"Then hope the journey goes well."

"Although I'm not afraid of getting into any trouble, it's always better to have less trouble."

Stephen knew that the name of the Void God Cult might not be useful in other galaxies, and he understood why the Void God Cult must start the stage of expanding its territory in the future.

The expansion of territory at that time will not only be to obtain more territory, but also to spread reputation.

The Void Cult became the only and strongest galaxy overlord in the Andromeda Galaxy.

So if other galaxies plan to investigate the Andromeda Galaxy, they will definitely be the first to understand the power and terror of the Void Cult.

"This time I mainly went to investigate the traces of Thanos. I don't want to take the initiative to kill anyone if I have nothing to do."

"But being merciful when others come to your door is not a law of survival in the universe."

Kyle leaned lazily on the sofa with a smile on his face.

It can be said that Kyle at home on Void Island and Kyle who is traveling far away are two completely different people.

Because everyone on Void Island at home is a compatriot, Kyle will try his best to show the most friendly and kind side.

Moreover, he hoped that Miss Sarah would have a better impression of him and be willing to help others.

But when he goes out on adventures, he doesn't like killing people, but he doesn't mind killing people either.

"Tony and others are mainly responsible for this operation, please restrain yourself."

Although Rennolly's words were meant as advice, they were not actually repulsive.

Others don't have the foresight to find trouble, and they still want them to be merciful. That is to put themselves at a disadvantage in order to be kind to others. This is not their character.

"Why do I feel like all of you are so violent..."

When Stephen saw the appearance of Kyle and Renoli, he felt that he saw their new appearance, and he hesitated to speak.

"Violence is not the best way, but it is indeed the fastest way to solve many problems."

"Most of the people I met while walking in the universe are bullies and shy of the strong, and like to rub rubbish on their noses and faces."

"So sometimes when dealing with people, others are more evil than others."

Kyle said without any scruples upon hearing this.

Their style can be considered benevolent, and they usually treat others based on their attitudes and attitudes.

When Alex acted, he acted with no scruples and became domineering.

"I don't advocate this practice, but I accept this high practice."

Banner agreed upon hearing this.

He is one of the people who has been greatly influenced by Kyle, but Banner is still not bloodthirsty, but he is not so resistant to using force to solve it.

"Just get used to it slowly. You haven't seen the real rules of the universe yet."

"Because you have stayed in your hometown and the Xandar Empire."

"When you see it, you will know that the universe is much more chaotic than the world you have been exposed to before."

The prophet knew that the world Stephen was exposed to was relatively small, so he spoke.

Otherwise, how could a bounty hunter be said to be a profession that licks blood on the tip of a knife?

What will bring you danger is not only the danger of the mission target, but also the threats brought by your peers, the threats brought by other enemies, etc., and even some ordinary people may also bring you danger.

Because the slightly famous second-level bounty hunters are synonymous with wealth. They may not say hundreds of millions, but they are at least multi-millionaires.

Moreover, unlike other ordinary people, bounty hunters can be protected by some civilizations. When they die, they will only be rumored to be dead, and they will not conduct in-depth investigations into who the murderer is.

After all, anyone who has gained some fame as a bounty hunter has no enemies.

Therefore, as long as a second-level bounty hunter is designed to be killed, most of the net worth can be obtained directly.

Therefore, if you want to be a bounty hunter, unless you don't take your own life as your destiny, you must first learn to be soft-hearted when walking outside.

"Then why do you feel uncomfortable with some of Blue Star's customs?"

Of course Tony knew that Kyle and the others seemed to get along well with each other, but in fact they were not very good people. He just thought of something and asked.

"When did we say that Blue Star's culture was inappropriate?"

"We have long known that where there are people, there will be conflict and bloodshed."

"Not every civilization is controlled by Miss Sonia like Void Island. There is no need to worry about problems with the atmosphere."

"At most, we have lamented privately that your hometown is still in a backward stage without civilization and needs to be developed."

Rennoli heard Tony's words and said casually.

That's right, Blue Star has not yet reached the stage that can be called Blue Star civilization or human civilization.

It is a stage of internal strife between countries, so it cannot even be called the weakest civilization in the universe.

If a foreign enemy from the universe comes, the humans on Blue Star finally understand what is most important at this stage and start to unite.

In fact, it was already too late. We could only pray for the protection of various gods or a few superpowers.

Blue Star's strongest weapon at present is the mushroom egg. This weapon can be said to be powerful enough that many creatures in the universe cannot resist it, but it has great limitations.

Mushroom eggs are range strikes rather than fixed-point strikes, which makes them inapplicable in most situations.

Unless you are fully prepared, or you are fighting in the enemy's position, once used, the weapon may cause 1,000 damage to yourself and 800 damage to the enemy.

And because there is no real technology that can walk near the planet, it is impossible to threaten the alien civilization that can reach Blue Star without any external help.

When Tony used mushroom eggs to seriously injure the Chitauri army, he did so through the space portal and directly across the infinite distance to the vicinity of the Chitauri army.

This kind of force belongs to external forces outside the human civilization of Blue Star, and does not belong to the technology or weapons controlled by the stage of human civilization.

Although internal strife among intelligent creatures is an eternal truth in the universe, there cannot be eternal peace.

But as a civilized leader, you need to think about how to make your stage bigger.

Instead of living in one place, always thinking about how to become the winner from internal fighting.

If this sign does not change, once aliens from the universe attack, human beings will only be transformed into lambs to be slaughtered, with no room to fight back.

From what Renault and others saw when they went to Blue Star, there was no doubt that Blue Star was in such a stage.

This is also the stage that most planets must go through before they have formed civilizations.

Of course, Rennolli and others also know that this is because they are latecomers and look at things with the eyes of predecessors.

So when they went to Blue Star for the first time, at best they could express their feelings privately, but they would not think of intervening.

If Tony hadn't taken the initiative to ask Miss Sarah, Miss Sarah would not have commented or given any advice.

After all, this is other people's civilization, and it's not your turn to interfere.

Life has been born on many planets, but not every planet can give birth to real civilization.

As time goes by, various creatures born on many planets may be destroyed. They may directly start a war and return to their original stage. They may also take a long time to gradually catch up with other civilizations in the universe. Everything is possible in the future. possible.

"No wonder you all don't want to speak out."

"But honestly, are there many planets in a similar stage to Blue Star?"

When Tony heard this, he immediately understood the meaning of Renault's words, but he didn't mind it much and asked instead.

Compared with the universe, Blue Star lags behind by who knows how many years, but there is nothing that can be done about it.

Human beings on Blue Star have had wisdom for a long time, but it has only been a few years since they really relied on wisdom to advance technology by leaps and bounds.

How can it be compared with the numerous civilizations in the universe that have been established for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years?

"The planetary civilizations near the Xandar Empire have basically been integrated with the universe."

“There are only a handful of people who are not connected.”

"But if you go 1.5 million light years away, there will be many civilizations similar to Blue Star, with very weak technology."

"Just because the technology is weak doesn't mean the planet is weak."

"You are not the only one who has so-called gods on Blue Star, there are also many planets."

"There are many so-called gods in the universe, and their favorite thing is to pretend to be gods and ghosts in weaker civilizations."

"Actually, these gods' strengths and abilities cannot be called gods at all. They may not even reach the strength of planet-level powerhouses."

"Planet-level powerhouses have some status in the universe, but not much."

"But in a weak civilization, it is more than enough to be a so-called god by pretending to be a god."

"That's why people like Lord Kassadin went directly to the Xandar Empire to establish a divine religion and later became gods."

"It can be said to be the first in the history of the universe in the past million years."

Lacey heard the words and spoke slowly.

Many planets are weak not only in technology, but also in knowledge, so they don't know that many things, abilities and magical phenomena can actually be realized through technology.

Therefore, many things that have never been seen are regarded as miracles.

But once the intelligent creatures on that planet gradually mastered many advanced technologies and learned that the so-called miracles can be achieved with the help of technology, they gradually stopped believing in the so-called gods.

Many gods will also leave their planet at that time, continue to look for weaker planets, and then repeat some of the past operations.

It sounds boring, but the purpose is actually very simple. I just like the feeling of being admired by countless people.

And with a little bit of use, many gods can directly get what they want, such as tributes, women, men, resources, status, etc.

Most of these so-called gods are not that open in the universe in their original territories or hometowns, so they can only go to some weak planets to hang out.

In fact, people who can thrive in the universe generally don't need to go to various planets to become gods.

Gao Tianzun's territory, Saka Star, he did not go to be a god, he directly ruled Saka Star. His identity should be said to be the overlord of civilization, which is different from a god.

Lord Kassadin even chose the Xandar Empire, which had long since disbelieved in gods, to establish the divine religion. Now its rise is unstoppable.

The name spread directly throughout the Andromeda Galaxy, making it known to countless billions of living beings.

To put it bluntly, a truly strong person does not need to care about so many imaginary things.

There is no need to carefully select and observe certain weak queen civilizations, just find a civilization with a more favorable environment, settle in and start implementing some of your own plans.

Of course there are false gods, and some planets may also harbor some cosmic-level powerhouses and even the top-level powerhouses in the universe who are truly capable of being called gods.

Blue Star is similar to this. The technological level is obviously not high, but many gods go there and live a low-key life.

If you don't have Blue Star's idea, it won't come out. Once you have Blue Star's idea, all the great people may come out.

Therefore, the intelligence ability while traveling must be good enough, and you must understand all kinds of detailed things before considering the plan.

"Master Kassadin is a true god, and his actions are naturally different from others."

"But just go to a weak civilization and become a false god? It sounds like an approach that is really exciting."

Banner heard this and said.

Because it is difficult to mix on the big stage of the universe, the feeling of being able to stand directly at the top in a remote and backward place must be intoxicating to many people.

"You can do it if you want. Your strength is completely sufficient."

"Of course, my advice is not to do that, otherwise it will be easy to lose your heart."

Kyle saw that Banner seemed a little moved and said.

The vanity of intelligent creatures can never disappear. If you feel that you have no vanity, it is just hidden deep in your heart, but you are not aware of it.

Because there is no harm without comparison, and as long as there is comparison, there will be distinctions between high and low.

For example, although you are obviously more capable and can perform like a dog on a big stage, someone who is weaker than you may have chosen a weaker place to thrive.

Although you may think that kind of behavior is a bit disgraceful, and you can't put it on the table, and you can't let go of your body to do it, but this kind of thing can be called pride and dignity, or the bottom line, but in fact it can also be called a kind of vanity. .

Of course, it is a good thing to be willing to abide by the bottom line. The test of the Void God Cult has very strict requirements on a person's bottom line.

But no matter whether you are vain or not, or whether you feel comfortable or unhappy, others have already begun to enjoy the body they put down.

This is the nature of the universe with many false gods. Why choose a more miserable life when you can choose ease?

The bottom line is that I could do it but choose not to.

You can be proud of your bottom line, and others may praise and admire you for your actions.

But this also means that you have to pay some price or restrictions for something you are proud of.

Since ancient times, no matter which civilization we are in, people who have a too high bottom line are often less successful than those who have a low bottom line and have no scruples.

"How can I be a civilized god? I can't bear such a heavy burden."

"Envy is envy, but whether you do it or not is another matter."

When Banner heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said.

He is now worried about the development of Blue Star with Tony and Steve, knowing how tiring it is to take responsibility.

He also knew that Thor and Loki were too tired to escape from the Nine Realms.

In Banner's mind, if he is respected by others, he must take on some responsibilities.

Therefore, Banner felt that being the god of some planetary civilization would not be as comfortable as living his current life.

Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, is one of the responsible gods, so he is usually very busy.

"It's good that you have this awareness, but don't say it too early."

"In the future, the higher-ups of the Void Religion will assign us some tasks or responsibilities."

"Perhaps then I can experience what it feels like to be called a god."

Kyle knew that Banner would definitely not become a god, so he said it casually. Now seeing that Banner's reaction was as he expected, he said with a smile.

He knew that when the territory of the Void God Religion grew larger, people like them would definitely take on some responsibilities.

To protect a certain territory or maintain order.

This kind of thing is definitely not as free and unashamed as those who find certain planets to become gods on their own.

But he won't do badly, because Lacey has a similar identity.

People in the Land of Nothingness call Lacey a manager. In fact, power and authority are no different from those of the gods in the Land of Nothingness.

Can directly manage many matters, but Lacey said that these are all assigned to Niklov and Madam Butterfly, and only need to be responsible for connecting with these two agents.

At that time, they can also follow this one, which needs to maintain order but does not need to be as busy.

"What do you want to be called, Hercules?"

Lacey glanced at Kyle and said.

"Hahaha~ Although I think this name is pretty good, it would be better if Void could be added."

Kyle said with a smile upon hearing this.

There are still few people in the Void Cult who have the name of Void.

Even those responsible for breeding on Planet Void 001 are called the Abundant and do not bear the name of Void.

A group of people chatted and ate when they were hungry and fell asleep when they were sleepy. It looked like they were going on a long trip together.

Madam Butterfly gradually became less nervous. The people present were all important people, and they were extremely murderous and would not hesitate to do anything.

But these are her compatriots, and she doesn't need to worry that these people will threaten her. Naturally, she doesn't have to worry about feeling so uneasy.

Tony's space battleship, driven by Jarvis, constantly scanned and sailed to the nearest wormhole, making wormhole jumps again and again.

Generally speaking, frequent travel through wormholes will cause physical discomfort to people, but the people on Tony's battleship are not ordinary people.

Therefore, even some impacts caused by the shuttle cannot disturb their sleep at all.

In just one and a half days, Tony's battleship sailed three million light-years away.

The farther away from Xandar Star, the looser the management of the wormhole, because it has begun to escape the control of Xandar Empire.

It belongs to some cosmic areas that are not controlled by big forces and cosmic empires.

This kind of place is the most mixed-up place, with all kinds of monsters and monsters.

So just when Jarvis habitually scanned the wormhole and started sailing there.

When Jarvis felt the signals scanned by certain warships, he also felt a communication signal connected directly.

"This is King Pace's territory, so the wormholes around here are controlled by King Pace."

"Where did you come from and what is the purpose of coming here."

A voice echoed directly through Tony's space battleship. The tone was not a friendly discussion or a friendly inquiry, but an arrogant question.

Hearing this arrogant question, Kyle suddenly became angry and stood up immediately, wanting to say something.

"We are just passing by here. We will leave directly through the wormhole soon and won't stay here for too long."

"So don't do anything to each other and let us pass."

"It's good for everyone."

As the master of the space battleship, Tony started to respond directly.

He has never heard of King Pace or King Pepe. Since he has never heard of it, he is basically a cosmic-level powerhouse who is not very famous.

But as long as he was allowed to pass by, Tony didn't bother to worry about it.

After Tony spoke, some strange-looking people with brown skin and a pair of horns on their heads in a space battleship thousands of kilometers away were discussing.

"The language of Galaxy C53?"

"have you heard of it?"

"I do not have it."

"I only know that the Milky Way is weak and will die, and no super civilization will emerge."

"It's six million light years away from us, and there's a galaxy in between. It's rumored to be relatively weak."

"So now this battleship is the Space Explorer?"

"Is the Andromeda Galaxy not enough for them to explore?"

"Run to a place outside the Andromeda Galaxy?"

These people have been hanging out in places like this a lot, and of course they know that they have to have different attitudes and behaviors depending on the identity of the visitor.

It is more than three million light years away from the Xandar Empire, the center of the Andromeda Galaxy, and six million light years away from the Milky Way.

Usually civilizations don't travel too far. After all, it's difficult to contact the civilization headquarters if they are too far away, let alone asking for supplies and help.

"Does any of you recognize the logo on their battleship?"

"The star symbols of the universe... there are too many similar to this mark."

"The most famous among them is probably the Void Cult of the Andromeda Galaxy."

"Are you farting? As far as I know, the demons of the Void Cult have never left the Fairy Galaxy."

"And they left the prosperous Andromeda Galaxy alone and went to this corner?"

"So this symbol must not be from the Void God Cult, but from other civilizations."

These people still have a relatively clear understanding of the cosmic zone in which they live.

Among the nearby galaxies, the Andromeda Galaxy is the most prosperous.

Also, the Triangular Galaxy where the Kree Empire stays is the most dangerous, and the Whale Galaxy is the most dangerous.

In these galaxies, empires and big forces control most of the places, and they have better order, so people can't be so lawless.

But it also has more prosperous trade and exchanges.

Those who are caught in the cracks belong to a relatively unordered space in the universe.

There are all kinds of monsters, monsters, monsters, fish and dragons mixed with a lot of people from different civilizations.

As long as your strength reaches the level of a planet-level expert, you can achieve some success here.

The Andromeda Galaxy under the jurisdiction of the Xandar Empire is known as the bright galaxy among the three major galaxies, and is the safest and most prosperous.

But prosperity is prosperity, and it is far less easy for planet-level powerhouses to thrive in it than in nearby areas.

The Void Cult is one of the most famous forces in the Fairy Galaxy, and it is becoming stronger and stronger.

This makes the Fairy Galaxy, which was originally difficult to be famous, a very good place for the group of demons from the Void Cult.

Just like people who are prosperous in big cities, who would go to the backward countryside with nothing to do.

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