Is the timeline really a straight line?

Is the world really what you see?

If the world in Lu Yuan's eyes were described, many people would not believe it.

Because he can easily see all of the infinite multiverse.

All universes, and even all time, exist simultaneously in his eyes. There is no distinction between past or future, let alone a so-called straight line.

So Tony underestimated Lu Yuan.

As long as Lu Yuan is willing, he can obtain any information at will, and even easily read anyone's memory. Only people with a similar level or above him, Lu Yuan cannot see through.

But there are only a few people like that in the entire Marvel Universe, and OAA is one of them.

Lu Yuan sighed softly: "I'm leaving. I didn't want to say it originally, but you have also seen General Ross's attitude. The world has become like this, but he actually plans to arrest Steve and the others in public, idiots ?"

Steve and the others, including everyone at the time, are the heroes of the entire universe. It was they who saved half of all life in the universe. Moreover, this 2.0 final battle was intentional because of Lu Yuan's intention, and the world saw it. Their dedication and achievements.

Fool? Are you going to arrest people right after the war?

Lu Yuan didn't know what to say.

"If you continue like this and miss this opportunity, the Avengers of your world will never have a chance to get back together."

"Don't think that you and Steve have made peace. That's because there was a common enemy and many of the people who caused the conflict have disappeared by that time."

"But what now? The common enemy has been defeated, and those messy people are back. Next, it's your turn to have conflicts."

"Anyway, that's all I've said. As for how to choose, it's up to you. I still don't want the civil war to evolve into a second stage."

Otherwise, many things will get out of control.

178. Some of Lu Yuan’s thoughts

There are many things happening in the future world.

What happens to those who suddenly return? Can they return to life normally?

Some people's wives may even remarry. What should we do then?

But these have nothing to do with Lu Yuan.

He came to this world to witness the final battle.

It's over now and it's time for him to go back.

And ever since people from the future world planned to travel through time, they have actually changed the past history. From that moment on, several parallel universes have appeared.

Lu Yuan has not cleared up these parallel universes yet, and he will not destroy countless lives for no reason.

So Lu Yuan finally discussed with the Avengers, and after determining the whereabouts of each Infinity Stone, he returned with the Time Stone and Mind Stone that only belonged to his era.

The Space Stone was from 1970, and the Space Stone from 2012 has been missing since Tony and the others escaped with Loki.

What a scam.

Lu Yuan felt dumbfounded. When he went back this time, he would face a completely unfamiliar future.

Yes, it is still the movie universe, but the plot of the movie is completely inconsistent.

With Loki running away, how will the plot of Thor 2 be filmed?

With the Space Stone gone, will Thanos still go to Asgard? Even if you go, there is no point.

The most important thing is that Loki, who ran away, was still related to many plots after that, but now he is completely disconnected.

I don’t know if Loki will cause trouble in the future.

To be honest, even Lu Yuan almost felt a headache.

"But this is also very interesting, isn't it?" Lu Yuan suddenly smiled. Doesn't he like to enjoy this unknown expectation and mystery?

It would be boring if you knew everything.

Many people think that just writing about the cinematic universe is boring.

However, many plots have long been rewritten, foreshadowing has been laid, and pits have been dug, but it has not yet exploded.

For example, if Dormammu dies and the traitor of Karma Taj also dies, how do you enter the plot of Doctor Strange?

There is also the most realistic problem. Now that the earth has witnessed the debut of Superman, Lu Yuan will completely come to the forefront.

What changes will this bring?

Also, the Mind Stone is now in Lu Yuan's hands, what will be Hydra's next move?

The most important thing is that the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver siblings are not mutants in the movie universe. Their powers come from the Mind Stone.

Will they still show up?

"Of course," Lu Yuan glanced at the two gems in his hand, especially the Mind Gem.

He will not forget that Wanda is beautiful. Since the Wanda of this world is already with Vision, he can look forward to the Wanda of his own world.

What? Would you mind if Natasha in this universe likes Banner, or would you mind if Wanda in this universe likes Vision?

Are you thinking too much?

There are countless cosmic positions in the infinite multiverse.

For example, Gu Yi, in other universes, Gu Yi is always a bad old man.

Is it possible that Lu Yuan doesn't like his beautiful master who is like a little fairy?

Or will he collect all the Natashas in the universe?

We are all adults, don't think about such childish questions.

To put it bluntly, Lu Yuan doesn't know other versions of Natasha, and she has nothing to do with him. Can he control her so leniently?

He only knew Natasha from his own world. She was only twenty-seven or eighty years old, which was her most beautiful years. And unlike the comic version, she had many partners. In the movie, no one could make her heart beat, because Natasha She has always had low self-esteem because of her physical defects.

It's a pity that she met Lu Yuan.

Many people sometimes have to base their preconceptions on the setting and plot of the comics, but don't forget that the world Lu Yuan entered first was the movie universe.

That universe is a separate universe. Although it belongs to Marvel, it has no connection with other comic universes.

The stories that happen in the movie universe only happen in the movie universe. Otherwise, how many heroes would there be on earth?

Otherwise, Spider-Man is only that young?

Even the original members who created the Avengers were a different group of people, including Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, Ant-Man and the Wasp (also called the Wasp).

It's strange that some people always like to incorporate comic book settings and plots into the movie universe. Even the Skrulls are no longer the bad guys who caused Secret Invasion, so what else are they thinking about?

Well, without going too far, Lu Yuan doesn't care who other versions of Natasha and Wanda like. What he cares about is whether Natasha, who he knows and likes, likes him.

This is enough.

As for Wanda, as long as he is the one who meets her first, and Vision just stops him from showing up, doesn't that make it a success?

Lu Yuan opened the time tunnel while thinking. He didn't even need to go through the quantum realm, but directly opened the door across the universe and went home.

Note that this is across the universe. His 2012 timeline and the world of 2023 have become parallel universes.

Both sides will move towards a completely different future.

After coming back, Lu Yuan went directly to the Holy of Holies, opened his palms, and handed the time gem to Ancient One.

Gu Yi reached out to take it, but Lu Yuan took the opportunity to hold it tightly in his hand.

Gu Yi glared at Lu Yuan angrily, feeling that he was going too far.

But Lu Yuan didn't feel it at all, and asked: "I heard that when Dr. Banner mentioned that Dr. Strange asked him to get the Time Stone, you gave it to him?"

Ancient Yi's eyes were a little dodgeful, but his face still maintained a natural look, and he hummed softly: "So what if 420 is the case? Strange will be the best among us, and I will also name the Supreme Mage in the future." Do you have any objections to handing over the number to him? Or will you inherit my mantle?"

"Ahem, cough, cough," Lu Yuan coughed dryly: "I can help you let your child inherit the mantle."

"Go away," Gu Yi spat. This kid was simply crazy. He was teasing her more and more recently.

Lu Yuan sighed softly: "Dormammu has been eliminated by me. You also know this. What else do you have to worry about? Why don't you start enjoying life? I have a house in the suburbs. How about you move there? How many days will you stay?”

Gu Yi almost laughed at his shamelessness. What's going on with her moving over?

Shaking his head slowly, Gu Yi looked at Lu Yuan and suddenly said: "You are wrong, Lu Yuan. The crisis in the future will never be just Dormammu, or even Thanos. Don't think you have eliminated Dormammu. Mu and Thanos can be complacent."

How does she know?

Gu Yi smiled: "I am your teacher. Although I am not as good as you in terms of mental power and other powers, you have never observed the future, while I have observed the future many times. After meeting you, I can no longer see clearly. I have noticed several crises before the future.”

"Lu Yuan, the challenges in the future will become more and more terrifying, and even you may not be my opponent."

179. Give Natasha the Mind Stone

I don’t know why, but wizards and magicians in the Marvel Universe seem to have some special abilities.

For example, Thor's mother, Frigga, the Queen of Asgard, could tell that Thor was coming from the future.

Or maybe it was because Thor was too fat at the time?

And Ancient One also seemed to know some of Lu Yuan's experiences, and even mentioned that he killed Thanos.

"After all, you are still wearing Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet on that hand," Gu Yi glanced at Lu Yuan's left hand.

He was still squeezing the teacher's little hand with his right hand, and his left hand was wearing a metal glove. It was the Infinity Gauntlet that Thanos asked the Dwarf King to build for him.

There are actually no Infinity Stones on it, and Lu Yuan plans to take them back as a souvenir.

"Then do you see how many children we will have in the future?" Lu Yuan suddenly asked Gu Yi again. He didn't care what enemies he would encounter in the future, but what he cared more about was who the mothers of his children were.

Gu Yi violently broke away from Lu Yuan's hand, walked away, and returned to Kama Taj through a door.

Lu Yuan didn't dare to persist anymore, and was also wondering, could that child really not be Gu Yi's?

It must be his child anyway.

Lu Yuan, who once again ran into a wall with Gu Yi, didn't take it too seriously. He was so heartless that he went to find other members of the Avengers.

This experience of going to the future only lasts a few minutes in this world's eyes.

After letting the confusing clone disappear first, Lu Yuan sorted out what happened in the past few minutes, and then walked out relaxedly.

At this moment, the Avengers are gathering in a restaurant, a Turkish barbecue restaurant.

Moreover, this place is also within the scope of the battlefield, and the boss is so generous that he even entertains guests.

Perhaps to thank the superheroes for their protection, the store was cleaning up the damaged things while entertaining the Avengers.

Lu Yuan came to the corner of the table and sat down. That was his seat. The clone was exchanged with Lu Yuan's body on the pretext of going to the toilet.

After sitting down, Lu Yuan looked around him. On his left was Natasha, on his right was Tony, on the opposite side were Banner and Steve, and on the other side were Thor and Barton.

"Loki hasn't been found yet?" Lu Yuan asked.

Originally, the Avengers planned to help arrange the search and rescue of survivors.

It turns out that Loki ran away with the space gem before, so they came to have barbecue.

And the atmosphere seems not to be good.

Because the main prisoner ran away, which made them very unhappy.

"By the way, what did you do?" Suddenly, Tony looked at Lu Yuan with a mysterious look.

Lu Yuan shrugged: "Me? I just went to the toilet, didn't you know?"

Tony smiled: "Do you think you can escape Jarvis's scan? Jarvis told me that you turned into two people before, and you even ran downstairs to steal Loki again from the SHIELD agents. The scepter is coming back."

Lu Yuan blinked, okay, he forgot that Stark Tower was Tony's territory. If nothing else, his previous behavior in the stairs must have been discovered.

But Tony didn't reveal it until now, perhaps because he had realized that the Lu Yuan in front of him was the real Lu Yuan.

Because he's still wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.

By the way, doesn’t he know how to cover it up?

"what is that?"

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