
After the end of World War II, Starling was ambitious and ambitious, not only quickly healed the wounds of the war in the polar bear, but also restored and developed the country's economy, improved and improved the people's lives, and made the polar bear a world superpower to compete with the United States.

Moreover, the socialist system was vigorously promoted throughout the world, striving to become the master of the international situation.


the Kremlin, Starin had been sitting in a chair for about ten minutes, his eyes glazed, as if he had been drained of his soul.

The shocking and explosive news of a nuclear attack on New York was first sent by Truman to Moscow, and then Malinovsky made an urgent report to convey Ying Lingyun's request.

After learning about the launch of the Avenger ICBM, this man known as the giant of history who turned things around, the loving father of steel, felt powerless for the first time.

In World War II, in the face of the powerful German, even if Moscow was half blown up after repeated defeats, he was not discouraged, and firmly believed that the great polar bear could win.

After the war, in the face of the suppression of NATO led by the United States, he did not back down, and fought-for-tat with the United States to compete for world hegemony!

However, when he learned that Ying Lingyun launched an intercontinental nuclear missile to raze New York to the ground, Starling, who had an iron will, was confused, and his mentality exploded with New York.

Are the Qin people gods?

Not only Stalin, but also Defense Minister Vasilevsky, Deputy Defense Minister Rokossovsky, Chief of the General Staff Konev, Head of the KGB Beria, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Kaganovich, Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs Molotov, Deputy General Secretary Ji Malenkov, members of the Securities and Governance Bureau Andreyev, Bulganin and Khrushchev and other high-ranking military and political leaders were also distracted, fearful and powerless.

After being silent for a long time, Beria said: "Chief Commander, you should leave for Daqin as soon as possible, 36 hours, beyond time, Moscow will be razed to the ground by nuclear bombs." "

"The Avenger ICBM is the sword of Damocles hanging over the world's heads, and we have no room for bargaining until we find a way to intercept it. "

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

Beria is telling the truth, Ying Lingyun, who has the Avenger ICBM, is a veritable king of the world, who dares to disobey him?

Malinovsky reported in detail that the Avenger ICBM launched from Chang'an crossed a distance of 16,000 kilometers in only 30 minutes and reached New York!

What's even more terrifying is that Ying Lingyun's target was Times Square in New York, and the missile missed several kilometers, and he was still very dissatisfied.

This devil is sick!


hydrogen bomb with a yield of 10 million tons has a lethality radius of at least 25 kilometers, and an accuracy deviation of a few kilometers has no effect at all, okay?

Devil, Win Lingyun is the real devil!

Ruthless and ruthless!

Starin took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, "Didn't the KGB know in advance that Ying Lingyun had secretly formed an army and built a nuclear missile launch base in Chang'an?"

"The Avenger ICBM is 34 meters long, 3 meters in diameter, weighs more than 200 tons, and the nuclear bomb silo is at least 50 meters deep

Beria was speechless and bowed his head in shame.

In fact, he was the most puzzled, the KGB branch set up in Daqin had a total of 7,422 agents, responsible for monitoring the entire territory of Daqin.

As a result, Ying Lingyun secretly formed an army of nearly 10,000 people, and also built 24 missile silos in Chang'an, and the KGB did not even notice the slightest disturbance in advance.

It's not blind, it's no different from an idiot, it's a serious dereliction of duty!

Vasilevsky had a good personal relationship with Beria and spoke fairly.

"Chief Governor, not only did we not detect the conspiracy of Ying Lingyun, but also the United States, Great Britain, and Gaul did not discover ......."

That's right!

Only then did everyone react, and before today, no one had found any clues, not at all.

It's strange, how did Ying Lingyun do it?

Not to mention the weapons and equipment of the Qin army, how were the 24 nuclear bomb silos built? Where were the 24 Avenger ICBMs weighing more than 200 tons manufactured? And how were they transported to Chang'an?

Underground Arsenal?

After the defeat and surrender of Great Qin, the Allies conducted a dragnet investigation of the entire territory of Great Qin, desert forests and uninhabited areas, and conducted an all-round investigation without dead ends, digging three feet into the ground to ensure that nothing was missed!

So, Ying Lingyun was conjured out of thin air?

Starling and the other high-ranking military and political officials frowned, and they couldn't figure it out when they scratched their heads.

Forget it, don't think about it if you can't figure it out, the top priority is how to resolve the crisis.

Starling let out a long sigh and said helplessly.

"Be mentally prepared, Ying Lingyun will most likely demand double the return of the machinery and equipment looted from Great Qin, the wealth, and the scientists we have captured. "


Everyone was silent again, and when they learned that New York had been hit by a nuclear attack, they had already expected that Ying Lingyun would ask the heads of state of the four countries to go to Chang'an, and it was 100% a lion's mouth.

You can't say no yet!

Unless you want to take a nuclear bomb.

Konev said solemnly: "Chief Commander, before you leave for Chang'an, I hope you will order more investment in scientific research, we need hydrogen bombs, and even more ICBMs with stronger performance than the Avenger ICBMs, as well as Longbow air defense missiles." "


the words fell, Starin nodded in agreement without hesitation, and no one in the military and political leadership had any opinions.

This is a matter of life and death, even if there is no threat from Daqin, the polar bear has not slackened in the development of new weapons, because the polar bear has a strong enemy, the United States.

Now that the world pattern has changed, and Great Qin has risen again, the polar bear rice country has to join forces to fight against this terrifying superpower.

No, Daqin is not a country, it is a nation disguised as a state!

The same is true of the Yanhuang people, who have the same roots and ancestors as the Qin people, the difference is that the Yanhuang is a civilization disguised as a state, and the Great Qin is a nation disguised as a country.

The national identity of Westerners is based on national identity, the Yanhuang people are based on the identification of thousands of years of civilization, but the Qin people only identify with their bloodline and believe in their emperor with infinite loyalty!

The Qin Emperor is still there, and the Qin people will never die.

Starin regretted that he had not fulfilled his promise at the beginning, when the 12th Emperor of Great Qin, Ying Zhen, used two atomic bombs and nuclear weapons technical data as bargaining chips to ask him to keep the imperial family of Great Qin

If time goes back, Starin will choose to be treacherous, take the benefits and do nothing, destroy the Great Qin royal family, and cut the grass and eradicate the roots!

ps, ask for flower monthly pass evaluation ticket support.

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