Frigga couldn't say anything when she saw Alex's determined look.

But Frigga is not incapable of understanding Loki's eagerness to become stronger.

Loki was unable to catch up with Thor in terms of strength in the past, but now with the blessing of the void, diligence can accelerate evolution.

Not to mention completely catching up with Thor, but Loki definitely wants to use this to catch up with Thor.

"If it weren't for the fact that there are still things to do on Blue Star, I would go with you then."

Steve was very excited when he heard that he could evolve more than ten or twenty times by eating it once a week.

It's just that one month is the limit for him to leave Blue Star now. If the time is longer, he won't know what will happen on Blue Star.

"Don't worry, the monsters on the monster planet reproduce very quickly, so there are very many of them."

"Although you are as weak as a chicken, you are willing to pay some price to pursue evolution. You are weak but have a strong will, and you have a bright future."

Alex saw that Steve Rogers also had some intentions, and his words did not hide his appreciation.

In fact, with the strength Steve has shown, if he goes to the monster planet alone, he will be delivering food.

Because it cannot directly penetrate the body and attack the inside with soft force, or it has some powerful sharp weapons, it is impossible to completely kill the monsters on the monster planet.

But as long as Steve is willing to go, Alex will definitely help solve the problem.

"Just praise my ambition...there's no need to mention my strength, right?"

Steve was both happy and helpless when he heard what Alex said.

But considering that the number of evolutions of Alex is higher than that of Lacey, and the oppressive feeling that Lex brings to people just by looking at the appearance is not enough.

So Steve had no chance to refute, let alone compete with Alex.

Lacey seems to be the skill type, but Alex definitely seems to be the type to fight with tyrannical strength.

"Being weak is not a problem."

"You joined the great Void Cult and received the blessing of the supreme God of the Void, Mr. Kassadin."

"Becoming stronger is only a matter of time. The key lies in the heart."

"I can see that you have a heart that doesn't want to give in easily."

"As long as you have this heart, even if no one guides you, your heart and mind will guide you on the path to becoming stronger."

When Alex heard this, he patted his huge chest muscles and gave Steve high approval.

Being weak now is not a problem at all. In the future, everyone will become stronger, so the character of the person is very important.

Even if we are compatriots and are willing to help each other, whether we can become best friends still depends on whether we have the right taste and direction.

Dragons do not live with snakes. If you want to integrate into their current circle, you must have the will to become stronger.

As for those who are coy and weak-tempered, who dare not even make a move, they will not be able to squeeze in even if they want to force their way in.

Of course, here at Alex, Miss Sarah and Miss Lalatina are exceptions.

Miss Sarah is a recorder and a person of status and status in the Void Cult.

Miss Lalatina, like Miss Sarah, received the approval of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, during the New Year's pilgrimage, and joined the Void in full view of the public.

Therefore, even though Miss Lalatina is currently weak, she still has the approval of Alex.

"I feel much better when I hear you say that."

Steve could also feel the unconcealed praise in Alex's words. Originally, because he lost to Lacey, he felt that his weak heart had also received a lot of comfort.

A group of people returned to Tony's experimental area while chatting.

The directly cooked food has been delivered, and the remaining other food needs to be cooked before it can be delivered.

A group of people also started eating directly at their seats around a huge table.

"As you can see, Mr. Odin also wants to integrate into the Void Cult."

"So let's talk about plans."

While eating, Tony said his next plan straight to the point.

The plan is not difficult either. After Odin earns more respect and welcome with his tribute, let Rennoli and the others chat with Odin and others in public, and say some nice things by the way.

"Although it is a deliberate plan, as long as they realize that Mr. Odin is sincere."

"Then it's not that difficult to do these things."

After Rennoli heard the detailed plan, he agreed directly.

It is not a bad thing to have a plan to integrate into the Void Cult. On the contrary, if Odin refuses to integrate because it is difficult to integrate, it will cause more problems.

"By the way, Alex, how much tribute do you plan to pay this year?"

Tony also asked seemingly casually after seeing Rennoli's promise.

"I plan to donate three billion cosmic coins this year."

"There are no plans to conquer other worlds yet, so I don't have any treasures on hand."

"In the future, we have to find ways to find some treasures that cannot be measured in money and offer them as offerings."

When Alex heard Tony's words, he knew that Tony wanted to compare himself with him, but he didn't hide it.

Because Tony wants to compare with himself, it means that Tony's loyalty to the Void Cult is not inferior to his own.

As long as Tony's devotion to the Void Cult does not change, then everything is easy to say.

"Then I'll give it three billion."

Tony was not surprised when he heard that Alex would pay at least more than 2 billion as expected, and said with a smile.

To be honest, his contribution is more than 3 billion, but the New Year's pilgrimage is an extra special day after all, so there is no need to talk about other contributions.

"I haven't done many tasks this year, so the 50 million donation will be the top."

"Save some money for yourself so you can eat well next year."

Kyle was a little envious when he saw Tony and Alex not treating money as money, but he also knew that this was their ability.

"The most I can contribute is 10 million, and my savings are only about 100 million."

"I will make up for it later when the sublight propulsion engine is developed."

After hearing this, Banner was quite confident about the money he was going to donate, but after learning about the money Tony and Alex planned to donate, he felt a little unable to handle it.

However, the thruster engine ran into technical difficulties, resulting in him and Tony failing to develop sublight speed no matter how hard they studied.

Not only was the key to the self-made space battleship stuck, he couldn't get the dividends he deserved.

If he hadn't gone to the stage of making a space battleship and selling it, he wouldn't have been able to get the money from Tony.

Because whether it is gravity devices, intelligent AI, or wormhole jumping technology, they are all Tony's technological achievements and have nothing to do with him.

"Although I also want to help you, we on Mowgli don't have the technology to make sublight engine thrusters."

Alex spoke after hearing Banner's words.

"There are only a few forces in the entire universe that have mastered the technology of sublight engine thrusters."

“It’s normal to have difficulty breaking through research barriers.”

"But we, Asgard, can directly establish a space transmission node for the Void Cult."

"Able to teleport instantly to other worlds within millions of light years."

"In the future, the Void Divine Religion will definitely expand its territories and conquer some planets and worlds."

"We in Asgard are building space nodes for those worlds, and we can achieve free teleportation within tens of millions of light years."

"It's not necessary to study sublight engine thrusters, right?"

Odin also spoke after hearing this.

Their technological level in Asgard is not low, but they don't have such top-notch technology when looking at the universe.

The biggest function of the sublight speed thruster engine is to accelerate to the speed of light at the fastest speed in the universe.

It is not impossible to reach the speed of light without a sublight thruster engine, but for a civilization with countless intelligent races with limited lifespans, being able to compress time must be the best thing.

But that's only for ordinary intelligent creatures.

For Asgard and the Void Cult, that is not necessary.

He had already talked to Miss Sonia about the conquest, and Miss Sonia's answer was that it was too early.

The number of members of the Void Cult is currently not enough to support the conquest of various worlds, but as the number of members slowly increases, it will only be a matter of time before the number of members expands.

Tony also knew that the special technology of the Rainbow Bridge derived from space gems was very powerful, and it was inevitable that the Void God Religion would possess it in the future.

However, having the technology of Rainbow Bridge does not mean that the Void God Religion does not need to research technology.

If the Void God Sect really does that, then it will be nothing.

The special technology of Rainbow Bridge cannot be directly expanded to various worlds and planets, which means it is not for sale.

"The matter of conquest is still some way off for the Void God Religion, so we won't talk about it for now."

"Asgard's Rainbow Bridge technology is indeed unique in the universe."

"But precisely because of this, Rainbow Bridge technology is definitely not for sale and cannot be leaked."

"So it is necessary to study sublight propulsion engines."

"Because the Void God Religion is still in the development stage."

"It is when we lack a lot of money. If we can research it and sell it, we can get countless money for development."

"I think with a long life, choosing to stay where you are and be satisfied with the status quo is a choice."

"But I prefer to keep moving forward."

Tony's words and eyes did not waver at all, but were full of determination.

Even if the crisis on Blue Star is resolved, Tony may be tired and play for a while, but he will eventually continue to research new technologies.

Because his original intention of joining the Void was to use his lifespan far beyond that of human beings to develop and explore new unknown technologies.

Nowadays, Tony's strength and vision have been greatly expanded. Even if he does not rely on technology, his strength cannot be called weak, but his original intention when he joined has never changed.

And technology is also the key to improving his starting point, so he will not stop no matter what.

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