I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 388 Your father is a scumbag

"I don't know either."

Star-Lord felt Loki's eyes, and although he felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't know who his father was if he was asked.

"you do not know?"

Loki couldn't understand it when he heard it.

"Think about Zeus's past. The God of the universe can do as he pleases, so it's not surprising to leave some love debts outside."

"Jarvis, scan Star-Lord's body."

Tony saw that Loki couldn't understand, but he didn't care much, but looked at Star-Lord with interest.

"The strength of the cells in Peter Quill Jason's body was detected to be far beyond that of a normal human."

The activity of cells is more active, which indicates that the ability to resist beatings has been greatly enhanced, and ordinary attacks will not cause serious injuries. "

"The DNA sequence cannot be found to be completely consistent among the known races in the universe. It is even more mysterious."

When Jarvis received Tony's words, a red light directly enveloped Star-Lord, and he reported in just a few seconds.

At the same time, the body data of Star-Lord was compared with that of normal humans, and the body data of Steve who was initially injected with the super serum was compared with the body data of ordinary people on Xandar.

In terms of physical data alone, Star-Lord is better than Steve and the normal Xandarians.

No matter from any indication, Star-Lord is not a normal human being. He can be said to be a very high level of human-god hybrid, but he doesn’t know which god he is from.

"Have you ever been injected with anything similar to genetic medicine?"

Banner was surprised to see this, and looked at Star-Lord and asked.

"No... at least not in my memory."

Star-Lord felt that Tony and Banner were looking at him as if he were a very novel food, and he felt a little uncomfortable, but he had never understood anything about his body and his father.

"Then you, a human being, have never felt strange about your physical fitness that is different from ordinary people?"

Tony heard that there was nothing in his memory, but this also made Tony look at Star-Lord and ask questions in his soul.

If a normal person discovers that his strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, although he will enjoy the pleasure brought by the power, he will definitely also think about why his body can do this.

"I've thought about it, but I don't have a clue."

"Furthermore, my physical fitness is very good for humans, but in the universe, I am just a little stronger than ordinary people."

"The ability I rely on to survive is my mind and the fighting skills my adoptive father taught me, so..."

Star-Lord said with some embarrassment on his face after hearing this.

Because of Yondu's teachings, his ability to fight with bare hands, as well as his ability to fly a spaceship and his marksmanship are all relatively top-notch.

Even if he doesn't recognize his adoptive father Yondu, whether in the eyes of the Nova Corps or the Void Cult, it can be seen that he was adopted by Yondu.

It's not surprising that Tony heard about the ability that Star-Lord relies on for survival, because this is the most common ability for a regular first-level bounty hunter.

"When exactly was you brought into the universe?"

"Your adoptive father Yondu never told you why he adopted you?"

"Or have you ever asked who your biological father is?"

However, Star-Lord's answer caused a series of questions in Tony's mind.

"I haven't seen my father since I was born."

"When I was about seven or eight years old, my mother became seriously ill."

"But until my mother fell ill and died, she kept thinking about the father I had never met."

"After my mother died, Yondu took me directly into the universe."

"But no matter how you ask about my biological father, the answer I get is that my father is dead."

Star-Lord also wanted to get more information about his life experience, so even when he talked about his mother, he felt sad and angry, but he still answered honestly.

"No way, absolutely impossible."

"Since Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, said that you are a human-god hybrid."

"Then your father must be a true god."

"And it's not an ordinary god, but the one at the top of the universe."

"It is impossible for a person of that level to die just because he wants to."

Loki waved his hand and said immediately after hearing this.

Although Loki doesn't know who Star-Lord's father is, if Star-Lord awakens he will be at the top of the universe.

Then Star-Lord’s father is definitely the top figure in the universe.

And what kind of characters are at the top of the universe?

For example, the talents of his father, the God-King Odin, the God of the Void, Kassadin, and the King of Olympus, Zeus, can be called the top of the universe.

Loki didn't know much about how powerful Thanos of the Titans was, so he didn't calculate it.

How could a person of this level die so easily?

"Even if you tell me it's impossible, I still have no clue."

When Star-Lord heard this, he also wanted to get the answer, but he had never met his father in the past, and he had not even heard much about his father's deeds.

He had investigated the father's name mentioned by his mother in the universe, but he could not find any information at all. It was obviously a pseudonym.

"If you want to find out who your father is, it's not like you don't have any clues."

"Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, must know something."

"Furthermore, your adoptive father Yondu came to pick you up just when your mother died, which means this was intentional."

"Otherwise, the predators wouldn't be idle and go to the Nine Realms Blue Star to take people away."

Tony didn't come to Star-Lord just to go to the void. He could easily find someone to take him to understand the void.

Tony happened to find Star-Lord because he also wanted to know the true origin of Star-Lord.

If they can dig it out, Star-Lord can really awaken.

Even if Star-Lord is used to staying in the universe, he doesn’t want to return to Blue Star.

But if Blue Star is in trouble, it can be said to be a piece of cake for Star-Lord to go back and help.

So Tony still hopes to guide Star-Lord to awaken, but the most important thing now is to find out the origin of Star-Lord before he can find a way to guide him to awaken.

Gamora, Rocket, Groot, and Drax stood aside and only dared to listen, not daring to speak casually.

Because the people present were fellow countrymen of Star-Lord, and their attitude towards Star-Lord was relatively friendly, but they were not their fellow countrymen.

But a few of them were also a little shocked by Star-Lord's life experience.

What would it be like to have a father who is the top strong man in the universe? What if Star-Lord really found him and was protected by him?

Star-Lord can be said to be walking around everywhere in the universe. Even the Kree Empire and the Xandar Empire, the two major empires in the universe, have to give some face when they encounter him.

At most, he can teach Star-Lord a lesson, but he doesn't dare to take Star-Lord's life directly.

As we all know, the top strong men in the universe have the terrifying power to destroy a civilization with just one person.

The difference is length of time, not lack of ability.

Gamora knows that her adoptive father, Thanos, is cruel and powerful, but she still has to hide when she encounters God-King Odin, and does not dare to directly confront God-King Odin.

Otherwise Thanos would not have had people secretly steal things from the Nine Realms, but would have personally gone to the Nine Realms to seize the few known Infinity Stones.

"So you want me to contact Yondu and ask?"

Star-Lord suddenly learned that he was a human-god hybrid with extremely powerful potential in his body. He didn't want to awaken immediately and become invincible, but more wanted to find the scumbag father who abandoned his mother.

Ask why he abandoned his family and left his family for so many years without any news.

"Please contact me."

"If he doesn't want to tell you, we'll let him."

Tony nodded when he heard this and said.

Star-Lord felt a little complicated when he heard this, but he contacted Yondu.

Soon the communication was connected, and Yondu's blue-skinned face, which looked rather vulgar rather than handsome, appeared in the projection.

"What's wrong, brat?"

"You don't want me to wipe your butt, do you?"

As soon as Yondu's face appeared, he looked at Yondu and several familiar faces behind Yondu, revealing his big yellow teeth.

"I got some special information."

"So I want to ask you."

Star-Lord was completely independent and formed a Guardians of the Galaxy, but he and Yondu never parted ways, so they occasionally had contact.

"Your boy is really promising now. Tell me and let me know if it's a big deal."

Yondu heard that Star-Lord had obtained some special information, which also hinted at some big orders, and planned to ask him if he could do it, or cooperate to complete it.

"It's not a matter of cooperation, it's just that I heard some things about my life experience."

Star-Lord paused after hearing this and then spoke.

"Looking at the circumstances behind your kid's back, which planet are you currently in the home of a rich man?"

Yondu's eyes flashed when he heard the word "life experience", and he quickly scanned the environment where Star-Lord was, and his face became serious.

"I am currently at the home of Tony Stark, the Void Herald of the Void Cult."

"He said that I am a human-god hybrid. Can you tell me some information about my father?"

"I am now able to survive on my own. Is it time to tell me some news?"

Star-Lord saw the change in Yondu's face and knew that Yondu must know some information about his real father.

"Why the hell did you go to the Void Cult?"

"Still related to Tony Stark?"

Yondu's eyes widened when he heard where Star-Lord was. He tilted his head forward and became extremely huge and cursed directly.

"Yondu, the leader of the Destroyer Legion, don't speak so harshly."

"In the previous battle on Xandar, our Void Cult did not embarrass or kill you, right?"

When Banner heard Yondu's unlucky words that seemed to be related to their Void Cult, his face became gloomy, and he directly issued a cautious warning.

"I didn't mean that, please forgive me."

"Star-Lord, you're still hiding it, just hand the picture over to them."

When Yondu heard these words, his expression changed and he knew that he had said the wrong thing, and he said quickly.

When Star-Lord heard this, he turned around and reflected the figures of Tony, Banner, Loki, Thor, and Steve in the screen.

Yondu saw the appearance of Tony Stark, Thor, God of Trickery, and Loki among these people. He did not recognize the others. However, since they could be on Void Island, the base camp of the Void God Cult, they were also the Void God. Become a member of the teaching staff.

"I'm very sorry. We are the Predator Legion, so we speak a little too freely."

"I have no intention of becoming an enemy of your Void God Religion. Please be considerate of this."

Yongdu is also the master who makes things happen in the universe by following the wind, so he quickly apologized and asked for a solution.

"Let's not talk about these trivial matters."

"As a Predator Legion, you will go to Blue Star specifically to take people away. I don't need to think about it to know that you must have accepted the mission for the reward."

"Why wasn't Star-Lord handed over to your employer? Tell us who Star-Lord's father is."

Tony saw Yondu's extremely ugly face, begging obscenely for peace, and said bluntly with a serious face.

Seeing this formation, Yondu's expression changed. Looking at Star-Lord who was extremely eager to get some news from him, he felt a little complicated.

But Star-Lord already knows this, so even if he hides it, it won't have much effect.

So Yondu finally spoke.

"Decades ago, I was indeed tasked to pick up Quill."

"The Predator Legion can be said to be full of evil deeds, but it still won't do things like abducting children."

"The person who issued the mission was Quill's father, and the mission was also to pick up people."

"As long as you bring Quill into his hands, there will be a decent reward."

"Considering that just going to a backward civilization, bringing a child to the hands of his biological father should not be considered child trafficking, so I accepted the task."

"This mission is a series of tasks, and I brought many, many people to give it to him."

"Until I was tasked with picking up Quill."

When Yondu talked about his past, his eyes were full of complex and regretful thoughts.

It was also because he accepted this task that he was kicked out of the original predator organization and was forced to form an army of saboteurs on his own.

Although he still lives a happy life, he has been living in the army of marauders who have been through life and death all year round.

I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of being criticized verbally and written down by my colleagues or even being regarded as a shame.

If he had brought Star-Lord into the hands of his father, he would not have been expelled. Over the years, he would not even be able to raise his head after encountering his past leaders and partners.

"Then why didn't you take me into the hands of my biological father..."

When Star-Lord heard these unknown past events, his heart was filled with turmoil, and he asked directly.

"Because your father, Star-Lord, is a real scumbag."

"We, the Predator Legion, do all kinds of evil, but there are some bottom lines we will abide by."

"As the saying goes, a tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds."

"And your father has wives who can be said to be all over the planets and races in the universe."

"After getting them pregnant, they abandon their families and children."

"Of course this can only be said to be romantic and not a man."

"But what's really cruel about him is that he has crossed the bottom line of tiger poison and not food."

Yondu had already talked about this, so he naturally explained the matter in more detail.

The first update of 4,000 words per day is sent.

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