I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 89 The Black Boot Tortoise's Spa

Wolf, Alpaca...

When visiting the wolf house, Yingying clamored that the wolf eating Little Red Riding Hood is a bad guy, don't look at the wolf, so the family just glanced at it and left.

In fact, Hei Tan and Xiao Yuen's love and love are still pretty good-looking, but the simple cage environment does not reflect the attractiveness, otherwise it might reverse Yingying's bad impression of wolves.

Liu Xueqing thoughtfully said to Yingying's father: "This environment is different. It's very interesting in front of you, and an animal can be watched for a long time. I feel that if the tiger hadn't been accompanied by their principal, he might just look at it and leave. already."

Yingying's father said: "I really like their tigers. I saw them building the exhibition hall on the road, and the area looks quite large. I specifically asked their breeder just now and said that they are building a tiger house and a wolf house. Tiger Pavilion will open next week!"

Liu Xueqing covered her mouth and smiled: "That's great, now I don't have to worry about bringing Yingying out to play! It's a pity that there are still fewer animals. It would be nice if we could introduce more animals."

Finally, let Yingying feed a small piece of radish to the alpaca. After the family visit, they went back full of wonderful photos and happiness.


At the end of the day, Fang Ye is also very happy!

[Attack on the Zoo 3] requires visitors to marvel at the animals, and now the progress has become 7000/30000.

There are many reasons for the crowd on weekends. The most important thing is the performance of the animals. The peacock opens its screen, the red panda takes the apple, the macaque climbs and jumps flexibly, and massages Jiaojiao, all of which amaze tourists!

If this goes on, the donation box will be available soon.

After the weekend, it was not so lively, and it was deserted a lot.

Just enough time to do something else.

Fang Ye first went to see the black-booted tortoise Xiao Hei, and after feeding it with worm pills, the parasites in his body were expelled in the past two days. It looked a little sluggish, but it was a good thing! After a while of rest, you will be more healthy and energetic than before.

Now I will take it a bathtub every day, put a layer of warm water, move the bathtub to the sun, let it soak in warm water and bask in the sun, and move it back when it is almost dry.

Looking at the green leaf coins, the arrival of macaws and black boot tortoises +5w green leaf coins, the first two tasks of the attack series +2k, the exhibition hall task enrichment of the Red Panda Pavilion +1k, and now there are 5w3.

Saving to build a tropical bird pavilion is too far, let’s build a pavilion for turtles first.

Consider the location first.

Now in the planning of the zoo, the first part of the park is the theme of elves in the forest, including the tropical rain forest bird house, the red panda house, the red fox, and the macaque. The macaque can extend the theme of the world of the monkeys.

The middle section is the predator corridor, including the tiger pavilion and the wolf pavilion. The tiger pavilion can extend the theme of cats.

In the latter section, there are only cages for wolves that have not yet moved, and the small paddock on the tail is reserved for new animals.

Now that the reptile black-booted tortoise is here, we can introduce some crocodiles, lizards, snakes and other animals to set up a crawling theme exhibition area!

When the zoo expands in the future, one loop line will not be enough. It has to be a big loop and then a small loop. What kind of African theme, polar theme, ocean theme...

Only children do multiple-choice questions, and adults naturally want all of them!

Don't want to leave without visiting for ten days and ten nights.

Fang Ye couldn't help laughing out loud when he thought of this. He was so shocked by his laughter that he almost forgot that he was designing an exhibition hall for Turtle!

The area of ​​the exhibition area does not need to be very large, three or four hundred square meters is enough. Turtles slowly climb inside, and it takes a long time to climb from one end to the other.

First of all, the outside land should not be flat, and it should be uneven and have certain potholes, which is closer to the native environment of turtles. The ups and downs don't need to be too big, and it's about the same as the speed bump on the road.

The texture of the land should be soft, and then lay a thick layer of soft and dead leaves, so that the turtles will be more comfortable to climb on it.

For reptiles, the most important are three elements: temperature, light, humidity!

There must be a gradient in temperature. Take desert iguanas living in arid deserts for example. Although they are very resistant to high temperatures, their extreme body temperature can reach 47 degrees or even 49 degrees, but if they are roasted to the limit by high temperature all day, they will definitely die. warped!

It is not enough to keep the low temperature all the time. Reptiles do not have the ability to generate heat by themselves. They need to absorb the heat of the sun to increase their body temperature to maintain their own activities, otherwise they will become sluggish and inactive.

Put it in the display box, the average temperature of the display box may be 28-32 degrees, and there is a heating point, so if you need heat, you should go to the high temperature area of ​​more than 40 degrees nearby, and if you feel it is too hot, go to the low temperature area of ​​20 degrees far away. , If you feel comfortable at around 30 degrees, stay in the medium temperature zone, and provide different temperature zones so that you can choose according to your physical needs.

It's actually quite simple to create a temperature gradient for the black boot tortoise exhibit area.

First of all, there are no trees in the area where the sun shines directly. In order to let the turtles fully enjoy the fun of basking in the sun, you can also place one or two flat rocks slightly protruding from the ground.

Then plant some tropical trees such as palms and plantains, and under the trees are some shrubs such as ferns and monstera, which provide shelter and enrich environmental information. The temperature is naturally lower in the shade.

Don't plant too many trees, plant them one by one, and the shade can cover a small half of the exhibition area. Otherwise, the tortoise will not be able to bask in the sun, and the sight of tourists will be blocked by the dense trees, making it difficult to appreciate the tortoise's posture.

Light not only brings warmth, but ultraviolet rays are also important, and many vertebrates absorb ultraviolet rays through the skin as a catalyst for the synthesis of vitamin D. Even if there is enough calcium in the feed, it cannot be absorbed without vitamin D. For diurnal reptiles, it is necessary to bask in the sun or irradiate ultraviolet UVB lamps, otherwise they will suffer from metabolic bone disease.

Black booted tortoises love warm and humid conditions! A pool is a must. In the middle of the exhibition area, there is a wild pool of about 70 square meters, with an irregular shape and a natural look. The edges and bottom are laid with stones for easy cleaning and water replacement. Once the water is gone, no artificial traces can be seen. . Add a few more large rocks to the edge to add interest.

It cannot be completely submerged in water, and the suitable water depth is preferably one-third of the height of the tortoise shell. Therefore, the pool is very shallow. After entering, the limbs and chassis are just submerged in the water, and the carapace head is exposed. A warm bath can stimulate the tortoise to defecate, which can greatly reduce the tortoise's chance of developing urinary stones.

There should be a heating plate at the bottom of the pool. After changing the water, the turtle will be heated to a suitable temperature before bathing. Cold water will make you sick. In summer, when the weather is hot, there is no need to heat it, and it will become stewed turtle soup if it is too hot. When the weather turns cold and the temperature is low, it is necessary to turn it on and keep it hot.

Half of the pool is directly exposed to the sun, and half is shaded by several palm trees. It is a bit like a sun umbrella on the edge of a hot spring bath. Turtles will definitely enjoy soaking in it.

The sand near the pool does not need leaves. The leaves are mainly spread in the outer areas where the sun shines, otherwise it will be inconvenient to clean up.

In this way, the temperature gradient in the exhibition area will come out. The sun will directly bask in the deciduous sand, waterside and pool without shade, and sandy soil with shade, waterside and pool, wherever you are comfortable.

It is enough to surround the outside with stone and wooden fences. The environment in the exhibition area is much more comfortable than the outside. Turtles move slowly. Even if there are no obstacles, they are not interested in climbing out. The main function of the fence is to stop tourists from entering casually.

Only 1w5 green leaf coins are needed for construction, which is cheap! There is nothing very complicated, and it should be very fast to build. With the speed of the system construction team, it can be built in a week or two.

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