” Great , I got the Command Spell , Li Fan , you see I got the Command Spell !” An excited voice came from behind Li Fan .

Li Fan turned around , and before he could see clearly , a figure plunged into Li Fan’s arms .

” Nami , congratulations !” Li Fan said with a smile while patting Nami ‘s back .

” Thank you , Li Fan , for giving me this opportunity , and I will definitely cherish this opportunity . ” Nami raised her head , with tears of excitement in her eyes .

” It’s a good thing to qualify for the competition , but you should also pay attention to your own safety . ” Li Fan’s face became serious , ” If you feel that your life is in danger , you must come to this church . ”

Nami smiled : ” I see , Li Fan . ”

Seeing Nami’s expression , Li Fan frowned .

From Nami’s eyes , Li Fan clearly felt that Nami did not listen to his words .

In Nami’s eyes , Li Fan only saw strong expectations for victory .

” It’s a woman . That guy is Li Fan’s actor . I have seen this woman in many Li Fan movies . ”

Fat Girl Pirate : ” It’s really enviable , not only can I be so intimate with Li Fan , but also get the qualifications to participate . ”

” What is there to envy? Others have good acting skills and are beautiful . As a director, Li Fan is of course close to her . ”

” This woman doesn’t seem to be strong . The navy player over there is the Warring States period . Do you think she will be in danger ? ”

” Tsk , are you stupid? This woman is Li Fan’s employee . Even if she loses , it will definitely not be life-threatening . Who knows if Li Fan will cause trouble for others later . ”

” That’s right !” Some pirates nodded secretly , and for a while , more people cast envious glances at Nami .

This is indeed the case . After seeing the Command Spell on the back of Nami’s hand , Sengoku decided to try not to hurt Nami herself , but to attack Nami’s followers .

Under the current circumstances , it would be a great mistake to annoy Li Fan even further .

” Congratulations , Nami , maybe , we can really form an alliance . ” Tina walked over and showed Nami the back of her hand with a smile .

There , a bright red Command Spell shone brightly in the sunlight .

” Great , you also got the Command Spell . ” Nami took Tina’s hand excitedly .

Although Tina obtained the Command Spell , it meant that Tina was also her competitor .

However , as people on a boat , they can at least cooperate to the end and decide the winner .


Chapter 255 Giant Soldier Appears

Hearing the word alliance , the Warring States not far away couldn’t help but stare .

As a wise general, he certainly thought of forming an alliance .

So many navies will come to this place , that is, if more than one navy gets the Command Spell and becomes the master , they will form an alliance and work hard for the common purpose of the navy .

However , to the disappointment of the Warring States period , looking around , no one in the navy except him has obtained the Command Spell .

” He , tell me , is it possible that Li Fan arranged Tina and Nami to obtain the Command Spell ? ” After thinking for a long time , the Warring States whispered .

” It’s not that there is no such possibility . ” He frowned , ” However , according to Li Fan’s obsession with movies in the past , it may just happen that the two of them are lucky . ”

” I hope so . ” Sengoku nodded .

If Li Fan really operated in the dark , it would be even more difficult for the Warring States period to obtain rewards .

After all , no one will know whether Li Fan will open up his privileges for Tina and ~ Nami .

” Tsk , didn’t I qualify ?” Zoro frowned , looking at the back of his hand . ” Sorry , Guina , it looks like I’ll have to wait a while to bring you back to this world- . ”

” Since Li Fan can hold a Holy Grail War , he will definitely be able to — hold a second one . ”

Sauron’s eyes were firm , he believed in it , and at the same time he hoped that what he thought would come true .

” Is the Guina you talked about the friend you made an agreement with ?” Beside Zoro , a very familiar voice came .

head to look , Hawk-Eyed Mihawk was already standing beside Zoro himself .

lowered his head slightly and glanced at the back of Mihawk’s hand .

” Looks like you didn’t qualify for the show , Hawkeye . ”

Mihawk nodded : ” According to what Li Fan said , the greater the desire , the more favored the Holy Grail , perhaps my desire is not enough . ”

” I talked with Li Fan , and I heard that you practiced [ Yan Hui ] . When you have time , do you want to compare it ? ”

Hearing this , the corners of Sauron’s mouth curled up : “I can’t ask for it, the world’s greatest swordsman !”

Although he didn’t feel that he had reached Mihawk’s kendo realm , it didn’t mean that Zoro didn’t want to know how far he was from the world’s greatest swordsman .

rumbling- _

Suddenly , an extremely strong momentum suddenly descended , shrouding the people present .

Many weak pirates immediately felt a dull feeling in their hearts and almost fell to their knees .

Li Fan frowned , looked at Kaido and Charlotte Lingling not far away, and said sharply, ” Kaido , Charlotte Lingling , are you two looking for something ? ”

Kaido : ” Li Fan , why didn’t I qualify , not only that , all of us in the Pirates didn’t qualify . ”

Charlotte Lingling : ” That’s right , you need to give us a reason . The two women around you have both qualified for the show , are you cheating ? ”

Obviously , it’s not just Sengoku who are confused that Tina and Nami can qualify for the role .

Same goes for Kaido and Charlotte Lingling .

” Tsk , make trouble, right ? ” Li Fan’s eyes gradually became gloomy , ” I said , this [ Holy Grail War ] , it is the Holy Grail that decides the master on its own . ”

” I just gathered you to this city . ”

” It’s just a coincidence that my employees can become Masters . ”

” If I really wanted to hand out the Holy Grail to my staff in the first place , why did I call you here ?”

” Is it enough for me to just find 7 employees to participate in the show ?”

” Kaido , Charlotte Lingling , or , only your people can qualify for the show , but not my staff ?!”

At the same time as he spoke , the magic power of Deep Blue began to rippling around Li Fan , and a powerful momentum radiated to the surroundings .

Those pirates and others who shared the same thoughts as Charlotte Lingling and the others saw Li Fan’s aura and turned their eyes away , daring not to let Li Fan see what they were thinking .

” Li Fan , how do you prove this !” Charlotte Lingling stepped forward , obviously , she didn’t want to compromise like this .

0 ?? ? ??????????????????????????

” Proof ?” Li Fan stared , ” I still need proof ?”

” I said I didn’t cheat for my people , that’s not cheating . ”

” I don’t need anyone to prove it , much less to you who are weaker than me , Charlotte Lingling . ”

” If you really can’t get your energy out , I can help you . ”

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