I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 601 Bloodline Shackles

Daybreak 507 years.

Mu Feng was 27 years old this year.

During the days when he worked on the farm, he was focused on nothing but devoted all his energy to his studies.

Spiritual animal science, spiritual material science, field science... He knew that he had a shallow foundation, so he enriched his knowledge through self-study and laid the foundation for subsequent research.

Studying the ancestral evolution of spiritual beasts has also become a hobby for him to spend time.

The process of exploring the unknown always makes Mu Feng full of fun.

Through repeated experiments, Mu Feng gradually came up with his own preliminary theoretical framework for the reasons why the spirit beasts returned to their ancestors.

One thing that is clear at this stage is that the atavistic evolution of spiritual beasts requires contact with or consumption of spiritual materials of the same attribute.

Following this direction, Mu Feng did a lot of experiments and asked his father to buy many spiritual materials and spiritual beasts.

Through constant experiments, the spirit beast illustrated book he produced was continuously improved.

Mu Feng discovered that the atavistic evolution of the spirit beast was most likely caused by external stimulation or pressure, and then ingesting energy of the same attribute, the bloodline value can be improved. It is not only the damage caused by spiritual materials of the same attribute. Increases the bloodline value of the spirit beast.

For example, if the spirit pig's body is damaged and then fed with spiritual materials of the same property that do not cause damage, the potential of the bloodline will be increased.

But this improvement is very limited.

It seems that all spirit beasts have a bloodline lock that is difficult to break through, preventing these spirit beasts from evolving back to their ancestors.

Injury seems to loosen the bloodline lock of the spirit beast, and then feeding it with spiritual materials of the same attribute will make it easier for the spirit beast to evolve its bloodline back to its ancestors.

This reminded Mu Feng of a piece of information he learned when he visited and studied at Dawn Academy.

The current spirit beast scholars have deduced the origin of the spirit beast system.

Among them, it is mentioned that the origin of the spirit beasts, "Lingzu", chose to differentiate itself due to lack of resources. The first generation of spirit beasts after the spirit beasts also further weakened their strength due to similar situations, so as to reduce the consumption of resources and allow themselves to maintain themselves. Survive.

Environmental factors are the root cause of the problem of spirit beasts choosing to self-degenerate, and also the root cause of the continuous degradation of the potential of the entire spirit beast system.

Thinking in this direction, does it mean that current spiritual beasts will still be affected by environmental factors?

Bringing harm to the spirit beasts will stimulate them, and in order to cope with the crisis before them, the shackles of degeneration imprinted in their blood will be loosened.

The spiritual materials with corresponding attributes can better help the spiritual beasts evolve towards stronger strength when the shackles of their bloodline are loosened.

Two important factors are mentioned here.

First, injured.

Second, contact (devour) spiritual materials of the same attribute to obtain energy.

In the theory of the origin of spirit beasts, the degeneration of spirit beasts is caused by environmental pressure and insufficient resources.

Once these two points are met, the spirit beast seems to have no need to continue to degenerate.

During the subsequent experiments, Mu Feng found that his guess was completely correct.

Due to constant injuries and sufficient spiritual material feeding, the spiritual pig he mainly studied grew very fast, and its bloodline potential increased one-third faster than the other two spiritual pigs.

After confirming that damage + spiritual materials of the same attribute can increase the potential of the spirit beast's bloodline, Mu Feng faced a brand new problem.

This improvement seems too slow.

The cost of Lingluo pigs cultivated in this way is more than 180 times higher than that of ordinary Lingluo pigs.

The average number of Lingluo pigs per litter is about 23, and the pregnancy lasts for one year and three months.

The offspring of spiritual beasts will generally have their growth potential weakened by 1/4.

Assuming that the bloodline potential of a Lingluo pig is 1, then under normal circumstances the bloodline value of the offspring of this Lingluo pig is about 0.75.

The bloodline potential of the Lingluo pig fed with 180 times of resources is 1.33, and the bloodline potential of its offspring is 0.99.

It seems that the standard value has indeed been achieved.

But the investment here is 180 times, which is equivalent to raising 180 Lingluo pigs until they reach adulthood.

Lingluo pigs need to give birth to more than 180 litters before they can be consumed, but normal Lingluo pigs can only reproduce about 80-120 litters before being sent to the dining table.

After detailed calculations, Mu Feng found that the input and output of this feeding method were completely disproportionate. Even if the Lingluo pigs fed with this input could be bred many times in adulthood, the offspring would have a 1/3 increase in bloodline growth potential. In other words, it can only maintain normal blood value levels.

This was obviously not the answer he needed for the spiritual beast's return to its ancestors.

Of course, these data are based on the value consideration of reproductive benefits.

If we look at strength alone, the Lingluo Pig whose bloodline value has been enhanced by one-third is far stronger than the ordinary Lingluo Pig.

After all, 1.33 is only the initial bloodline value. As the spirit beast grows, the bloodline value will grow by an astonishing value. The basic bloodline potential of 1.33 can make the spiritual pig in adulthood several times stronger than the ordinary spiritual pig.

But the basic value of bloodline remains unchanged.

This is different from humans or domain creatures, who can change their basic bloodline values ​​after increasing their strength.

After careful calculation, Mu Feng felt that the answer he found was not enough to truly develop the field of atavistic evolution of the spirit beast's bloodline.

This feeding method is obviously not the method used by spirit beast merchants. There must be a more effective method.

But with a foundation, there is the possibility of opening up a future path.

In the days that followed, Mu Feng began to search for the deeper secrets of the evolution of spiritual beasts.

During this period, Mu Feng flipped through a document in the database that he had known about before.

This information was left behind by Feng Qi, and it is a record of the domain science.

This information records a special kind of life: the chimera demon.

Its situation is very similar to the spirit ancestor in the theory of the origin of spirit beasts. Due to the harsh environment or the body being severely damaged, it can no longer maintain its life form, so it chooses to differentiate itself, splitting the huge individual into countless small individuals.

Here comes a point that Mu Feng finds very interesting.

After the chimera demon completes its differentiation, the individual will choose to devour and grow independently, but will eventually move towards fusion.

Fusion here refers to mutual engulfment.

When the adult chimera demon splits into individuals, it will look for other split individuals, devour them and gain all the power of the devoured individual, and then continue to devour, fuse and evolve, and eventually return to the chimera demon form.

This is how chimera demons are resurrected in the source literature.

This made Mu Feng curious whether spiritual beasts could also gain strength by devouring each other.

After spending several days browsing relevant information, Mu Feng discovered that the data database recorded three cases of spirit beasts devouring each other.

One of them happened in the laboratory of Star City Academy.

Due to improper operation by a certain student, two spirit beasts imprisoned in the laboratory came out of the cage at the same time and bit each other. As a result, one died and the other was injured. One of the spirit beasts was eaten by the other spirit beast, and a small part of its body was eaten.

But this information here does not record whether there are any changes in the bloodline value of the injured spirit beast.

After thinking about it carefully, Mu Feng felt that there should be no bloodline evolution.

He believed that the spirit beast laboratory in Star City Academy must be equipped with the same life detection device as Dawn Academy. If the bloodline value changes, it will definitely be recorded in real time, attracting the attention of spirit beast scholars.

But this alone cannot prove whether spiritual beasts can change their bloodline values ​​by devouring their own kind.

After all, the spirit beasts recorded in this document devouring each other occurred between two spirit beasts with different attributes.

According to the views he has now compiled, spiritual beasts must devour energy of the same attribute in order to achieve atavistic evolution.

With doubts, Mu Feng started the experiment.

Dad sent five wood-type spirit rabbits, and he slaughtered one that night, mixed it with meat and fed it to the key breeding spirit pig.

After three days of observation and bloodline testing, Mu Feng discovered that the spirit pig that devoured the same attribute spirit beast did not undergo atavistic evolution in bloodline.

Bloodline potential values ​​are all normal.

This proves that the idea of ​​phagocytic evolution is wrong.

Just when Mu Feng was unable to break through at a critical node, a new turning point soon came.

Mu Feng was preparing to feed the spiritual pigs that day, but found that the spiritual materials sent by his father were almost exhausted. After calling his father, he decided to save some spiritual materials before his arrival. The spirit beasts raised by oneself do not need to be fed for the time being, that will be enough in the next few days.

As a result, three days later, the enhanced version of the Lingluo pig, which was never full, began to eat the food of the other two Lingluo pigs.

The other two spirit pigs showed no sign of weakness and immediately started fighting with the enhanced version of the spirit pigs.

In a two-on-one situation, by the time Mu Feng heard the alarm from the life monitoring device, the three spirit pigs were all scarred.

Mu Feng was helpless after seeing this scene and immediately began to treat Lingluo Pig's injuries.

But there were obvious changes in the bloodline value monitoring that night. The bloodline value of the enhanced version of the spirit pig, which was always fed with spiritual materials of the same attribute, actually improved significantly.

This surprised Mu Feng extremely.

Instead of increasing, the food ingredients fed decreased. However, the bloodline value increased by more than three times the normal amount.

This made Mu Feng realize one thing: fighting may be a key factor in the evolution of spiritual beasts.

Competition, injury, spiritual materials of the same attribute.

Mu Feng felt that he had found another key factor that allowed the spirit beast bloodline to return to its ancestors and evolve.

Among them, spiritual materials of the same attribute are the key core. Based on the premise of having enough spiritual materials of the same attribute to eat, competition between spirit beasts can bring about significant atavistic evolution of bloodline values.

While feeling surprised, Mu Feng immediately started a new round of experimental tests.

half year later.

Through constant experiments, and even changing the spirit beast experimental subjects, Mu Feng confirmed his guess.

The shackles of the spirit beast's bloodline will become loose under the pressure of the environment. During this period, if the spirit beast is given sufficient spiritual materials of the same attribute, the spirit beast will move towards the way of returning to its ancestral evolution.

This discovery greatly improved the cost-effectiveness of feeding.

In the past six months, Mu Feng deliberately reduced the food for the Lingluo pigs, allowing the three Lingluo pigs to compete for food.

Among them, the bodies of Lingluo pigs fed with spiritual materials of the same attribute have undergone obvious changes.

This spiritual pig Mu Feng named "Han Pi".

After half a year of competition and feeding, Hanpi's strength has been fully able to overwhelm the other two Lingluo pigs.

Under the pressure of competition, Hanbiao grew rapidly. A faint light emitted from the surface of his emerald green body. The emerald-colored vines on his back were twice as large as those of similar species, and the color was brighter.

At this time, there was no competitive pressure on Hanbiao, and the speed of evolution slowed down significantly.

In order to increase the competitive pressure, Mu Feng decisively sought help from his father, hoping that his father could provide more powerful spiritual beasts to assist the evolution of the spiritual pig.

Faced with Mu Feng's bottomless pit of resources, Dad immediately purchased an intermediate-quality spirit deer without any hesitation.

When Linglu was delivered to Mu Feng, he decisively kept Linglu and Hanpi in captivity.

The increasing competitive pressure has caused the Lingluo Pig's appetite to increase significantly, and it has also become more ferocious. Except for Mu Feng, who has raised him since childhood, he is particularly hostile to the arrival of other spiritual beasts, and fights will break out with the Lingluo Pig at every meal.

Linglu's combat power is far stronger than Hanpi's.

After every battle, Hanbi was left with scars, and was even almost stabbed in the belly by Linglu.

But the result is that Hanpi's basic bloodline value has grown rapidly, with new changes every day.

In less than two months, Hanpi had the fighting power to barely compete with Linglu.

From Mu Feng's point of view, this was simply unimaginable.

The spirit pig is the lowest level spirit animal. Even if it is used as food material, it can only be classified as a low-level spirit material.

The price of the spiritual deer introduced in Star City is 25 times higher than that of the spiritual pig. It is a mid-level spiritual material. The price difference between the same weight of meat in the spiritual food restaurant is 28 times.

Although the investment in feeding Han Biao is huge, the growth of Han Biao's bloodline potential is the real data before his eyes.

Mu Feng knew that he had opened a corner of the door to the new world.

This discovery will fill a large number of gaps in the field of bloodline atavism in spiritual beastology.

Mu Feng can already think of the direction in which the spirit beast society will develop in the future.

The model of the breeding farm was taught by the spirit beast merchants, and the ingredients for feeding the spirit beasts were also the plans given by the spirit beast merchants. The human race has always developed the science of spirit beasts based on the foundation given by the spirit beast merchants.

This caused humans to go astray.

The growth of spiritual beasts can also be described by natural selection, and degeneration is not the only way.

The root of the atavistic evolution lies in the pressure brought by the environment on the spirit beasts, as well as sufficient energy replenishment of the same attribute.

Once these two problems are solved, the spirit beast's bloodline shackles will become loose and it will evolve towards a stronger return to its ancestors.

Daybreak 508 years.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, heavy snow falls near the farm.

Mu Feng was standing in the breeding farm area on the sixth floor, observing the fierce battle between Hanpi and Linglu beside the artificial stream.

After another half year of feeding, Hanpi now has a fighting strength that is evenly matched with Linglu's.

The one-meter-tall Hanpi was not afraid of Linglu's antlers at all, and hit the Linglu's antlers hard with his thick-skinned head, starting a confrontation in terms of strength.

The strength confrontation lasted for a while, and Hanpi's heavily sunk hind hooves suddenly exerted force. With a roar, he thrust forward violently, knocking Linglu to the ground, and then jumped up violently. Press down on Linglu.

Under Hanpi's violent impact and bite, Linglu whined.

Realizing that he could no longer fight Han Biao, Linglu chose to retreat for the first time and was unwilling to continue fighting Han Biao.

Linglu moved very fast. After breaking free from Hanpi's bite, it turned around and ran away.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to Mu Feng.

Lingluo Pig's body surface was shrouded in emerald green light, and its body changed significantly. The emerald green vines on its back grew crazily, turning into a vine whip and whipping Lingluo Pig fiercely.


With a crisp sound, the running spirit deer was whipped out by the vines and hit the rockery hard.

"Innate ability?!"

This scene really shocked Mu Feng. He didn't pay attention to Linglu's situation, but stared at Hanpi.

The emerald green vines growing on the back of the Lingluo pig are a manifestation of the Lingluo pig's life form, but there has never been any record of the Lingluo pig using the vines to attack other targets.

Hanpi suddenly manipulated the vines on his back to attack Linglu, which really made Mu Feng dumbfounded.

At this time, Hanpi's body changes were still continuing, and strong life fluctuations were emanating from his body.

This made Mu Feng suddenly realize that the early spirit beast scholars' theory of the evolutionary stages of the return of spirit beast bloodline might be correct.

For example, burrowing insects have several stages of evolutionary forms in theoretical models.

At this time, the changes that occurred in Hanpi were exactly the same as the theoretical advancement of bloodline reversion, and he was changing towards a new life form.

According to theoretical speculation, as the spirit beast evolves back to its ancestors, it will also gain the power hidden in its bloodline, and may gain new innate abilities.

He felt that this might be the reason why Hanpi was suddenly able to control the vines growing on his back and attack Linglu.

Looking at Han Pi shrouded in emerald green light, Mu Feng felt as if he was witnessing the birth of a miracle.

(ω) On the right track

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