Chapter 308: Unstoppable (Part 2)


A howl of an ape.

The Black Ape King manifested himself into a giant ape that was more than thirty feet tall.

The city wall is no higher than the giant ape's waist, and there are scars all over its body, so deep that the bones can be seen. .

"Why are you shouting?"

Du Si's body flashed and he was level with the giant ape's face.

The giant ape opened its mouth and spit out black smoke, which was as black as ink and bloody and putrid.

"A gentleman be careful what he says!"

Du Si nodded, and the giant ape's bloody mouth closed uncontrollably, and black smoke spewed out from its seven orifices.

The giant ape's eyes were about to burst, and a black iron pillar appeared in his hand, hitting Du Si head-on. This black iron pillar is the Black Ape King's. It is made from 100,000 kilograms of various metal spiritual objects, and a mountain range is extracted and refined into it.

One blow can break the ground and break the mountain!

"Destiny is mine!"

Du Si's eyes suddenly turned silver. He faced the black iron pillar without dodge or dodge, and used his hand to form a secret: "The force is like breaking a bamboo!"

Stab! Stab...

Sounds of tearing muscles, bones, blood, and flesh were heard in the giant ape's body.

Green bamboo shoots emerged from the giant ape's body, constantly devouring flesh, blood, muscles and bones to grow.

"Why does this technique look like a magic way..."

Wang Kan murmured, and a book appeared in his hand. The pages turned and turned into countless forbidden runes, which fell on the giant ape as heavy as a mountain.

There are green bamboos inside that swallow up the vitality, and there are spiritual patterns outside that suppress the physical body.

The giant ape struggled and its strength continued to weaken, until it fell to the ground with a roar.

at this time.

The human army has already invaded the city, and the first to enter the demon city was the Flying Eagle Army.

Niu Su, the commander of the flying eagle, was riding a golden-winged eagle demon. His wings were spread several feet wide and he smashed the head of the city demon general the moment he landed.

"Master Niu is here!"

Niu Su jumped up, nearly two feet tall, and landed in front of the demon. For a moment, he couldn't tell who the demon was.

The weapons are two giant axes. When they are swung, they produce streaks of mysterious light, causing wanton destruction and killing.

The martial arts master is very good at fighting at close quarters. He fell into the group of demon soldiers and dyed the city with blood in a matter of seconds.



The ground cavalry came and rushed into the city like a torrent along the gap in the city gate.

All the demon soldiers in the way were trampled into bloody mud. Even if they transformed into large demons several feet tall, they could only slow down the charge for a moment.

For thousands of years, there has never been a large-scale war in the Demon City, and the replacement of city lords has only been a fight between enemies. The demon clan is inherently unruly and untamable. Without training for a long time, the demon soldiers do not know how to cooperate in combat.

One-on-one, he is stronger than the human race. Facing the regular army with four levels of training, he only has the talent of running fast.

After the Black Ape King was restrained, the demon soldiers had no one to command and they fought independently. They were all killed or injured in just an hour.

The demonic people in the city tried to resist for a while, but when they saw the miserable death of the demonic soldiers stationed there, they all dropped their weapons and squatted in the corner with their heads in their hands.

The Xun-character flag was placed in the city lord's mansion, fluttering in the wind.

The Yao Clan's writing is different from that of Da Qian. The number of characters is sparse and the strokes are complex, making it closer to ancient spiritual writing.

The humans in the city didn't recognize the text on the flag, but they knew that the demon city had changed.

Monsters that were usually arrogant and cannibalistic were tied up in a bunch and allowed to be driven away.

A butcher shop in the south of the city.

The bull demon butcher is hunched over and wearing dark iron shackles.

Five forbidden iron nails penetrated the limbs and Dantian, and there was no resistance at all.

The soldiers escorted the bull demon and prepared to send it to the city lord's mansion to record his merits.

During this southern expedition, the imperial court promised that meritorious service could be directly exchanged for silver, at least ten taels for each living monster.


There was a sound in the room. It sounded like a cow's moo, which sounded soft and childish.

"And there are monsters?"

The soldier was about to kick open the door when he was suddenly held back by Shi Chang.

"Is your boy dying?"

The captain scolded him, poured the grease boiled by the bull demon next to him on the shop, took out the spiritual fire talisman and ignited it.

The sky is dry and the food is dry, and there is grease to support the combustion. In an instant, the flames are raging.


The bull demon butcher's eyes were splitting as he struggled to rush into the sea of ​​fire.

The soldiers couldn't let it go as they wished, and they burned it to death to receive the reward, so they simply cut off the bull demon's legs with a knife.

At this time.

There were two half-human figures in the flames, running with hooves on all fours, struggling and screaming as they rushed out of the house.

The chief waved his hand, and three shield soldiers stood in front of him. Three axemen used their shields to cover themselves, drawing their swords and preparing to kill.

Swish, brush, brush!

The three archers fired several sharp arrows in succession, and the iron arrowheads engraved with armor-piercing and evil-destroying runes immediately penetrated the figure's head and neck.

Two figures rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire, took a few steps forward, and fell to the ground.

Only then did he see clearly that they were actually two calf demons.

"Why are your hands so fast? You can't even pick up the free money!"

Shi Chang cursed twice, stepped forward and cut off the hind leg of the calf demon, took a bite and chewed it.

“Medium rare, delicious!”

The soldiers looked at it with greed and stepped forward to cut the calf into pieces and eat it while it was roasting under the fire.

This is the blood and flesh of the demon clan. Eating it can strengthen the body. A meal in Daqian will cost a lot of money.

The bull demon butcher's eyes were red, filled with hatred, and his teeth were almost broken. However, his legs were broken, and the demonic energy was imprisoned by the forbidden magic nails. He had to watch helplessly as the calf demon was devoured.

This scene.

It's happening everywhere in the city.

Flames filled the ground, and the smell of meat overflowed.

Daqian is not planning to occupy the Qingqiu Demon Kingdom for a long time, so there is no need for the Demon City to exist. If he doesn't burn it now, he will cast a spell to destroy it when he leaves.

The soldiers ate the blood and flesh of the monsters, and used the martial arts in the army to increase their strength.

The humans in the Demon City eat revenge, and they wish they could chew up their bones and swallow them.

at this time.

There is also a barbecue in the city lord's mansion.

It was the Black Ape King who was roasting, and Ye Xun personally controlled the heat.

Ye Xun took out a spear weapon, pierced the Black Ape King's mouth, and came out from the lower body.

The Black Ape King was not completely dead at this time, and all the demonic energy and soul were imprisoned, and he watched helplessly as he was put on the stove.

The demon king's physical body is completely immune to ordinary flames.

Ye Xun took out another bronze tripod magic weapon and used his magic power to activate it, causing purple flames that were more than ten feet high to shoot out.

Chen Ying was surprised and said: "Brother Ye, you are too complete, aren't you?"

"General Zhang doesn't know something. Roasting a demon king to taste is the dream of all Qianhuan Sect disciples!"

When Ye Xun said this, he did not forget to roll the Black Ape King to prevent it from being scorched.

When Li Xun heard this, he couldn't help but admire: "What your noble ancestor has done is really the backbone of the human race!"

After entering the Qingqiu Demon Kingdom, Li Xun's troops received military orders and were responsible for breaking through the Giant Ape City and plundering the demon clan in the city.

Li Xun immediately cast a spell and contacted the twelve nearby disciples to learn about the specific situation of Giant Ape City.

Later, Ye Xun, a disciple of Qianhuan Sect, was sent to cooperate with Li Xun to trick him into opening the city gate.

What Ye Xun and the Black Ape King said was indeed true. He married the daughter of the previous Fox Fairy, and he also had a token of the Fox Fairy with him. No matter what methods the Black Ape King used, there would be no doubt.

The Black Ape King has rough skin and thick flesh. Even if it is burned with spiritual fire, it takes more than an hour to be cooked.

at this time.

The soldiers in the city have almost arrested them. Thousands of monsters have gathered outside the city lord's palace. They are wearing shackles and connected with black iron chains, kneeling on the ground waiting for trial.

When these monsters saw the demon king roasted in the fire, whatever resistance they had left disappeared immediately.

The human race in the city spontaneously gathered together, looking at the dark crowd of demon race kneeling down, with hatred, joy, confusion and worry on their faces.

I hate that the monster is cruel, but I am happy that my revenge has been avenged. I am confused about where to go in the future, and I am worried that the monster will turn around and take revenge.

When the Black Ape King's meat was cooked and the aroma wafted out, everyone couldn't help drooling. Even the demon clan kneeling on the ground was licking their lips.

The flesh and blood of the demon king is as effective as a panacea.

If an ordinary person eats one piece, it is hard to say that it will prolong life, but it is easy to strengthen the body.

This means that outside the territory where demons are everywhere, in the territory of Daqian, it is difficult to say that all the officials in the court have eaten the roasted demon king.

Ye Xun cut off a piece of meat, tasted it and said, "It's cooked. How do you eat it?"

"The soldiers and civilians in the city divide it and eat it!"

Li Xun gave an order, and countless people rushed towards the Black Ape King.

The soldiers even cut them off with knives, and the people in the city just grabbed them with their hands and chewed them with their teeth, swallowing them with big mouthfuls.

The flesh and blood of the Demon King, if you eat one piece of it, you will be filled with energy, but it will be difficult to take another bite.

The Black Ape King's body of more than thirty feet is enough for the city's more than 100,000 soldiers and civilians, all of whom can enjoy the nourishment of the demon king's flesh and blood.

Li Xun and his generals feasted even more happily.

Fortunately for the two great Confucians, Du Si and Wang Kan, Confucianism does not pay attention to the physical body. If it is really weak, it can be immediately strengthened by techniques such as Heart of Stone and Strength of Pillars.

Most of the other generals are practicing martial arts and will never have too little spiritual food that nourishes their blood.

Xie Ling, the commander of the Sirius Army, tore out the ribs of the Black Ape King, chewed up the flesh and bones and swallowed them into his belly. The blood energy overflows from the body surface, and the true energy circulates, quickly refining into the physical body.

"If we eat the flesh and blood of this demon king, we can also refine the exterior scenery and transform it into our body!"

From the exterior scenes of martial arts practice to the interior scenes, it is not only necessary to comprehend the realm, but also to be physically strong. Otherwise, the exterior scenes can be compared to the weapons of magic and will directly burst the internal organs.

Li Xun smiled and said: "Don't worry, General Xie. This is a demon country. I don't dare to say anything else. The demon king has enough flesh and blood!"

"Hey hey hey!"

Xie Ling laughed a few times, ate his meat and did not continue to talk.

A majestic martial arts master, being reckless does not mean he is a fool. The demon king is not easy to kill. Not only does General Li have a mysterious origin, but he is also very clever in his methods of winning over people.

In a short period of time, Li Xun and Niu Su became brothers.

Li Xun was not in a hurry when he saw this, and turned to talk to the other generals, especially Xiong Ming, who was recommended by Mr. Zhou.

Xiong Ming only has more than a thousand cavalry under his command, but he is well-trained and can charge a thousand cavalry as if he were one person. He is a rare talent in military training.

Du Si tasted Ye Xun's secret ape heart, which tasted quite mysterious, and said, "Brother Ye, I heard that your sect is inherited from Taizu, and all his disciples are named Li?"

"The surname Li is taboo in Qingqiu. Not to mention being an undercover agent, you will be hunted down every time you encounter him!"

Ye Xun nodded and said, "In order to penetrate into Qingqiu, I changed my surname to Ye."

"This is the result of your sect's meritorious service!"

Du Si held up his hands to Ye Xun and said, "Originally, I claimed to be a conqueror of demons, and I managed to achieve some success, enough to establish my career. Now it seems that I am just a frog in the well!"

Zhou Yi once gave instructions many times in his letters, asking Du Si to put down demons first.

Du Si was convinced of this and even did not hesitate to change his path.

Originally, I would continue to comprehend the Tao of Bamboo, write some articles that would be famous throughout the world, and then serve as a state pastor for a few years, which would be enough to promote me to a good position and establish my destiny, and I might even get a glimpse of a sage.

The old mountain chief of Longchuan Academy has asked the disciples from the court to help Du Si find a position as a state pastor, and he can take office at a selected date.

Du Si rejected the old mountain leader's kindness, followed Zhou Yi's instructions, and resolutely changed the path.

He gave up the easy promotion of official career and governed the people, and chose to slay demons to save the people.

Saving people is a hundred times more difficult than governing them!

The Taoism passed down by Confucian sages was originally the way to save the world and the people.

Because it is too difficult to save the people and establish a life, few people can practice to the first level. Later, some great scholars found a new way to govern the people through official career and at the same time, with the help of the luck of the country, they can easily be promoted to the first level.

None of the Confucian practitioners who followed later practiced the way to save the people.

"Mr. Du is so complimentary, there are experts in great cadres!"

Ye Xun smiled and said: "Now there are two surnames in Qingqiu with original sin, one is Li and the other is Chen."


Chen Ying looked stunned and asked doubtfully: "What happened to those foxes with the surname Chen?"

"This matter originated from a senior expert named Chen Ying!"

Ye Xun said with envy and reverence: "It is rumored that Senior Chen is from Daqian. Since coming to Qingqiu, he has deceived seven demon kings and dozens of great demons..."

"Senior Chen first fell in love with the Demon King, then killed him when he was not prepared, and then left in style!"

"It is said that those demon kings were still smiling before they died!"

"The incident was so big that it even alerted the Fox Immortal to take action. Fortunately, Senior Chen was very clever and managed to escape with the loss of several clones."

"Now in Qingqiu, those named Chen will be chased by banshees, and those named Chen Ying... have been killed long ago!"

Cough cough cough!

Chen Ying looked pale, couldn't breathe for a while, and coughed violently several times.

Ye Xun asked doubtfully: "General Zhang is injured?"

"Hahaha, maybe I remembered something sad!"

Li Xun couldn't help laughing and said, "When did that Senior Chen show up?"

"It won't be long. According to Fox Fairy's tracing, the earliest case happened around the year before last."

Ye Xun said: "Senior Chen is extremely talented. He is proficient in Taoism, painting, and martial arts. His strength is unfathomable!"

"The surname is Zhang..."

Chen Ying didn't know that Zhang Cheng used his name to do evil outside the territory. No wonder Brother Zhou asked him to change his name.

As soon as my thoughts changed, I was thinking about how to make Brother Zhang famous so that he could repay the favor of becoming famous outside the country!

As the last piece of flesh and blood was torn off, only the Black Ape King was left with a huge skeleton, as smooth as jade, not a single bit wasted. The demon soul has already collapsed on its own. Even if the demon clan is ferocious and violent, they cannot watch themselves being eaten up.

The soldiers, who were full of food and drink and had increased strength, put all the captured monsters into storage magic weapons.

They overlap one another, filling every space of the magic weapon.

The demon race is tenacious and will not die in ten days and a half.

During this period, Wang Kan or Du Si sent him back to the Dashun border, where he was assisted by people from the imperial court, and then directly sent to the Demon Slayer Prison.

In the demon city, only the remaining human race remains.

Li Xun asked: "What should we do with these people?"

"Someone will come to pick them up and send them to live in Dashun."

Ye Xun said: "General, you should think about where to go to the next city. Before my identity as the messenger of the blessed land is exposed, I can deceive a few more city gates and save a lot of casualties."

"Of course it's Black Ape's friend, Red Dragon City, who just happened to get Black Ape's seal."

Li Xun said: "When your identity is exposed, just join our army, help train some elite spies, and at least become a general."

"After my identity is exposed, my death will come."

Ye Xun's magic power was running, and the fox mark appeared on his forehead, and he said: "The human race in Qingqiu Paradise all have soul marks, and their life and death are controlled by others."

Li Xun couldn't help but remain silent after hearing this.

"Brother Ye, what is your wish? This general will definitely help you fulfill it!"

Ye Xun smiled and said: "I do have a wish, and I need to trouble the general. If one day the human race breaks through Qingqiu, help find Hu Chan's bones, and bury us together."


Li Xun said doubtfully: "The great honor of the king should be worthy of the Imperial Ancestral Temple, how can he be in the same cave as the demon!"

"There is a difference between me and Hu Chan, the relationship has lasted for decades but cannot be faked."

Ye Xun said slowly: "I am a human being during my lifetime. After my death, let me... betray you as I please!"

"Brother Ye, don't worry, I will definitely help you get your wish!"

Li Xun touched the nine dragon patterns on his chest. He had never been more eager to defeat Qingqiu than he was now.

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