I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 634 Departure and Return

Daybreak 1328.

Belief space.

Sitting on the chessboard with knees in the center of the space.

Compared with when he first achieved spiritual transcendence more than a thousand years ago, he seemed extremely weak at this time.

The body is no longer pure gold, and there is no flickering golden light covering the whole body. The translucent spiritual consciousness is like a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

It is not easy to support it until now.

In recent years, except for Xiaoyou, he has not had any contact with the outside world. This is inseparable from the excessive consumption of spiritual consciousness.

Look up and look ahead.

After more than a thousand years of construction, a criss-crossing golden pipeline has appeared in the Faith Space. The end point of the track is connected to the Talent Track, but the starting point is invisible. It connects to the world outside the Faith Space.

This golden pipeline was named by Fengqi: Faith Connection Track.

Realizing that his consciousness was gradually weakening and diminishing, and that he could not hold on forever, he came up with the idea of ​​building a faith connection track.

He handed over this task to the Scarlet Research Institute for execution.

The material used to build the faith connection track is the power of faith accumulated in the faith space.

After this faith connection track is successfully constructed, there is no need for him, the guide, to split his consciousness into thousands of guiding light points to lead believers into the faith space.

Even without his guidance, human believers will not lose themselves in the space of faith.

Turning his gaze to the other side, in addition to the faith connection track, there is also a huge faith database in the faith space.

This database is also made of the power of faith, and internally stores all important data and content from the development of the human race to this day.

Not being able to obtain infinite memory ability has always been a big regret in Feng Qi's heart.

But the world is so vast that even if such an ability does exist, trying to obtain it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, hard to find.

If the development of the human race continues, we must find ways to solve the problem of information storage.

This belief database, built with the Holy Spirit's consciousness library as a reference, is the only solution he can think of now.

The development of the human race for more than a thousand years has accumulated a huge amount of knowledge, and this belief database, which has been built by the Scarlet Research Institute for more than a thousand years, is sufficient to carry all the data content, and can be further expanded using the power of belief in the future.

The moment the faith database was completed, Feng Qi felt extremely happy.

He knew that even if he could not obtain the ability of infinite memory, the human race would not stand still in every future timeline and would surely be able to develop rapidly through the foundation accumulated in previous timelines.

He has witnessed the development of this timeline with his own eyes, and has also arranged many secret moves for the development of this timeline.

The birth of many historical figures was planned and arranged by him personally.

For example, Lin Guyuan, known as the historical genius, was born by his own arrangement.

Lin Guyuan was born too late, and the early changes in this timeline will have a tremendous impact on the future. Lin Guyuan will most likely disappear in the long river of history and never appear again.

So he designed a birth line in advance.

The Ministry of Marriage seems to have been established by Ji He for family planning purposes. In fact, the Ministry of Marriage has always existed, but it was hidden in Star City in another way before Ji He.

So the birth of Lin Guyuan was no coincidence.

As early as in the previous timeline, after learning that there was a human being named Lin Guyuan, he checked Lin Guyuan's genealogy in advance.

With this genealogy, it became logical to arrange the birth of Lin Guyuan.

But at that time, there was an unanswerable doubt in his heart.

Although it is possible to arrange Lin Guyuan's birth at a given time through Lin Guyuan's genealogy, history has changed after all, and perhaps the Lin Guyuan who is arranged to be born may not necessarily be the Lin Guyuan he learned about in the previous timeline. deep.

Maybe Lin Guyuan in this timeline is a fool.

After all, the arrangement of marriage can solve the birth line of blood, but the details in life cannot be changed.

The food, drink, housing and transportation of one of Lin Guyuan's ancestors will change due to history. Perhaps because an ancestor ate a spiritual food, the potential of his own bloodline changed, which may lead to changes in certain talents of future generations.

Therefore, when arranging Lin Guyuan's birth date, he had no confidence in his heart.

Regarding this issue, Wei Wei gave another interpretation at the time.

After learning about Lin Guyuan's relevant information, Wei Wei felt that Lin Guyuan's talent had surpassed human limitations, which may be related to the power hidden in his blood.

So arranging Lin Guyuan's birth was also an experiment.

It turns out that Lin Guyuan's talent is related to unlocking the power hidden in his bloodline.

Every arranged pairing to give birth to Lin Guyuan's ancestor is like an unlocking of the continuation of the bloodline. When Lin Guyuan is born, the power hidden in the bloodline will be activated.

For example, Lin Guyuan's ancestor A combined with ancestor B to give birth to ancestor C, who then combined with ancestor D to give birth to ancestor E. This line is extremely clear in the previous historical line. Each established union of Lin Guyuan's ancestors may be a password input to unlock the shackles of blood, allowing the power hidden in the blood to be gradually revealed.

So when it comes to Lin Guyuan's generation, he is born with special potential that surpasses ordinary people.

This is very consistent with the concept of the Pillar God Lock that he originally learned from Mu Jun.

In history, there are historical figures who had excellent talents from the beginning of their birth, and they may also have a similar situation to Lin Guyuan.

As long as it is arranged according to the established bloodline trajectory, the character of this human genius may be changed, but the talent at birth will definitely exist.

In addition to the established talents, he also specially trained many outstanding figures of the era who opened up new systems for the human race. For example, Zuo Tianxuan, who was originally trained to improve the level of blacksmithing of the human race, was one of them.

He has always hidden behind the scenes, making suggestions for the development of the human race.

In his eyes, the development of the human race is a magnificent history of rise, with both bitterness and bitterness as well as impassioned moments.

Witnessing it with your own eyes is far more shocking than reading history on the previous timeline.

Many little people who have never been recorded in the pages of history can also bring him strong heart palpitations.

He is happy about the rise of the human race, but he is also often worried about the crisis that the human race is in.

But now, he knew he couldn't hold on any longer.

When he witnessed the rise of the human race over the years, there were many historical scenes that impressed him deeply.

He clearly remembered that once, a little boy came to his statue accompanied by his mother. At that time, the little boy looked at his statue with doubts in his eyes, and then turned around and asked his mother:

"Mom, why are every statue of Feng Qi's hero so tall? Is Feng Qi just this tall?"

The little boy blinked his eyes and asked a question that made passersby around him dumbfounded.

But the mother's answer left people around her in awe.

"The statue makes Feng Qi look tall. This is the way later generations believe in Feng Qi. But the real meaning is that when disasters and sufferings fall from the sky, he will resist everything for us and face the disaster one step ahead of us. So Feng Qi The chess statue is certainly taller than us ordinary people.”

The mother rubbed the little boy's head and said these words softly. The little boy blinked his eyes, and a seed was planted.

There were many other things in history that impressed him.

The intertwining of countless historical events allowed him to see the fruits of his efforts and the meaning of his efforts.

But just like the previous timeline, in this timeline he has also reached the moment when he is about to leave.

Now that the Faith Connection Track has been built, he can finally go out and see the outside world.

In fact, the Scarlet Research Institute has tried many methods to replenish his mental strength over the years, but these methods have failed. The reason why his consciousness dissipated is very similar to that of Mo Yu. His consciousness was divided into countless strands. Even with It is also difficult to restore mental energy replenishment.

If the current consciousness is compared to a flesh and blood body, countless holes have appeared in the body. Even if nutrients are taken in, they will still be lost quickly along these cracks and holes, and it can no longer support him to continue to persevere.

Therefore, even if the faith connection track is successfully built and he can go outside to absorb spiritual power, this supplement can only temporarily extend the survival time of his spiritual consciousness, and will eventually lead to the annihilation of consciousness.

After sighing, his consciousness drifted to the end of the faith connection track.

The weak spiritual consciousness floats to another world along the track of faith connection at this moment.

After a long time, Feng Qi's spiritual consciousness came to the world from the largest statue in Star City Central Park.

The night was dark, and his eyes swept across the brightly lit night view of Star City, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

Although Star City has undergone earth-shaking changes, it is still his home in his eyes.

Flying high into the sky, he quietly watched the night view of Star City and said goodbye to the city deep in his heart.

"Boss, boss, you finally come out."

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from not far away. When he turned around, he saw Xiaoyou, wrapped in thick clothes, waving his hands and flying towards him quickly with an excited expression.

While shaking his head helplessly, Feng Qi consolidated his spiritual consciousness and caught Xiaoyou.

Xiaoyou, who ran headlong into his arms, was like a kitten that hadn't seen its owner for a long time. She rubbed her head against his belly, and her hands and feet were like the suckers of an octopus, clinging to his arms.

He reached out and rubbed Xiaoyou's head, and decided to spend the last moments of his life with Xiaoyou.

Before deciding to leave the Faith Space, he contacted Xiaoyou in advance and told Xiaoyou that he would be gone for hundreds of years and that he only needed to wait for his arrival in Star City.

Although she is reluctant to leave, Xiaoyou is much more mature than before.

She knew her departure was inevitable, so she just cried and cried for a few days, and finally chose to accept the fact.

After calming Xiaoyou's emotions, he followed Xiaoyou to her room on the top floor of the Star City Administration Building.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can have a panoramic view of the outside scenery.

But when his eyes turned to the room, a look of helplessness appeared in Feng Qi's eyes:

"Xiaoyou, how many times have I told you, remember to throw away snacks after eating them, don't throw them around."

Facing his scolding, Xiaoyou nodded seriously, lying on the sofa and continuing to eat snacks, with no intention of taking action.

"Boss, this snack is delicious."

Just when Feng Qi couldn't help but want to continue preaching, Xiaoyou suddenly raised the red snack bag in his hand and said with joy on his face.

Feng Qi:......

After a long time, facing Xiaoyou's enthusiastic recommendation, Feng Qi could only choose to accept it.

Start trying various snacks that Xiaoyou likes.

"Boss, do you still have a sense of taste now?"

Chewing snacks, Xiaoyou suddenly turned to look at him curiously and asked.

"No, but the sense of taste can be simulated through the perception of spiritual consciousness, so I can still taste it."

"That's good...by the way, the wood spirit fruit slices are also delicious."

Hearing Feng Qi's affirmative answer, Xiaoyou breathed a long sigh of relief, and then he took out new snacks from the cabinet and shared them with him.

Feng Qi said nothing after seeing this scene.

Xiaoyou's way of expressing her feelings is very simple, and sharing her favorite food is one of them.

Before leaving, he wanted to satisfy Xiaoyou as much as possible.

As time passed in their company, her mental consciousness became thinner and thinner. Xiaoyou ate snacks and kept talking about how hard she worked to grow when her boss couldn't see her.

When talking about excitement, Xiaoyou put down her snacks and started to crack her fingers:

"Every day I have to do a lot of push-ups training, high jump training on the spot, and running back and forth in the room. Xiaoyou is really exhausted."

Finally, Xiaoyou lifted up the sleeve of her right arm, arched her flat biceps, and said with a proud expression.

"Boss, all your muscles have been trained."

Looking at Xiaoyou with a serious look on his face, Feng Qi laughed dumbly.

Xiaoyou is still a familiar scent to him, and it can always bring him happiness inadvertently.

It feels very warm to eat snacks with Xiaoyou and listen to her whispering in my ears.

His consciousness was gradually dissipating. At this time, if he hid in the belief space, he could maintain his consciousness for a few more days, but he felt that it was no longer necessary.

He planned to spend the last time with Xiaoyou.

As time passed, the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows gradually became brighter. A sun slowly rose from the end of the horizon, and golden light spread in all directions.

Open the window, and the cool wind blows on the cheeks of the conscious body.

"The sunrise is so beautiful. I really want to live a few more days before leaving."

Turning to look at Xiaoyou, he found that Xiaoyou's eyes were red. Although she was still talking nonchalantly about her growth experience, her body had begun to tremble uncontrollably, and the suppressed emotions seemed to be gushing out at any time.

"Xiaoyou, if you want to cry, just cry."

"Don't cry...wow."

As soon as she said the word "don't cry", her emotions surged like a tide. Xiaoyou finally couldn't restrain her emotions, dropped her snacks, stood up, threw herself into Feng Qi's arms and cried loudly:

"I don't want the boss to leave. I want the boss to stay with me forever."

Rubbing Xiaoyou's head, Feng Qi had gentle eyes and kept using words to soothe Xiaoyou's sad mood.

Knowing that his consciousness could not survive for long, he looked down at Xiaoyou and said solemnly:

"Xiaoyou, wait until I come back..."

As the words fell, his consciousness became transparent and gradually dissipated between heaven and earth.

Before his consciousness completely dissipated, he heard Xiaoyou's cry:

"Boss, I've been waiting for you for a little tryst."

His vision was gradually shrouded in darkness.

I don't know how much time passed, when Feng Qi woke up from the darkness and found himself standing on a desolate land.

He subconsciously looked up at the sky, and what he saw was not the scarlet blood moon, but a bright sun hanging high in the sky.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in his mind:

[Ding dong, your system for the rise of the invincible overlord of the universe has been activated, and you are getting up cursing, please wait...]

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