All over the world have been invaded by a large number of monsters.

For a time, an atmosphere of panic swept the world.

However, because of the existence of powerful people on the God List, everyone still feels that there is great hope to solve this disaster.

Many important secret departments held emergency meetings.

The content of the meeting is basically the same.

Find out the source of this disaster.

Gather the strong men and crusade against them!

Only the content of the Dragon Kingdom meeting was slightly different.

"The third team of the Spiritual Guard was completely wiped out!"

"Perhaps this incident is also related to the incident at Jiangzhou Lingwu Academy."

The conference room was filled with a sad atmosphere.

But everyone looked determined.

"Based on the messages they desperately conveyed before they died, we can conclude the following two points:"

"First, they had a supreme leader, the king"

"Second, under the king, there are twelve top powerhouses, and under the throne, there are twelve knights!"

"I think Deng Gang, captain of the third team of the Spiritual Guard, died at the hands of one of the knights."

"Probably, only the strong ones on the God List can deal with these so-called twelve knights."

"So, who should solve the problem for the Supreme Leader King?"

The venue fell into a period of silence.

Some people remained optimistic,"Perhaps, if the powerful people from the God List join forces, they will have a chance to kill him?"

"However, the king who can command those monsters may be far more powerful than we imagined. I wonder if you still remember what happened eleven years ago?……"

"I heard that Adam, the No. 1 God of Thunder on the God List, is currently in a state of retreat and has realized the opportunity for a breakthrough."

"We can't place our hopes on a foreigner, right? Liu War God fought with him a few years ago, and since he retired, his strength must have made a huge breakthrough! Suddenly someone said:"

Perhaps, that man will return at the last moment.""

Everyone's expressions suddenly became excited.

That man is a legend, although many people have forgotten him.

But for those who have seen his mighty figure, it is an imprint that can never be erased in their hearts!

A majestic figure The middle-aged man stood up and said:"We can't be pessimistic. No matter what, the king hasn't shown up yet, so we can't admit defeat now. We have only one way, just fight to the death and win."

"Yes, Captain Nie!"

A middle-aged beautiful woman then spoke with a determined expression.

The beautiful woman still has charm, her long hair is tied up, and she has the ability and maturity of a strong woman. She is none other than Han Yu. The one she calls Captain Nie is naturally Nie Feng!

After so many years, they have climbed to the pinnacle of power by relying on their own abilities.


On this day, a fierce battle broke out at the Silver Gate Bridge in the Western World.

The third of the twelve knights arrived and annihilated in one fell swoop the powerful Western spiritual cultivators who were blocking the enemy on the bridge.

Among the spiritual cultivators who were annihilated, there were two powerful ones on the God List!

The Western world is plunged into despair

"This must be Satan coming to the world. Is God blaming mankind? Human beings continue to destroy the environment, and God is angry and resentful. God finally punishes us!"

"God, save us, I am willing to dedicate all my possessions!"

"There is always no shortage of fools in the world, who have angered God and brought trouble to us!"

"God, take back your magical power, I know I was wrong!"

"Neurosis, what does this have to do with God? Go check out the news media. Thor Adam is coming out of isolation. He is our savior and the savior of the world!"


The top of the snow mountain.

The dazzling blue thunder roared and illuminated the sky.

It's like a thunder dragon swimming in the air, so huge and shocking to the eye!

The sky was filled with thunder and lightning, densely packed, and a majestic figure was like a god, wrapped in thunder and lightning, filled with a violent and terrifying aura, and came through the air.

There was a dazzling light in his eyes, and his golden hair was dancing wildly in the wind and snow. His upper body was naked, and his well-proportioned and sharp muscle lines were all over the place. His eyes exuded strong confidence, and he looked invincible!

This man, named Adam, calls himself the God of Thunder!

He stepped on the lightning and appeared at the bottom of the mountain in a few seconds.

At the foot of the mountain are the news media who have been waiting for a long time.

This is the most authoritative official media in the Western world.

Immediately, a beautiful reporter came up with a microphone, her eyes full of fanatical admiration.

"Mr. Adam, recent events……"

Adam raised his hand, indicating that she didn't need to say more,"I will go to their lair, avenge the victims, and kill all those monsters!"

The beautiful reporter burst into tears and was extremely excited,"I think people all over the world are here. Waiting for your words, you are our savior and our god!"

Adam looked at the camera and said calmly:"I have entered an unprecedented realm and become the well-deserved strongest."

The beautiful reporter said:"But You were originally number one on the God List, recognized as the strongest in the world."

Adam shook his head,"No, in the East, there once was a mysterious strong man. I admired him and respected him. He was once the target of my pursuit. Maybe in the future There will be people who have surpassed it, but looking back at the past and looking at the present world, I am the strongest!"

This is a global live broadcast!

When audiences in the Western world heard this, their blood boiled with excitement, and people's confidence soared infinitely!

Although the Eastern audience did not agree with his words, they did not express disdain. After all, Adam is a veritable strongman and king. This arrogance is still acceptable.

"Adam is growing up, and others are also growing up. How does he know that he has surpassed that person now, but he has never been compared to him?"

"Not to mention that mysterious strong man, our God of War Liu may not be his opponent now."

"But after all, Adam is from the human camp. Even if he is a little arrogant, it is not unacceptable. He is going to slay demons. We do not say that we are ignorant to support him, but at least we have to pray that he will be fine."


Three days later.

The location of the monster's lair was discovered, and Adam led hundreds of strong men to eliminate it.

Global live broadcast!

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