I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 383 Must win the [Southern California International Film Awards] endorsement!

a year ago……

In the Chinese film industry, no one has any impression of the [Southern California International Film Awards].


The first time this award appeared on hot searches was when "Thunder", known as China's first spy movie, signed up for the award, but was rejected outright.

Not even qualified for nomination.

There is a lot of hype on the Internet, and many netizens are searching for this award. After searching for a long time, in addition to feeling that the official website of the [Southern California International Film Awards] is awesome, and the information on the search encyclopedia is quite deceiving, it is really I can’t find what works were included in previous editions of this award, who was the organizer, and who participated...

Even looking carefully, the so-called international critic Tom, the so-called Lacey, the so-called public judges...

There is no such person in the international film circle. It is okay to deceive some film novices and film directors who are new to the industry and are eager to make some international stunts, but those film directors who have been famous for a long time...

I have been to the three major film festivals in Europe. What is your so-called [Southern California International Film Awards]?

Even if I give you a real trophy!

How much are you worth?


It’s the official opening day of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

After the filmmakers saw Avery Tashi accidentally appearing at the award ceremony, they realized that this award still seemed to have a little bit of gold content.

Later, "The Dog Over the Mountain" became famous...


[Southern California International Film Awards] This website seems to be particularly stuck!

Gao Hui filled out the film information, and when he signed up to upload it, he found that the words "under review" were stuck.

It's been stuck for the third day.

Gao Hui, the producer and assistant director of last year's "Paging 1988", is the nephew of Gao Yuan, the film's first Chinese spy blockbuster "Thunder".

After the movie that was so criticized last year spent money to get a popularity award at the Southern California International Film Awards, the "overseas version" of this movie went back to China for its premiere, and it turned out to be so real. He received a boost at the box office, and although his reputation has been appallingly low for a long time, it's not that bad after all.

This year……

He is here again with the new movie "Spy".

Well, he brought over all the director and screenwriter teams of his uncle's "Thunder" and personally participated in the directing and filming. It can be regarded as a companion piece to "Thunder".

The movie was not released...

His plan is to "win overseas awards", first win a wave of bluffing awards, and then use the gimmick to come to the mainland to win a wave of premieres.

Domestic awards...

He has some grudge.

Golden Rooster and Golden Horse are so humane that as long as he wants to, no matter whether he makes a movie about Cats or Dogs, he can be nominated.

But nominations are useless. When it comes to the actual judging of awards, you have to rely on the film itself. Moreover, various awards have become more and more capitalized in recent years. Everyone is vying for each other on this track, fighting for capital and connections, and it seems that gradually He has lost the gold content he should have had.

Foreign awards...

Don't even think about the three major international film festivals in Europe. You can't get into it, let alone the Oscars. It's not in that category at all.

After putting aside these mainstream awards, there are only some miscellaneous pheasant awards left...

Following the success of the [First Southern California International Film Awards], Pheasant Awards began to pop up on the Internet.

There are about thirty or so overseas film awards, big and small...

But Gao Hui no longer goes for those messy Pheasant Awards!


He got a message.

The chairman of the second [Southern California International Film Awards] is Avery Tashi.

Although the lineup of the jury has not yet been revealed, there are some rumors that Avery Tashi will bring some judges from Cannes and Berlin to participate in the Film Awards.

As long as the films are registered through the [Southern California International Film Awards]...

Everything will be reviewed by them personally. When the [Southern California International Film Awards] is approved, in a sense, it will be as valuable as Berlin and Cannes?

"Oh shit!"

"Why can't it be reviewed yet..."

“The data review is so slow!”


In the office of "Shengshi Entertainment", Gao Hui opened the official website of the [Southern California International Film Awards] and found that the official website was getting more and more stuck.

It was in a state of collapse for a time!

Of course he knew the reason.

The "road to success" of director Bi Feiyu's "The Dog Over the Mountain" on the Internet is like a poisonous chicken soup, making many new directors feel that what they lack is not talent, but opportunities!

In addition, the [Southern California International Film Awards] registration system does not have any restrictions. As long as you are a director, have a formal director's certificate, and have a film, you can register...


So countless new Chinese directors crowded in like crazy!

Then, the entire website often gets stuck and paralyzed...

After Gao Hui stared at "Under Review" in the office for nearly thirty minutes, he finally gave up.

He quit the website, planning to use his connections to set up a connection with Zhang Sheng, and then spend money on his movie...

Damn it, spend a million and buy a popularity prize!

Just when he was about to turn off the computer, he saw a pop-up window appear on the computer.


Suddenly I saw a piece of news!

["Dreamland" was shortlisted for 8 nominations at the [Southern California International Film Awards]! 】

["Avatar" was shortlisted for 9 nominations at the [Southern California International Film Awards]! 】

[Hollywood's "Superman: Wings of Steel" has been shortlisted for 1 nomination in the [Southern California International Film Awards]! 】


When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but wipe his eyes!


He was sure he saw it right!

[Southern California International Film Awards] Damn It is a new film and blockbuster released in 2010 that has achieved both word-of-mouth and box office success!

Have all these films participated in the [Southern California International Film Awards]?

real or fake?

I poke!

Is this wave so big?


"In the past year, we have treated every movie very carefully..."

"We [Southern California International Film Awards] don't look at directors..."

“Whether you are a famous director who won the Oscars or a little unknown director, as long as your movie is good enough, novel enough, and breakthrough enough, we can give you a stage to show it all over the world. !”

"In the past year, we have selected outstanding Chinese works such as "The Dog Over the Mountain" and "That Summer". These films have been talked about for a long time..."

“We will never brag that our chairman this year is Avery Tashi, nor will I brag that one of our judges is Leon, the chairman of this year’s [Cannes International Film Festival], let alone our [Berlin International Film Festival] Mr. Davis of the Festival is proud to join us at the Southern California International Film Awards..."

"As Avery Tashi said, we focus on the essence of movies, and our philosophy has never changed from beginning to end. We are all for the extremely talented filmmakers around the world, and we will not be forgotten in the torrent of movies. Buried, so as not to be swallowed up in the crowd!”

"Movies are an art!"

"And we are paving the way for this art..."


Zhang Xing from [Group Buying] saw Zhang Sheng’s video on the Internet.

My first impression when I saw the video was...

This person is a "big liar" who is extremely capable and very good at controlling the situation.

Over the years, Zhang Xing, who has experienced a series of ups and downs in the shopping mall, is actually said to be a little bit enthusiastic.

This Zhang Sheng is a natural speaker!

Zhang Xing came to such a conclusion.

In fact...

The entertainment industry has always been a vanity fair for capital construction.

Weibo has a deep connection with the entertainment industry. When Zhang Xing Weibo was first established, it relied on a large number of contacts in the entertainment industry to drive the entire traffic.

Zhang Xing calmly watched Zhang Sheng's video.

After reading it, I asked my Weibo team to prepare a piece of data for me.

About half an hour later...

A piece of real-time popularity data about the [Southern California International Film Awards] appeared on Zhang Xing’s desk!

[Southern California International Film Awards] The hot search term was searched 200,000 times in just half an hour!

Of these more than 200,000 times, more than 70% are real people's dynamic IPs, and about 30% are trolls and hype IPs.

This data made Zhang Xing push up his glasses with some interest.

This data is amazing!

In fact, many fans and hot searches on Weibo are actually very serious.

We can see that many celebrities with millions of fans only have hundreds of thousands of fans after dehydration, exaggeratedly only a few thousand...

Like more than 70% of real IP data, this kind of data basically only appears in social news and hot news!

[Southern California International Film Awards]?


He opened the official website of the [Southern California International Film Awards], but the official website was completely 404...

It seems that the previous server was too cheap and could not bear the influx of so much traffic at once, so it crashed.

After about a few minutes, he connected to an overseas IP and logged in.

As soon as he logged in, he saw the shortlist information for blockbusters such as "Avatar", "Dreamland", and "Superman: Wings of Steel"!

In addition to these news, there is also news that this year’s Berlin or Cannes shortlisted films will once again be selected for the [Southern California International Film Awards].

These messages gave him a wrong feeling for a time.

Will these blockbusters be judged at the [Southern California International Film Awards] this year?

But then...

He reacted quickly.

This could be an elaborate word game!

But nevertheless!

Zhang Xing saw huge traffic at the [Southern California International Film Awards]!

Just at this time……

Zhang Xing saw another piece of news announced by the Ministry of Commerce.

He saw that China and Brazil had reached multiple cooperation agreements...

Among them was the economic agreement between Yanjing and Rocinha, represented by Xu Linlin from the Ministry of Commerce and Leo John, who had just come to power in Rocinha.


It is the venue of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

When seeing this scene, Zhang Xing's pupils shrank, and then he stared at the screen.

He seemed to feel some kind of hint!

Immediately afterwards...

One sentence kept popping up in his mind!

[Group Buying] Be sure to win the [Southern California International Film Awards] sponsorship endorsement!

(Continue to guarantee the bottom line, I will tolerate it.)

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