The place where the lights stay.

In the sea area several thousand meters away from a small island, there is a young man with a handsome appearance and a thin figure, wearing a pair of diving goggles, shirtless, swimming in the vast sea.

As if looking for something, he plunged into the sea time and time again. Before the suffocation reached the extreme, he kept his eyes on any corner of the pitch-black water, ups and downs, back and forth.

One hour, two hours.

Feeling that his physical strength was about to reach his limit, the boy swam back to the island with some disappointment.

"Is it true that the wicks in the coastal waters have almost been caught? But the seas farther away..."

At this moment, the boy suddenly felt that the waves on the sea seemed to be getting bigger, and a dangerous wave rose in the sea area, and his expression changed.

"Is the weather going to change? Impossible, the weather forecast says it will be sunny today."


A whistling wind sounded, and the young man looked up at the sky, only to see that the sky was cloudless and clear a second ago, but it was suddenly dark this second.

Dark clouds gathered as thick as ink.

Dangerous arcs danced in the cloud.


A purple thunder pierced the sky!

The boy didn't dare to doubt anymore, he came to his senses at the first moment, and with all his strength, he swam desperately towards the small island.


But then, thunderbolts continued to shine, and the oppressive atmosphere permeated, followed by strings of bean-sized raindrops.

The waves were no longer as peaceful as usual, they surged like a black beast's mouth, and the dazzling lightning was like a sharp knife, forcing the sea to roll back.

In just ten seconds, it was as sudden as the end of the world! In addition to thunder and lightning, there were rumbles and muffled noises in the dense clouds, as if two gods were fighting among them!

The boy who was fighting for his life with the sea did not notice that at a certain moment, the sky seemed to have cracked a huge hole, and it was dark and deep.

All he thinks about now is running for his life, struggling in the sea like a small boat that capsizes at any time.

The desire to survive seemed to have moved the heavens, and the storm came and went suddenly.

In just two minutes, the sky was clear again.

Although the young man almost lost his strength in this short period of time and choked up a few mouthfuls of water, his good water quality and good perseverance made him struggle a little bit to get to the shore.

Lying on the beach like the rest of his life after a catastrophe, panting quickly, the boy turned over in embarrassment after a while, took off his diving goggles, and looked up at the sky in doubt.

"Just now... what happened?"

"Forget it, anyway, I'm saved."

Panting, he got up and returned to the island, "I don't know if grandma will worry about me. Let's go home first, it's time to make lunch."

Not far away, he stopped again.

In his line of sight, there appeared a beggar-like man in tattered clothes.

The man was very tall and strong, lying motionless on the beach as if in a coma.

The young man is very familiar with the environment on the island, and he can be sure that there is no such person on the island.

Could it be...

A flash of inspiration appeared in his mind, and the boy looked at the sky again, and approached cautiously.

About five steps away, the man suddenly opened his eyes, opened his mouth and let out a puff of smoke like a hiccup, and sat up.

The boy stopped again and stared at the man warily, but the man gave him a gentle smile and said, "Sorry, I seem to have troubled you."

Someone has a vicious look, no matter how much he smiles, he always makes people feel that he is a bad person. But the man's smile in front of him made people feel like a spring breeze, and the young man let go of most of his guard in an instant.

Such a handsome uncle must be a good man.

"You, are you someone from outside the sky? You were in the sky just now, so..."

"That's right, I'm from the stars, have you ever met someone like me, boy?"

The boy's eyes became a little surprised, as if men were a rare species.

"I haven't been in touch with it, but I've heard that only people from other than Deng Mars will fly to high altitudes in disbelief and want to leave, and be shot down by the power of the kings, or even...killed."

Knowing that the storm just now was brought by the man in front of him, the young man was not angry. He looked at Figo and said, "It's amazing~ You didn't seem to be injured at all, you were only in a coma for a while?"

"Ah, it is indeed a powerful force."

The man is Figo.

After arresting and killing three Heavenly Dragon Star Five Lantern powerhouses who were lurking, he went to the place where the lights stayed and was sucked in without resistance.

As soon as he entered, he felt all kinds of powerful forces converging in the air, including a teleportation force that seemed to transport him to a land at random.

Figo chose to resist, and instead of being sent away along the transmission force, he had to reverse the direction and leave the place of lights directly from the sky. Those entrenched lights immediately regarded Figo as an enemy.

Then came the storm.

That was the power fluctuation caused by Figo's confrontation with the lights in the sky!

However, unlike what the young man thought, Figo was not shot down after losing the battle. He was worried about destroying the power of the lights after increasing his strength to a certain extent, so he voluntarily gave up resistance.

It was indeed the joint ban of hundreds of thousands of four-lamp and five-lamp kings. After feeling the danger, the blow broke the defense of Figo, who was not resisting, and made him lie on the beach for a while.

And... After entering the place where the lights live, the power of the lights has indeed been weakened to a certain extent. Figo feels that his self-healing ability is like an invisible membrane, and the effect has weakened a lot, but this membrane, Very good breakthrough.

Breaking through it, is there a danger of being found where the light is? Where is my light?

After a little perception, Figo asked the boy again: "What's your name?"

The boy replied, "Lynch, what about you?"

"Figo." Figo stood up.

It was only then that Lynch realized that Figo was taller than he expected. Although he was almost two meters tall, he was not as tall as Figo's legs.

He exclaimed a little: "Awesome ~ Uncle Figo, you are so tall.

Are everyone out there as tall as you? Are you new to Light Mars? Did you come here voluntarily, or did you come in by accident?

I heard that people from outside already know about our place. In recent years, many people have come from outside, but no one has been to our Fenghuan Island.

Did you already know Light Mars?

Are you the king of lighting the lights? That kind of lightning didn't hit you...

Yes, it must be, powerful, powerful, so powerful~ Then how many levels are your lights, you must be very strong! Awesome~"

A series of questions came out, and the young man turned into a curious baby, asking non-stop, and the expression on his face became more and more excited. "Awesome" seemed to be his spoken word, and his tone was very moist and interesting.

Figo shook his head and said, "As you can see, I just came in, and my understanding of Deng Mars is only rough, and I have many questions to ask you. Let's ask them one by one, and gradually understand?"

The Land of Lights is the most unique planet in the starry sky. There are too many things that are different from other places. Figo obviously cannot know every bit of information from Asmodeus.

Moreover, Asmodeus is a princess of the half-demon clan, and the environment and things he has been in contact with since he was a child will not be the same as such a human teenager.

There is still a lot to learn.

At the end of Lynch's question, he scratched his head and smiled a little embarrassedly, and whispered that it was terrible.

"Grandma is still waiting for me at home..."

"Is that so?" Figo stretched out his big hand to the boy: "If you don't mind, can you invite me to sit at your house?"


The boy reached out and shook hands with him.

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