Back from the playground to the dormitory, the three unprecedented roommates were all there, but there was a gloomy atmosphere in the dormitory.

“What’s the matter? Are you lost in love collectively?”

Li Changsheng laughed, sitting on his bed and took out a Chinese cigarette to light it.

He picked up a box and motioned to the three roommates, but they shook their heads at the same time, the scene was a little depressing.

After one minute, Jiang Tao sighed, opened the mouth and said: “Changsheng, your situation is a bit bad.”

“What a bad idea “

Li Changsheng asked with a smile.

In fact, he had already guessed that it is not so easy to settle things for himself with Jiang Tao’s energy.

Sure enough, Jiang Tao said: “I told my dad, but my dad said that Qin Family is too powerful. You hit Qin Yi and Qin Xuan again, and he is not good at talking.”

“It’s okay.”

Li Changsheng laughed.

“I said, a trifling Qin Family, I don’t care about it yet.”

“You, don’t think that having a good skill is just fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth In this world, military force is not enough.”

Beside, Zhang Xiaofeng and Yang Fan also shook their heads.

“Okay, okay, confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, I am not afraid, what are you afraid of?”

Jiang Tao sighed again: “But although my dad helps I’m not busy, but I thought of a friend, he is a man on the road, and everyone in Three Sects knows well. I heard that I still have some friendship with Qin Yi, so I can’t ask him to see if I can help.”

Hearing what Jiang Tao said, Li Changsheng directly refused: “I never ask for help.”

Jiang Tao seemed to know that Li Changsheng would say so, and hurriedly changed his words: “It’s not asking, let’s explore To find out, he and I used to be elementary school classmates, and my family was a real estate company. Now I am studying at the Tourism Academy and I will take you to get to know him.”

Jiang Tao is also a rich second generation at any rate, do you know him in Qing State? Few people, he said that this friend’s family background is similar to Jiang Tao’s, but his family is better than Jiang Tao, and he knows more contacts.

Li Changsheng was originally reluctant to go. A Qin Family was worth his attention, but Jiang Tao was also kind, and in the end it couldn’t be postponed, so he had to follow Jiang Tao out to a coffee shop in front of the school. .

Jiang Tao and Li Changsheng waited not long before a silver-gray Maserati sports car stopped and walked off a tall youngster.

I wear a gold watch on my hand, a sunglasses on the bridge of my nose, and long hair, giving people a trendy feel.

“Changsheng, this is He Chuan and He Shao, the elementary school classmate I told you about.”

Introduced to the other party: “This is Li Changsheng.”


Although He Shao is a third-rate in the second-generation Qing State rich circle, but in his opinion, a poor fellow like Li Changsheng is still not qualified to make him take it seriously, so he just rushed to Li Changsheng slightly Nodded, he directly sat down with Golden Blade and raised his legs.

At the same time, he snapped his fingers at the waiter and asked for a cup of milk tea. From then on, he didn’t look at Li Changsheng directly.

“He Shao, I also told you about my friend on the phone. He offended Shao Qin. See if you can help me make peace.”

In the beginning, Jiang Tao and He Chuan had the same status, but after all, they were asking for help, and their status was lowered a lot.

“This may not be easy to handle.”

He Chuan lit a cigar and took a sip, then said.

“To be honest, although I have played with Shao Qin a few times, you should know that Jiang Tao, my power, is several levels behind Qin Shao, but I know someone who is in There is a bar in the east of the city named Big Rich. Qin Shao often visits him and has a good relationship with him. If he doesn’t work, he will beg him, but he is greedy for money and lust, so I guess you have to put some blood.”

“It’s okay, as long as I can help my brother solve this problem, it doesn’t matter if I pay some money.”

Jiang Tao said.

“Okay, let’s go then.”

The three people left the coffee shop and drove to the rich man bar soon.

Because it is not open during the day, there are only a few waiters on duty when a few people enter.

He Chuan should be a frequent visitor here, and the waiter greeted him as soon as he walked in.

“So Shao He is here, welcome.”

“I’m looking for your boss Kun, is he there?”

“Yes, of course Now, I’ll call for you.”

The waiter hurried upstairs. After a while, a middle age person in pajamas appeared at the top of the stairs and walked down slowly.

He has his head naked, and there is a crescent-shaped scar on his forehead, but not in the middle, but at the corner of his eye, very hideous, like a centipede.

He Chuan whispered to Jiang Tao and Li Changsheng: “Brother Kun is a big brother on the road. He loves face the most. After a while, Brother Kun will sit down before we can sit.”

Jiang Tao hurriedly stood up, but Li Changsheng was motionless on the sofa.

He Chuan couldn’t help but frowned his head, but at this moment, Brother Kun had already walked over, he couldn’t say anything, and he greeted him with a smile on his face.

“Oh, Brother Kun, you are still sleeping after three poles a day. It seems that I disturbed your dreams.”

“It turns out that it is Shao He, come here early in the morning What’s wrong with me?”

Brother Kun went up and held He Shao’s hand, patted He Shao’s shoulder with his left hand, and looked at Li Changsheng in doubt.

Seeing Li Changsheng sitting there, I was wondering which Young Master is so big.

“This is Jiang Tao, the Young Master of the Jiang Group, this…”

He Chuan scratched his head.

“It is Jiang Tao’s roommate.”

Indeed, he forgot what Li Changsheng was called.

I saw that Brother Kun curled up his lips and sat down directly.

He is Old Fox. From He Chuan’s introduction, they know that these two have no weight. I thought that the pampered young master who was sitting there was an unruly young master. The country bumpkin.

“He Shao, I don’t have anything to do with the Three Treasures, what can I do if you come to me?”

Kun brother took out a cigar each minding their own business, He Chuan Winningly took a lighter to help ignite, then sat down.

“This is the case. My friend and Qin Shao belong to the same school. Something has caused Qin Shao. This is not Brother Kun. You have a good relationship with Qin Shao. I want you to make peace. “

“It turned out to be like this.”

Kun brother is nodded.

“These are all trivial matters.”

Speaking, snapped his fingers, and the waiter came over immediately.


“I have tea for my friends, but I have no eyesight.”


The waiter is respectful and nodded.

Soon, a pot of jasmine tea was delivered.

Li Changsheng happened to be a little thirsty and drank three glasses in a row.

Brother Kun didn’t speak, but He Chuan’s contempt was even stronger.

“A country bumpkin, I guess I haven’t drunk any good tea, a jasmine tea is so fragrant.”

“Let’s talk about it, why offend Shao Qin?”

Kun Geerlang’s legs keep shaking.

“Doesn’t you know Qin Shao’s identity and provoke Qin Shao in words?”

In the eyes of Brother Kun, these people can’t open their eyes and smashed into Qin. Yi, this kind of thing is easy to settle with his face.

He Chuan knows his character, since he brought these two people, the money must be no less.

“Yes, Jiang Tao, you said that your friend offended Shao Qin, how did you offend him?”

He Chuan also asked.

Jiang Tao called him and said vaguely that he provokeed Qin Shao, not at all, and He Chuan thought it was nothing.

“That…My friend accidentally beat Qin Shao.”


He Chuan suddenly sat upright in shock. body.

The cigar in Kun’s hand fell to the ground with a click.

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