"Hahahaha! Are you Xie Wen?!"

After Zefa boarded the Dudu Qianjin, he laughed and patted Xie Wen on the shoulder and said: "Originally, after I knew that the target of those pirates was you, I didn't plan to care about them anymore, but then I thought about it. , I can just come and see you!”

Zefa, whose mentality has completely changed after two major blows, is very fond of Xie Wen, who also kills pirates.

"Earlier, I thought I would have the opportunity to invite you to join my pirate guerrillas, but now that you have joined the Shichibukai, it's not bad," Zefa continued: "Although I have always had objections to the establishment of the Shichibukai, But now it seems that the world government can occasionally do some good things!”

The corner of Xie Wen's mouth twitched slightly, and he thought to himself: I hope you will still think so in a few years.

Then he suddenly remembered something——

There is still a vacancy in the Shichibukai, so... Edward Weibull will become a Shichibukai in advance, right?

When he thought of this, Xie Wen unconsciously showed pity in his eyes when he looked at Zefa.

"Hmph! I don't need a kid like you to pity me!"

Zefa, who caught the trace of pity in Xie Wen's eyes, changed his expression and snorted coldly.

Obviously, he mistakenly thought that Xie Wen knew about his experience from other people, so he pitied himself...

To be precise, it is not actually a misunderstanding, but the reasons are slightly different.

And Xie Wen couldn't explain much. He could only smile and touch the back of his head, saying: "Sorry, I was rude."

"That's all..." Zefa waved his hand half-heartedly, "You also have good intentions."

On the other side, a group of Elu cats headed by Kelimya and Meowx surrounded Binz, who was dressed in a ninja costume.

"Uncle, are you a ninja too? What kind of ninjutsu do you know? Can you show it to Kelly?!"


The first generation of Explosive Shadows asked with starry eyes, and beside her, there were a group of cats staring at Binz with the same eyes.

"Ahem...this, this..."

Facing the crowd of cats and Kelimiao's request, Binz felt numb.

Because although he is wearing a ninja uniform, his fighting style is actually that of the navy. The only thing that can have anything to do with ninjas is probably the katana on his back and the huge weapon in his hand. The sword is gone.

But facing the expectant looks of these cute cats, Binz really couldn't say no.

Save, save, save, save! ! !

Binz, who was at a loss what to do, looked at Ain next to him for help.


Ain tilted his head decisively, not wanting to talk to Binz at all.

Why can that stupid guy like Binz attract the attention of those cute cats?

Ain, a female marine who has no resistance to fluffy kittens, is full of jealousy towards Binz, so how can she help him out?

Seeing that his teammates could not count on him, Binz had no choice but to use his own fruit ability to deal with it.

I saw this guy who looked like the poker soldier in "Alice in Wonderland" suddenly began to twist his body in a weird way, and kept chanting: "Lush~Lush" ~”

Following his magical movements like the Lord of Shadow Stream, thick vines sprouted out of Sanji's vegetable garden.

"Ninjutsu: Plant Growth Technique!"

After doing all this, Binzi also formed a hand seal with his hands and assumed a decent ninja pose.



"What the hell kind of ninjutsu are you doing?!" Sanji was the first to attack, "You've ruined all the vegetables in the garden, meow!"

"Hug, sorry..."

Binzi, who was at a loss, quickly nodded and bowed his head to apologize to the little yellow cat, and quickly removed his ability.

"Uncle, your Wood Release is so weak, Nyan. Not to mention Hashirama and Madara, even Yamato is not as good as Nyan." Kelimiao also said with a disappointed look on his face.

"So, so weak?"

Although it was unclear who the three people Keli Miao was talking about, Binz was still hit hard by being called weak by such a cute kitten.

"And your ability is obviously a Devil Fruit, right?" Miao Eryari commented: "Does it require soil to be activated? It should be difficult to use this ability at sea, right? After all, not all ships are like us Meow will prepare the planting area as well!”



Binzi, who was struck by what Mia Erya said, subconsciously covered his chest and staggered back two steps.

"That twisting action just now is a necessary step to activate the ability, meow?" The poisonous-tongued Haibara meow followed up with a last-ditch attack: "Not only is your ability weak and troublesome, but it's also very ugly, meow."

"Weak...troublesome...and ugly..."

Haibara's poisonous tongue became the last straw that broke the camel's back. Binzi fell to his knees on the deck with a plop, and was completely sunk by the cats...

Ain, who was watching from the sidelines, was in a good mood.

While Xie Wen and the others were interacting with Zefa and others, Vergo stood aside without saying a word, thinking about what to do next.

Unlike Baby-5 and Buffalo, who were unclear about the situation, Vergo, who was undercover in the navy, did not know what Doflamingo had experienced in Marinefando, but he still knew about the strength of Xie Wen and the others.

Therefore, after learning that the target of the Don Quixote family this time was actually Xie Wen, he knew that things were going to happen.

It's a pity that he hurriedly hurriedly but still couldn't get here before the two of them took action.

Moreover, as an amnesiac patient who sticks his half-eaten breakfast on his face all year round and would mistake himself for a swordsman during a battle and look for his sword everywhere, Vergo wanted to call Baby-5 and inform them. Buffalo, or contact Doflamingo directly...

Unfortunately, not only could he not remember the number, but he didn't even know where the phone bug, which was specially used to contact members of the Don Quixote family, was lost.

Xie Wen had already moved Baby-5 and Buffalo into the cabin before Vergo approached, and even used Haibara's sleep bomb to stun the two. Therefore, not only was Vergo unable to escape from the two I need to get some hints from people to understand the general situation. I am not even sure whether the two of them are still alive...

After all, Xie Wen is famous for being cruel to pirates.

Although Baby-5 and Buffalo can try to save their lives by revealing that they are members of the Don Quixote family, Xie Wen has killed even the Shichibukai, and his identity as a member of the Don Quixote family is completely irrelevant to him. There is no deterrent.

Vergo could only hope that Xie Wen could abide by the basically ineffective rule that "Shichibukai are not allowed to fight each other."

But if the two of them have really been killed by Xie Wen...

A cold look flashed through Vergo's eyes under his sunglasses, and then he settled on Nico Robin.



Kelimiao, who had completely lost interest in Binzi, suddenly turned to look at Vergo, and shouted with hair all over his body: "Brother Xie Wen! This navy wants to do bad things, meow!"

Bai Xing also pointed at Vergo and nodded in agreement: "Yes, he wants to do harm to Sister Robin!"

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