I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 505 People in the Era

Today’s crazy group buying war in China is triggered by [Groupon] on the other side of the ocean.

a year ago!

Google issued an acquisition invitation to Groupon, hoping to acquire the group-buying website for about $6 billion.

Then, I was rejected by [Groupon]...

The news spread like wildfire and reached the eyes of countless entrepreneurs and capital in China.

Then, overnight, countless entrepreneurs were excited!

1999 to present...

From the barbaric era of the Chinese Internet to the contention of a hundred schools of thought, they have witnessed too many myths!

With the rise of ICQ in the United States, they watched helplessly as the Chinese version of ICQ and Q Gou emerged strong, creating today’s behemoth [Tengji Empire].

With the rapid development of Google in the United States, China's search engine quickly took over the mainstream, impacting Internet search engines with thunderous momentum. Before countless people could react, they embarked on the road to becoming a god...

eBay, the American e-commerce company in the United States, is becoming more and more crazy, while Hangzhou Ma's Taozhu.com has repeatedly hit the wall, and finally turned into steel, creating an online shopping empire that can compete with [Tengji]...

In every era, there is a myth that takes advantage of the Internet and then rises strongly!

Countless analysts are behind this group of entrepreneurs, analyzing countless data. In the end, they all agree that [group buying] is definitely a brand new trend, no less popular than Qgou, Sodu, and [Taozhu.com] .

At that moment, countless entrepreneurs rushed into this track with red eyes, like wild beasts!

They missed Qgou, missed Sodu, and also missed [Taozhu.com]...

This time!

They never want to miss the huge opportunity of [Group Buying]!

In one year’s time!

There were corpses everywhere and rivers of blood, but they kept coming one after another, one wave leading to another...

Every day we see the rise of a new group buying website, and every day we see some people who cannot withstand the pressure of capital and leave sadly...

Every day, we hear that a certain entrepreneur became rich overnight and stood in front of reporters, saying that he threw the money into the stove and couldn't burn it one by one. We can also see overt and covert fighting, from the Internet to the Internet... …

But there are still countless entrepreneurs joining the battlefield with capital. No matter how cruel the fighting is, they can't resist the determination to sit on the card table and compete with big companies such as [Tengji] and [Taozhu.com]. …


one year later.

No one would have thought of it!

This [thousand-group war] that can be recorded in the history of the Internet started with [Groupon], but ended with [Groupon]!



In the conference room.

One day ago, CEO Shen Mingqiang, who was high-spirited and had his sights set on [Honeycomb Jisong] and wanted to overthrow [Honeycomb Jisong], was smoking cigarettes one by one at the moment.

On the big screen in the conference room is the market capitalization curve of [Groupon] on the Nasdaq market.




His eyes flashed with a trance, and an unprecedented sense of confusion swept through his body.

In this group buying war that lasted for nearly a year, the capital behind [Lingshou.com] such as [Soudu], [Shengshi Entertainment], [Hongsen Capital], etc., spent a total of 2 billion yuan!

They have done almost all the "money-burning" activities they can think of and everything they can do...

They have gained nearly 15 million users and are sharply preparing to take the next step!

What's the next step?

Everyone has a very clear and clear plan!

Taking advantage of the trend of [Groupon] going public, their [Hanshou.com] went public with a valuation of tens of billions, and then split its shares and raised additional funds...

The capital behind [Hanshou.com] has made a lot of money, and it has enough control over the future [Group Buying Market]. It has expanded again in new areas, and then launched the [Takeaway] line, leveraging its huge market value. With advantages and advantages, he swallowed [Honeycomb Jisong] fiercely, and Shen Mingqiang, an entrepreneur who started his business in the millennium, transformed into a spokesman for capital, with a net worth of more than one billion, and became a myth in the new era!

Everything is beautiful, everything is in its best form, but...

The originator of group buying [Groupon] went public, but it was far less than expected. The stock price was falling more and more, and there were more and more unfavorable voices...

All of this will inevitably make more capital lose confidence in the [group buying] market, believing that it is an unfeasible path.

"We have at least 15 million users. If we go public, our stock price may not fall..."

After Shen Mingqiang smoked his last cigarette, he finally stood up and expressed his stance.

Li Hong, who was searching the news, did not say anything and just watched the news in silence.

Jin Zhengzhong of [Shengshi Entertainment] had a worried look on his face. After calming down for a while, he looked at Pang Lei of [Hongsen Capital] and said nothing.

Pang Lei's face became more and more gloomy. This time in the [Group Buying War], he invested the most and paid the most. Although he has 15 million users, but with the lessons learned from [Groupon]'s listing, he simply cannot guarantee that [ LianShou.com can live better than Groupon...

Pang Lei realized that he was standing on the edge of a cliff and was in a dilemma. At this critical link, he could not sell his shares immediately, otherwise, the entire [Hanshou.com] would only accelerate its collapse, leaving investors in the [Hongsen Capital] system , all causing unpredictable consequences.

At the moment before [Groupon] went public, it was really appropriate for him to sell the shares of [Lingshou.com] at a high price. At that time, countless takeovers were waiting.

However, he greedily waited for the highest position...


Falling into a passive situation!

"Li Zongyao, an old fox, knows that single group buying will not work. We must use O2O, an online-to-offline business model, and convert [group buying] into [Lai Niao takeout] in advance... We are doing takeout now, and it is already too late. , only by cooperating with that old fox... Only in this way can the market value be maintained. We can't even completely cut off the cooperation with [Honeycomb Takeout]..." Pang Lei said after hearing Jin Zhengzhong sigh. Got this sentence.

When he heard this sentence, Pang Lei's face became more and more gloomy.

Just when he finished saying this, a burst of laughter suddenly came from outside the conference room.

The door opened.

Li Zongyao walked in with a smile on his face.



West Lake.

The long viewing path in the distance is crowded with people and the river is flowing continuously. The Leifeng Pagoda on the mountain is faintly visible in the sunset. In the distance, small boats are rowing by, and the tourists are happy and happy.

When Ma Yunhua received Zhang Sheng, although it was not formal, he paid great attention to it.

When Zhang Sheng and his lawyer entered Hangzhou, he immediately sent several luxury cars to pick him up. They bypassed the West Lake, bypassed the tourists, and finally arrived at a very secretive private house on the edge of the West Lake. In the clubhouse.

That was Lao Ma's private club. It rarely received people on weekdays. The visitors were either dignitaries or financial tycoons.

When he stepped into the private club, Zhang Xing was very excited. He had been in business for many years and was considered a leader. He claimed to be not a capital, but he should still have a place in the capital.

However, even when [Weibo] and [Group Buying] were at their craziest, I was never invited. When talking about cooperation, at most I was arranged to be in the tea room of [Jiahu Technology], drinking face to face with Lao Ma. Tea.

On the other hand, Zhang Sheng was calm from beginning to end.

Following the tall and beautiful front desk, we walked through a tree-lined path, walked into a small courtyard with simple decoration, but also a cave. Finally, we met Lao Ma in a teahouse next to the theater stage.

"Brother Zhang, haha, you are finally here! Sit down, sit down!"

When Zhang Sheng stepped into the tea room, he heard a burst of hearty and enthusiastic laughter. Ma Huayun came over wearing slippers and pulled Zhang Sheng to sit down.

"Brother Zhang, when a famous actor from Yanjing comes over to show off his voice, don't leave today. Let's listen to two voices while drinking West Lake Longjing... Haha, isn't it fun..."

Zhang Xing, who was following behind, was a little nervous. After following Zhang Sheng in, he sat in the tea room and looked at the girls, who were wearing simple clothes and getting taller and more beautiful. Unconsciously, he felt a little bit hot. He took a deep breath. After taking a breath and sitting in the seat of Zhang Sheng's entourage, he looked at the stage again, vaguely feeling that he had traveled to ancient times.

When he turned his eyes again, he saw a beautiful girl, quietly and skillfully making cups of fragrant tea...

"Haha, okay, okay!"

This was not the first time for Zhang Xing to come to a similar club, but he felt a little restrained whether it was because Lao Ma was too aura or because of his humble status at this moment.

But Zhang Sheng didn't feel this way. After taking his seat, he followed Lao Ma and laughed.

During this period, the two of them tasted tea together and chatted about it, as if they were close friends. Even Zhang Sheng's knowledge of tea ceremony amazed even arty people like Lao Ma. The beautiful girl making tea next to him was even more surprised. I was so surprised that I felt like I had met a colleague.

Time always passes by in a hurry.

Zhang Xing felt his chest became more and more stuffy.

He listened to Zhang Sheng and Lao Ma chatting from the tea ceremony to people's hearts, from people's hearts to overseas affairs, from overseas affairs to drama...

Zhang Sheng's level of involvement is incredible, and even Ma Yunhua finds his insights in some fields incredible...


The place that was originally Ma Yunhua's home court actually became Zhang Sheng's home court.

When the sun set and the sunset gradually filled the sky, Zhang Sheng even sat on the tea-making seat at Ma Yunhua's strong invitation and personally showed everyone his skillful and professional tea-making skills!

Zhang Xing saw this scene...

I feel sour in my heart unconsciously and sell batches with my mother!

When Zhang Sheng made tea for himself in the past, he just poured it into the water and handed it to him. He even didn't pour some of the tea after the first brew, and the tea he drank was all low-quality fake tea!

He once thought that Zhang Sheng didn't even know the basics of making tea.

Now that I think about it...

It's not that he doesn't understand, it's that he doesn't deserve it!

With such complicated emotions, several people sat until the evening.

When it's 5:30 in the evening...

A gentle light lit up in the distant courtyard, and then, on the stage, a group of people began to sing on stage one after another.

With melodious singing.

With a smile on her face, Ma Yunhua looked at Zhang Sheng inadvertently, and then suddenly sighed: "Brother Zhang... this journey has not been easy!"

"It's not easy..." Zhang Sheng responded with a smile while listening to the play: "After stumbling along, I finally realized that one person's power is too weak..."

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