I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 276 The Dark Elves Are Destroyed

The sky was filled with dust. Thor looked at a huge figure in the dust and stood up. He grabbed the Cursed Warrior and flicked it, and the Cursed Warrior's body flew out.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The cursed warrior was like a cannonball, directly smashing through the surrounding boulder obstacles.

It made the main hall tremble and shook off a lot of dust that made it difficult to open one's eyes.

But after the dust cleared, Banner's very recognizable green broad back appeared in front of Thor.

"Thor, are you okay?"

Immediately, Banner turned around and looked at Thor, who had blood at the corner of his mouth and some bruises on his face, and asked.

"It's okay, but you came really late."

Thor heard this concerned greeting and looked at Banner with a relieved smile on his face.

"Sorry, we thought you could handle it."

"So it took us some time to kill Malekith."

"It's just that Tony noticed that you haven't been here for so long, so he thought you might be in trouble."

"So let me come over and take a look."

When Banner heard Thor's words, he showed an embarrassed look on his face and explained seriously.

"You said Malekith is dead?"

"Is Jane okay?"

When Thor heard that Malekith was dead, his eyes widened and he asked in disbelief.

"It was also because we wanted to get Miss Jane Foster out of her body, so we wasted some time by killing Malekith."

"She's fine now."

"I'll tell you the specific situation later. I'll help you kill this cursed warrior now."

Banner heard what Thor said and spoke.

"He's physically very strong, so be careful."

Thor heard Banner's confident words. Although he wanted to help, he also knew that he was already injured at the moment, and hiding away would be the greatest help to Banner, so he just explained the information.

"Just keep an eye on it."

"I've never been afraid of anything stronger than the physical body."

Banner showed two rows of white teeth when he heard Thor's words.

Afterwards, Banner rushed directly towards the cursed warrior who was slowly getting up, and punched him directly.

When the cursed warrior saw that the Hulk was back, he also punched him with his backhand.

When two huge fists collided, a terrifying impact visible to the naked eye erupted from between them.

The broken stones around them were all thrown away, and a circular pit appeared directly where the two of them were.

Thor's eyes widened when he saw Banner's burst of physical strength. He didn't expect Banner to be so powerful.

"I've been waiting for an opponent like you for a long time."

Banner saw the Cursed Warrior receiving his punch head-on. He was not knocked away, but only stepped back less than half a meter, with an excited smile on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, Banner's left hand swung like a heavy hammer.

Upon seeing this, the cursed warrior directly resisted, but when Banner's blow was caught by the cursed warrior, he felt the power that was more terrifying than himself, and his eyes shrank.

The terrible force impacted the body of the cursed warrior, and the bones in his body were trembling.

The Cursed Warrior's feet could not stand on the ground, and just when he was about to fly out, Banner stepped directly on the Cursed Warrior's feet.

The power of the feet is often greater than the power of the fists. Hulk himself only relies on instinct to fight, often punching but not kicking.

Although the Hulk has only fought with his hands and fists, his strength can make many people despair, but that is far from Hulk's full power.

Now that Banner can perfectly control Hulk's power, he will no longer be able to move his hands or legs like before.

This step caused the shrine to tremble, and the cursed warrior's foot was crushed to pieces.

Banner's strength is now something that few people can match, and even Tony has to use his hidden cards.

Only then can he gain some advantage in front of Banner and temporarily defeat Banner.

But this does not mean that Banner is weak. Facing other enemies, Banner's Hulk will be a monster-like existence that is difficult for others to deal with.

The Cursed Warrior's left foot was shattered, and he groaned as the severe pain shot through him, knowing that he had met an opponent who was equally formidable in physical form.

However, his foot was injured at this time. If he wanted to survive, he had only one option: directly killing the Hulk in front of him, otherwise he would have no one and no chance to escape.

"I am going to kill you!"

Therefore, the cursed warrior also let out a roar and took the initiative to attack.

But when this punch hit Banner's face, it just made Banner's head tilt.

Banner spit out two teeth and smiled on his face.

The cursed warrior felt incredible when he saw that the Hulk had endured his punch and was only slightly injured.

But Banner was beaten, and it was not his character not to fight back, so he slapped the cursed warrior on the head with both hands.

Sometimes punches are not as useful as palms. Especially when attacking a part like the head which is always vulnerable anyway.

Banner's terrifying impact directly impacted the cursed warrior's brain this time.

The cursed warrior's brain was shaken, and ghost images appeared in front of his eyes.

Banner saw the cursed warrior's body begin to shake, and directly grabbed the cursed warrior's feet.

Then it was like a sledgehammer, constantly hitting the ground. Every time it hit, a deep pit would appear on the ground.

This scene is very scary, like a giant monster going crazy, destroying everything around it.

As a cursed warrior whose weapon was swung, his body couldn't bear it at all. He kept spitting out blood and his consciousness kept blurring.

In just over ten seconds, the cursed warrior was killed by Banner directly as a weapon, and his huge body sank into the ground without making any sound.

It was also with Banner's smashing that the shrine, which had already been shaken by the battle, began to collapse at this moment.


Seeing that the shrine was showing signs of collapse, Banner also reacted at this time. He seemed to have messed up and froze in place.

"What are you doing standing still? The shrine is about to be trampled, so hurry up and leave!"

Thor saw Banner forcefully beating the cursed warrior to death. While marveling at Banner's physical body, he also found signs of collapse in the temple. He looked at Banner who was standing still and didn't know what he was thinking, and shouted loudly. road.

When Banner heard this, he grabbed the body of the cursed warrior and ran out.

Then under the eyes of Thor and Banner, the palace in Asgard that had stood for countless years slowly collapsed.

"Sorry, I seem to have messed up."

Banner looked at the collapsed shrine, with a look of shame on his face after it restored its original appearance. He clearly came to help, but ended up destroying Asgard's shrine.

Hulk's power is too powerful, and it is very easy to cause damage to the surroundings if he is not careful.

"It's okay, you didn't mess up. You did a big favor by killing the Cursed Warrior."

"Tony is right. Asgard was invaded by the dark elves, and some casualties and destruction are inevitable."

"What matters is whether we can successfully defeat Malekith's plan."

"Thanks to you, we have completely won this battle."

Seeing Banner's ashamed look, Thor reached out and patted Banner on the shoulder. Although his eyes were a little reluctant, he still smiled and comforted him.

The shrine has been there since the moment he was born, so this shrine has a history of at least fifteen hundred years.

Now that it collapsed due to the battle caused by Malekith's invasion, no one would be willing to give up.

But Thor also understands that as long as the people of Asgard are protected, the palace where the king lives will one day be built.

Now that Malekith is dead, Malekith's greatest reliance, the Cursed Warrior, is also dead.

Well this time Malekith leads the Dark Elf invasion. It will end with the total defeat of the army.

Banner felt a lot better when he heard Sol's comfort.

He really wanted to help, but Hulk was too powerful. If he wanted to help properly, he still needed to spend more effort.

"Let's go and find Tony first to check on the situation."

"We in Asgard will handle the construction of the shrine and other tasks."

Thor saw the guilt in Banner's eyes dissipate a lot and said with a smile.

Banner nodded when he heard this and immediately started to go to Thor's hall.

When Banner and Thor returned to their residence, they saw Tony playing with a red gem as beautiful as onyx.

"Tony, why is the power of ether missing?"

Banner looked around and asked anxiously when he found that the power of ether was gone.

"This is the power of ether in my hand."

Tony held the ruby ​​between his thumb and forefinger and spoke.

"Isn't the power of ether irregular and unstable energy?"

Banner looked at the ruby ​​in Tony's hand and asked strangely.

"I don't know the details, but after Malekith died."

"The etheric power in his body gathered into this ruby."

"And the energy has become incredibly stable."

Upon hearing this, Tony threw the ruby ​​in his hand directly towards Banner and said

Banner saw this thing flying over and immediately caught it. Then he looked carefully and saw that the energy contained in the gem was flowing in an orderly manner.

"If it didn't spread out directly, would we still be able to study it?"

"Didn't Malekith say that you need to use witchcraft to control the power of ether? How can we do it if we don't know witchcraft?"

After Banner looked at it carefully, he said.

"I've asked Jarvis to analyze it."

"The unstable power of ether does require special energy to activate, which is what Malekith calls witchcraft."

"However, it is not difficult to control and study the power of ether that is so stable now."

Tony heard this and spoke without any worry.

Hearing this, Banner felt relieved.

"The problem is that this gem, which is condensed with the power of ether, is also a treasure belonging to Asgard."

"So we have to give it back to Thor first, and then we have to borrow it from you."

Tony saw Banner relieved, looked at Thor and said.

Thor had to take the Cosmic Cube back to build the Rainbow Bridge, so Tony, who originally planned to borrow it for research, was unable to borrow it for the time being.

Of course, he wanted to borrow this ruby ​​from Thor to study it now.

Both Banner and Tony have witnessed the magic of the power of ether. If this energy can be manipulated a little, we can definitely develop super technology that others cannot copy.

Sol remained silent this whole time, also because when he just returned to his hall, he exchanged greetings with Jane directly.

"You have helped Asgard a lot, so I should have agreed to lend it to you immediately."

"After all, we are all friends."

"It's just that I'm not the king of Asgard yet, my father is."

"Strictly speaking, the power of ether is a treasure left behind by my grandfather Bor's generation. It needs to be handled with more caution."

"So I have to ask my father for his opinion before I can give you an answer."

Now that Thor heard Tony and Banner talking about him, he also let go of Jane's hand, looked at Tony and said.

Of course, he also knew that Banner and Tony wanted to study the power of ether, which symbolized a power that ordinary people could not imagine.

But how to deal with the power of ether, he couldn't decide by himself.

"As long as you say this."

"Banner, please return the gem to Thor first."

When Tony heard Sol's words, a smile appeared on his face and he spoke.

Although Banner wanted to start research immediately after hearing it, he had a certain ability to make his wishes come true.

So many unimaginable technologies or restricted environments may be directly created through the power of ether, which will directly reduce countless obstacles to their research.

But this is Asgard's treasure, and it's not easy for him to take it by force, so Banner directly handed it back to Thor.

"You have helped Asgard a lot, and I will give you an answer as soon as possible."

Thor took the gem, looked at Tony and Banner and said seriously.

"You don't need to put so much pressure on us. Whether we succeed or not will not affect our relationship."

"Although we want to study it, we also know that the power of ether is not an ordinary treasure."

"And our original intention of helping Asgard this time is not for the power of ether."

"More importantly, I hope to help Asgard tide over the difficulties and indirectly help Blue Star."

Tony saw Sol's serious look and said.

"Well, thank you."

Thor heard Tony's words and smiled on his face.

Meanwhile, with the deaths of the Cursed Warrior and Malekith, the Dark Elves were leaderless and received no signal to retreat.

Under the encirclement and suppression by a group of soldiers led by Loki and Sif, the dark elves were completely killed and the battle was settled.

At this moment, God King Odin also saw the collapsed palace and the gradually subdued war. After feeling Kassadin's gaze retracted, he felt truly at ease.

It seems that Kassadin will focus on Asgard this time, more to see whether Tony Stark can solve it.

Odin wanted to go directly to express condolences to Tony Stark, who came to help, but the war had just ended.

There have been many casualties in Asgard, and comforting the people of Asgard is the more important thing.

So Odin could only send a message to Thor, asking Thor to entertain Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

At least they should stay and attend the post-war celebration banquet together.

The second update of 4,000 words is sent.

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