I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 379 Shameless Zhang Sheng!


This industry has been around for a long time.

As early as ancient times, this kind of business existed. The dignitaries respected their status and were naturally unwilling to go out to the market, so they asked some merchants to come to their homes with goods in person...

This was the early prototype of takeout and has been used ever since.

Time has arrived in a new era. In 2006 of this world, KFC launched a service called [Home Delivery].

This kind of takeout service not only increases the sales channels of goods, but also promotes one's own brand in the food delivery boxes walking through the streets, and consumers also get certain benefits.

Three parties benefit.

Subsequently, McDonald's also launched similar services, and the reputation has always been very good.

In fact...

In addition to KFC and McDonald's, which have specialized delivery systems, other small businesses are also doing food delivery, usually hiring clerks to deliver the food.

But the mode is relatively simple, and it still continues to be in the stage of ordering food over the phone...


“The phone ordering model is becoming obsolete!”

"Why is it obsolete?"

"Because you need a dedicated person to answer the phone, this is an inevitable labor cost. In addition, there may be errors and omissions in the recording process, causing disputes. If the line is busy during peak periods, you will lose a lot of customers. And Food delivery requires manpower. For a store like yours, hiring one delivery person is too busy. Two delivery people are too expensive, and part-time jobs are unstable. You have to exchange change in advance... Think about it, as a store, you have to leave How many injustices have been done?”

“Furthermore, as consumers, they need to pay to make phone calls. Moreover, during peak business hours, they can’t get incoming calls. Even if they get incoming calls, they don’t know when it will be their turn...to make a call. The original intention of ordering food was to make it convenient, but instead it made them hungry and made them feel bad, right?"

"I know you have joined [Group Buying] and [Minuo Group Buying], but, boss, these two companies help you attract traffic, but they haven't developed a food delivery service for you yet, right?"


"Now, you don't have to worry about this problem at all!"

"As long as you load our [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] APP and place an order on it, we can come over..."

"You only need to enter the address into the [Honeycomb Delivery] APP. As long as it is on this street or in this area, we will help you deliver it!"

"There is no handling fee for the first three days of settlement, and we will even help you deliver your order for free throughout the entire process!"

"As long as you click on this project and register..."

"After three days, if you feel that you approve of our service, we will discuss the next commission. If you feel that this is not appropriate, or have any other concerns, you can delete our [Honeycomb Extreme Free] APP. I I’ll teach you how to download it, just click on this application system..."


【Wanda Mall】.

Chen Geng, the owner of [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant], held a briefcase under his arm and went door to door with his mobile phone to chat with some business owners about [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery].

Although he was the first to try it, the process was not as difficult as imagined.

Although the merchants were doubtful about the services provided by the [Honeycomb Jisong] APP, they still symbolically filled in some information and then registered a store.

after all……

It’s all free anyway!

Since it's free, there's no problem.

It's just that most people hesitate a little when filling out the bank card column.

Chen Geng patiently explained to them: "If you don't trust it, you can register with a bank card number with a few cents deposit... No matter how we deceive, we won't defraud you of a cent! It's just that we have a group of customers. , after those customers see your store or your products, they will place an order online. After placing the order, the money will be transferred to our payment system, and then we will transfer the money to you. Don’t worry, there is zero handling fee for the entire process!”

September 14th.


Chen Geng and his team signed nearly 30 delivery business contracts, but Chen Geng did not stop. Instead, he took his notebook and continued to search for the next brand from websites such as [Minuo Group Buying] and [Group Buying]. .

Capital group buying war...

Countless merchants made profits, and sales were once crowded to the point of explosion.

The sudden "richness" naturally caused some catering businesses to have to give up some businesses because their "delivery" services could not keep up.

This situation has greatly reduced their turnover ceiling...

And [Honeycomb Jisong] APP, at this time, just solved such a problem.

As long as the merchant registers the [Honeycomb Jishu] APP, clicks the delivery button, and simply enters the address, the riders of the [Honeycomb Jishui] APP in the area will come over to take the order as soon as possible...

When Chen Geng saw that the first batch of merchants to settle in [Honeycomb Jisui] had begun to recognize the model of [Honeycomb Jisou] and that [Honeycomb Jisong] was still profitable...

Chen Geng laughed!

In fact, in order to grab the market, whether it is [Minuo Group Buying], [Group Buying] and other group buying websites, all kinds of subsidy gimmicks are coming.

One of them is called delivery subsidy!

Capital war!

A thousand-regiment battle?

let's hit!

Hit him hard!

The harder you fight, the harder you subsidize!

The more we earn with [Honeycomb Ultimate Free]!


Group buying in China is in full swing.

Andrew, the founder of the Groupon website on the other side of the ocean, naturally also noticed the huge market in China.

That same day!

He held an expansion meeting with his marketing team.

At the meeting, the team unanimously felt that they should expand in the direction of China!

Although China is now full of various capitals, they still feel that after Groupon enters China, they will still have a battle!

They are even imagining the scenario after their Groupon engulfs all of China’s [group buying market].


They can't rush into the market.

They noticed October in China!

October in China happens to be the National Day.

And during the National Day, it is the time when the battle between capital and capital is the most bloody!

Everyone knows that National Day has crazy traffic, and at the same time, Chinese people also have huge consumption enthusiasm.

They stayed up late to come up with a "perfect" plan!

They contacted some Chinese local capitals such as [Tengji Technology], [Taozhu.com], and [American Games].

The other party has shown unprecedented enthusiasm for their Groupon, and they only need to choose a cooperative brand among the three Chinese brands and officially settle in!

Everything went smoothly.

They finally confirmed the investment agreement with Zheng Huateng, the man behind [Tengji Technology], and even signed the contract!

Just when they were ready to make all preparations for Huo Huo to rush into China and fight, they heard a shocking news in China!

"What? What did you say? Our Groupon China domain name has been registered?"

When Andrew heard the news, his eyes suddenly widened, like a bolt from the blue!

After a while...

He got a piece of information from the secretary.

data shows that……

When the news of Groupon's acquisition first spread, someone on the other side of the ocean in China immediately registered the domain name Groupon.

He stared hard at the registered company.

The registered boss behind that registered company is named [Baotuan.com], his name is Zhang Sheng...

He looked at Zhang Sheng's information carefully.

I found that this Chinese person was not a big capital, but an entrepreneur.


Lying in bed, Andrew couldn't sleep repeatedly. After a long silence, he planned for his secretary to get in touch with this Chinese man.

Wait until the next morning.

The secretary walked into the office with a complicated look, and then told Andrew.

"Mr. Andrew!"

"Have you contacted the Chinese guy?"


"How did he respond?"

"He won't sell it!"


"He doesn't sell..."

"Damn it, why doesn't he sell it? We gave him $50,000. Isn't that enough? His [Baotuan.com] has not even been established!"

"not enough!"

"How much does that cost?"

"Ten million dollars!"

"What? What did you say ten million dollars? Is this person crazy about money?"

When Andrew heard this, his eyes suddenly widened.

He gasped!

He never dreamed that this little boss from China would be so open-mouthed!

The anger once occupied Andrew's heart, and he wished he could rush to Huaxia now and tear this despicable guy to pieces.

But after a long time...

He looked at Groupon's Chinese domain name again and fell into deep thought like never before.

"Mr. Andrew, our Groupon domain name is now very valuable. Some time ago, [Hongsen Capital] and [Hongtian Capital] both had contact with this Chinese person. Although to the outside world, this Chinese company rejected those capital and brought With his [Qiangsheng Online Mall], he withdrew from this group buying war... But, Mr. Andrew, have you ever thought about why this Chinese guy didn’t directly use our Groupon domain name? Why did he use [Qiangsheng Online Mall]? ?" The secretary stared at Andrew calmly.

With the reminder from his secretary, Andrew gradually suppressed his anger and began to calm down.

"Is it possible that [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is just a cover... Maybe, when the market is almost over, they will suddenly enter the Chinese market with our Groupon, taking the reputation we have accumulated over the years, and... ..." The secretary stared at Andrew.

"I have another piece of information here that shows that when the iPhone 4 released a promotional video at the beginning of this year, this Chinese guy actually registered the iPhone 4's appearance patent first, and also filed a lawsuit with the IPO company, claiming that the iPhone 4 infringed. This won him a A big wave of traffic. Now, China has been flooding with copycat iPhone4 mobile phones. To a certain extent, low-end iPhone4 counterfeit mobile phones have directly affected the brand effect of iPhone4 itself..." The secretary pushed his eyes and In the first half of this year, all the misdeeds Zhang Sheng had done were put on the table.

When he heard this scene, Andrew was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"Moreover, the iPhone 4, a copycat mobile phone, to use a Chinese idiom, has entered the United States in a grand way. Now the IPO company is in litigation with these copycat brands, and they have spent a lot of manpower and material resources!"

"This is really a damn, despicable devil!" After Andrew saw the news one after another, he hated this Chinese with a lot of evil deeds to the extreme.


The secretary took a deep breath.

"If we don't buy it, this Chinese man with a bad record will most likely use our Groupon domain name to make a fuss... I'm not worried about other things at all. I'm just worried about this person affecting our entire Groupon brand launch. Recently, , the Chinese market is full of fake and shoddy products running rampant on group buying websites, this despicable Chinese can do anything!"

After Andrew listened, he nodded silently.

Still angry!

But also calm.

Then, he asked his secretary to continue chatting with Zhang Sheng.

Groupon is preparing to go public in the first half of next year!

The pricing in the initial stage of listing, as well as the subsequent stock price, are very important to market reputation.

If that despicable China uses Groupon's domain name to sell all kinds of fake products in the Chinese region and add all kinds of negative news to their brand, then...

Groupon’s listing pricing will most likely also be affected!

About ten minutes later, the secretary walked into the office with a livid face.

"What's wrong?"

"This despicable Chinese guy actually raised the price to 15 million US dollars! Or, he wants to buy into our Groupon Chinese website with 30% of the domain name shares!"

"FUCK! This damn man! How could God allow such a despicable guy to live in this world? He should go to hell!" Andrew slammed the table hard in anger.

His chest kept rising and falling, his anger could no longer be suppressed, and he wanted to tear Zhang Sheng into pieces.

"Mr. Andrew, that Chinese guy, said he hopes to talk to you..." The secretary's face was also ugly, but she still looked at Andrew and said this.

"Talk to me?"

"Yes, do you want to talk to him?"


Andrew was silent for a moment, and then answered the call from China.


This way.

Andrew from [Groupon] was chatting angrily with Zhang Sheng.

The other side is in the direction of San Francisco, USA.

But Joss is angry!

Chinese copycat phones continue to enter the United States...

They were fighting hard.


I still feel a sense of powerlessness.

They busted gang after gang but detained at most.

After being detained, a steady stream of people from Mexico brought knock-off iPhone4s and sold them into the U.S. market.

Moreover, the cost of combating these piracy is too high!

Although the amount was still not too much, the nausea was like a maggot, constantly tormenting Joss. Especially since he was a perfectionist, he really couldn't stand this kind of torture.


Jos received another piece of news that made him furious!

Android, a company owned by Google, released a piece of data.

Data shows that as of today, there are already 8 million Android phone users in China.

The data also shows that from May to September in the past, the number of users increased even more rapidly!

And among these rapid data, most of them are copycat iPhone4 phones!

When Pandora's box is opened, you can't close it again!

(Guaranteed two updates today, um, 7,000 words)

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