I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 70 Directional Suggestions

During lunch time, Sun Erxiong didn't discuss any specific math problems with Shen Qi, and the two of them spent most of their time chatting about family matters.

"Shen Qi, what are your parents' occupations?"

"My dad runs a small business, and my mom is a doctor."

"It seems that your family conditions are good, what about the generation of grandparents?"

"Professor Sun, do you have to check your household registration when you come to Yanda? My grandparents are workers, and my grandparents are doctors."

"Very good, very good. Your father's side is Zheng Miaohong, and your mother's side is from a medical family. Then Shen Qi, why did you choose mathematics?"

"If you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world."

"It's an official answer, but I believe it. Are you used to life in the north?"

"Even if the road to school is difficult, I will go on. In fact, the north is pretty good, but it is dry. I haven't had a bowel movement for three days, and I can't pull it out."

"Shen Qi, I'm eating dumplings!" Sun Erxiong had a mouthful of dumplings stuck in his throat, struggling to advance or retreat.

"Professor Sun, am I not eating too?" Shen Qi was not unusual.

"Forget you, I'm leaving." Sun Erxiong wiped his mouth, stood up and left.

"Hey, Professor Sun, don't leave..." Shen Qi watched the 200-jin fat old Sun drift away. The two of them divided up three catties of dumplings, Shen Qi ate one catty, and Sun Erxiong ate two catties.

All afternoon, Shen Qi drew pictures on the draft paper.

In fact, Shen Qi also felt some problems in mathematics. In the past eight months, he has read a large number of mathematics literature, periodicals, and papers. The accumulation of mathematics knowledge is enough, and he has a certain comprehensive application ability, but There is still a gap from the realm of opening and closing freely. This caused him to fall into misunderstandings on certain mathematical problems and love to dig into dead ends.

"Forget it, I won't draw anymore, I have a headache." Shen Qi stopped drawing and rubbed his temples. He drew 101 shapes in one afternoon, and they can be bound into a book and sold for money.

With a creak, the door of the small room opened, and Sun Erxiong entered the room carrying a large bag of buns.

"It's almost six o'clock, Shen Qi, let's have buns for dinner." Sun Erxiong put the buns on the table, weighing four to five catties.

Shen Qi pushed 101 sheets of white paper with graphics on it to Sun Erxiong with a tired expression on his face: "Professor Sun, I have drawn 101 answers, and you can see which one you want."

With the bun in his left hand, Sun Erxiong flipped through the white paper quickly with his right hand. He turned to the 12th sheet, took it out and said lightly, "Just this one. Congratulations, Shen Qi, for the correct answer."

"Professor Sun, don't you need to check the back?" Shen Qi asked.

"No need." Sun Erxiong put the 12th blank sheet of paper on the table.

The pattern on the white paper is a regular hexagon, inscribed with a circle, and three connecting lines are drawn inside the regular hexagon, just passing through the center of the circle.

"This... Brianchon's theorem is settled?" Shen Qi couldn't believe it, it was so simple?

(Note [2] Brianchon's theorem: the lines connecting three pairs of vertices of a simple hexagram circumscribed to a non-degenerate second-order curve have the same point, and this point is called the Brianchon point)

"That's right, what I want is the supplementary drawing ordered by Brian Xiong." Sun Erxiong nodded and ate a bun with pork and green onions.

"Ah..." Shen Qi looked up at the ceiling and let out a desolate sigh. I have worked hard all afternoon drawing pictures and thinking all day, and all you want is a Brilliant point?

"Look, Shen Qi, the left picture on the blackboard is based on Pascal's theorem." Sun Erxiong walked to the blackboard, tapped on the left picture, and said: "You only need to give the projective geometric expression of Brianchon's theorem, and then Enough. In fact, the logic is not difficult, Pascal's theorem and Brianchon's theorem are dual to each other."

"For example, Shen Qi, you opened your palm and saw the palm, then turned your palm so that the back of your hand is facing up, and you have completed answering the question. It is so easy. However, in order to complete this easy step, you first did a set of warm-up exercises , run another five kilometers, and tire myself down. In fact, a lot of exercise in front of the palm is futile, not to say that it is useless and unnecessary.”

"Damn it..." Shen Qi spread out his palms, with the palms facing up, and then turned his palms, with the backs of the hands facing up, and did it again, one, two, three, four.

"So Shen Qi, have you realized where your problem is?" Sun Erxiong asked.

"I'm afraid I've lost my temper." Shen Qi's face was serious. His cultivation in the field of mathematics may have reached the stage of crossing the catastrophe, stepping further into the fairy world, and taking a step back to strike lightning.

"Have you read martial arts novels, Shen Qi?" Sun Erxiong suddenly brought up a seemingly irrelevant topic.

"Of course, Jin Guliang is very familiar with Wen."

"Then let me ask you, is Zhang Wuji's internal strength strong?"

"Master Zhang has the Nine Suns Divine Art to protect his body, and his internal strength is stronger than that."

"What is the specific trick that Zhang Wuji often uses?"

"He... he doesn't seem to have any specific tricks, right? He can instantly kill his opponent with two random moves of the Great Teleportation of the Universe. This is a stream-of-consciousness operation."

"So Shen Qi, what have you learned from Zhang Wuji?"

"Could it be...could it be...the highest state of martial arts is that there are no moves to win, and there are moves. If you can't kill me within three moves, I will lose?" Shen Qi trembled inexplicably.

Sun Erxiong said with a smile: "The same is true for basic mathematics. The simpler it is, the more complicated it is, and the more complicated it is, the simpler it is. Can you understand it?"

After staring blankly for a minute, Shen Qi suddenly came to his senses: "I understand, I understand! Thank you Professor Sun, I have learned new skills! I know how to write my problem-solving skills guide! Master , Professor Sun, you must be a top expert, an existence like Zhang Sanfeng!"

"I'm not a master, I'm just an ordinary teacher." Sun Erxiong waved his hand and said, "There are still nine months before you come to Yanda to officially report. Add new reading content in mathematics, just review the mathematical theories you have learned by yourself. After the end of this mathematics camp, Shen Qi, when you return home, you should spread the breadth of knowledge and expand the coverage of knowledge. Basic physics and basic computer theory are A good supplement."

"Even entry-level architecture, painting principles, and music foundations, you can try to get in touch with them when you have time. Believe me, this will help you step into a deeper level of mathematics. We at Yanda have never cultivated nerds. We He is the creator of academic masters. You can only do questions without thinking, even if you graduate from Yanda University and get a diploma, you are nothing more than a senior worker."

Shen Qi was shocked: "Understood, listening to Professor Sun's words is better than studying for ten years."

"September next year, I hope to see a better Shen Qi." Sun Erxiong smiled, took out a steamed bun from his bag and handed it to Shen Qi: "I've finished what I have to say, eat the steamed stuffed bun, Shen Qi."

Shen Qi took the steamed stuffed bun, and it was delicious.

At this time, the wall clock on the wall ticked, Shen Qi turned his head and looked, oops, it's six o'clock!

"Professor Sun, next September you will definitely see a better Shen Qi, but now, I have to go." Shen Qi grabbed two steamed buns and stuffed them into his pocket, as if he was about to leave in a hurry.

"So anxious, where are you going? Do you need me to take you?" Sun Erxiong took out his car keys.

"Capital Sports University Stadium, I have a good brother who is about to compete."

"Then Shen Qi, you can take the subway by yourself. If you drive to the Capital Sports University at this point, you will be stuck in traffic for at least two hours."

"I'm leaving, see you tomorrow!" Shen Qi rushed away.

In a hurry, Shen Qi arrived at the Stadium of Capital Sport University at 6:30, where the National U19 Track and Field Games was held.

"Fortunately, I caught up, which one is Xu Rui?"

In the spectator stands, Shen Qi looked around and saw eight young runners lined up at the 100-meter starting line on the plastic track.

The muscular guy in track 4, wearing a blue sportswear with the words "Southern Guangdong Province" on the back is Xu Rui.


At this time, the starting gun rang, and the men's 100-meter race final of the National U19 Track and Field Games began.

Xu Rui's start was very bad. He obviously started a beat slower than the other runners, and fell to the last place as soon as he started.

During the accelerated run and the halfway stage, Xu Rui ran wildly as if desperately, chasing over several people to the third position.

"Come on, Xu Rui, two more!" Shen Qi watched the battle with nervousness. He knew that only the 100-meter champion was meaningful to Xu Rui, and the second and third were equal to failure.

However, the two runners who rushed to the front were very strong. Even if Xu Rui got the gun and started, he might not have an absolute chance of winning the championship, not to mention his poor start.

The red shirt player in the 5th lane crossed the line first, Shen Qi covered his face and dared not continue watching.

In the end, the results were displayed on the big screen. The players from the capital team won the men's 100-meter championship in 10.62 seconds, and Xu Rui ranked third in 10.79 seconds.

Shen Qi had to watch even if he didn't watch, but in the arena, Xu Rui, who had finished the game, was sitting on the ground with his buttocks on the ground, his expression was dull, and he was extremely lost.

"Hey, it's really not easy to win a national championship." Shen Qi rushed to the competition site, but he didn't get to witness Xu Rui win the championship with his own eyes, all he saw was failure. According to Xu Rui, Shuimu University only accepts the national champions of each individual event, so it is a bit of a stretch for Xu Rui to be sent to Shuimu University through his sports expertise.

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