I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 590 Construction of the Sea of ​​Spiritual Consciousness

The world of spiritual consciousness.

Feng Qipan sits on his knees in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, and his consciousness spreads out, guiding believers to return the way they came, or escorting them to contact the talent track to borrow the ability of the talent beads.

As the number of believers continues to increase, Feng Qi feels increasingly powerless.

For example, like an overloaded server, the increasing number of believers made it impossible for him to spare any energy to take care of Star City.

Most of the time, it was Xiaoyou who passed the news to him, and Feng Qi rarely had the opportunity to devote his energy to observing a specific believer.

Based on Xiaoyou's feedback, Feng Qi realized something very early.

The development of Star City has gradually reached a bottleneck, and a reform is needed to activate the city's development and break many old systems that no longer adapt to the times.

He had never understood these issues in detail in the future world. After all, the time he stayed in the future was limited and he could not understand the entire history in detail, so he never discovered them.

But when I was in it, I understood the limitations of the times.

At this time, the appearance of a new person made Feng Qi see the hope of reform in Star City.

He is Ji He.

Clear goals, firm beliefs, and a disposition to act before planning... Ji He has so many excellent qualities. He is like the star of the times that emerged from the human race, destined to bring a vigorous change to Star City.

Before Ji He graduated from Dawn Academy, Feng Qi had already paid attention to this outstanding young man.

At that time, Ji He was already very outstanding. He was one of the very few students from Dawn Academy who was able to receive the Fengqi scholarship. He even graduated from Dawn Academy as an outstanding graduate.

He was actually present at the annual graduation ceremony of Dawn Academy.

He will appear at this point in time to take a look at the most outstanding newcomers of this new generation.

When Ji He swears at his hero statue, he also observes Ji He through the hero statue.

At that moment, Feng Qi had a hunch that Ji He's future was worth looking forward to.

The fact was just as he expected, Ji He started his rise plan after graduation.

During this period, Feng Qi did not interfere, observing the promotion methods of this newcomer from the human race, secretly marveling at it, and realizing that Ji He was the reformer he longed for.

Even without his help, Ji He still relied on his own ability to become a member of the Supreme Council of Star City.

But Jihe still faced many challenges at that time.

The biggest challenge comes from Zhang Daowen, which is a mountain that is difficult to climb.

Zhang Daowen also has the ability to promote reforms, but it is far more difficult for Zhang Daowen to promote reforms than Ji He, because Zhang Daowen is the builder and maintainer of the original system, and promoting reforms will greatly damage Zhang Daowen's image in the hearts of the people of Star City.

If Zhang Daowen really chooses to do this, he will not be able to gain a foothold in the future Star City and become a victim of resolving internal conflicts.

But Ji He is different. Ji He has had clear goals and ideas from the beginning, and has made plans for his own destination.

No one is more suitable to lead the new era than Ji He.

At that time, Ji He had two ideas. One was to use public opinion to stifle Zhang Daowen and make him retire sadly. The other was to tell Zhang Daowen his true thoughts and let Zhang Daowen support his reform of Star City.

But no matter which choice he makes, Zhang Daowen will fall into the whirlpool of public opinion of the times and become a victim of increasingly intensifying internal conflicts.

Either he will be cast aside by the people, or he will become a sinner of the times when the backlog of conflicts reaches its peak.

So he arranged for Zhang Daowen to exit in advance.

The injury was real, but the serious injury was fake. The decades of seclusion and recuperation were just to make way for Ji He to perform a gorgeous operation on Xingcheng.

Facts have proved that he was right about Ji He.

Centralization reform, frontline and military reform, reorganization of scientific research units and reallocation of resources, solving the problem of Silver Moon, clearing out the Splinter Celestial Clan, spiritual beast cultivation plan, etc.

The people under Jihe's iron-fisted rule are living harder than ever before, and they have to face an increasingly involutional internal environment.

Even the right to reproduce offspring must be supervised by Ji He and must be strictly implemented in accordance with the regulations.

But there is no doubt that Star City under Ji He's rule has ushered in a period of rising talent.

Ji He solved the development problem by promoting internal reforms, but in exchange for this, Star City's internal conflicts increased sharply.

Facing external threats, Ji He delayed the rise of the Silver Moon Clan and bought time for the human race to continue to rely on the Silver Moon Clan for development. He also accomplished a feat that had never been seen in the history of the human race and established a coalition to wipe out the Split Sky God Clan. The threat posed to the human race.

Ji He's life was short, but it was destined to be recorded in history and shine for future generations.

The limitations of the times make people in this era hate Ji He, but Feng Qi believes that future generations will understand Ji He and heartily agree with Ji He's decision.

Ji He's greatness is destined not to bear fruit in this era. Time will wash away the sins on his body and he will be honored in the Hall of Valor.

There are very few people in the history of the human race who can be called great men of the human race.

But Feng Qi felt that Ji He deserved this title.

Because Ji He has really carried on the past and opened up the future, and spent his whole life writing a chapter for the rise of the human race in a new era.

Ji He, who had no wife and no heirs, devoted his entire life to Star City, even though he knew that he would never die well.

In the following eras of Ji He, with the people's interpretation and understanding of Ji He, even if there will be circumstances that require reform, it will become extremely smooth.

Because Ji He has already set a template for future generations, there will never be a need for a dictator like him to appear in the future. Learning from history is the best answer.

The merits and demerits mentioned by Ji He are left to future generations to comment on, but in fact, they also opened up a path for future generations to learn from.

In fact, Jihe's internal optimization reforms are not yet over.

But he has never practiced, and his lifespan has reached its limit. Even if he relies on the innate abilities given by Mala, he can only last less than 20 years.

So he chose to expedite the explosion of internal conflicts in Star City.

This is to pave the way for a new era. When the internal conflicts dissipate after his death, the new Supreme Council of Star City is reorganized, and the trend of involution will gradually disappear.

Ji He uses Star City as the chessboard, and he is the chess player. Every step forward has chess pieces sacrificed for him.

And the final victim is himself.

Ji He had long expected the direction Star City would develop under his high-pressure rule, and he also knew that he would not end well in the end.

Feng Qi also tried to persuade Ji He, but Ji He refused.

Ji He chose death not only to pave the way for the establishment of a new system and give it a stable political environment, but also to atone for his sins.

In order to achieve his goals in his life, Ji He's hands were stained with the blood of too many seniors.

Behind the ruthlessness is a heart filled with guilt.

The gray-haired Ji He did not want his end to be a dull old life. Death was his prelude to the new era in Star City, and it was also his last contribution to squeeze himself out.

What Ji He said when he left after his life was renewed was engraved in Feng Qi's heart.

Faced with his persuasion at that time, Ji He said this:

"A man should die in the country, not on his couch. I am old. I will exchange my death for the cohesion of Star City. What a great outcome."

When he said this, the white-haired Ji He had tears in his eyes.

At that moment, Feng Qi felt a loyal believer standing under the dusk, with a love as hot as fire for the land under his feet.

In the end, Ji He died with a longing for a better future.

Until the moment of death, Ji He never felt a trace of fear in his heart.

Because he knows that the mission assigned to him by the times has been completed, and this is his best destination in his eyes.

Help the building when it is about to collapse, and turn the tide before it falls.

The feather of time cuts across the long river of time, and the appearance of Ji He is like a star cutting through the night sky. It is also the most shining star of this era. He is destined to be recorded in history and shine for future generations until the end of the human race.

As Ji He once said:

In this life, I do not compete for the short time or the longevity of my life. What I compete for is the future generations of my human race.

Witnessing Ji He's growth and rise with his own eyes, Feng Qi was deeply shocked.

Perhaps Ji He has many different ideas, but there is no doubt that Ji He is his companion.

A unique and unique traveler.

After Ji He's death, Star City's development ushered in a new era.

When the internal conflicts were resolved, Star City's Supreme Council was reorganized. This time there was no longer a dictator. The independent scientific research department that had been disbanded by Ji He in order to better digest resources also began to be reorganized.

Hupo Research Institute is about to return to the stage of history.

In the past, Jihe Station developed Star City based on the legacy of the times left by Fengqi, and in the new era, Star City stood on the legacy left by Jihe and ushered in a new era of peripheral stability and internal stability.

During this period, Feng Qi discovered hidden dangers in the consciousness guidance plan.

Although he is not affected by the pollution caused by the spiritual consciousness sea in the main timeline, the process of guiding believers consumes spiritual power.

This consumption was so minimal that he didn't even feel the decrease in mental power.

As time went by and the number of believers continued to increase, he gradually discovered the problem.

If he continues this trend, he feels that one day he will exhaust all his spiritual power and become nothing in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness in the main timeline.

He also thought about leaving the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness and going to the outside world to absorb spiritual power through practice.

But there are huge risks in doing so.

After he leaves, tens of millions of believers may be lost in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, or even sink after being spiritually polluted.

This will bring unprecedented disaster to Star City.

After tens of millions of people have sunk, Star City will completely lose its competitiveness for the future and usher in a harsh environment comparable to the early days of the domain.

So he can't leave, but he can't gain spiritual power through practice without leaving the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

It seems that no matter what you do, it's a dead end.

He had also thought that after his consciousness dissipated, his successors would practice the method of spiritual immortality and take over for the believers he led into the sea of ​​consciousness in the main timeline.

But there is an unsolvable problem here.

Any living consciousness that enters the space of the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness will be gradually polluted unless it is protected by itself.

This problem destined that no one else could become a spiritual guide except himself.

If you want to have a successor, it is not enough to just practice the method of spiritual immortality. You must also have the ability to resist spiritual pollution.

How to solve this problem has been analyzed in detail by Feng Qi.

The source of the problem is likely to be related to negative emotions. To solve this problem, you need to have enough mental state to match it.

Perhaps the successor can improve his state of mind through the Heart Refining Platform of the Blood Soul Clan, and in this way resist the spiritual pollution brought by the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

But now the Blood Soul Clan is not yet the peak Blood Soul Clan in the future, and there is no clue about the clan’s specific location.

More importantly, it is still unknown whether the current Blood Soul Clan has obtained the miraculous item of the Heart Refining Platform.

In this era, there is no way to use the Heart Refining Platform.

But sitting still and waiting has never been Feng Qi's character. Next, he will cooperate with Wei Wei to build a consciousness channel in the spiritual sea of ​​​​the main timeline.

If this method is feasible, in the future, believers will be able to travel freely through the established consciousness channel even without themselves as a guide.

At the same time, the creation of a consciousness information database is already underway.

Wei Wei and his team members entered his spiritual consciousness space through faith connection, and are trying to use the spiritual matter in the spiritual consciousness sea to build an information library that can store information and even memories.

After hundreds of years of accumulation, technology has a clear direction.

However, there are still many knowledge barriers that cannot be overcome.

At this time, in the world of spiritual consciousness, Feng Qi’s consciousness is divided into millions, guiding believers to come and go.

At this time, a voice sounded in Feng Qi's consciousness:

"Boss, boss, I'm here to see you. Are you free to accompany Xiaoyou today?"

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw Xiaoyou standing in front of him with arms akimbo, looking expectant, like a child waiting to be fed.

"You haven't gone to Grandma Weiwei's place recently to help build the information database. Why did you come to see me when you had time?"

"Boss, I don't want to go."

When he said these words, Xiaoyou was like a frustrated ball, with a depressed expression.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi could only comfort him with words:

"Your spell weaving ability may be a breakthrough in building an information database. Grandma Wei Wei needs your technical support. If you work hard, you can consider it as a favor to the boss."

"Boss, am I useless?" Xiaoyou said with a depressed expression.

"How can you be a waste? You are very good."

"Then boss, tell me what makes me great."

Facing the inquiry, Feng Qi thought and said decisively:

"You have bloodline potential that far exceeds that of humans. Your bloodline potential is not even weaker than Zhang Daowen. You have a wealth of technical knowledge in your mind. This is the accumulation of knowledge and technology of the clan, all gathered in you. You also have An energy core that can be used to weave spells. This is a treasure that many races dream of but cannot obtain. You are full of treasures and advantages... so how can you be a waste."

"But how come so many treasures and advantages are combined together to turn me into a loser who just wants to eat and sleep? Is this the incompatibility that Grandma Wei Wei said?"

As he said this, Xiaoyou's expression suddenly became clear, and he nodded with a confident attitude:

"It seems that there is a problem with the compatibility of the baby. I wonder if Grandma Wei Wei has a solution to make Xiaoyou compatible with her baby better."

Looking at Xiaoyou with a serious expression, Feng Qi almost laughed out loud.

Even in the spiritual sea space, Xiaoyou is still the spice in his life, always bringing him happiness.

What Xiaoyou said with a serious expression really made him laugh.

At this time, he said angrily:

"The words "incompatible" are not used in this way. And don't deny yourself too often. In the eyes of the boss, you are always excellent."

After hearing these words, Xiaoyou's expression became proud again. She couldn't help but put her hands on her hips and raised her head proudly:

"Yes, in Xiaoyou's eyes, the boss's evaluation is the most important, and other people's opinions are not important. I will continue to work hard for the boss, so I will go to work first."

After saying that, Xiao Youfeng turned around and flew towards the information base where Wei Wei was.

After Xiaoyou left, Feng Qi shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, his gaze passed through the countless heroic statues standing in Star City and looked to the outside world. The scenery of Star City was divided into countless pictures and appeared in his conscious perception at the same time.

A new era is coming, and he is looking forward to the arrival of new stars in the new era.

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