Lu Yuan raised his head and noticed that the entire Crimson Universe was collapsing. With the death of Cytorak, the master of the Crimson Realm, the universe was destroying itself.

Lu Yuan originally raised his hand to stop it, but suddenly he thought: "Why not take this opportunity to witness the destruction of the universe?"

Such an opportunity is even rarer than the creation of the universe, because the destruction of a universe takes a long time, and it is definitely a major event in the universe, and even the gods of the universe have to deal with it carefully.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to witness the entire destruction process of a universe.

However, now it has become possible. Lu Yuan can be said to have personally directed the destruction of the universe.

He is naturally qualified to witness the destruction of this universe from beginning to end.

As for how to continue observing the universe in the future?

It would be great to resurrect this universe. Then we can personally experience the process of creating the universe. Kill two birds with one stone, why not? .

111. Crimson Universe, from destruction to rebirth

At this moment, the entire crimson universe is destroying and collapsing.

Lu Yuan did not stop all this from happening, but his eyes entered a mysterious state. He was observing the moment when the entire universe went to destruction from a unique angle.

Now Lu Yuan is like a high-dimensional god, and he is indeed a higher dimension. He is an absolute multiverse level, while the Crimson Universe is just a single universe.

So he can look at this~universe from a higher-dimensional perspective.

Just like when we look at a comic book in a two-dimensional world, we can flip it over and over, and we can observe every detail - meticulously.

Lu Yuan is in such a state now.

This is a rare experience because it involves the death of an entire universe.

If it were an ordinary universe, it would involve the destruction of countless lives, more people than Thanos could die by snapping his fingers in the movie.

If it were normal times, when the life and death of a universe was involved, even the Life Tribunal might have to come forward.

But it's different now.

There is no other life in this crimson universe, and the Living Tribunal will not appear.

So Lu Yuan got this golden opportunity.

He is witnessing the end of a universe.

Because the Crimson Universe has no concept of time, even Lu Yuan didn't know how long it had passed. It might have been an instant, a year, or ten thousand years.

Finally, a once-famous and huge universe finally ushered in its own demise.

When the last bit of crimson disappeared in front of him, Lu Yuan slowly closed his eyes.

He has been watching the process of all this, not missing a single bit of 'wonder'.

Especially after the universe was completely destroyed, Lu Yuan felt even more emotional, and a terrifying aura suddenly emerged from his body.

It was the purest and most primitive power, exuding the aura of destruction.

Yes, it is destruction.

It is different from the laws of all existing universes, but comes from a power that was born before all universes were born, or can be considered to be after the destruction of all universes.

That is the most primitive destruction.

Because in the beginning, everything ceased to exist.

Because when everything ends, everything ceases to exist.

Even before the birth of all things, and after the end and destruction of all things, there was only destruction.

(Actually, there should be others, but what Lu Yuan observed was destruction and end, so what he understood and obtained was also destruction and end.)

"That's it," Lu Yuan said softly, as if he had some understanding.

He raised his right hand and grabbed it gently.

A mass of crimson color was pulled out by him from the depths of the destroyed universe.

That was Cytorak's soul. Although Lu Yuan had destroyed his body and the source of his power, his soul still remained here.

Perhaps he wanted to wait for the opportunity to start over again. As long as there was a possibility of resurrection in the Crimson Universe, he would have the possibility of making a comeback.

However, at this time, Lu Yuan pulled him out and held him in his hands.

In fact, Lu Yuan had long known that Cytorac's soul was hiding here, but he had more important things to do before, so he didn't bother to deal with him.

But now, Lu Yuan glanced at the soul of Cytorak in his hand, and an extremely terrifying aura suddenly emerged from his right hand.

Cytorak exclaimed, "No."

What he felt was the most primitive fear coming from the depths of his soul.

But the aura had swallowed him up.

Cytorak only felt that the boundless terrifying power was swallowing up his existence and erasing him from his existence itself.

Originally, he was the only one in existence, which meant that even in the entire infinite multiverse, there was only one Cytorak, and there was absolutely no second one.

But now his existence is being erased. Once Lu Yuan succeeds, the history of Cytorak will be completely forgotten, and there will no longer be a future.

Cytorak wanted to resist, to beg for mercy.

But it was meaningless, he couldn't resist Lu Yuan's power, and he had no chance to beg for mercy.

In the end, Lu Yuan used the aura of destruction to completely erase Cytorak's existence, including his soul.

"Is this the power of destruction?" Lu Yuan showed a thoughtful expression.

This is a power that can destroy a universe and bring an end to an entire universe, and it can be exerted at the multiverse level, enough to reach the multiverse level.

Not to mention a soul, if Lu Yuan is willing, he can easily bring crisis to the infinite multiverse.

By then, he will be more terrifying than the Anti-Monitor.

"Now that I have seen the destruction of the universe and gained the power of destruction, what if I saw the birth of the universe again?" Lu Yuan suddenly had a new idea.

He has seen the destruction of the Crimson Universe and gained such power.

So what if we saw the birth of the Crimson Universe again?

Isn't he observing the laws of the universe from all aspects in order to integrate the power of the heart of the universe?

Opportunities like this are also rare. Perhaps only the oldest gods of the universe have had such an experience.

But even many great gods were born after the birth of the universe, and not all gods can personally experience the origin of the universe.

But Lu Yuan now has such an opportunity, and he will definitely not let it go.

... ..... .....

Thinking about it, Lu Yuan immediately turned his heart into action, opened his hands and emitted a terrifying power, which quickly spread to every corner of the Crimson Universe.

He witnessed the destruction of the Crimson Universe with his own eyes, and at the same time he also gained a deeper understanding of the origin of the laws of the Crimson Universe. In fact, it was not the Crimson Universe that created Cyttorak. On the contrary, it was Cytorak who created the Crimson Universe. universe.

The universe was not complete yet, let alone this color.

It was Cytorak who made this universe possible.

"From today on, I will replace Cytorak and become the lord of this universe. I am the Lord of the Crimson Realm," Lu Yuan suddenly announced, announcing to the entire Crimson Universe.

From now on, he will become the master of this universe and he will re-establish all the rules of this universe.

"So be reborn, Crimson Universe," Lu Yuan shouted again, and the power of the heart of the universe surged out, and countless powers containing the most primitive laws from the beginning of the universe filled the entire Crimson Universe.

Finally, an astonishing scene happened. The universe went from a state of annihilation to a terrible explosion, which was the Big Bang.

Then, unlike the previous crimson universe, countless planets of various kinds were born, forming a bright and vast universe.

Then, the universe was filled with life.

Cells, plants, and animals appeared one after another, making the entire universe full of life.

The only trace of the previous universe that still exists is the color of the entire universe, which may be slightly reddish.

112. Almost became a god, chose to return

At this point, the Crimson Universe has been reborn, but this time the Crimson Universe has been reborn under the guidance of Lu Yuan.

Even Lu Yuan has become the new master of this universe.

"I say there must be light in this world."

Then all the stars in this world began to shine brightly.

"I say light and darkness are to be separated."

Then all the planets began to rotate.

"I said a day is divided into twenty-four hours or twelve hours."

"I say that the solar terms in a year should be divided into four."

"I say all things should prosper and grow."

The entire Crimson Universe began to become lively. With Lu Yuan standing at the center of the universe, he formulated new rules and regulations for this newborn universe sentence by sentence, and the universe regained its vitality.

And unlike the previous dead silence of the Crimson Universe, the reborn Crimson Universe is full of the vitality of new life. "Three Five Seven"

Plants are growing, animals are prosperous and ever-changing, and human history will also unfold.

If Lu Yuan was ambitious, he could establish his own godhood at this time.

In fact, although Lu Yuan is powerful, he does not have godhead, so he definitely cannot be regarded as a god.

This point needs to be understood. It does not mean that you can become a god if you are powerful, but that you will gain great power after becoming a god.

For example, the residents of Apokolips were once just an ordinary racial civilization.

Later, it was said that it was with the help of Yuga Khan that the Apocalypse Star and the New Creation Star were raised to the status of the New God Clan.

New Creation Star was once the same race as Apokolips Star, but it later split off.

After becoming the new Protoss, Apokolips became a superpower, otherwise it would have been destroyed by the superhuman Kryptonian army led by Lu Yuan a hundred thousand years ago.

What else is going on with them?

Lu Yuan is about to lead the entire Krypton clan to become gods.

Later, he came to the Marvel Universe, and it was even less possible for him to become a god in the Marvel Universe.

If Lu Yuan is willing, he can become a god just by thinking about it.

After all, he has done such great things.

But he didn't. Instead, he glanced at the new, extremely bright crimson universe, and then turned and left.

He didn't need to become a god, and he even cut off his connection with the Crimson Universe when he left.

He does not intend to absorb the vitality of the Crimson Universe, otherwise once he absorbs too much, the entire universe will be destroyed.

Just like Cytorak before, he absorbed all the power regardless of the destruction of the Crimson Universe.

In fact, it was not Lu Yuan who destroyed the previous Crimson Universe, but Cytorak.

Moreover, even if Lu Yuan cuts off the connection with the Crimson Universe, it will not hinder his control of the Crimson Universe.

This place has become his private domain. Lu Yuan is like the lord here. He only unilaterally does not need the territory's "tax money", but he still retains absolute control.

Even here, he is the absolute and only true God. He can make the universe rise and fall with just one word, and he can restart it with just one word.

And this also gave Lu Yuan a new understanding.

When Lu Yuan returned to the real world outside, he discovered that many years had actually passed in the outside world.

Although the previous Crimson Universe had no concept of time, it did after that. The Crimson Universe reshaped by Lu Yuan already had complete cosmic laws.

So when he created all that, countless years had passed.

Standing in mid-air, Lu Yuan looked down and only glanced at what the world would look like countless years in the future, and then he softly said: "Return."

The power of time was not used at all, nor was any force used. Just because of Lu Yuan's words, the surrounding time began to reverse rapidly.

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