I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 395 Rolling torrent! The myth of the times is being born!

After the 2008 financial crisis, the global economy suffered an unprecedented impact.

Two years later in 2010.

Thanks to a series of monetary policies such as interest rate increases and water release in many countries, the impact of the financial crisis has been alleviated to a certain extent.

But the sequelae have not been eliminated...

This sequelae, after two years of fermentation, spread to Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Spain...

Throughout the first half of 2010, the European economy was in dire straits, plunging Europe into the most serious crisis since the birth of the euro.

In the second half of the year, almost every once in a while, some countries introduced policies to deal with the [financial crisis], and the European Union even came up with a [750 billion euro rescue fund], which barely made the European economy relatively stable, but , despite this, some countries have still suffered irreversible impacts...

For example: Greece.


[A financial crisis broke out in Greece, the currency was severely devalued, and foreign exchange savings dropped sharply...]

This world is quite magical sometimes.

Just yesterday, the Greek government suddenly announced that the country's economy had begun to slide into a trough, and Greece had begun to experience a debt crisis.

No one could have imagined that after the [financial crisis], Greece would actually become a victim of the [financial crisis].

When Xu Linlin saw this news, she felt a little touched in her heart.

As early as 2009 last year, a colleague from the economic department told Xu Linlin that it would be difficult for Greece to survive this wave. I didn’t expect that this year, so soon, the colleague’s words would come true!

Analyzing the deep-seated reasons, there are three points. The first point is that the excessive welfare system has caused the country to fail to make ends meet, the second point is government corruption, and the third point is Greece's unique economic system...

The top management takes news about Greece very seriously.

A meeting on the economic level was specially held.

To put it bluntly, the core of the economic conference is still some commonplace content, such as stimulating domestic demand, expanding foreign trade, and the Greek tragedy is a wake-up call...

Xu Linlin listened to the meeting and took notes carefully!

Wait until the end of the meeting...

The big leader suddenly said: Among the countless entrepreneurs, we need entrepreneurial models to stimulate the market and promote the economy...

October 22nd.


The Ministry of Commerce held another meeting.

In the meeting, countless people were enthusiastically talking about the "entrepreneurial myths" and "entrepreneurs" of the past ten years...

Ma Yunhua, Zheng Huateng, Zhang Xing...

The Internet trendsetters of the new era are all within the scope of their discussion.

The reason given is also very simple.

Their companies can generate astonishing tax revenue for China every year. At the same time, every person is a "best" and "leader" in the industry...

Xu Linlin listened carefully to everyone talking about their respective nominees...

When it was her turn, she stood up silently, holding the information at hand.

"I nominate Zhang Sheng!"

Xu Linlin's words caused the entire audience to fall into silence.

Everyone looked at Xu Linlin.

Zhang Sheng!

A person who is not unfamiliar, but is too immature, and is many steps away from such influential figures as Ma Yunhua.

"Although Comrade Zhang Sheng is young, he has not been coerced by capital, nor has he fallen into the endless battle of Internet capital. On the contrary, he has always stood at the bottom and has been working hard for China's employment and poverty alleviation work. …”

“In the past month, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has provided a platform for the sales of agricultural products and related industries in second- and third-tier cities in more than 20 regions across the country, and has created sales of nearly 4 million... This Although the sales volume of group buying websites such as [Minuo Group Buying] and [Group Buying] are insignificant, and cannot be compared with the currently booming [Taozhu.com], they are the most down-to-earth and pragmatic ones. …”

"In the past month, the sales volume of Zhang Sheng's cooperative brand, [Hongwei Battery Car], has entered the top ten in the country for the first time. The brand was one of the brands supported by [Home Appliances Going to the Rural Areas] last year..."

"In the past month, Zhang Sheng's [Bosch] battery and [Bosch battery] have solved the employment problem of nearly 3,000 people in second- and third-tier cities, and have their own independent research and development laboratories..."

"In the past month, Zhang Sheng's [Honeycomb Jishu] has continued to work hard to solve the problem of employment for the people at the bottom. At the beginning, the number of jobs was 200. Just yesterday, according to my latest information, within the scope of Yanjing, it has reached 200 people. With five hundred people, the food delivery industry is an extremely huge market, and the employment opportunities in the future will only be even more impressive..."


"These things are still nothing compared to some big companies..."

"But Zhang Sheng is only 21 years old this year!"

"However, a year ago, due to various family reasons, Zhang Sheng was in debt of more than 2 million yuan and was in poverty. He was one of the youngest laobaos in the news in recent years..."

"In addition to looking at those entrepreneurs who have become famous, should we also look at the young people who are on their way?"

"Secretary Mao said that young people are the rising sun and the future, and I am seeing a rising sun, emitting blazing light..."


Zhang Sheng!

This is the first time this name appeared in a formal meeting of the Ministry of Commerce.

However, when Xu Linlin placed a thick information report on the table and counted every industrial data in detail, the entire audience was silent.

An old man pushed up his reading glasses. Hearing the name "Zhang Sheng", he seemed familiar. Then he subconsciously looked at the others.

Xu Linlin did not sit down.

Instead, he turned on his computer and projected it onto the projector.


Shine brightly.

Xu Linlin clicked on a news item casually.

[The monthly full-time salary is 18,000 yuan! 】

[Migrant workers run jobs part-time and earn over 10,000 yuan a month! 】

[Work half a day and earn 6,000 a month! 】


The title of the news made everyone a little stunned.

They never dreamed that a delivery boy could actually get a salary of 10,000, or even an astonishing 18,000!

They saw the pay stubs of these delivery workers.

The payroll amount is usually around 8,000 to 10,000, but the subsidy amount is an astonishing 3,000 to 7,000...

Xu Linlin looked at each pair of eyes.

Thinking of more than two months ago, Zhang Sheng came over excitedly and told him...

[Teacher, I want to provide 100,000 jobs! 】

She clearly remembered Zhang Sheng's expression when he said this.

His expression is very serious!

Although the words were arrogant, the sincerity in his words was inexplicably convincing!

Two months later…

One hundred thousand jobs, although that did not materialize.

But it seems to be a light, illuminating the direction of the future!


In the office.

Still a mess.

Chen Geng and Nie Xiaoping looked at Zhang Sheng blankly...

A minute ago, Zhang Sheng answered a phone call.

After answering the phone, although Zhang Sheng's expression was calm, the depth of his eyes exuded a hint of sword-like sharpness.


It seemed murderous.

He walked into the office with a smile on his face.

"Now we have the confidence to sit at the poker table and fight with those capitals!"

When Zhang Sheng said these words, the two of them felt a buzzing in their ears.

They only felt an unprecedented sense of blood, echoing around them.

"Mr. Zhang, is this the number of the Ministry of Commerce?"

Chen Geng was very smart. After a while, he asked tentatively.

Zhang Sheng did not answer his question directly, but smiled: "CCTV News will have a [Year-End Entrepreneurship Interview] program the day after tomorrow. If there are no surprises, I will be the first invited guest in this program. !”

"At the same time, someone from CCTV will come to interview our delivery riders tomorrow night. I will attend this interview..."


"Mr. Chen, you don't need to criticize any takeaway knights anymore. You let them show off and promote to their heart's content. We, who have been supporting roles for so long, have to be the protagonists again!"


"Mr. Nie, please prepare your [Hongwei] battery car. You will also be interviewed by [Entrepreneurship Interview]. There will be a VCR for home appliances going to the countryside. When the time comes, you can control it yourself..."


Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes and told the two of them his next plan.

In the office.

The two of them listened in complete silence.

Zhang Sheng looked out the window.

He once imagined that... [Beehive Jisong] would be dormant for a few months. After it has fully formed a scale, it will be safer to fight with any capital!

Accumulate food widely, build walls high, slowly become king...

There is nothing wrong in any era!

But, now that the plan has been advanced...

Then seize all the opportunities, enter this market openly, and before the capital has reacted, swallow up all the market it can.

He does not deny that follow-up capital can also come to seize the market and even compress his space...


Business war?

Would a person who rose up with a debt of two million be afraid of these things?

Last time……

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] After launching the group buying war, leaving big cities and cooperating specifically with some agricultural products and basic industries in second and third tier cities was not a retreat, let alone a defeat, but a hibernation. Move forward, make new preparations, and lay a stronger official foundation!

Poverty alleviation, agricultural assistance, employment...

He is doing all these things!


Although the foundation is not solid, he is just on the edge of the times.

Capital was never behind him.


one country!


Zhang Sheng's side...

Explained the next plan to Chen Geng and Nie Xiaoping.

But at the same time……

An article titled "From [Southern California International Film Awards] to [Honeycomb Extreme Gifts], all the awesome things he boasted are being realized one by one!" 】

It hit the first page of the [China Finance] newspaper and opened up a new entrepreneurial myth!

(Three updates today! One more update! Please give me some monthly votes... (please face))

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