The reason why Lu Yuan was willing to help them was not because he was too kind, but because he had gotten along with Steve during this time, and the two of them were able to talk.

Even if they are not friends, at least they can talk to each other.

Especially tonight, Lu Yuan was already a bit bored. He was too bored, and then he saw Steve's thoughts, and suddenly had such an experience.

Lu Yuan not only guided Steve to meet Paige, but also helped Paige regain her youthful vitality.

Maybe this pair of star-crossed lovers can renew their relationship in the world of the new era.

But then again.

"Because Paige has regained her youth, Steve doesn't have to worry about Tony anymore, right? Maybe he can also have a happy family. Then again, in this case, Steve won't have to worry about it in the future. Stay in the past era? By the way, as long as I am here, will the tragedy of Avengers 4 still happen? It will definitely not happen."

Lu Yuan was sitting on the rooftop talking to himself.

"But if future Steve doesn't go back to the past, does that mean he has changed the past?"

"So will Paige's husband become someone else?"

"But if that's the case, what now? Will Paige change because of this?"

In short, because it may change the past and future of time, Lu Yuan seems to be a little unsure whether it will cause a series of mutations.

But what the hell?

Now that you can control time, if you still dare not touch it because of worry, it is better not to control it.

For example, Doctor Strange said that there is only one way to defeat Thanos, but there are more than 14 million failed futures.

Can we think that there are more than 14 million worlds in the future that Doctor Strange gave up, and he chose the only future.

Is this considered playing with time?

Every change in a person's thinking may determine the direction of the future world. Is that why we don't dare to think about it?

"`ˇActually, to put it bluntly, it's still too boring," Lu Yuan held his head. He thought of so many things just because he was bored, and he almost felt like trying to defend himself, even playing with matryoshka dolls.

When a person is about to have a schizophrenia because of boredom, then he is too bored.

"Then I might as well go to other universes to observe the universe, right????????? (blank)?" Lu Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he wanted to say that since he is so boring now, why not find something interesting? What's going on?

Tony is busy dealing with the subsequent events and developing the new technology mentioned by Lu Yuan.

Steve is still having sex with Paige, but Paige always thought this was a sweet dream. Maybe they won't realize this is reality until something happens in the ward, right?

Lu Yuan wasn't really a light bulb, so he didn't want to blame him.

"Then go to another universe."

With a snap, he took out the folding fan with the teacher's body scent attached to it. Lu Yuan no longer even needed to hang the ring. He just drew a circle in front of him with his hand and opened a golden circle.

Then he stepped inside, not caring about the light on the other side.

As a result, he found himself on a street and was surrounded by some surprised people who pointed guns at him: "Hands up. You damn mutant.".

120. Cyclops, right? Wolverine, right?

Lu Yuan glanced around, was it another universe related to mutants?

What a coincidence, right?

But it was also related to the fact that he opened the portal aimlessly. He just wanted to open the door to other universes, but he had no precise destination.

And he happened to have some dealings with mutants before, so the current situation emerged.


The sound of a gunshot brought Lu Yuan back to his senses. He seemed to be still surrounded by people.

But he just stood there, letting the bullet hit his leg, and didn't care.

Instead, the shooter looked at Lu Yuan in surprise.

Lu Yuan shook his head. He was too lazy to pay attention to these people, and for the sake of this book, he couldn't just attack them casually.

Lifting his feet, Lu Yuan took one step forward and disappeared amidst the voices of those people shouting 'stop'.

When he reappeared, Lu Yuan came to a villa manor.

This place used to be a villa for a large family, but now it has been transformed into a school. The sign at the door reads 'Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters'.

In fact, there is another name here. This is the base of the X-Men.

Lu Yuan came here. He had heard Deadpool nagging him, complaining that this base was also in his movie, but there was no other activity in it except Colossus and the two chicks (Young Warhead and Yukio). People.

Deadpool even complained 373 times that the movie company only wants to make money but is not willing to invite a few real X-Men.

According to his original words, even the guy with dove wings would be fine.

Should he be talking about angels?

Lu Yuan thought Deadpool was annoying at first, but he didn't expect that he would actually come today.

And what Lu Yuan saw was different from Deadpool. There were children of different ages running around here.

Where is there no one? Aren't there people everywhere?

"Hey, who are you looking for?" Suddenly, a man wearing a black leather jacket and a pair of dark red glasses noticed Lu Yuan at the door, and asked from afar while walking towards here.

Lu Yuan looked at the other person and thought for a moment to recognize his identity: "You are the Cyclops, right?"

Yes, the person who appeared at this time was the real Cyclops.

But Cyclops didn't know what Lu Yuan meant by 'is'.

Of course he didn't know that Lu Yuan had been pestered by Deadpool before and insisted on calling him Cyclops.

I don’t know how much Deadpool cares about the X-Men.

Or maybe the reason why he is full of resentment is just because he thinks the company should invite some real X-Men to guest star for him, right?

Deadpool didn't know that the guest star had already appeared, but he didn't notice it.

"I have admired my name for a long time." Because of his relationship with Deadpool, Lu Yuan has really admired the words Cyclops for a long time.

That bastard is a chatty person. Lu Yuan will never be close to any chatty person from now on, and he is already wary of the remaining three chatty words in Marvel.

Because besides Deadpool, the other three chatty characters, Spider-Man, Ant-Man and Star-Lord, are all genuine characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

There will definitely be a chance to meet by then, right?

Cyclops still couldn't figure out the meaning of Lu Yuan's words, but he was too embarrassed to say anything. People smiled and said that they had admired the name for a long time, so he could only be polite and polite: "It's okay, okay."

Cyclops definitely doesn't know the real reason why Lu Yuan admires his name for so long.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with you?" Cyclops was not fooled by Lu Yuan's compliments and asked, "Are you still looking for someone?"

Lu Yuan thought for a while, raised his hand to condense a ball of fire in his hand, and asked: "I heard that mutants are accepted here? Can I join at my age?"

Cyclops's attitude softened, he nodded and said, "Come with me, I'll take you to see the professor."

There is only one person called professor here, and that is Professor X.

And this is not just his title. In fact, Professor Ph.D.

He is indeed qualified to be called a professor.

In addition, this is a college where Professor X transformed his own business into a college, and almost everyone is his student.

This also gives Professor X a high reputation, and he is indeed worthy of being respected by the children in the school.

Lu Yuan followed Cyclops across the lawn in the yard, and finally entered through the door of the villa.

And when they were about to walk through the corridor, they met two people.

On the left is a strong, middle-aged man with a hair similar to that of an animal, but with a sense of familiarity, and exuding a wild aura.

On the right is a beautiful woman with long bright red hair and a tall figure.

"Scott (Cyclops's name), who is he?" The woman looked at Lu Yuan subconsciously, and her eyes lit up.

Lu Yuan is 1.9 meters tall, wearing a neat white suit. He is not ugly at all. It can be said that he outshines the other two men in front of him.

Cyclops Scott glanced at Lu Yuan unhappily and said casually: "He is a mutant who just arrived today. I would like to ask the professor if he can seek asylum here."

The wild man suddenly laughed: "It turns out he is a pretty boy."

Lu Yuan glanced at the other party, and not to be outdone, he said mockingly: "Is this set of Adamant metal the reason why you are so proud of your body?"

"What did you say?" The other party rushed over angrily.

"Wait a minute," Scott and the woman both wanted to stop him.

However, before they could take action, a powerful spiritual power swept over from nowhere, trying to appease the angry wild man and Lu Yuan.

But Lu Yuan also took action, and a more terrifying spiritual power directly bounced off the spirit and slapped it directly on the wild man's face.

This spiritual power belonged to Lu Yuan, and he also knew who the previous spiritual power belonged to, it was Professor X.

Lu Yuan glanced at a certain room in the house, ignored Professor All of your Adamant metal will be pulled out for you."

That's right, the man in front of you who exudes a wild aura, is also grumpy and unruly, is Wolverine.

Moreover, Deadpool has always been obsessed with him, and he is always obsessed with making a movie with Wolverine.

Even the reason why Deadpool is so difficult to die and has such invincible self-healing ability comes from Wolverine.

But Wolverine suffered in front of Lu Yuan today.

He could not have imagined that Lu Yuan possessed more terrifying mental power than Professor X, and even had more terrifying powers.

121. First meeting with Professor x

The sudden conflict was something that Cyclops Scott failed to react to.

But the red-haired woman quickly stopped the two of them: "Stop."

Lu Yuan glanced at her sideways and already guessed her identity: "Qin Gray...Professor?"

She is Qin Grey, the famous female mutant favored by the Phoenix Force.

Jean Gray is not only the heroine of the X-Men, but also the only female member of the original X-Men. She is also very popular among comic readers.

She even ranked third among the 'Top 100 Sexiest Women' selected by the 'Comics Buying Guide'.

The most important thing is that not only does she possess extremely powerful superpowers, but her abilities are similar to Professor X, and in some ways she can be said to be stronger than Professor X.

She is also favored by the Phoenix Force.

The power of the Phoenix comes from the original universe and was born at the beginning of all things. It is a chaotic and immortal, eternal but impermanent existence. It is also known as the son of the universe. It is the embodiment of life and spiritual power in the original universe, symbolizing life and emotions.

At the same time, the Phoenix Force is also the connection point for the spiritual soul of all things that exist or will exist in the future in the infinite multiverse. It is the creator and source of spiritual power, and the storage container of life and emotional energy for future generations of the entire infinite multiverse. With the Dominator.

If it were the complete Phoenix Force, it would definitely be at the multiverse level.

It's just that people have always believed that the Phoenix Force was broken as early as the last universe. The Phoenix Force that has appeared has never been complete. The most complete fragment is also the most powerful Phoenix Force, which should be the Dark Phoenix.

The Dark Phoenix once destroyed a galaxy and even caused great trouble and even catastrophic crisis to the X-Men.


Suddenly, Wolverine Logan, who stood up again, stood in front of Lu Yuan and blocked his sight: "Watch your sight."

This is because Lu Yuan's eyes have been staring at Qin Gray. He is observing the power hidden in Qin Gray's body, the power of the Phoenix, and it is also a black phoenix.

Yes, Jean Gray has been possessed by the Phoenix Force, and she has become the host of the Dark Phoenix.

But this is not necessarily a good thing, nor is it necessarily a bad thing.

The Phoenix Force is different from Venom in that only the full Phoenix Force has self-awareness.

The fragmented Phoenix Power is just a pure force.

But this is the Dark Phoenix, itself a symbol of destruction and madness.

Lu Yuan was too lazy to pay attention to Logan, and continued to examine Qin Gray, and was about to say: "You can't control it..."

"Hey," Cyclops Scott interrupted Lu Yuan, but he was not targeting Lu Yuan, but looked at Logan and said seriously: "Qin is my girlfriend."

All right.

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