However, only Tony and the other three soldiers knew that it was not true, because Lu Yuan's identity was very special. He was not from Earth and did not belong to any force. He was an alien.

So how could he be a spy?

"Anyway, I will vouch for his identity. If something happens, just come to me directly," Tony went as far as to vouch for Lu Yuan in accordance with his previous agreement.

In fact, the most important thing is that Tony is worried that if a battle breaks out here, with Lu Yuan's strength, everyone present may die.

06. Escort Tony back to New York

Tony is a smart man, and it is easy to deal with it if he is a smart man. He has seen Lu Yuan's power, and even though he knows that he is an alien, he does not dare to say it casually.

The reason is also very simple. He is afraid that Lu Yuan will kill someone and silence him.

There were only a few people present, and there weren't even enough people to talk to him.

A mountain had been cut off in the middle before. Would he dare?

So not only did Tony dare not say anything, he also had to abide by the agreement and personally guarantee Lu Yuan.

Given Tony's identity and status, he said so, and others could only believe it and put away their weapons.

In this way, Lu Yuan gained an identity temporarily, and he successfully joined the team as the person who saved Tony.

Immediately after the convoy escorted Tony, Colonel Rhodes took Tony and Lu Yuan to his car, an intact armored vehicle, and turned around to prepare to go back.

They have a private plane at a nearby military base. It's Tony's private plane. If nothing else, this bastard really can't spend all his money.

Tony's family fortune can be said to be one of the richest in the entire American comic industry. Only a few people such as Batman and the Black Panther King can surpass him.

Black Panther still relies on the vibranium that is abundant in Wakanda (actually brought about by falling meteorites) to surpass Tony, but if Tony is willing to sell the Iron Man suit, then there is no comparison.

I believe any country would be willing to buy any Iron Man suit at a sky-high price.

But he definitely won't sell it.

There were no more accidents along the way. It seemed that the previous trap was the only attack.

Returning to that base and boarding Tony's private plane, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the plane takes off and returns to a certain country's territory, there is no need to worry anymore.

It is not yet possible for enemies to break through a country's defenses, no matter who they are.

"Tony, who are those people?" Colonel Rhodes also asked Tony, wanting to know if he knew who the people who attacked him were.

How could Tony know: "Looking at their costumes, they should be from the nearby armed forces."

"But why did they attack you?" Of course Colonel Rhodes knew that those people were the armed forces here, but why did they attack Tony specifically?

Colonel Rhodes glanced at Lu Yuan vaguely.

It seemed that he had always suspected Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan smiled.

Tony looked helpless. He believed in Lu Yuan because he knew Lu Yuan's secret.

But he couldn't say that he couldn't make Colonel Rhodes believe Lu Yuan.

"It's better to think about things simply. It's well known that Tony is a weapons genius, and the weapons he designs are insanely lethal. So maybe those people want to capture him and make them into weapons?" Lu Yuan said casually.

Colonel Rhodes looked at Tony and saw that he never said anything about Lu Yuan, so he had no choice but to give up.

He really hoped that Tony would tell who Lu Yuan was.

If Lu Yuan was a spy, he would definitely draw his gun immediately.

But how did Colonel Rhodes know that Tony was not protecting Lu Yuan, on the contrary, he was protecting Colonel Rhodes.

Your broken pistol is of no use. Tony saw with his own eyes that Lu Yuan grabbed the missile and carried it without any damage despite being surrounded by rifles.

So don't make trouble. If Lu Yuan is really an enemy and is not so troublesome, everyone present will die.

"Okay, let the plane take off quickly, I want to go back and eat cheeseburgers," Tony urged.

After suddenly encountering such an experience, Tony also had the feeling of being reborn as a human being after a disaster. Moreover, cheeseburgers were his favorite food and he wanted to go back and have a big meal.

Colonel Rhodes had no choice but to follow Tony's instructions and let the plane take off.

Although this is Tony's private plane, this is a military base, so he still has to communicate.

This is the important thing about Colonel Rhodes.

The private plane slowly started off the runway, and finally flew into the sky, heading straight for a certain country.

There was no words all the way, and the plane finally arrived at the tarmac in New York.

Halfway through, Tony had changed his clothes and put on a new decent suit.

Including Lu Yuan also changed into a black suit.

This is Tony's private jet, not for carrying guests, but for him alone.

Needless to say, there are luxurious seats. There is even a bar and even a dance floor. There are all kinds of drinks and food, including all kinds of clothes.

And those clothes were not just for him, there were also clothes for the flight attendants.

you know.

In the past, Lu Yuan would have definitely scolded rich people for being evil.

But now he doesn't feel anything at all. He once reached a high position on Krypton and even had a dedicated army of 100,000 people. He was also a big boss.

As for the current technology of the earth, he really doesn't take it seriously, because Krypton a hundred thousand years ago was far beyond the current level of the earth.

If I have to say one thing, the food on earth is still remarkable.

So Lu Yuan almost ate all the food reserves prepared by Tony on the plane before.

Tony and Colonel Rhodes were frightened at that time.

It's just that Colonel Rhodes was worried that Lu Yuan would burst, while Tony was worried that if he didn't eat enough, would he eat the people on the plane?

Tony had seen the image of Lu Yuan at the beginning, which was completely an alien monster that did not belong to the earth.

He always thought that Lu Yuan changed like this because he saw the appearance of people on Earth, but he didn't know that Lu Yuan actually looked like Earth people before, and the appearance of Kryptonians was not much different from that of Earth people.

So this is Lu Yuan's true appearance. He used to look like this.

Well, the flight finally went smoothly and we returned to a certain country safely.

When the cabin door opened, Tony was surprised to see that in addition to Happy, the driver and bodyguard, waiting for him, his charming and beautiful female assistant was also there.

Potts, also called pepper.

"Tony," Little Pepper rushed up to Tony as soon as she saw him, and asked with concern, "How are you doing? Are you injured? Do you want to go to the hospital for a check-up?"

Tony felt warm in his heart, and subconsciously reached out to hold the hand that Pepper was checking on his body, and said with a smile: "I am lucky enough to have no injuries at all, but if you continue to touch like this, there is a risk of your heartbeat speeding up. ."

Little Pepper blushed and quickly broke away.

But Tony didn't notice that there was a dangerous look behind him.

That belonged to Lu Yuan. He stared at Tony's heart and thought, should he make a hole for him? Otherwise, would Iron Man still be born?

Because of Lu Yuan's influence, although Tony was still attacked, it did not attract too many people's attention. After all, he did not disappear suddenly for three months.

So the news of their return is still a secret, and no one pays attention to it.

Tony did buy two cheeseburgers on the way, and had to pay for Lu Yuan's ten burgers, several French fries and fried chicken, and then he was ready to go home.

07. I am your bodyguard and you are my nanny. Deal done.

Tony's home is located on the seaside. It is a large villa built on the edge of a cliff near the seaside.

Not to mention anything else, the various high-tech built-in in this house is enough to stun people, and it even has a smart housekeeper.

Of course, with Tony's financial resources, this is nothing, and many high technologies were developed by him himself, including the smart butler Jarvis.

When Tony returned home, he sent Pepper and Happy away, leaving only him and Lu Yuan sitting on both sides of a table. In front of each of them were some cheeseburgers bought on the road and a lot of junk food.

"Do you have something to say?" Lu Yuan said without raising his head while nibbling on a cheeseburger.

Tony deliberately moved the people away, leaving only the two of them, obviously he had something to say.

Tony didn't beat around the bush, looked at Lu Yuan opposite him seriously, and said, "I want to apply for your job."

"Oh?" Lu Yuan put down the things in his hands and swallowed the food in his mouth, and looked at Tony with a half-smile.

Tony shrugged and continued generously: "I have seen your strength. Your power has far exceeded human weapons. If I can hire you to protect me, I don't have to worry about my safety, even if I encounter you again. Even in an incident like this, you can protect me."

"But why should I be your bodyguard?" Lu Yuan asked. Now that he has a guaranteed identity, he can find other jobs.

"Of course it is for your identity. Although I have vouched for you, your suspicion will remain for a while, and there will always be people watching you secretly. Your identity may even have been exposed," Tony said .

He was right, there were three soldiers who knew Lu Yuan's origins, and they might not help Lu Yuan keep the secret.

"Working for me can make you safer and save you a lot of trouble. The most important thing is that I can give you a satisfactory salary," Tony finally used his trump card.

Lu Yuan smiled: "Working for you, does it also include helping you complete some experiments? For example, being responsible for the experimental subject, allowing you to study alien things on my body as you like? Or even dig out the secrets in my head? Knowledge of alien technology?”

He's not stupid either.

Tony put so much effort into applying for Lu Yuan's job. In addition to the reasons he mentioned, he also wanted to get close to the alien technology mastered by Lu Yuan.

There might even be a lot of interest in Lu Yuan himself, right?

After all, Tony is a scientist after all. Now that he has seen the existence of aliens with his own eyes, how could he not be interested.

Tony's expression was a little awkward: "If you want."

"No problem," Lu Yuan unexpectedly agreed suddenly.

Tony was surprised: "Did you really agree?"

Lu Yuan shrugged, why not? When he first arrived, he really had no place to stay.

What's more, because of his influence, Tony's original experience has been changed, which also makes the story of Iron Man full of uncertainties.

And what if Lu Yuan guides Tony to develop the Mark armor?

He deliberately pretended that it was alien technology to guide Tony to develop the Iron Man suit. Lu Yuan didn't need that thing anyway, but Tony could recreate the plot of Iron Man, right?

And with Tony's wealth, he would definitely not treat Lu Yuan badly. In one sentence, he gave too much.

Of course, it was also a good thing for Tony. One was that he could keep Lu Yuan by his side. He didn't dare to let this scary alien run around, otherwise something might happen.

Another thing is that the two parties have reached an agreement. At least this way, Lu Yuan is no longer his enemy, and he can feel more at ease.

Who can sleep with such a terrifying alien without knowing whether he is friend or foe?

In fact, we can know from what happened to Superman that it is very scary when a person who can blow up the earth with a punch at any time is also an alien who is not under control.

Because you never know when he's going to lose control, and he's completely out of control.

Earth's weapons are completely useless against Superman, and even using nuclear bombs is meaningless, especially for Lu Yuan. The nuclear elements he was exposed to on the sun far exceeded any nuclear weapons on Earth.

So Tony thought a lot along the way, and finally he thought that Lu Yuan could not be let go easily.

Only then did this conversation take place. He wanted to keep Lu Yuan by his side. No matter what he considered, he had to fight for this opportunity.

I thought Lu Yuan would not agree. After all, he was working as a bodyguard for others, and he seemed to be a little brother.

But Lu Yuan agreed: "Why not? You take care of the food, provide money, eat, drink, and have sex. You are responsible for everything. I will protect your safety and give you a little bit of technology that won't be too much." Guidance, isn’t this a win-win deal?”

Tony opened his mouth.

What? In addition to giving money, you also have to take care of food? Do you still have to be responsible for everything you eat, drink, and drink?

Brother, should you be my bodyguard or should I be your nanny?

Lu Yuan even stood up and looked down at the floor under his feet.

Just when Tony didn't know what he was doing, he heard Lu Yuan say casually: "And the nice car in your garage, can I drive it too?"

Tony raised his hand and slapped his forehead, wondering if he had led a wolf into the house?

"Wait a minute, how did you know that I have a good car in my garage?" Tony suddenly woke up and looked at Lu Yuan in disbelief.

Lu Yuan didn't hide anything, shrugged and said, "Didn't I tell you? I have clairvoyance, otherwise how do you think I discovered the minefield before?"

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