I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 311 [Yaohua] Crisis!

It was 3:30 in the morning on May 6th.

Lin Guodong and Yu Dong were drinking tea in the study.

But the two of them sat facing each other and were speechless for a long time.

Next to the tea table, there is an iPad, which displays the total sales volume of [Huaxing] mobile phones from its release to the present.

In the past two months, the total sales of [Yaohua Group] sub-brand mobile phone [Huaxing] exceeded 250,000 units. The momentum in early May became even more alarming. More and more orders made the factory work overtime all night, but it still could not withstand the market. With such enthusiasm, countless dealers stood at the factory door eagerly looking forward to it. Once the goods are shipped, they will rush in as soon as possible...

Compared with the shipment volume in the same period in April, there is a vague trend of doubling in May!

This is almost a perfect answer!

It also made a big stone officially fall in Lin Guodong's heart.

This marks that his previous approach of setting the mobile phone business of [Yaohua] as the center of gravity was completely correct, and it also brought [Yaohua], which had been suppressed by Europe and the United States to the point of panic within the company, onto a new track, causing everyone in the company to Re-establish the confidence to take a step forward.


[Samsung mobile phone] suddenly exploded!

It’s not that it sold out, it just exploded!

A few days ago, it was the day when Samsung’s smartphone Galaxy P was released.

As Samsung's first true smartphone, the release of the phone naturally attracted countless users to buy it.

Samsung's mobile phone sales once surpassed Nokia's, occupying the top spot in Huaxia's mobile phone sales list.


At 8 o'clock this evening, news suddenly broke. A user who had just bought a Samsung Galaxy P smartphone suddenly exploded while charging it.

The explosion injured his eyes and almost half of his face was disfigured!

on Weibo.

The user posted a face.

A face that had just been bandaged but looked scarred.

He also showed off a mobile phone, which is Samsung's latest Galaxy P mobile phone. At this moment, the smartphone has been distorted by the explosion, and some prototypes of the Galaxy P can still be vaguely seen.

This news was not popular at first, and not many people paid attention to it.

[Samsung Mobile] The official did not even respond to this.

No one could have imagined that Samsung smartphones, which are currently the king in China, would suddenly explode.

Some netizens even think that the essential reason is due to irregular charging of Galaxy P mobile phone users.

But later on, the user almost went crazy. He posted nearly a thousand news about [Samsung mobile phone explosion] on the official mobile phone forum, and complained about "Samsung" mobile phones through various channels. After that, more and more netizens began to complain online. Support this netizen.

Many users and Weibo influencers began to smell the traffic, so they began to rush to repost the news related to this netizen.

At ten o'clock on May 5th.

The heat is gradually rising!

The rising heat formed a series of chain reactions, and then a gust of wind began to blow.

However, it did not completely push Samsung Galaxy P to the forefront, but blew it to [Huaxing].

Samsung Galaxy P phone exploded.

However, there are more cases of [Huaxing] mobile phones exploding on the Internet, and in just a few hours, nearly fifteen pieces of news appeared...

In the news…

[Huaxing Mobile Phone] The battery suddenly swelled, scaring users...

When the user was walking with [Huaxing Mobile], the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly exploded, and then injured the user's thigh...

[Huaxing Mobile Phone] The rechargeable phone suddenly became hot and smoked, causing a fire and burning the user...

[Huaxing] Cases of mobile phone explosions, fires, and battery swelling have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain in just a few hours, and are suddenly covered in hot searches on major social media.

[Shocked, [Huaxing] mobile phone exploded, injuring the user! 】

[Domestic mobile phones, the quality is worrying! 】

【Profiteer! According to my analysis, [Huaxing] mobile phone battery is not a market-qualified battery, but uses Samsung's inferior battery, which itself has huge safety risks! 】

[Samsung Galaxy P mobile phone has been tested and no obvious battery problems were found. The explosion incident is an isolated incident! 】


In the early morning, more and more users began to rush into the [Huaxing] mobile phone official website to defend their rights...

Calls for return orders started in the early morning, and suddenly the sales platform of [Yaohua] exploded. Countless curses were heard, and countless reporters gathered at the entrance of [Yaohua] building.

"Are the test results out yet?"



Drinking glass after glass.

Time passed little by little, and Yu Dong's forehead was already covered with sweat.

Even if he doesn't need to read the news, he knows that the news is full of nonsense about disparaging [Huaxing] mobile phones.

He told Lin Guodong that all this was premeditated and someone was secretly working on [Huaxing].


After hearing this, Lin Guodong didn't say anything. Instead, he asked [Yaohua]'s science and technology department to personally test every battery installed in [Huaxing] mobile phones.

Lin Guodong looked at Yudong, and then looked downstairs.

The reporters downstairs finally left one by one.

But there are still some people squatting at the door with cameras in their hands, hoping to interview some first-hand information.

Lin Guodong drank another cup of tea and closed his eyes silently.

The Apple 4 was just about to launch a press conference when Samsung's phone exploded, and then its own phone exploded...

Lin Guodong naturally understood that there was a pair of hands called capital controlling something in the darkness.


Just two hours ago, he looked at the photos of the [Huaxing mobile phone] explosion on the Internet one by one.

Some of the photos look like they were deliberately blown up, but some are very real. For example, the bulging cell phone battery...

He vaguely realized that there must be some problem with his battery.

Although it is unlikely to explode or even catch fire in a normal natural environment, he is still confident in his own heat dissipation.

But [Huaxing] is originally a thousand-yuan mobile phone, and the battery it is equipped with is Samsung's barely qualified LOS battery. If it is a severe high-temperature weather, or the heat cannot be dissipated in a specific claustrophobic environment...


Lin Guodong was not sure what would happen.

Four o'clock in the morning.

Finally there was a knock on the office door.

The door opened.


[Huaxing Mobile Phone] The person in charge, Yang Hongwei, walked in with concern.

"Has it been detected?"


"What's the result?"


Yang Hongwei didn't dare to look at Lin Guodong, but lowered his head, his face getting paler.

"Say!" Lin Guodong placed the teacup heavily on the table.

There was a crash in the silent office.

Yang Hongwei's body trembled, and then he finally looked up at Lin Guodong: "Mr. Lin, [Huaxing] mobile phone assembly costs are very high. The thousand-yuan phones on the market basically have this configuration. We..."

"I didn't ask you this, Xiao Yang. I asked about the battery. Are there any safety hazards in the battery? Can the battery you are responsible for purchasing be used?"

Lin Guodong stared at Yang Hongwei expressionlessly, his face was frighteningly white, but his voice was not loud, but very low.

"Theoretically, it can be used!"

"..." When Lin Guodong heard this, he didn't respond for a long time and just stared at Yang Hongwei.

Yang Hongwei couldn't help but tremble in his calf. He gritted his teeth and held on, but he still felt a huge pressure on himself, making him unable to breathe: "We started later than other mobile phones because we were the first When installing Android for the first time, we have to consider some compatibility issues. Our own technology at [Yaohua] is not mature yet. However, to achieve the ultra-thin and strong performance mentioned in Zhang Sheng’s model, we can only start with the battery... …”

"Have you modified it privately?" Lin Guodong finally spoke.

"We have changed a little bit, but Mr. Lin, I can guarantee that there is absolutely no problem with the changes we made. Moreover, the test results just came out. There is no problem at all when using our [Huaxing] mobile phone normally, but if it is charged while , while using the mobile phone, the [Huaxing] mobile phone will cause a certain amount of heat... This is actually not our Huaxing, but a common problem of all our domestic mobile phones..." Doudou sweat continued to flow from Yang Hongwei's forehead.

Yang Hongwei didn't dare to wipe it, but kept talking to Lin Guodong with the data.


Lin Guodong did not accept the report or respond. He just sat back in his chair and silently made tea.


Go by little by little.

The atmosphere became more and more depressing. Yang Hongwei just stood there, almost breathless.


Yuwu was lying in the lounge of [NC Entertainment].

He didn't sleep all night.

After Zhang Sheng answered the phone call, he arranged for Tang Wu to rest in the lounge, and he left [NC Entertainment].


It's really hard.

Yu Wu thought about [new energy] research over and over again.

It wasn't his first failure.

But this failure made him very painful.

He can no longer stay at [Bosch Battery].

As soon as he arrived at the company, he would be blocked in the office by Chen Mengting, who would then say a series of words in a very stern tone!

Obviously he holds more than fifty shares of [Bosch Battery], and he is obviously one of the founders of [Bosch Battery], but for some reason, in Chen Mengting's cold eyes, he felt as if he was a head shorter. .

In fact!

Apart from the title of founder, Tang Wu doesn't know how to manage a company at all...

But Chen Mengting is very good at management!

In just a few months, Chen Mengting took control of [Bosch Battery]'s business department, production department, and even misappropriated some funds from the joint technology department. They were all firmly controlled by Chen Mengting!


Throughout [Bosch Batteries], he found that his rights had been deprived of him by Chen Mengting at some point!

Throughout the company, everyone calls Chen Mengting President Chen, and calls herself Teacher Tang...

In the past few months, he and Chen Mengting had quarreled many times.

However, it always ended in his own failure. Over time, he even became a little afraid of this female student who had just graduated!

Tang Wu was tossing and turning...

It was half past ten in the morning.

At half past ten in the morning...

Tang Wu saw Zhang Sheng walking in.

Zhang Sheng came to Tang Wu with a brand new [Huaxing] mobile phone.

"Teacher Tang..."

"Zhang Sheng, you say, how are you? How do you think about it?" When Tang Wu saw Zhang Sheng coming, he immediately became energetic, and his face instantly showed a flattering and eager smile again.

"Mr. Tang, do you know something about mobile phone batteries?"

"I understand, I understand, I understand, you are..."

"Mr. Tang, I will go to the laboratory with you. If it is convenient, I would like you to disassemble [Huaxing]'s mobile phone battery..."

"Okay! No problem, we just have the machine..."


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