"He's a scientist?"

"Could he be the Dr. Bruce Banner who died due to an accident in the experiment?"

Jane heard Tony's words, thought for a while and looked at Sol in disbelief and asked.

"I don't know, but Banner is indeed a doctor."

Thor didn't know much about the disappearance, but he also confirmed Banner's identity.

"The world is really full of wonders. People who were rumored to be missing and dead are actually resurrected."

After getting the confirmation, Jane looked at Banner and said with some amazement.

Bruce Banner is also a genius scientist in the scientific community, and few people can match him.

As an astronomer, Jane had naturally heard of Bruce Banner's name.

However, according to rumors, Dr. Bruce Banner died in an accident a few years ago due to an accident in his research.

Now Bruce Banner appears here, and he looks younger. Obviously, Bruce Banner has encountered a lot of things in the past few years.

"Sorry, I didn't want you to die, it was just an accident."

Immediately, Jane, who discovered her offense, looked at Banner and immediately apologized.

"Don't worry, many people have similar reactions to you when they find out I'm not dead."

Banner didn't care at all about Jane's offense and said with a smile.

"Let's talk first. To be honest, I'm quite curious about the power of ether."

"How does this power exist that can distort all physical rules of reality?"

Tony spoke at this time.

Then a group of people walked into Sol's hall.

"I also want to study the power of ether in my body, but the power of ether is in an unstable state."

"I can't control it, so it's a little difficult to study what power it has."

"But when I first discovered it, the power of ether was a ball of red energy."

"The rules of physics around etheric forces have completely changed."

"It completely changes the position of space and the rules of gravity."

“Worlds can be connected but different when the rules of space change.”

"Within the range where the rules of gravity change, even an ordinary person like me can easily lift a large car."

"You can't even feel the weight of the cart, it's like lifting a feather."

Jane faced the gazes of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner and spoke.

The power of ether is a mysterious energy that cannot be explained by science, and it also symbolizes huge potential.

If humans can thoroughly study and control it, then human technology will undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Thor, how was the power of ether born?"

When Tony heard what Jane explained, his eyes flickered and he looked at Thor.

Sol was speechless when asked this question and didn't know how to answer.

"There is no clear record in the book about the source of the power of ether."

"But Tony Stark, you should know something similar to this terrifying power."

Loki saw his brother's confused look and took the initiative to speak.

"Cosmic Cube?"

Tony and Banner heard Loki talking about similar treasures, their eyes flashed and then they said in unison.

The Cosmic Cube not only has the ability to connect anywhere in the universe, but also has unlimited energy.

Tony himself synthesized the new elements through his father's notes, which came from studying the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"Well, the power of ether and the Cosmic Cube should belong to the same category."

"Although my father gave us some books to give us a rough idea, everyone knows that what is written in books is often just the appearance that people want to know."

"So there is no need to investigate too closely as to what the origin is."

"The important thing is that this etheric power has now broken the seal and appeared in the world."

"I definitely have the desire to attract some top powerful people."

Loki nodded slightly when he heard this and said.

As someone who has obtained and used the Cosmic Cube, Loki certainly knows the power of the Cosmic Cube.

Although they still don't know the power contained in the power of ether, there is no doubt that the power of ether is also abnormal.

This made Loki think of Thanos' purpose in letting him come to Blue Star to seize the Cosmic Cube.

If the power of ether is really a similar treasure to the Cosmic Cube, then the power of ether should also make Thanos tempted.

It's just that the information hasn't been spread yet, but once Thanos knows that the power of ether is present, Thanos will most likely be tempted and want it.

But these were just Loki's guesses, so he didn't speak out.

Right now, the most important thing is to resist Malekith's invasion and prevent Malekith's plan from succeeding.

Loki's words aroused the desire of the top powerhouse, causing Tony and Banner to look at each other. Will Harvey also want it?

But Tony thought that Harvey had already anticipated the emergence of the power of ether.

Then it does not rule out that Harvey already knows the place where the power of ether is sealed.

It shouldn't be that difficult for Harvey to get it, but considering that the power of ether is an Asgardian treasure.

God-King Odin is still there, and it's not impossible that Harvey didn't take it away.

This kind of etheric power is what Tony personally desires.

Because if he studies the power of ether and develops something, it will bring about a qualitative change in his technology, and it will be difficult for others to copy.

Not only can he benefit from this, but the Void God Sect and Blue Star can also benefit from it. It can be said that he kills three birds with one stone.

However, the power of ether is now in Jane Foster's body, so Tony cannot snatch it directly. The most important thing is to protect Jane Foster now and then look for opportunities to see if he can study it.

"Besides the Rainbow Bridge, does Asgard have other entrances and exits?"

"Where does Loki think Malekith will come from?"

Tony thought about this and looked at Loki and asked.

As soon as these words came out, Banner, Thor and Jane all looked at Loki.

Facing these looks, Loki looked innocent.

"Don't say you don't know. The last time you came to Void Island, you definitely couldn't have taken the right path."

Tony saw Loki's innocent look and said.

"There are three ways to get in and out of Asgard."

"One is to teleport through the Rainbow Bridge, one is to know the star map and drive a space battleship directly over, and the other is to enter and exit through a secret passage."

"The first type of rainbow bridge can only be transmitted with the consent of Heimdall, or the authority granted by my father, so the first type is excluded directly."

"The second one is under Heimdall's surveillance if you enter through the main entrance."

"The third secret passage is relatively secret. Not many people in Asgard know about it. Logically speaking, Malekith should not know the correct location of the secret passage."

"So the most likely possibility is that Malekith will enter through the main entrance, so we have plenty of defense time."

After hearing this, Loki also analyzed the possibility of which path Malekith would choose to take.

Ten thousand a day, the first two thousand words will be sent

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