In the room behind Lu Yuan, a dozen unconscious people were tied together by him.

Colson and the others hurried over and took everyone away.

No matter what Lu Yuan said, they would take the person for interrogation as a routine matter.

Natasha will also leave with Coulson and the others.

Lu Yuan quickly stretched out his hand and pressed the guardrail on the second floor and floated down in front of Natasha.

"Beauty, I'm helping you like this, how can you give me face? Otherwise, I won't have a place to stay tonight." Lu Yuan knew that he couldn't go back to Tony's house now, otherwise he would see things he shouldn't have seen, which would be very embarrassing.

Although he had actually watched it secretly.

Natasha looked at Lu Yuan inexplicably: "Does it have anything to do with me?"

You just sleep on the street, but does it have anything to do with others?

"It's not like I asked you to help. Even if you want to find it, you should go find Fury, right? Or let Coulson accompany you?" After Natasha finished speaking, she continued to walk forward.

Coulson is Coulson, it comes from the nickname. People who know each other prefer to call him by nickname.

Colson in front shook his head, don't involve him.

Lu Yuan sighed and said deliberately: "It seems that you don't really want to win over me. What happened to that revenge plan?"

Natasha stopped, gritted her teeth with hatred, and squeezed out words through her teeth: "You should have said this earlier. I'll understand when you say this. Tell me, where can we go to drink?"

Yes, she endured it.

Speaking of the Avengers plan, it was actually not only because of Fury's orders and instructions, but Natasha herself also cared about that plan.

Because Natasha herself and Hawkeye were also on the planned list.

In other words, once the Avengers Project is officially established, the two of them will also become superheroes.

And now Natasha and Hawkeye are just agents.

It’s not that the current job is bad, but they also want to be superheroes.

So Natasha compromised, and after being threatened by this shameless person, she had to temporarily leave the team.

"Coulson, the mission here is completed, and the rest will be left to you. I will call the boss and tell him that I will do my best to convince this bastard," Natasha didn't care that Lu Yuan was right behind her. , just call him a bastard.

Who told him to have to come and disturb him during his mission and use such methods to make himself submit?

However, Natasha is not worried that she will suffer a loss. If Lu Yuan wants to do anything to her, she should not be able to resist.

At least Natasha couldn't think of any way to resist.

In this case, she simply followed Lu Yuan and left.

Coulson watched Lu Yuan get into Natasha's sports car and the two of them left quickly. He couldn't help but feel worried and called Fury in advance.

As a result, Fury applauded repeatedly after receiving the news.

Colson was speechless: "BOSS, aren't you worried about Natasha?"

But I heard Fury say: "Do you think that when a god comes to the mortal world, he needs to abide by the rules of mortals? Phil (also Colson, this is his name, Phil Colson), for us To the earth, he is a god.”

Coulson was silent.

In fact, Coulson didn't understand how Lu Yuan defeated Iron Overlord before.

But one thing is understood by SHIELD, that is, when Iron Overlord caused a strong explosion, Lu Yuan was actually in the middle of the explosion.

But he was intact.

There are many more, and through the clues and information he has, Fury sorted out a terrible fact.

If Lu Yuan is willing, no one in the world can stop him from doing anything he wants to do.

Of course, this is because even SHIELD and Fury do not know the existence of the Ancient One and the Holy of Holies.

Otherwise Fury would have gone to contact Ancient One long ago.

The Supreme Mage Ancient One is known as a Father-level being, almost on the same level as Odin.

And Odin is the priest who conquered the nine realms, which is evident.

Therefore, some people have always said that as long as Ancient One and Odin do not die, Thanos will not dare to approach the earth in this life.

As for whether it is true or false, benevolent people have different opinions and wise people have different opinions.

Not going too far.

Lu Yuan was taken away by Natasha. Although he came to find Natasha, it was Natasha who took him away in the end.

The reason is that Lu Yuan said he wanted to drink and have fun, but he didn't know where to go.

He's not as skilled as Tony.

On the way, Natasha also found out why Lu Yuan stayed up late at night and came to worry about her. It turned out that it was difficult to return home.

"Okay, then I will risk my life to accompany you, and find a place to have a good chat?"

Of course, Natasha was not stupid, and finally called out Hawkeye.

Lu Yuan was speechless, and Natasha was very proud.

47. An unpleasant drinking party

In a pub in Manhattan, New York, Lu Yuan, Natasha and Eagle Eye sat in a row in front of the bar.

And among Lu Yuan and Natasha, Hawkeye stood between them.

Lu Yuan picked up the cup speechlessly and glanced at Natasha on the other side: "Beauty, I'm just bored and want to find someone to have a drink and chat with, so I shouldn't be so wary, right?"

Don't you think he wants to do something?

He thinks too much. He is not the kind of person who forces others to make things difficult. Otherwise, Natasha really thinks that a Hawkeye can stop her?

Hawkeye, whose full name is Clint Barton, couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard Lu Yuan's obvious words of disgust.

Natasha didn't take it seriously at all. She was holding a glass of cocktail and sipping it, all her eyes focused on the band not far away.

This bar plays soothing music, not the messy, disco-like dance music.

So she likes to come here to relax when she takes a break.

Lu Yuan shrugged and saw that Natasha seemed to be quite prejudiced against him, so he simply started chatting with Hawkeye Barton next to him: "Are you married?"

Barton was about to drink and almost choked himself.

Where did this neighborhood aunt come from?

"Not yet," Barton lied.

According to the timeline, Barton is actually already married and may even have his first daughter.

Barton knows that as an agent and as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., he has countless enemies around the world.

So he kept his family very safe, and even his companions didn't know he had a family.

That was Fury's cover for him. Apart from Fury, only Natasha currently knew about his little home.

The safe house was not in SHIELD's records, was difficult to locate via satellite, was on a remote farm in the countryside, and had almost no internet connection.

This is probably why Ultron can't lock his position.

Lu Yuan didn't care whether what Barton said was true or not, he smiled and said casually: "If you are not married, you should be tighter. It is best to have a few more children while you are young. By the way, ten million Don’t look for someone who can’t give birth.”

Natasha over there frowned deeply, stopped drinking the wine in her hand, and slammed it on the table.

Well, she can't give birth.

Natasha was born in the Red House and was once an elite agent trained by the Red House.

Female agents who graduate from the Red Room have to go through a major process. In order to prevent the female agents from having feelings for others or having accidents, female agents will undergo sterilization surgery.

And it’s a very thorough one that will remove someone.

Does Lu Yuan know?

Having seen the movie, of course he knows.

He did it on purpose. Aren't you ignoring me? Then let me stimulate you.

Barton understood the most painful pain in Natasha's heart. Natasha liked children, but she would never be able to have children of her own.

But Barton thought Lu Yuan didn't know, so he didn't blame him. He just picked up the wine glass and changed the topic, invited Lu Yuan to have a drink, and then talked about something else.

"I heard that Fury approached you? How was it? Did you agree?" Barton asked Lu Yuan, referring to matters related to the Avengers plan.

Lu Yuan's answer was of course no.

"Why?" Barton was surprised.

Lu Yuan shrugged: "Why did you agree? Did I say it before? I will not sacrifice my life for your country."

He will neither join SHIELD nor the Avengers. Do you want him to work for a certain country? Don't even think about it.

Lu Yuan even wanted to blow up a certain country with one punch more than once. Do you still want him to work for a certain country?

Because in Lu Yuan's view, a certain country is the source and culprit of all chaos. Whether in the real world or in various works, maybe only a certain country always thinks that he is the savior, right?

You have to be self-aware when joking, right?

Natasha on the other side finally couldn't hold it anymore. She was the one responsible for convincing Lu Yuan to sign. At this time, she interrupted and said: "The Avengers are not working for anyone, but a special operations team that will only be dispatched when necessary. .”

Lu Yuan spread his hands, sister, you are the one who was deceived.

When the Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D. is unearthed, and when S.H.I.E.L.D. is destroyed, won’t the Avengers be the ones doing the work?

What made Lu Yuan most speechless was that he had already pulled out a Hydra from SHIELD, but looking at the attitudes of Fury, Coulson and Natasha, they didn't seem to doubt SHIELD at all. There are more Hydras lurking in the Bureau.

They thought it was just an accidental phenomenon, but they never doubted how the guy who dared to get tattoos on his body got in without high-level cover?

Then someone must have given the green light.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with Lu Yuan. It would be best if these guys were dead. If he could destroy a certain country, he would only applaud.

Anyway, Lu Yuan will protect the people and things he cares about. Even if Hydra dares to provoke him, he can catch them all and beat them to death one by one.

So Lu Yuan didn't care and didn't bother to say anything else.

"If you don't want to agree, why did you ask me to come out?" Natasha was not happy. She had been angry at Lu Yuan's words just now, and now that she heard that he was still indifferent, she couldn't help but stand up and glare at Lu Yuan. Far.

Why did she compromise and come here to drink with him? This is an asshole, okay.

Lu Yuan scratched his head: "Beauty, have mercy on me, I'm really homeless today."

"Pfft," Barton couldn't hold it in any longer, so he spat out a mouthful of wine, and secretly looked at the two of them strangely.

Natasha's temples were beating with anger and her head hurt.

They have nothing to do with each other, but if you heard his frivolous tone, you would have thought that she was going to take him in tonight.

"How about you come with me?" Barton asked Lu Yuan. The reason why he was called out by Natasha so quickly was because he had just returned from a mission and before he could return to his safe cabin, the nearby Stayed at a hotel.

Lu Yuan glanced sideways at Barton, the disgust in his eyes was beyond words.

Barton was also so angry that he spread his hands and said, "Well, he doesn't want to care about it."

The three of them just drank there with great energy, and then they stopped talking at all.

Barton and Natasha have a good relationship and are considered old friends. The Barton family even regards Natasha as family.

But there were some things they couldn't say in front of Lu Yuan, such as the mission or Barton's family. These were all secrets.

After drinking all this time, even Lu Yuan felt a little disinterested in the end.

If I had known better, I would have just found a bar by myself, maybe I could have made an appointment, and I would have had a place to stay for the night.

He is not short of money, but he just doesn't want to be alone. That would be too pitiful.

But looking at the current situation, it would be better to be alone.

Just as he was thinking this, maybe it could be disbanded.

But suddenly, the tavern shook violently.

Was there an earthquake?

The next moment, a huge green figure suddenly broke through the wall, broke through a human-shaped hole and broke in.

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