After this group of people traveled from the future and caused them or the universe here to become a parallel universe, it was destined that Steve and the others in the future would not be able to know Lu Yuan.

Unless this didn't happen.

"`ˇAnd I'm very curious about your future world, such as Tony's nanotechnology suit, what the future world will look like, technology, etc. There may be great business opportunities," Lu Yuan smiled like A businessman.

But there was one true thing he didn't say, that is, he still had to save one person, and that was Natasha.

Even if it's Natasha from the parallel universe, he can't remain indifferent. Who knows that Natasha in this world has already relaxed her attitude and wants to agree to him.

How could my own woman die so casually?

Seeing that Lu Yuan was firm and how smoothly he got the Mind Stone, Steve had no choice but to let him go.

In this way, the two of them came to the street behind Stark Building while talking.

Because we had just experienced an unprecedented war, the streets were in a mess, and scenes of destruction could be seen everywhere.

Such as deep pits, falling rocks and other construction materials from surrounding buildings, as well as many abandoned vehicles, etc.

There is no pedestrian on the street now. This is the center of the battlefield, and many people have been evacuated.

At this time, Lu Yuan and Steve also saw Tony and Ant-Man Scott, who also came from the future, arguing.

"Scott, I was knocked unconscious by the Hulk. I didn't know that would happen, and I didn't want to," Tony was explaining, while rubbing his head.

It seemed that he was hit hard. After all, it was the Hulk, not the Hulk Benacho.

Scott shouted loudly: "No, you rejected this plan from the beginning. You definitely don't want to succeed."

It seems that Scott still has some prejudices against Tony.

The reason is that firstly, they are not familiar with each other, and secondly, in the original Civil War movie, Scott was on Steve's side and opposed to Tony.

The most important thing is that when Scott first proposed the time and space hijacking plan, he was severely beaten by Tony and was criticized to pieces.

Maybe he holds a grudge.

160. We still have to go to the past era.

When Lu Yuan and Steve came out together, the two finally ended their quarrel and looked at Lu Yuan together.

"It's him?"

The two looked at each other and obviously remembered that Lu Yuan had clearly waved to their location before. He had obviously discovered their previous hiding place, but he didn't say it out loud.

"Captain, who is he?" Scott was still young and was the first to ask out of breath.

Steve sighed: "Actually, I'm not familiar with it either."

This is the truth.

"Then you brought him here? Have you forgotten? We'd better not get entangled with people and things in the past," Tony mentioned the rules of time travel.

Otherwise that would mess with past history.

But Lu Yuan looked at Tony and asked, "Are you still embarrassed to say that? Loki has already run away with the space gem, right?"

Lu Yuan actually knew what happened over there, and the other one didn't stop him, but deliberately watched Loki escape.

Otherwise, even if Loki ran to the ends of the earth, Lu Yuan would be able to catch him back.

Lu Yuan's words left Tony speechless.

He said he couldn't change history, but it turned out that he changed the most.

"You still didn't say who you were," Tony was smart and immediately found an excuse to fool him, while at the same time shifting the focus to Lu Yuan.

For the three of them, Lu Yuan's existence is a mystery, and he is like a mysterious person.

Because there has never been anyone like Lu Yuan in their memory.

"Okay, my name is Lu Yuan, and my title is Superman. If you have anything else to ask, you can ask Jarvis," Lu Yuan reported his name and the title he was currently using.

But Tony did not contact Jarvis's system because he knew that once discovered by Jarvis, it would be equivalent to being discovered by his past self.

He is now using more advanced technology to block some of Jarvis's functions, so he has not been discovered, and it is even less likely that he will be exposed on his own initiative.

"What were you arguing about just now? Didn't you get the space stone?" Steve suddenly noticed that both of them had empty hands.

According to the agreement, Steve was responsible for the Mind Stone, while Tony and Ant-Man were responsible for the Space Stone.

Now Steve has brought the Mind Stone, but what about the Space Stone?

Tony had no intention of pursuing the question of who Lu Yuan was, and said with a guilty conscience: "Something went wrong."

"It's your problem, just your problem," Scott said, getting excited again.

Tony couldn't be bothered to argue with him because his head still hurt.

Not to mention Steve, he only cares about one thing: "Tony, is there any other way?"

Lu Yuan seemed to have turned into a transparent person at this time. He deliberately did not speak and just watched from the side.

Tony was deep in thought, and suddenly he thought of something: "I know, there is a place we can try."

"Wait a minute," Scott had to remind the two of them: "Don't forget that our Pym particles are only enough for everyone to go back and forth once. No matter what you want to do now, once you are trapped in the past, you will never go back. ."

Scott's expression was serious at this time.

Tony obviously thought about this problem, so he said: "So I know that there was a time when the space gems and Pym particles existed in the same place at the same time. I think you also know what I mean, right?"

Tony looked at Steve.

The latter's heart moved, and he already knew what Tony meant.

Pym particles were developed by Dr. Pym, so they were named Pym particles. At the same time, Dr. Pym was also the first generation Ant-Man and was still married to the first generation Wasp.

There was a time when Dr. Pym joined S.H.I.E.L.D., and he was also a secret agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

At that time, there was no concept of superheroes, let alone the Avengers plan. It was a plan that Fury came up with later because of Captain Marvel.

There is also the Space Stone, which Tony's father Howard recovered from the sea when he was searching for Steve.

Later, the Space Stone fell into the hands of SHIELD, otherwise Hydra would have found it first.

In other words, as long as they time it just right, they can find two things at the same time.

The Space Stone is their goal, and the Pym Particles are the key to their return to the future.

"This is the only thing we can do," Steve knew in his heart that their operation must succeed and cannot fail.

The reason is that a plot like Avengers: Infinity War happened in the future world. Thanos forcibly collected the Infinity Stones and snapped his fingers with the Infinity Gauntlet, causing the universe to lose half of its life.

Now only by snapping his fingers again with the power of the infinite stones can he have a chance to save the dead.

But the key to the problem is that Thanos actually used the power of the Infinity Stones to destroy all the Infinity Stones in the end. His last snap of his fingers was to destroy all the Infinity Stones, even leaving permanent scars on himself.

Thanos will not miss the power of the Infinity Stones. Instead, he believes that the Infinity Stones will continue to cause chaos and even ruin his plans.

So he would rather destroy that power.

I have to say that Thanos is still an idealist.

Therefore, the Avengers of the future world will "invade" the past world on a large scale. Their only chance now is to bring those Infinity Stones to the future world one by one from the timeline in the past when the Infinity Stones still existed.

Then after snapping the fingers, as long as the Infinity Stones are returned as soon as possible, the past history will not be rewritten.

Of course, in theory, this is the perfect plan.

But in reality?

History has been rewritten in the past, in more ways than one.

To describe it in one sentence, when you play with time, time will also play with you.

Tony didn't know what that meant yet.

Lu Yuan had been standing there watching them, and the three people seemed to have completely ignored Lu Yuan.

Until they seemed to decide something.

Steve handed the psychic scepter in the box to Scott and said: "Take this back, and don't forget to return it to this... Superman."

Then, Steve and Tony began to adjust some equipment on their hands, which was a device that locked them in coordinates to avoid traveling through the wrong time, or allowed time to flow on itself and change the time in their bodies.

Then, Steve and Tony looked at each other, and then they traveled through time. They took a few steps forward in the timeline and went to an earlier past.

Scott sighed helplessly and was about to return to the future world.

But suddenly he noticed something, raised his head, and looked at where Lu Yuan was standing before.

As a result, there was only an empty space left there.

Lu Yuan disappeared.

Scott shrugged, thinking that Lu Yuan just left, turned on the device and went back first.

But what Scott didn't know was that Lu Yuan did leave, but the way he left was completely different. He followed the time tunnel opened by Tony and Steve, traveled through the quantum realm, and went to the past era together.

161. Back to 1970

In 1970, Steve and Tony jumped forward forty-two years.

What seems to have been exposed?

So Tony is already in his forties?

The reason why I say this is because this year is also the year when Tony was born. He is actually born in the 1970s.

This also made Tony feel dazed for a while.

In this world, of course, his parents are still alive.

Steve's eyes were also confused. He had been frozen for seventy years and had missed too much.

And this era was the beautiful past that he had missed.

"Hey, do you plan to stand like this forever?" Suddenly, Lu Yuan's voice came from behind, startling the two of them.

The two of them turned back together and saw Lu Yuan.

How did he get here?

"How did you come here?" Even Tony exclaimed.

Lu Yuan spread his hands: "Isn't this very simple? Although I don't have the coordinates, I can follow you through the quantum realm and come here together."

Lu Yuan not only crossed time this time, but also experienced a tunnel in the quantum realm.

If it was just him, traveling through time would be too easy.

But the way Tony and the others traveled through time was to first pass through the quantum realm. Because of the particularity of the quantum realm, it was possible to travel through time.

In fact, it is more like the quantum realm connecting multiple universes, which is equivalent to traveling from this universe to another.

Perhaps from the beginning, the two worlds were not on the same timeline.

Of course the above is just speculation.

When Lu Yuan experienced the quantum realm, he also made some observations.

The quantum realm is actually the microcosm, which contains a complete universe. What is surprising is that the scale of the microcosm is not small, but very large.

As long as it is within the scope of the universe, there will be coverage of the quantum realm, and the quantum realm is connected to one piece, which can realize time travel and space travel.

There are even many things, and Lu Yuan may get a lot of benefits.

"Why are you following us?" Steve also became suspicious of what Lu Yuan was doing.

Why did Lu Yuanfei follow them? Does he have any purpose?

Lu Yuan smiled: "I should have told you that Natasha is already going to be my girlfriend."

Steve nodded. Lu Yuan did say that he would also give the Mind Stone to Natasha as a gift, which was extremely generous.

But what does this have to do with what he is doing now?

"Perhaps you don't know yet, it's not easy to get the soul gem. You need to reach a permanent deal, one soul for another," Lu Yuan's expression became more serious as he spoke.

After Tony and Steve looked at each other, they also showed horrified expressions.

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