Can such a ghost game steal all the heat? Nebula game, you are poisonous! .

Chapter 334 You can't believe a word of the old thief! The new tour promotion CG is online

Inside the Nebula Game Lounge

"Sure enough, Mr. Chen, you didn't go to the exhibition, not because you were nervous at work, but because you were afraid of being targeted by players!" Ruan Xue complained while looking at Chen Xu, who was leaning on the chair and swiping his phone happily.

"That's right, if you, Mr. Chen, appeared at the scene, I felt that the players' emotions would explode!" Yang Xin also said.

The two games, Sledgehammer and Cat Rio, are very popular online.

But the resentment of the players is also quite high.

Especially the players at the Tokyo Game Show are going to break through the sky.

Players who went to the exhibition actually held the mentality that there would not be any big surprises at the beginning.

After all, Chen Xu and the official blog of Nebula Games have already been vaccinated.

But I never expected that when they came to the scene in person, there would be a 'surprise' waiting for them.

But this surprise is much more than - happy.

The terrifying "Silent Hill PT", as well as two blood pressure-pulling mini-games.

This is purely because the blood pressure of the players who dislike the exhibition is too low, and I want to mention it to them.

And the effect is very good, players who have fully experienced these three games, the blood vessels have burst!

"The psychological endurance of the players is still a little weak. After the training of Black Soul and the French Ring, they can't bear it anymore." Chen Xu sighed with emotion.

At the same time, he happily opened his official blog, and then sent a long text.

"You may not believe it, in fact, Cat Leo and Sledgehammer are not a malicious game."

"It is true that some of its settings are too malicious, but it is not impossible to clear the level. Indeed, it may make players have some mental explosions, making players feel pain and even cry."

"But think about it, are these two games just like our lives?"

"There is no regret in every action. It may succeed or fail, or even fall short."

"But even so, we can only face our choices and continue to move forward on the unknown road."

"In the process, we may suffer unimaginable setbacks, and may even pay a painful price, falling from a height and being bruised and bruised, and encountering all kinds of unimaginable setbacks."

"But what we should and can only do is to get up from the ground and pat the dust, clean up the mood from the starting flagpole, and challenge and work hard towards our life goals again."

"Whether it's a game or reality, after every setback, we learn from the previous experience and make ourselves closer to the final goal and closer to our dream."

"In addition, at the end, you can look forward to the new work of Nebula Games, which will be a cooperative game between NS and PC platforms, a unique game. I believe it will bring you the purest happiness."

Following Chen Xu's official blog post, all the players were silent.

Of course, it's not that he was deeply touched, but simply fell into silence.

Believe in your evil!

All players have this idea.

"I'm stupid!"

"Tears, it turns out that the old thief is so well-intentioned, these are actually two philosophy games!"

"Hehe, do you believe it?"

"I believe in a hammer! From the second game of the old thief, I know that this guy likes to watch our players suffer!"

"+1, have you forgotten Dark Souls, the Ring of Law, and "Red Dead Redemption" and "Call of Duty"?"

"I'm done! Does the old thief think we'll believe it?"

"Kill the old thief!"

"Take me to the one who killed the old thief!"

"However, by the way, didn't you notice the news that the old thief revealed at the end? The new work is a cooperative game?"

"Fuck, co-op? It's not like the breakup kitchen, is it?"

"Feel the purest happiness? I don't believe a word of what the old thief said!"

Online players have been complaining and discussing.

Including players at the Tokyo Game Show, whether domestic or foreign, even if they don't know each other.

But as long as they complain about Chen Xu's official blog, they instantly become good friends.

But Tucao returns to Tucao, wait until the last day, when the finale new game promotional trailer arrives.

All the players focused on the door of the Nebula game exhibition area for the first time.

Because everyone knows that it is different from Cat Leo and Sledgehammer.

Although it was produced by Nebula Games, there was no publicity at all, and it didn't say anything about the fees. It can be seen that these two games are just plain bad fun of old thieves.

And this cooperative game, whose name is still unclear, obviously cannot be the same as Cat Leo and Sledgehammer.

Other than that, it is definitely not a level in terms of quality.

On the scene of Nebula Games' exhibition area, after reaching the time point, all the black displays instantly turned on.

Then a wooden door appeared in the picture.

With a crunch, the wooden door was slowly pushed open in the light.

A bizarre book with a human face appeared in the picture.

At the same time, a line of words is written on its body: The Book of Love

'This is a story about a magical world! ’

Raising his hands, the Book of Love laughed in a rough voice, as if to welcome the players who were about to enter this magical world.


At the same time, the lens of the picture is zoomed out.

Scenes with different shapes are constantly skipped.

Bright and gorgeous lighthouse...metallic clock tower...beautiful world of ice and snow...

Similar to the cartoon style of "Super Mario: Odyssey", but more realistic.

'There are many mages and warriors here! Fight! ’

In the castle, a Nendoroid and a puppet, wearing armor and holding a sword and shield, as well as a robe and a staff, are constantly fighting against various monsters.

But although it is a monster, this cartoon is still very cute in the style of the cartoon.

The last pink elephant on the throne seemed to welcome the two.

'An epic saga, wow! The legendary great captain is looking for the treasures of the sea! ’

Or the puppets and clay before, obviously these two villains are the protagonists of the game.


They sit on small wooden sailing boats, constantly prospecting in rough seas, while dodging giant octopuses and sharks.

‘biubiubiu! Do you want to be a savior? Come on, travel through time and space with me! ’

In the technologically-sense metal gear clock tower world, accompanied by a big explosion, two villains were knocked flying in the firelight.

'Let's compare! See who is faster! ’

In the world of ice and snow, two people are riding a sleigh and seem to be racing.

Then countless fragmented scenes flashed by, avoiding wasps in tree holes, fighting squirrels on planes... Avoiding spiders in the forest.

‘Wait… I seem to have forgotten something! Oh yes, these two little dolls, almost forgot that they were once human beings! ’

The shots of the final picture are frozen on the two dolls.

At the same time, a photo appeared.

The men and women in wedding dresses and suits smiled at each other, and the relationship seemed to be very good.

But in the next second, the photo suddenly split in half from the middle, dividing them in two.

'Okay alright...I know you all want to know what this story is about. ’

'This is the story of Cody and May. ’

Close-up of two clay dolls.

'Do you want to be human again? ’

'Then you have to find your passion...'

'Your charm...'

‘One more thing, that is to work together! ’

As the words of the Book of Love fell, he returned to the wooden door at the beginning again.

Then, like a gentleman, the Book of Love bowed to the curtain call, and watched it through the wooden door.

On the quaint wooden door pattern before, the title LOGO of the game is displayed:

"The Two Walks" person.

Chapter 335 Players' Hot Discussion and Some Changes

At the scene of the Tokyo Game Show, many players were surprised and heated up after reading the promotional trailer for this "Two Together".

"Jie feels a little different from the old thief's "Happy Kitchen", and the content of the gameplay seems to be much richer." A Yin at the scene said his own views.

He still remembers the "Naughty Kitchen" from that year, which was simply a friendship crusher.

"Indeed, in the promotional video alone, there are several gameplay templates for FPS, racing, fighting and RPG." Xiaojie also nodded.

"Although it's still in the cartoon art style, this storyboard and screen performance are big productions! It's a bit like an animated movie." Ashu also added.

The three of them cannot be said to be professionals, but compared to ordinary players, as game anchors, they must have played more games of "643".

Whether it is a feces or an excellent masterpiece, I have basically come into contact with it. The appreciation of this game is purely piled up with time. The more you play, the more naturally you will watch it than ordinary players.

For a moment, players like A Yin and the others who played more, suddenly felt the characteristics of the game "Two Players".

The movie-style animation style also combines platform jumping, parkour avoidance, drag racing, shooting and puzzle-solving elements in the gameplay.

However, compared to them, more ordinary players still pay attention to the content of the game and think of the nonsense kitchen of the year.

"Damn it, two people make a trip? It won't be the same as messing with the kitchen, and it will eventually become a two-person divorce, right?"

"I think it's not impossible! Isn't the plot of this special meow a divorce?"

"Cough, don't talk nonsense! It's obviously to repair the broken marriage relationship. It seems that this couple turned into clay and wooden dolls because of something, and then they want to repair the relationship between husband and wife and become human."

"It makes sense that if the game is not cleared, and the relationship between the two cannot be repaired, isn't it divorced? If the game is not cleared, it means that the relationship between the person who played the game with me and me has broken down, so isn't this a two-person divorce! "

"Fuck, the idea is very strange, but there's nothing wrong with it!"

Gamers at the Tokyo Game Show were the first to see the game promoting the CG.

But in the same information age, it hardly took half an hour.

There is no official promotional video for Nebula Games.

But some game media have already reported it for the first time, so that more players have also learned about the game "Two Players".

If the players at the exhibition site.

These players also have the same opinion, that is, will "Two People" end up being the same as "Naughty Kitchen", and finally become a two-person divorce!

However, this time, there are all kinds of heated discussions and confusion among the players.

Chen Xu did not come forward to answer the doubts, or make any remarks.

It's different from the two previous games that were considered bad fun.

Although "A Row for Two" is not a big production, it is not too small in scale.

With the current brand name of Nebula Games, to be honest, Chen Xu is not worried that there will be no players to experience the first game.

At that time, players will naturally be able to understand what kind of game "Two Players" is.

"However, Mr. Chen, don't you really think that even if you explain it, players won't believe it?" The studio listened to Chen Xu's answer.

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