I don't know, but the western theme must be related to the gameplay of action shooting."

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry to get excited. Didn't you find this time that the old thief picked? There are too many things to say about this time!"

"Indeed, in the developed cities in the east at this time in 1899, all kinds of technologies have been spread to the west, which is a period of integration."

"That's right, in general movies and novels, all Western themes usually choose the period of the Westward Movement, the most glorious era, and 1899 is the era when the Western era is about to come to an end."

"Even in a few years, the western railway network will be fully formed, and it will enter the period of Moxigoge's life."

"It can only be said that the western theme at this point in time is really difficult!"

“Yes, including the ‘Journey to the West’ is also based on the background period of the Westward Movement, when the Rangers and the Indians fought riotously.”

‘Don’t say it, brothers believe the old thief! ’

‘Just don’t say anything, have confidence in the old thief! As long as the pre-order is open, I will definitely buy it! ’

Countless players and the media in the game industry have begun to discuss it.

Most people are surprised by the choice made by Nebula Games and Chen Xu.

The development of western-themed games is beyond the expectations of many people.

What's more, judging from the information released at the end, the timeline is still locked in the special period of the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century.

Some people think that Chen Xu and Nebula Games have no way of grasping it. Similarly, the reputation of Nebula Games for so many years has given him many support, so he chooses no brains to believe.

But no matter what, no one thinks that Nebula Games is rubbing off on the popularity.

Except for the Nahua Group, which is preparing for the "Journey to the West" movie-modified game.

Western-themed movies, plus news of preparing to negotiate rights to develop games.

Everything was fine, why was the limelight suddenly taken away?

What's more, no one has suspected that the other party is rubbing heat!

It makes no sense!

Of course, what Nahua didn't understand more was SIGA, who was still arguing with them.

With the announcement of this game called Nebula Games, it began to rot in an instant.

Originally, their copyright negotiation was mainly stuck on the numbers of buyout and share.

Nahua Group hopes that SIGA can win the copyright at a price of 5 million US dollars and give 30% of the subsequent income of the game.

It can be said that the lion has opened his mouth, and SIGA hopes to win the copyright at the price of 2.5 million US dollars, and the share will be reduced to 20%.

It is still a relatively superior condition. After all, the movie "Journey to the West" is really popular, and it is also very popular now.

But even so, Nahua Group is still sitting on the Diaoyutai side, because they can feel that bringing SIGA is really like winning their game adaptation copyright.

But now, with Nebula Games announcing the development of similar western-themed games.

The face on SIGA's side changed instantly, making Nahua even wonder if the other party was pretending before.

"$1.5 million, 10% split? Are you kidding me?" In the conference room, listening to the SIGA offer, Kevin, chairman and CEO of Nahua Group, was angry.

Did this guy cut his waist straight?

Not to mention their previous expectations, even SIGA's original conditions are not as good!

"At this moment, Kevin, you should have also seen the announcement of Nebula Games, they are developing a brand new masterpiece, and it happens to be a western theme, 'Journey to the West' itself is really excellent, but its value is more source Due to the hot momentum, but now even if we buy the copyright, we will have to go online for the last year, and it has no original value." SIGA's CEO Depp shook his head slightly.

"A project news and a promotional poster scared you?" Kevin looked incredulous.

"It's just an unwise collision." Depp coughed lightly, but he was also a little embarrassed.

Will you speak?

What do you mean by being frightened?

Just avoid conflicts of interest!

"It's still like that, I can't accept this offer!" Kevin put his hands on the table.

"Then we can only cooperate next time." Depp stood up from the seat and stretched out his hand.

However, on the surface, it is regrettable, but Depp is relieved in his heart.

After the failure of Saturn, I saw "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" launched by Nebula Games, and after the great success of NS.

While calm, Depp also studied deeply, and finally came to the conclusion that Nebula Games never fought unprepared battles.

Thinking of his conversation with York Lennon last night, Depp understood that this time the other party made such a high-profile announcement. On the one hand, he wanted to sell himself a favor, and on the other hand, he also had absolute trust in himself.


Perhaps after Nebula Games has launched this western-themed game, they may eat a wave of meat with the heat driven by the other party, but they may also lose everything.

Therefore, the price previously offered is already the highest for Depp.

Anything more is a high-risk, low-reward gamble.

"Boss, do we need to continue looking for the next buyer?" Looking at Kevin with a sullen face, the marketing manager next to him asked tentatively.

It seems that this is just a simple copyright sale, but they themselves know that in fact this time there is a very important strategic element for the Nahua Group, that is, the gamification of film and television copyrights.

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