Wang Tianxiong reverently held the holy decree and went to copy it, Ying Lingyun leaned back in his chair and took out a silk scarf to wipe the jade seal of the country.

This treasure can be called the first national treasure of Yanhuang, an artifact-like existence.

No, it's the second!

His system warehouse also has Dayu Jiuding, the real Dayu Jiuding, which was also obtained by the founding emperor Ying Zhan from nowhere, and has been enshrined in a temple specially built for Jiuding, with a 99% chance of being given by the system.

Before World War II, many literati and writers of the Republic of China crossed the ocean to Xianyang to worship Jiuding, and after seeing Jiuding Zhen, all of them were in tears, and there were not a few people who fainted with excitement.

Jiuding's status in the minds of the Yanhuang people is three points heavier than the jade seal of the country, and Chang Kaishen even whimsically proposed to let Daqin return Jiuding, the reason is that Yanhuang is orthodox, and the Qin people are just a branch of the Yanhuang nation, and Jiuding is the most appropriate place in the ancestral land of Yanhuang.

Want to eat a fart?

Do you want Daqin to give you the jade seal of the country?

The twelfth emperor Ying Zhen didn't bother with this fool and insulted his IQ.

In December 1945, the war was already very unfavorable to Daqin, for the sake of safety, Ying Zhen ordered 100,000 Praetorian Guards to pack up all the antiques, cultural relics, calligraphy, paintings, and ancient books in museums, libraries, and palaces across the country and send them to underground warehouses deep in the desert for storage.

A total of 24.1 million pieces were packed and welded in large iron boxes, and trains and cars were transferred, and it took 3 months to complete the shipment!

After Ying Lingyun crossed over, he felt that he was not very safe, and he was worried that he would be found by the allies, so he rushed overnight to collect tens of thousands of national treasures, including Dayu Jiuding, into the system, and blew up the entrance of the underground base.

At the end of World War II, the Allies dug three feet into the ground in Daqin, coerced and lured Lingyun, and wanted to get Dayu Jiuding and the jade seal of the country.

How could these two Zhenguo artifacts be handed over?


Now that the country has been restored, the temple is rebuilt, and the Jiuding is taken out and put into the temple for worship.

"It's so beautiful, is this the legendary Qin Emperor Jade Seal?".

The two sisters, Elizabeth and Margaret, came over, pulled two stools, sat beside Ying Lingyun on the left and right, and looked at the heirloom jade seal curiously.


name of the jade seal in the West is Qinhuang Jade Seal, which is more famous than in Yanhuang, because before 1900, Westerners' attitude towards Daqin was completely different from now.

Many people only know about the "European style eastward" movement in modern times, but they don't know that before the 19th century, since the Renaissance movement in the 14th century, Europeans had lasted for more than 400 years of crazy worship of the ancient civilization and culture of Yan and Huang.

Beginning with Petrarch, the father of the Renaissance, declaring that the Yan and Huang people were too smart and great, the flames of this movement became more and more intense.

In 1585, the History of the Yan and Huang Empires, written by Mendoza the Spanish, was published in Rome.

Since Columbus began his voyages, countless Europeans have come to Asia.

In the past 100 years, they have either come into contact with the Yanhuang people, or entered the Yanhuang, or indirectly grasped the Yanhuang information through the Asians, and the Yanhuang commodities and Yanhuang-related information have been continuously transmitted to Europe.

Mendoza wrote this book with all the information he knew.

This book is mainly one sentence, Yanhuang has a long history, a vast land, developed education, a prosperous economy, national peace and security, advanced weapons, and a strong military.

Not only that, but they also said again and again that it would be easy for Yan Huang to conquer the world's borders if he wanted to, but their rulers ruled the country with benevolence and righteousness, and would not do such unseemly deeds.

Under the encouragement of these literati sages, Westerners began to worship Yanhuang frantically.

Another reason is the rise of the Enlightenment, the demise of absolutism, and the gradual maturity of capitalism.

The main task of the European intellectual circles at this time was to fundamentally destroy the ideological fortress of feudal absolutism with feudal theology as the core, replace the authority of God with the authority of reason, and establish a new type of capitalist spiritual system of freedom, equality, and fraternity.


speculative philosophy and ethical consciousness of the Yanhuang civilization that did not emphasize theocracy were similar to the capitalist ideological system that emphasized rationality, so it became the ideological system highly recommended by the sages of the Enlightenment period.

As a result, everything about Yanhuang has been glorified, and even Yanhuang's monarchy is regarded by Europeans as the best form of government, Yanhuang's morality is also regarded as the world's most complete moral norm, and Yanhuang's philosophy is regarded as the world's most rational philosophy.

Yanhuang porcelain, silk, tea, clothing, musical instruments, Go chess, etc., have all become luxury goods that Europeans fanatically pursue, especially the aristocracy, to wear Yanhuang silk clothing, Yanhuang porcelain is proud, compare with each other.

However, after the fall of the Ming Empire, the barbarian Qing Dynasty closed its borders, and ruined the aesthetics of Yanhuang for thousands of years, and the costumes became dull and gloomy.

That zombie outfit, really don't be too ugly!

It just so happened that Great Qin appeared, the founding emperor was still a traverser, and he followed the capitalist system, and the barbarian Qing did not do business with you in the West?

I'm coming!

Porcelain, silk, and tea are as much as they want, and the cultural export is even more violent, and a special department is set up to be responsible for cultural export, encouraging Qin people to work in Europe, teaching Europeans to learn Chinese, building Yanhuang-style houses, and spreading Yanhuang cultural thoughts.

The Qin people are already excellent, and after Westerners have come into contact with the Qin people, they are surprised to find that books such as the history of the Yanhuang Empire really do not boast about the Yanhuang people.

Westerners who have been to Daqin even shouted God, the Qin people are united and friendly, the officials are upright, the government is clean, the politics is clear, and the crime rate is negligible, what kind of fairy country is this?

That's better than what the book says

As a result, Westerners have become more adored for Daqin, and it has reached the point of fanaticism.

Moreover, Daqin took the lead in initiating the industrial revolution, being the first to complete industrialization and becoming the world's largest power, which made Westerners who pursued the law of the jungle admire and worship them.

Although many wars broke out between Great Qin and Western powers due to colonial and other contradictions, and they fought to the death, Westerners still felt that Great Qin was better than their own country, and the idea of admiring Qin and flattering Qin had been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

When the time came to the second industrial revolution, the strength of several major Western powers gradually caught up with Daqin, and the people in power finally realized the seriousness of this problem, and unanimously decided to slander and destroy the perfect image of Daqin and the Qin people in the minds of the Western people, and forcibly eliminate the idea of worshipping Qin and flattering Qin.

At the end of World War II and the defeat of Great Qin, the reason why the Allies were so crazy about deducting on Great Qin's head, vicious and cruel, and persecuting the Qin people without a lower limit was also due to this factor.

Cultural Invasion: Chongqin and Qin

Ying Lingyun thought for a while, looked up at the two sisters Elizabeth and Margaret, and a bold idea popped up in his mind!

"Yes, this is the Qin Emperor Jade Seal, who do you think is more valuable than your Great Britain Crown?"

Elizabeth pondered her chin and Margaret said without thinking.

"Of course it's the Qin Emperor Jade Seal, the British crown is too vulgar, and the European crown is like a nouveau riche showing off his wealth! It's ugly and vulgar, and it doesn't deserve to be compared with the Qin Emperor Jade Seal, can I touch it?"


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