Parallel Worlds, April 17, 1950.

Xianyang, the capital of the Great Qin Empire.

At nine o'clock in the morning, in the auditorium of the Royal Army University, the atmosphere was solemn and solemn, and a three-year trial ushered in the final result.

On March 1, 1947, Ying Lingyun, the 13th Emperor of the Great Qin Empire, signed the surrender on the battleship USS Missouri of the United States Navy, and World War II came to an end.

On April 28, 1947, with the authorization of the Central Powers, MacArthur, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in the Great Qin Empire, promulgated the "Special Notice" and the "Charter of the International Military Tribunal for Oceania" in accordance with the statutes of the "Potsdam Proclamation", announcing the establishment of the International Military Tribunal for Oceania in Xianyang, the capital of the Great Qin Empire.

Judges and prosecutors were dispatched by 27 victorious allies, including the United States, Great Britain, Polar Bear, Gaul, Wa, Canada, the Netherlands, Xinjiapo, Indo, Filipino, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and Viet Nan, to try and try 37 Class A war criminals, 1,427 Class B war criminals, and 5,497 Class C war criminals of the Great Qin Empire.


trial began on May 10, 1947 and ended on April 7, 1950, lasted three years, with a total of 718 court sessions, 519 court witnesses, 879 written witnesses, more than 5,300 pieces of evidence accepted, and a verdict of 2,412 pages, which took 10 days just to read the verdict.

The verdict is very detailed, exposing the crimes of the Great Qin Empire in planning, preparing and waging two world wars from 1908 and in the wars in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Pacific, presenting 779 written testimonies and 53,360 pieces of evidence.

Everyone stood and announced the outcome of the trial. "

At 9:15 a.m., all 107 judges and prosecutors arrived and sat down in turn, with more than 800 people sitting in the auditorium.

William Chris, the president of Great Britain, took a deep breath, picked up the hammer and slammed it down, and began to read out the final verdict.

"The International Tribunal for Oceania finally ruled that war criminals Li Zhiyi, Bai Zhong, Jiang Chengwu, Wang Lingfei, Chen Ge, Jiang Zhihe ......".

The names of the generals and high-ranking government officials of the Great Qin Empire's navy, land, and air force came out of Chris's mouth, and the judges, prosecutors, and jury members of the victorious country were overjoyed.

The hard work paid off, and the end of this group of war demons has finally arrived.

But what is unpleasant is that sitting in the dock, the war criminals have straight waists, without the slightest fear on their faces, and are very calm and calm, as if they are the victors.

Judges and prosecutors from all over the world still admire the Qin people from the bottom of their hearts, because the Qin people are arrogant, unyielding, tenacious and brave, and in World War II, the Allies gave the Qin army a nickname, the elegant demon.

After Chris finished reading his name, he glanced at the generals and high-ranking officials of the Qin army who were still standing tall when they were dying, and a few traces of jealousy and anger flashed in his eyes.

Jealousy is only a fleeting moment, replaced by pride.

The winner is king, and the loser is the loser.

The mighty Qin Empire has been completely dismembered, and these bastards, who commanded the Qin army in World War II and fought the allies with heavy losses, were finally defeated at our hands.


When you went to the gallows, I saw that you were still arrogant.

With a cold snort, Chris said in a deep voice.

"The 37 Class A war criminals were all found guilty of crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, and the evidence was conclusive, and they were sentenced to death by hanging, and they will be publicly executed on the Imperial Square in Xianyang on the 1st of next month. "

The words fell, and the auditorium resounded with tsunami applause.

The 37 Qin army generals and high-ranking officials were still calm, sitting on the trial seat with unchanged faces, looking at Chris and the Allied judges and prosecutors with contemptuous eyes, as if they were looking at a group of clowns.

They never threw in the towel, nor did they admit guilt!

As for the "evidence" and "witnesses" who got it out of nowhere, it is very ridiculous.

If you want to add sin, why do you have no excuse?


In the auditorium, Ying Lingyun looked at the complacent representatives of the allies on the legal platform, and a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Have you won? No, the war has just begun!

All the insults and injuries inflicted on Daqin, I will return it a hundred times when I win Lingyun.

Ying Lingyun is a time-traveler, and it has been three years since he crossed into this "weird" parallel world.

How weird is this parallel world?

Australia does not exist, the Australian continent is called Qinzhou, and on Qinzhou stands a powerful empire that once terrified Westerners.

The Great Qin Empire can also be called the Second Empire of Great Qin.

In 1720, in the 59th year of Kangxi, a young man named Ying Zhan launched a peasant uprising in Gui Province, which was brutally suppressed by the Qing army, and fled by boat from the Leizhou Peninsula with thousands of remnants of the army, all the way south, through the Strait of Malacca, and arrived in Australia.

After landing in Australia, Ying Zhan first used knives and guns to communicate with the aborigines, and then named the Australian continent Qinzhou, and the 7.692 million square kilometers of the continent was divided into nine states, Xuzhou, Jizhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou, Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Liangzhou, Yongzhou, and Yuzhou.

In 1725, Ying Zhan ascended the throne as emperor in Xianyang (Sydney) and established the Second Empire of Great Qin, with the year name Hongwu.

In 1727, the population of Daqin exceeded 1 million, and Ying Zhan made great efforts to establish a modern education system, reform agriculture, and encourage commerce and trade.

In 1740, when the population of Daqin reached 7 million, the 37-year-old Ying Zhan led the Daqin navy to begin its foreign expansion, occupying the Southeast Asian islands in just three years.

In 1750, the population of Daqin broke through to 13 million, and Ying Zhan set his sights on the feng shui treasure of Indhu, but Indhu has been regarded as a meal on the plate by Great Britain, and if you want to capture Indhu, you must defeat Great Britain.

For Daqin, a "weird" country that suddenly appeared, was established by the Yan and Huang people, and developed very quickly, Westerners are very jealous and even hostile.

Because of the rapid growth of Daqin's population, which skyrocketed at a rate of at least 500,000 a year, it also established an advanced educational, economic, and political system, and attached great importance to science.

Not only that, Daqin also developed a set of cultural and ideological systems that were very different from those of the Yan and Huang people.

Unlike the low-key and introverted Yanhuang people, the Qin people were extremely aggressive, with an almost paranoid desire to expand their territory, and they were not satisfied with occupying the Southeast Asian islands, and they were eyeing the indo.

Great Britain was furious and united with Gaul against Great Qin, with the goal of defeating Great Qin and carving up the rich Southeast Asia.

The two robbers hit it off, secretly regrouped for battle, and waited for the opportunity.

In 1752, the Battle of the Bay of Bengal broke out, and the British navy, the Gallic navy, joined forces to defeat the Great Qin navy, and the Southeast Asian islands fell into the hands of both countries.

Undeterred, Win Cham made a comeback in 1758 to defeat the British navy in the Java Sea and reclaim Southeast Asia.

This war also triggered the first "anti-Qin" alliance, and the seven Western countries joined forces to besiege Great Qin, and launched a major war in Induyang and Southeast Asia that lasted for ten years, which later generations called the Ten Year War.


Southeast Asian islands are still Daqin's, because Daqin has too many people, and it is united, Ying Zhan also invented a variety of industrial technologies such as "Ying's spinning machine", "Ying's steam locomotive" and "Ying's steelmaking method" in 1764, setting off the first industrial revolution.

In 1770, Great Qin sent troops to the Middle East and Africa, seizing large colonies.

On July 5, 1776, the day after the founding of the United States, the 73-year-old Hongwu Emperor Ying Zhan died, and the population of Daqin exceeded 40 million that year, making it unprecedentedly powerful.

With the death of Ying Zhan, a war maniac, Western countries took the opportunity to launch the second "anti-Qin" war, robbed Great Qin's African colonies, and successfully curbed the pace of Great Qin's expansion.

Daqin stopped expanding and focused on the development of commercial industry.

In the 20th century, Daqin's military industrial economic strength was still at the forefront of the world, and only Great Britain could compete with it.

In 1912, the barbarian Qing Dynasty was officially declared extinction, the Republic of China was established, and the smell of gunpowder in Europe was also very strong, and the emerging industrial power of the Second Germanic Empire could no longer bear it.

Great Qin also ushered in an emperor who was determined to expand his territory, and the 12th Emperor won Zhen.

Born in 1885, Ying Zhen had a fierce and rigorous personality and loved the military, and due to the old age and infirmity of the 11th Emperor and his mental illness, he was the crown prince and the only heir to the empire since 1905.

In 1908, when Ying Zhen visited Germany, he and Kaiser Wilhelm II hit it off and had a great chat, both of whom were dissatisfied with the current world situation and wanted to seize world hegemony.

Isn't that a coincidence?

As a result, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria formed a military alliance.

In April 1914, the Sarajevo Incident broke out, and the First World War began.

Great Qin single-handedly faced the United States, the Japanese Kingdom, Great Britain, and Gaul in the Pacific and Asian theaters.

In 1918, when the Second Germanic Empire collapsed and surrendered, Great Qin gritted his teeth and insisted, relying on his strong national strength to fight with the Entente for another two years, forcing the Entente to sit down and negotiate peace.

It's not a surrender, it's a peace talk.

It probably means that I will pay you some money, and we will shake hands and make peace, and call off the army and truce.

In the end, Germania signed the Treaty of Versailles, and Daqin compensated 7 billion Qin yuan, and the colony was not lost, but the national strength was not as good as before, 1.4 million soldiers were killed, and the family was exhausted.

Did you win?



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