
"Isn't the village developing very well now? Why do you care about me, a has-been ninja?" Tsunade said, "I will leave this city tomorrow, and both the Hokage and the Daimyo will stay far away. .”

"Tsunade-sama, you know...the Uchiha clan..."

"I don't know anything." Hearing this familiar tone, even though she knew that the other party didn't mean it, Tsunade still felt a wave of evil fire in her heart and interrupted the other party, "What era is it? You should be more realistic. Let the next generation of Hokage be left to the Uchiha with peace of mind."

The old feud between Senju and Uchiha has run through the history of Konoha Hidden Village. This kind of strong historical inertia still has a market even today.

In the final analysis, the Uchiha clan is too powerful now. Everyone knows that if something happens to the fourth Hokage, then the fifth Hokage will be named Uchiha if nothing happens.

Will there be no accidents to Naruto? It's a bit hard to tell.

It's already a miracle that the Sandaime is like that, thanks to the fact that he has a good team besides himself.

For those who benefited from the Sarutobi era, the bottom line has actually been set very low now. The Hokage can be named Uchiha, but it cannot be that both the Hokage and Kage are named Uchiha or are friends of Uchiha, right?

On this basis, they are very willing to be good neighbors with the Uchihas.

"The Hokage's surname is Uchiha. Can't you just appoint someone to be the Kage's assistant?" Tsunade looked at the ANBU, her tone getting worse and worse, "Let me make it clear to you, don't come to me for matters related to the Hokage."

Chapter 23: Despair because of hard work

Facing Tsunade who spoke in an extremely angry tone, the face under the ANBU mask was filled with a wry smile.

If there is anyone in the former Sarutobi family who can climb high and attract followers at once, then it is Tsunade in front of him, not even Jiraiya.

Today's situation is completely reversed from what it was back then.

The Uchiha clan has many talents, many friends, and strong cohesion, but the Sarutobi clan is not what it used to be.

The Uzumaki clan was rebuilt, and Namikaze Minato was no longer a Sarutobi type.

As a result, those who were separated, those who left, and those who left Sarutobi in the village had no one who could support their appearance.

Although Sarutobi Asuma is a jounin, the old guys also count countless people and know that this guy has no chance to reach the Five Kage level, and his future achievements will be the elite among jounin. No matter how high it is, it is unlikely.

There are no heavyweight talents in the new generation, so they can only find them from the old people.

So there were only two options left, Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Everyone knew that Jiraiya had been poisoned by Mt. Myoboku for a long time. He had taken on some ridiculous mission and would never come back unless something big happened to the village.

Therefore, Tsunade, who was relaxing outside, became the only choice.

The conscience of heaven and earth, the reason why Tsunade came back was not to fight with Uchiha, but if she didn't come to support the show, the Sarutobi department felt that everyone might not be able to wait for the next frontman, and the department would be disbanded.

The Senju clan, which was so prosperous back then, would just stop working if they wanted to. How could the Sarutobi clan be considered a loser?

Once a faction breaks up, it is difficult to regroup.

This is no longer the situation during the Second Hokage era.

In the final analysis, there is still a talent gap.

At this time, the people of the Sarutobi family even missed Konoha White Fang. If White Fang were here, he would definitely be able to support the Sarutobi family and get through this difficult period.

What they regret most now is why they didn't pull White Fang in time.

"What, you have nothing to say?" Tsunade looked at the ANBU in front of her coldly.

In a sense, it was the thoughts represented by the people in front of her that killed each of her important people.

This idea came from his second grandfather, and was artificially amplified due to political factors.

Because of this kind of thinking, Uchiha Madara parted ways with the village. The Uchiha clan and the Hokage building seemed to be at odds with each other and later developed into a confrontation.

Without the spirit of the two clans working together to work together when building the village, the consequences began to show up very quickly.

The Senju clan charging forward alone would not be able to cope with the intensity of war in the Kunimura era.

An entire generation was lost, and the veterans who founded the village suffered all their casualties. The new generation of Senju clan members simply lost interest in the profession of ninja.

Only a few people remain in the system.

She and Rope Tree are one of them.

As the granddaughter of the first generation, she tried hard, but it was all in vain.

When Duan died in front of her, she was really desperate.

Medical ninjutsu cannot save her life.

This is normal. Grandpa's medical ninjutsu has been practiced to the point where he doesn't need hand seals. Every battle comes out unscathed. As a result, I don't know if his body is exhausted, but he suddenly fails, and everyone is unprepared.

Uncle Wuzu, who was also excellent in medical ninjutsu, second only to his grandfather in the clan at that time, and who was said to be invincible to humans, died on the battlefield.

He died at the hands of the first Raikage whom he despised the most. The Kumogakure jonins came out to surround him for days and nights, blocking him life and death.

There is also the second grandfather, known as the fastest ninja in the ninja world, who came and went without a trace, and also died. In order to protect the seedlings in the village, he died with the enemy.

Human life is fragile.

Naruto is shit, and ninjas are even more shit.

There will be nothing but death, and dead people are even easier than living people.

"If you have nothing to say, get out." Tsunade lost her patience and showed her fist, "Also, don't say I didn't warn you. If you mess with that kid Shizune again, I'll go back to the village and blow your head off!"



Before he finished speaking, the ANBU sank into the tatami with a whooshing sound.

He had already felt Tsunade's murderous intent, and knew that if he didn't leave, he would have a taste of the strange power of the Senju.

Forgive him for his lack of talent and knowledge, but he cannot bear the power of thousands of hands.

After drinking the other party away, Tsunade got up and went out first, walked quietly to the next door, and suddenly opened the door.

Shizune was still listening to the corner. When the door opened, she only had time to turn her head and failed to adjust her posture.

"What are you doing next to the wall if you don't sleep at night?" Tsunade looked at her angrily, "Am I still going to suffer? I'm just worrying!"

"I'm sorry...Tsunade-sama..." Shizune was ashamed. She was already introverted, and for the person she respected the most, she was not introverted, but directly introverted.

"It's really impossible to deal with you." Tsunade entered the room and forcefully tucked Shizune into the bed, "Sleep, sleep. From now on, if you see that kind of person, call him back. Don't talk nonsense to him."

"Oh..." Shizune groaned in aggrieved tone.

No nonsense, how can I get the money, my Tsunade-sama!

But she didn't dare to say it, because Tsunade had no idea about finance at all, so every time Shizune told her that it was interest money withdrawn from the bank, she would really believe it.

Until now, Tsunade had always thought of herself as a rich woman.

Shizune really couldn't bear to tell her that if there weren't fools who kept sending money, her savings would have been wiped out long ago.

But this is not a big deal. After all, Tsunade has been resting on her laurels. The fact that she was able to take advantage of this situation before she became anxious shows that the title of Sannin is very profitable.

In a sense, Tsunade is indeed the richest woman in the ninja world, but this rich woman has now let herself go and can only get out but not enter.

"Tsunade-sama, do you hate the village that much?"

Tsunade's hand that was covering Shizune with a quilt paused for a moment, and the next moment, she pulled the quilt directly to her face.

"Children, stay out of adults' business!"

"Tsunade-sama, I am not young anymore."

"Well, your joke is indeed quite funny."

Under Tsunade's strong "suppression", Shizune, who was already tired, finally fell asleep.

After covering her with the quilt, Tsunade left the room.

She was completely sleepless now, so she simply walked to the balcony of the hotel to get some fresh air.

It is now late at night. At this time, the night in Daming Mansion is the same as that in Konoha Hidden Village. Everywhere is quiet.

Only the stars in the night sky blink mischievously, signaling to people that the world is not static.

At this time, Tsunade wanted to have a drink.

After thinking about it, she returned to her room, opened the wine cabinet, and found a bottle of sealed wine and a wine glass inside.

That's what's good about Damingfu's hotels, they have all the staff.

Tsunade was satisfied.

With a wine bottle in one hand and a wine glass in the other, she returned to the balcony and started enjoying herself.

Chapter 24 Uchiha Obito’s plan went smoothly

In the northern border of the Kingdom of Iron, a group of cloud ninjas were traveling through the forest.

There are not many teams like them in this forest. They are also fighting on the road, so the Kumo ninja's combat area is much smaller than Sunagakure, but the Kumo ninjas don't care too much about this.

What they care about is the things flying around in the sky.

A big bird.

After dealing with Iwa Ninja for so many years, this is the first time Kumo Ninja has seen such a thing.

Fortunately, there is only one. If this thing becomes popular, the combat advantage of the Kumo ninja over the Iwa ninja will be small.

"Where is the Lan Dun team? Isn't it in place yet?" someone asked.

"We've been here a long time ago. We've been here for several days."

"Why don't you knock this thing down?"

"Who said I didn't hit them? But I can't hit them. They flew too high..."

After a brief exchange, everyone in this team felt that they were very careless.

Because of this thing, the cloud ninjas are now afraid to move in the wilderness, and they will become targets.

Especially when the third Tsuchikage of Iwagakure also got on this thing, there was really no trace of grass left behind.

Like plowing the ground.

At this time, high in the sky above the ninja team, a large white clay bird was spreading its wings.

The people riding it had discovered this Kumo ninja team.

"Teacher, since you can make things lighter, why don't you bring a ninja who can sense chakra?" Deidara, who had just released a wave of clay worms, looked at Onoki and asked.

"Deidara, let me ask you, when your detonating clay flies far away, how do you control it to detonate accurately."

"Of course it's through the distance of chakra." Deidara looked at Ohnoki strangely, "Teacher, are you tired?"

Ohnoki: "..."

So, if you have feelings yourself, why should I call a ninja who can feel it?

Are you bored with me?

Do you understand what it means to be of the same mind as master and disciple?

Also, the detonation escape technique that you are so proud of, I spent countless nights helping you perfect it in order to let you enjoy the feeling of flying in the sky and blowing up people, right?

"Stop talking nonsense, just blast the enemy when you find them."

"Okay, teacher, ah... found it."

Deidara formed a hand seal and shouted excitedly.

In the forest below, a series of explosions sounded, causing flames and thick smoke to rise.

The big white bird didn't even pause as it flew over the explosion site, looking for its next target.

The ground after the explosion was a mess.

There were big holes on the ground, the soil was scorched black by the fire, and the remains of trees and human bodies were scattered everywhere.

Some are still burning.

A vortex suddenly appeared in the air, and Uchiha Obito emerged from it.

His current name is Takayama Hizo.

After taking a quick look, I felt that this team was probably all wiped out because the explosion range was so large.

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