But Lu Yuan understood what he meant.

Obviously there are alien threats in the universe, but the people on earth are fighting against each other. Isn't that stupid or something?

Once aliens suddenly invade, what will be done to resist?

At the same time, Magneto breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he knew that aliens existed, maybe he could...

132. Ending the journey of the X-Men universe

Although Magneto's ability has been demonstrated through Lu Yuan's observations.

But he didn't produce another Yao Mozi, maybe because he was frustrated, or because he knew he couldn't beat Lu Yuan, or because he was too weakened by the movie universe.

In short, the only power Magneto has shown so far is the control of metal.

So when he was arrested, and a prison made of plastic and glass specially made for him was completed, he was sent to jail and stayed there.

On the other side, Charles finally woke up, and he was told that Magneto had been defeated.

Qin Gray also woke up. She knew nothing about what Lu Yuan had done. She only thought that she was too tired and lost consciousness.

Later, she thanked Lu Yuan for taking care of her and not doing anything excessive.

Lu Yuanxin said that he was not a scumbag. "Three seven three"

Just like that, everything returned to calm, and the little naughty was brought back, and he explained it clearly to Iceman. Lu Yuan testified to Iceman that it was Mystique who turned into him, and it was Mystique who stimulated the little naughty. She left.

As for why Lu Yuan knew.

"Because I can see through Mystique's transformation," Lu Yuan told the truth.

No matter how the appearance changes, the soul remains unchanged.

And his vision has already expanded to the soul level and even the true meaning of the universe.

That's why he was able to learn mutant abilities just by observing them.

One night after his return, Logan fulfilled his promise and invited Lu Yuan for a few drinks.

Scott also came. He and Logan originally disliked each other, especially because Logan had always had a crush on Jean Gray for some reason.

But after fighting side by side this time, they have become partners.

Scott also said to Lu Yuan: "Why don't you officially join us."

"So you really don't trust me yet, right?" Lu Yuan said funny and angrily.

Scott was a little embarrassed.

After all, Lu Yuan himself said that he was an alien, how could he believe it so easily.

But Lu Yuan shook his head: "I might have to leave."

For such a long time, Lu Yuan has been observing the mutants in the academy, and even with his super eyesight, he can see all the mutants in the world one by one.

He had gotten what he wanted for so long.

Whether it's Charles or Magneto, especially the Phoenix Force, he has gained a lot.

Especially the fact that he finally merged with the power of the Heart of the Universe was his biggest gain in coming to this universe.

But his control over the heart of the universe is still only 80%, which is not the most perfect integration. Maybe he still needs to continue to observe other universes?

So Lu Yuan was ready to leave.

"I'm leaving too," Logan also suddenly made a move to leave: "The professor gave me some information, and I may have to leave for a while."

Scott couldn't help but feel a little reluctant.

The relationship between the three of them had just calmed down, and they were about to part ways.

Of course this is just his feeling.

Lu Yuan and Logan looked at each other, then looked away in unison.

Maybe Scott is a bit self-promoting, and it might be better if Jean Gray is used to save Logan.

Or maybe it would be good to let Storm retain Lu Yuan?

Speaking of which, Lu Yuan did two things before leaving.

One is that while the congressman was still alive, he took action to save the congressman's life and reversed his genes, turning him back into an ordinary person.

This made the little naughty girl very excited, hoping that Lu Yuan would turn her into an ordinary person.

As a result, Lu Yuan told him that because the congressman was originally an ordinary person, he could become an ordinary person again.

The little naughty boy was born a mutant and naturally could not become an ordinary person.

(Actually, it's possible, but Lu Yuan doesn't want the naughty boy to give up his identity.)

The congressman stayed at the college for a few days. This experience and what he saw and heard allowed the congressman to make a wise choice in the end.

He no longer insisted that mutants register, and began to change his attitude, becoming the most solid advocate for humans and mutants to coexist peacefully.

In addition, there is another thing. Lu Yuan went to a place in invisible form. It looked like a military factory, and he was building something similar to a robot.


Lu Yuan seemed to already know the origin of those robots.

He watched the secret research here in silence, but in the end chose to do nothing.

Because he already knows that the future timeline needs to be replaced. To put it bluntly, there will be a restart. After all, the older generation of X-Men are old and it is time to retire. 0...

Then it’s the new generation’s turn.

Or according to Deadpool, the X-Men's timeline is just too confusing, and there is no older generation and new generation?

Well, if we look at the story of Charles being unable to walk in the first battle and Magneto parting ways with him, how can we explain it in The Last Stand?

Lu Yuan smiled bitterly. The more he thought about it, the more headache he got. He didn't want to worry about the screenwriter.

"Let's go back."

Lu Yuan raised his hand and opened a portal. After stepping through it, he instantly returned to the Marvel movie universe.

(Although X-Men is also an IP created by Marvel, it is known that this entire set of copyrights has been sold before, so the X-Men movie universe does not belong to the Marvel movie universe.)

Because of the time difference, it was already evening when Lu Yuan came back.

As soon as he returned home, Lu Yuan saw two people sitting on the long table in the living room on the left and right sides. There were also two candles on the table. It was obvious that they were having a warm candlelight dinner.

The two people even put on clothes in the style of the last century.

It was Steve and Paige who had regained their vitality and returned to their youth.

The two people were also stunned, looking at Lu Yuan who suddenly appeared, obviously not expecting him to come back at this time.

The room was still echoing with the melodious tune of a piece of music. Are they planning to dance after the candlelight dinner?

Well, they did have a dance promise.

2.0 "That," Steve stood up awkwardly and was about to speak.

Lu Yuan quickly waved his hand: "Don't pay attention to me. I originally thought you wanted to live alone, so I came back. Since you have a beautiful woman to accompany you, I will go find someone else."

This was obviously Lu Yuan's home, but he had to hide out.

There was also a voice of gratitude from Steve behind him: "Thank you."

His gratitude included a lot, including Lu Yuan's kindness, his help to Peggy, and many other things.

Lu Yuan waved his hand and left without looking back.

It wasn't until he walked out of the house that he seemed to realize: "This is my home. Damn, am I really a light bulb?"

Maybe the nickname Tony gave him was actually right?

But the question is where to go after coming out?

Lu Yuan was a little confused. After thinking about it, he took out his folding fan and stepped into the portal, and went straight to Kama Taj.

133. Get guidance from the fairy master

At this moment, Tony is living a two-person world with Pepper, and Steve is also celebrating their reunion with Peggy after seventy years.

Lu Yuan became a loner.

He can't go and play with Happy, can he? Or are you going to have a bachelor party with Rod?

Anyway, he won't go to Nick Fury or Hawkeye Barton. If he is really bored to the extreme, he will go to Coulson for a drink, or go to Natasha?

The key is that Coulson, as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, started to get busy again after dealing with matters related to Thor and Mjolnir.

And Natasha, she knew that Lu Yuan had thoughts about her, so she treated Lu Yuan even more coldly and ignored him.

So Lu Yuan didn't want to appear too humble, so he simply went to Kama Taj.

"So you came to me?" Gu Yi rolled his eyes angrily, complaining while listening to Lu Yuan complaining that he had lost his home.

Lu Yuan didn't care. He stayed here and drank the tea made by Gu Yi with gusto.

Gu sighed in pain.

Speaking of which, Gu Yi is getting younger and younger, looking like he has returned to his youthful state of eighteen or nineteen years old.

After all, Tilda Swinton was also a beautiful woman when she was young, especially with the aura of a fairy.

No wonder Lu Yuan is willing to get close to his master, and he also likes the immortal energy in his master.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan took out the folding fan and handed it over.

Gu Yi glanced at Lu Yuan and thought he didn't like it anymore.

After all, it is a folding fan for girls. It looks small and exquisite, and it has no fan surface, just an ordinary wooden fan.

It's just that Gu Yi used it for a long time and forcibly turned it into a magic weapon.

However, when it comes to fighting, she will still use her magic or close combat skills.

In the end, Lu Yuan said: "The fragrance on it is almost gone, please put more on it."

Gu Yi shook his hand and smashed the fan over.

How about using it as a backup perfume?

And the aroma? It's outrageous.

In how many years, it was the first time that Gu Yi was molested by his disciple, and Lu Yuan was also the first person in hundreds of years to be so bold.

"What on earth are you here for?" Gu Yi asked, dumbfounded.

Lu Yuan carefully caught the fan, shrugged, and put on a serious expression: "Actually, I am thinking of ways to observe various universes, and I have also experienced the multiverse."

Gu Yi was stunned, but not too shocked.

The reason is that their lineage of supreme mages was originally designed to connect to the multiverse and even open the door to time and space in other dimensions.

She just didn't expect Lu Yuan to move so fast.

"Then what?" Ancient One asked, "What results did you observe?"

Lu Yuan shook his head: "I have a rough understanding of the laws of the universe on the physical side."

This is the truth. His current abilities are countless. The power he can channel just by observing the power of the Phoenix is ​​countless, and they all involve the terrifying laws of the universe.

"But I still have some shortcomings, so I want to ask the teacher, what else do I not understand about the mysteries of the universe in the spiritual realm? Or is the teacher still hiding something from me? Shouldn't we be honest with each other?" Lu Yuan even made a pun at the end.

Gu Yi glared at him, could he speak? That's called sharing everything, what is being frank?

But Gu Yi also began to think about it, and finally asked: "Do you really understand the laws of the universe on the physical side?"

Lu Yuan simply demonstrated. He raised his hands, and a handful of soil suddenly appeared in his empty palms, then transformed into a handful of water, and then into various substances and elements.

Finally, Lu Yuan conjured up a bouquet of flowers and sent it to Gu Yi.

Fortunately it’s not a rose….

Gu Yi reluctantly accepted it, and was surprised by Lu Yuan's current method: "Create matter? Change matter? Reorganize matter?"

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