I Grabbed 999 Abilities

One hundred and seven spiritual contracts

After Yang Xi stripped the abilities of the members of the Ironhorn Rhinoceros organization, he obtained two B-level abilities, namely the bloodline-based [Troll] and the spiritual-type [Spiritual Contract], as well as a C-level inheritance-based ability 【Eight Gate Dunjia】.

[Ability: Troll

Introduction: Possesses troll blood, strong stamina and strength, but will become ugly because of it

Evaluation: Grade B, I wear a helmet when playing football anyway, it doesn’t matter if it’s ugly or not

Ability: Spiritual Contract

Introduction: You can use mental power to interfere with the enemy's movements; you can communicate with the object of the spiritual contract regardless of the distance.

Evaluation: Grade B, there is a communicator, isn’t it good with modern technology?

Ability: Eight Door Dunjia

Introduction: Obtain the inheritance of the Eight Gates of Dunjia, and you can open the Gates of Opening, Shutting, and Living to gain powerful strength and speed.

Evaluation: Grade C, easy to ruin yourself. 】

Yang Xi probably won't use the troll's bloodline ability, and it can only be used as a stock for the time being, in case he finds a suitable younger brother someday.

The power of the spiritual contract comes from the skinny man who died tragically at the hands of his boss.

No wonder he is a B-level psychic superpower who can only be the deputy leader of such a small, unknown organization. With a communicator, his spiritual contract is really useless.

However, this ability is different for Yang Xi. With the spiritual contract, he can communicate with Liu Yuan without the restriction of "finding his cousin Li Qiye". Not revealing the identity can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

And the third eight-door Dunjia came from a black buddy, he was the unlucky guy who was controlled by the thin man with supernatural powers and turned into a shield.

Speaking of which, the Iron Horn Rhinoceros organization has no sense of loyalty from top to bottom. If they are united, well, the fate of the group will be destroyed.

Bamen Dunjia is a superpower with great potential, but unfortunately, this black buddy may not understand the charm of oriental culture. If it were a supernatural person from the first, sixth or seventh district, it might have grown to the point where it would take Yang Xi a lot of trouble to solve it. The point of a lot of hands and feet.

"However, this ability can be upgraded. Whether it is for yourself or for Superman, it is a good choice."

Yang Xi has already seen the predicament of the hot and sour powder Superman fighting the Soul Eater last time. As his first puppet, Yang Xi still doesn't want him to be so oblivious to everyone. Anyway, Bamen Dunjia looks the same as his original puppet The ability is almost the same, so let him get it.

It can only be said that fate tricks people. My son Ye Fan needs to work hard to upgrade on his own, and his godson Liu Yuan needs to sell his old man in exchange for a "power potion". However, Yang Xi wanted to invest a lot of resources in him. Yang Xi swore that it had absolutely nothing to do with his wife's beauty.

There are about a dozen D-level body enhancement abilities left, and one D-level water element ability [water gun spray].

Among these abilities, Yang Xi only retained the B-level spiritual contract and the C-level eight-door armor, and all the rest were broken down to the F-level. After leaving a seed of the ability, he replenished the dark energy reserve.

In fact, in terms of the harvest of dark energy cubes, the sum of these people is not as many as the priest of light alone.

Sometimes Yang Xi also felt that he was too bloodthirsty. During this period of time, he seemed to be too careless about human life.

When all you need to do to make a life disappear is to move a finger, it is difficult for anyone to restrain their desire to kill.

Sitting on the exposed corner of the vault, Yang looked at the corpses around him, and thought of those teenagers and girls who were sold as livestock, those girls who were treated as prostitutes, those ordinary people who lost their fortunes because of drugs, and those who were killed because of drugs. A policeman who acted heroically.

These suffering people, themselves, and the living families behind them,

It is the object that Yang Xi wants to protect.

"With great power comes great responsibility."

"These people with abilities don't deserve to have abilities, and they shouldn't have the opportunity to destroy this beautiful world."

Yang Xi stood up and activated the Soul Eater ability.

After a spirit body was devoured, it was decomposed into will and life energy. After Yang Xi wiped out the tyrannical will, he wrapped the life energy with spiritual power and put it on the palm of his hand.

Looking at this emerald green bead, it seems that it is the hope of the ordinary people of Azure Star.

"If you want to gain hope, you must have the determination to eradicate evil..."

After devouring about five souls, Yang Xi stopped, and it was very exhausting to use his mental power to wipe out five strands of will in a row. In addition, he also used a lot of energy to kill the star-striped cloak with star-absorbing kills. Force (This is also the reason he didn't use Soul Eater on the Stars and Stripes Cloak.)

Fusing the collected life energy into a bead the size of a ping-pong ball, Yang Xi strengthened it by a few percent with mental power, took it back into his body, and gave it to his sister when he returned to Lukang City to see if he could heal the blue light spots injuries caused.

Yang Xi re-upgraded the earth mage to level B, and after getting the treasury out of the ground, he buried all these corpses. The place was restored to its original appearance, and the blood was buried under the soil, and there was no trace of it anymore.

It was already late at this time, and Yang Xi couldn't help but feel a little tired after continuous fighting, so he went to the lounge of the saint members, washed up and found an unused bed and fell asleep.


Early the next morning, when Ji Yourong drove the Bentley provided by the "Posey Chamber of Commerce" through a section of the road in the suburbs, he found that the cordon had been pulled up there, and three or four local media in Shazhou City were investigating a detective Conduct an interview.

Qian Duoduo gnawed on the sandwich and asked inarticulately, "What happened there? It was early in the morning."

Ji Yourong looked at the car cautiously. She hadn't had her driver's license for long, so she was driving with 100% energy, but underneath, her left foot was on the brake, her right foot was on the accelerator, and her lower body was slightly to the right. It seems that this will make you feel more secure.

"No... I don't know, don't interfere with my driving!"

"Cut~" Qian Duoduo blankly glanced at his own sister You Rong. When it comes to driving, ten seasons of You Rong can't compare to her. level?

When Bentley passed the cordon, Qian Duoduo poked his head out curiously, and found Captain Cigar puffing in the crowd. He looked sad, as if something bad had happened.

"Sister You Rong, stop for a moment, it seems that someone is dead here."

"Oh, it doesn't stop, how do you park in this place!"

"Look, there are not many people stopping in front!"

Ji Yourong whispered: "You have to park sideways here, I... I'm not very skilled yet."

Qian Duoduo: "..."

Anyway, he helped Ji Yourong park the car, Qian Duoduo killed the breakfast, and then got into the crowd to join in the fun.

There are not many people watching here. After all, this road is still very desolate. Qian Duoduo easily squeezed into the front row, put his hands on the cordon and looked inside. Pale.

"The star-spangled cloak...dead...dead?"

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